The Shangguan brothers fired both guns and directly split the man lying on the bed into three sections. Unexpectedly, things went so smoothly that Shangguan yuanbiao couldn't suppress his excitement. He laughed and hummed, "Tang Yin, you asked for it. No wonder our brothers are cruel and cruel!" As he spoke, he reached for the severed head of the body.

The severed head's face was red with blood, and he couldn't see his face clearly. When Shangguan yuanbiao was carefully distinguishing, he suddenly heard someone sneer at the top of the bed and say, "it seems that I'm going to disappoint you two. I'm not used to sleeping in bed!"


A voice came from the top of his head, which surprised and frightened Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao. The faces of the two brothers also changed. They both screamed and hurried back for a few steps. Then they looked up and saw that there was a man lying horizontally at the top of the bed, dressed in loose casual clothes, looking at his face. He was handsome, naturally smiling and picked at the corners of his mouth, The tiger eyes under the sword eyebrow flashed evil light from time to time.

This is not Tang Yin or who?!

"Tang Yin?" Seeing the man clearly, the Shangguan brother blurted out and screamed.

Yes, Tang Yin is the one lying on the top of the bed.

"Ha ha --" with a long smile, Tang Yin jumped down from the top of the bed neatly. He didn't see any action, but the double knives appeared in his palm. At the same time, the black spirit armor tightly wrapped him up and down. "You two are really biting the hand that feeds you! I was kind enough not to kill you two, but you two came to assassinate late at night. Is it really wrong for a gentleman?"

His words made Shangguan brother's face red and white, and his face couldn't hang. Shangguan yuanbiao was angry and said in a cruel voice, "there's no need to talk about morality and justice with a mean person like you. Today, either you or I die!" Before the words fell, he rushed up with his knife and rushed at Tang Yin.

Shangguan Yuanwu knew that Tang Yin was cunning and a spiritual cultivator of darkness. He was very difficult to deal with. For fear of losing his brother, he rushed after him.

Tang Yin shakes her arms, turns the two waning moon machetes into soldiers, and then fights with Shangguan brothers.

The three of them are masters with profound cultivation. When they fight together, even if the spiritual wave is not released, there will be strong spiritual pressure around them. The tables and chairs in the room can't bear the pressure. First, they are pushed to the corner by the spiritual pressure, and then they are squeezed to pieces with the crisp sound of clicking.

In terms of cultivation, Tang Yin is not as deep as the two brothers. When fighting, he can only rely on his dexterous body method to fight. However, the room is narrow, so it is difficult for him to use all his body methods. The fierce battle is not long, and he has felt hard.

After several rounds of fighting, Tang Yin expected that he could not win. He caught a neutral gear and withdrew. He was shaped like an arrow and shot straight at the window. With a dull sound, he smashed the window into thin pieces, and the whole person rushed out of the room.

He was fast, and the action of the Shangguan brothers was not slow. He jumped out of the window and chased them out. Two people and two spirit guns drew two long silver lights in the air, which pierced Tang Yin's back heart and waist.

Tang Yin screamed fiercely and rolled forward on the spot, avoiding the fatal blow of the two brothers.

Outside the window is the back garden. At this time, it is late autumn, and the original grass has become dry yellow grass.

Tang Yin rolled on the ground. When he got up, his hair and body were covered with ash and grass leaves. He was very embarrassed.

He took a deep breath and looked back. The Shangguan brothers came close again, and the two spirit guns came from top to bottom.

Tang Yin had no time to dodge, so he had to cross his hands and bite his teeth.

There was only a sharp golden clang in the earrings, and two dazzling sparks appeared in the night.

He felt as if he had been hit by a rhinoceros and flew out involuntarily.

Perhaps the two brothers' heavy guns were too powerful. He flew five meters away, then fell to the ground with a plop, and rolled back several somersaults before he barely stopped. He felt like a fire burning in his stomach. His throat was sweet and a mouthful of blood came back.

Tang Yin was also hard, and his silver teeth closed tightly. He just swallowed the blood and turned back. Then he quickly climbed up, didn't care about the official brothers, and fled back to the inner end of the garden.

Seeing that he had been injured internally, the two brothers of Shangguan were not willing to let him escape and chased him with their guns.

But the two brothers only took three steps and suddenly felt that their feet were soft, and the turf on the ground suddenly fell down.

"Oh --" the two brothers were not well prepared and had nowhere to exert themselves. They fell down sharply.

The two brothers, together with the turf under their feet, fell into a big pit more than two meters deep and three meters wide.

The pit is not empty. The oil below is all liquid. After the two brothers fell, the liquid splashed all over their faces and bodies.

Because the whole body was covered with spirit armor and the pit was dark, they didn't distinguish what the liquid in the pit was for a while, but they both realized that it was bad and they fell into the trap again! But before they could jump out of the pit, they suddenly heard shouts from outside, and countless torches flew in from all directions.

The burning torch fell into the pit, and the oily liquid stuck to the fire. In an instant, the deep pit became a fiery fire pit.

"Ah! It's fire oil..."

At this time, both Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao knew what was in the pit, but it was too late to understand.

At this time, the two brothers were in a sea of fire, with fire on their heads and bodies. They became living firemen. Fortunately, they were protected by spiritual armor and were not burned to ashes by the fire. However, even so, the two brothers couldn't stand it, especially their eyes, which were smoked by the fire and smoke. They were in unbearable pain, and they all screamed like pigs.

The two brothers could not open their eyes. Relying on their deep cultivation, they just rushed out of the fire pit. When they got outside, they both fell down and rolled all over the ground. The sad cry made the people lying in ambush tremble.

Tang Yin had calculated that they would retaliate against themselves, and made corresponding preparations.

The man sleeping in his bed was just a captured bandit, while he himself hid on the top of the bed early. When Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao entered the room, he already found it. He just didn't move. After they mistakenly killed the bandit, he laughed.

He had planned to escape to the back garden. He was shocked out by the heavy knives of the two brothers. It was also his intention to avoid the trap designed in advance. Let alone that Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao are straight surnamed children without a city government. Even those who annihilate cunning and cunning may not be able to see the clue.

At this time, the soldiers ambushed around the back garden have rushed out one after another. Looking at the Shangguan brothers who are on fire, red eyes and rolling all over the ground, they don't know what to do.

Tang Yin, who had just escaped, didn't know when he came back again. He separated the crowd, walked out slowly and looked at the two brothers who were crying with tears in their hearts. The corners of his mouth provoked him and smiled leisurely.

This is the so-called heaven's sin, which can still be violated; You can't live because you've done evil! Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao were completely self inflicted.

With a sneer, he shook his head at the soldiers around him and said, "tie them up first!"

Guyue, Rakuten, Li Wei and others with iron cables rushed up when they heard the order.

Now the Shangguan brothers have completely lost their resistance and are still on fire. They have been bound by Guyue and others.

After tying them up, Tang Yin ordered the soldiers to prepare clear water and extinguish the fire on them.

As several buckets of cold water poured down, the flames on them finally went out. Looking at them again, they were lying on the ground, dying. The spirit armor was burned black, and their eyes were almost smoked blind, red and swollen, and couldn't open.

ha-ha! Tang Yin smiled in her heart and scattered her spirit armor. At the same time, she went to the two brothers and said, "I reminded you not to come back to me for revenge, but you two are stubborn and come to this end. No wonder others!"


Although the two brothers were badly burned and couldn't open their eyes, they were still sober. Listening to Tang Yin's cold words, they both fell on the ground and didn't speak.

If the last time they were captured by Tang Yin, they were caught in his trick, and the two brothers were unconvinced, they were convinced this time, and they were vaguely afraid of Tang Yin.

Not afraid of his skill, but a lingering fear of Tang Yin's cunning.

If he could design such a perfect trap, he must have calculated that he would come to the door for revenge, but did he calculate so? The two brothers couldn't understand what they thought. They were like defeated cocks, holding their heads and silent.

"Get some burn medicine and treat their eyes!" Tang Yin still said the next sentence, then stretched his muscles and bones, making a gesture to go back to his room and have a rest.

Hearing that he was leaving, Shangguan Yuanwu couldn't help asking, "Tang Yin, how are you going to punish us this time?"

"For the sake of Shangguan Yuanji, I'll let you two leave. Of course, if you two are still unconvinced, I'm always welcome you to come back and continue to take revenge on me!" Tang Yin said with a smile, "in addition, if you are reluctant to leave, you can stay. I lack two skilled personal guards around me. I think this position is very suitable for you two!"

Shangguan brothers doubted whether their ears had heard wrong. His two brothers wanted to break Tang Yin's body, but he was willing to let them stay with him as personal guards. Is Tang Yin crazy?

Shangguan yuanbiao shouted angrily, "who wants to stay and who wants to be your personal servant?"

Tang Yin smiled up and said, "since it's not rare, you two brothers can go. I won't force you to stay. What's more, what I really value is the elder brother shangguanyuanji. As for you two, your ability is too poor. If you stay with me, it may make me feel cumbersome!"

"You..." Shangguan yuanbiao blushed and couldn't speak angrily. On the contrary, he had nothing to say. He thought he was strong and deep in cultivation, but he didn't show it in front of Tang Yin. He was captured alive twice. How can he have the cheek to argue for himself.

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