Soon, Zhenjun pushed forward to only fifty steps away from Wancheng. At this time, Lei Zhen shouted, "the whole army puts arrows!"

Hoo - with his order, an arrow rain flew from the head of Wancheng and fell directly to the Zhen army camp.

Go, go, go!

The soldiers did not scream, but the soldiers fell fiercely in the camp.

Before long, Zhenjun had advanced to the moat. People put the ladder across the moat to block the bridge. Then, Sergeant Zhenjun ran through the ladder one by one and rushed to the bottom of the city.

The dense rain of arrows continued in the city. At the same time, the broken city crossbow, the broken army crossbow and the stone throwing machine in the city started together. Crossbows, arrows and falling stones hit the crowd of Zhenjun from time to time, causing the soldiers of Zhenjun to fall down in groups, but one fell and two rushed up behind. When charging, the soldiers of Zhenjun were like red eyed beasts, even if there was a hot Kang in front, Can jump in without hesitation.

Outside Wancheng, corpses are everywhere, blood flows into a river, floating corpses are floating in the moat, and the river has been dyed scarlet.

Zhenjun rushed to the foot of Wancheng city by stepping on the body of his brother in the same robe. Then, he set up a ladder one after another, and Sergeant Zhenjun climbed up with all his strength.

For the first time, the new recruits of the wind army met the Zhen army, which was extremely fierce. It was more like a nightmare. Many people shot arrows at their hands, but the Zhen army showed no sign of retreat. Watching the Zhen army outside the city climbing the ladder crazily and roaring like a beast, some wind troops retreated in fear and dared not approach the edge of the wall.

Another part of the wind army has been half crazy by the Zhen army. They grabbed the rolling logs and stones around them and threw them out of the city without aiming. Such a defense, where can we stop the charge of Zhen army? Before long, Zhen soldiers rushed to the city, swung their swords and tore them to the same place with the wind army in the city.

When defending the city, the wind army could not resist the Zhen army. Now it has become a close combat, and the wind army is even more defeated. The wind army collapsed one after another in the broken wall, and more and more Zhen soldiers rushed up. They shouted and screamed after the defeated wind soldiers.

Seeing that Zhenbing broke through here, Lei Zhen roared and dragged the halberd to meet him. As soon as he passed through his own crowd, dozens of red eyed Zhen soldiers rushed to his face. Lei Zhen drank loudly, swung the open sky halberd and swept out.

Click! When a halberd was swung out, five Zhen soldiers were cut off by the waist. Then, Lei Zhen released Lingluan · Feng, and the dozens of Zhen soldiers behind were cut into pieces by the flying spirit blades.

After killing all the enemy troops in front of us, the thunder didn't stop for a moment, and continued to rush forward. As soon as we walked past, the Zhen soldiers who rushed to the city wall screamed, and the broken limbs and arms fell down from the city head one after another. At the same time, a long line of scarlet blood fog also appeared on the city wall.

The hundreds of Zhen soldiers who rushed to the city were almost killed by Lei Zhen alone. Looking at Lei Zhen covered with blood and murderous people, Sergeant Feng, who had fled in flight, stopped one after another and stood in the same place as if they had been hit by a acupoint.

Lei Zhen looked at the people of the wind army on the left and right, and shouted, "madam is now in the city, fighting side by side with us. The enemy is in front of us. Madam, a woman still doesn't retreat. As a man, how can you escape without fighting? Can you live up to the word" wind man "on yourself?"

The wind troops were flushed and ashamed when they were told by Lei Zhen. People were stunned for a moment. Then, they shouted and ran back to their respective positions. Some picked up bows and arrows, some picked up rolling logs to beat stones, and shot and smashed the enemy outside the city. This is knowing shame and then courage.

Lei Zhengang stabilized the form here, and another section of the city wall was broken through by Zhenbing. Lei Zhen didn't even have time to stop and breathe. He could only carry the sky war halberd and rush to reinforce at full speed.

Under the fierce attack of Zhen army, the defense line of Feng army is full of holes and loopholes. Lei Zhen stabilizes here, there is chaos, stabilizes there, and here is chaos. He runs around the city wall and "puts out fire" everywhere alone, but no matter how capable he is, he is only one person. The Feng army can't do anything, and even retreat timidly. Lei Zhen alone, How can we stop so many Zhen troops?

Less than half an hour after the battle, the wind army's defense line was completely defeated. A large number of soldiers did not listen to the command. They fled down the city wall and retreated to the city. The Zhen army outside the city also took the opportunity to rush to the head of the city. Looking around, the Zhen army was everywhere on the long city wall. The remaining wind army was pitifully few. Even if someone didn't escape and insisted on fighting, they were quickly cut to the ground by the Zhen soldiers around.

At this time, Zong Yuan's cold sweat kept flowing out of the city gate. No wonder Zhenjun entered his own country as if it were uninhabited. No wonder even Chifeng's army was defeated by the other party. Zhenjun's battle was really too fierce. Even if the plain army had a frontal confrontation with it, it might not be able to take advantage of it!

He swallowed his spit, turned to Wumei and said in a hurry, "madam, Zhenjun has broken the city... We'd better run quickly. If we don't run again, it's too late!"

Wumei stood on the city gate without moving. Her exquisite beauty was surprisingly calm at this time. She shook her head and said, "I can't escape. Once I escape, Wancheng will really be hopeless. Once Wancheng is lost, Yancheng will not be protected. Even the capital city has fallen. Where can we escape?"

"But madam..."

"No more." Wu Mei held the handle of the sword at her waist, handed a dagger to Zongyuan and said, "if Zhenjun attacks and kills him later, I will fight with him. If I am not enemy, you must kill me. I can't fall into Zhenren's hands alive!"

"Madam..." Zong Yuan knelt down and burst into tears. He didn't dare to pick up Wumei's dagger.

Zongyuan didn't have a good impression of Wu Mei before. It wasn't that Wu Mei had done anything too much, but simply didn't like her appearance. Wumei is so gorgeous that she can enjoy it, but she is not suitable to be the king's wife, because such gorgeous beauty is too easy to make the king lose it and bring disaster to the country and the people.

But at this moment, Wu Mei was admired by Zong Yuan. When life and death were at stake, he was so calm and calm that even he couldn't do it.

Wumei would rather die than retreat. In fact, now she can't retreat if she wants to. There are Zhenjun troops outside the gate building. The bodyguards who protect Wumei gather at the bottom of the gate building and fight to resist the enemy soldiers and generals outside. The bodyguards brought by Wu Mei are the bodyguards of the royal residence. The elite of the plain army have superior combat effectiveness. They kill the Zhen army one after another. Outside the gate tower, the bodies of the Zhen army are stacked and high.

At this time, Lei Zhen is not far from the city gate building. He notices that Wu Mei has not left. Now she is still trapped in the city gate building. He can't control others and just wants to save Wu Mei from the siege.

He made a hard progress towards the gate tower. Every step he took, he had to kill more than a dozen or even dozens of Zhen soldiers in front of him. Up to now, Lei Zhen's physical strength has been overdrawn, his aura has been seriously consumed, and his spirit armor is covered with cracks and scars.

Just as Lei Zhen rushed forward with difficulty, a senior general of Zhenguo came in front of him. He was tall and tall, with one head and one back. He was carrying a large Tomahawk in his hand. This general was not someone else, but Xun Xiao.

Xun Xiao didn't know Lei Zhen. He just regarded him as an ordinary wind general. He rushed to Lei Zhen, swung his axe round and chopped down fiercely.

Lei Zhen was powerless to block, so he stepped away to dodge and let the other party's axe pass. He returned and stabbed a halberd.

Xun Xiao snorted and laughed. He took back his axe and put it out. Then he leaned forward, raised his fist and hit Lei Zhen's face.

Lei Zhen responded quickly, holding the halberd in one hand, lifting the other hand and clasping the other's wrist.

Xun Xiao burst out laughing, wielded his strength, swung his arm outward, and shouted, "get out!"


Lei Zhen's body was like a broken kite. He was thrown out of the city wall by Xun Xiao and fell directly under the city. If Lei Zhen was in his heyday, his strength would not be much different even if he failed to defeat Xun Xiao, but now, he really can't stop Xun Xiao's brute force.


Lei Zhen fell heavily on the ground in the city. With its great strength, the ground was hit with personal pits. Seeing this, the Fengjun who fled to the bottom of the city rushed up, picked up Lei Zhen with seven hands and eight feet, and asked one after another, "general Lei, how are you?" "General Lei, where are you hurt?"

After a long delay, Lei Zhen came back with this tone. Fortunately, he had a spirit armor to protect him. This fall would not kill his last name. With the help of the crowd, Lei Zhen slowly stood up, looked around at the wind army and asked, "why did you all run down the city if you weren't defending the enemy in the city?"

"General Lei, Zhenjun is so powerful that we can't resist it... General Lei, you... You'd better run with us!"

Lei Zhen heard the speech, closed his eyes and didn't speak for a long time.

After a long time, he felt that he had recovered some strength. Then he bent down and picked up his halberd. He asked with a gloomy quality, "run? Where are you going? Our parents and family are right behind us. If we run, who will protect them? Do you want to watch our relatives die miserably under the knife of Zhen people?"

The soldiers of the wind army bowed their heads when they heard the speech.

Lei Zhen clenched his teeth and continued: "for thousands of years, there have been only heroes who have broken jade to protect the country. There have never been rats who are greedy for life and afraid of death. If you are afraid, get out now and run away. The Feng army doesn't need to wait. If there are brothers with blood surname, go to the city with me and retreat from the enemy!"

After saying that, Lei Zhen ignored the reaction of the people and dragged the halberd to the steps and rushed up the wall. The officers and men of the wind army looked at each other. Some of them hung their heads and others blushed. I don't know how long later, a wind general stamped his feet, pulled out his sword and shouted, "I'm fighting with the Zhen thief!" Then he followed Lei Zhen.

When someone took the lead, someone immediately responded. The soldiers of the wind army, who had no intention of war, rekindled their fighting spirit. People took up arms one after another and shouted loudly to launch a counterattack against the fallen city wall.

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