The temperature in the middle of the wind was suddenly cold, and there was heavy snow. This sudden weather change reversed the situation on both sides. Originally, Fengdu Yancheng was in danger, and there were no soldiers to stop the strong enemy, while Zhenjun was in control. It was only a matter of time to capture Yancheng.

But now, the Zhen army, unable to stand the severe cold, can only throw away the fruits of victory, and has no choice but to retreat back.

At the same time, Wancheng also found signs of the retreat of Zhen army. The wind country is originally a cold place. The wind people have long been used to the cold weather and are well prepared. When the temperature drops suddenly, the wind Army soldiers received the allocated cotton clothes, cotton trousers and cotton boots for the first time, but even so, the soldiers guarding the city are shivering with cold and keep walking around the city.

Feng Jun's sentry first found the trend of Zhen Jun. without delay, he hurried down the city tower and reported to the city. Soon, the news reached Wu Mei, who suddenly heard the news of the enemy's withdrawal. As soon as Wu Mei turned over and sat up directly from the bed, her face was completely sleepless, and asked the maid who came in: "is that true?"

The female bodyguard said, "report back to madam. It was found by the soldiers on the night watch at the head of the city."

That should not be wrong. No one dares to report false for such a thing. Wumei couldn't understand it. How could Zhenjun retreat? As she dressed, she asked, "what happened to Zhenjun?"

The waitress shook her head and said, "it's not clear yet, but it suddenly snowed in the middle of the night. Is this why the Zhenjun retreated?" She guessed wildly, but she really got it right.

"Oh?" Wu Mei put on her clothes as fast as she could, opened the door and walked out with big steps. She went out quickly and came back faster. She was forced back by the cold wind outside. At this time, she was only wearing single clothes. Unexpectedly, the wind outside was so strong and icy. Returning to the room, Wu Mei said repeatedly, "come on! Go and find a cotton padded coat for the palace!"

"Yes, madam!" The waitress promised and walked away quickly.

Wu Mei calmed down and thought carefully, then she understood the reason why Zhen army retreated.

Zhen people must not adapt to the sudden change of the weather, and they did not make enough preparations to prevent the cold. The whole army couldn't stand the cold, so they had no choice but to retreat. Thinking of this, Wu Mei understood why Zongyuan vowed last night that Zhenjun would retreat. It turned out that he had already judged the cooling and snowfall tonight and the lack of cold protection of Zhenjun.

oh dear! Wu Mei stamped her feet. She knew that. She should have listened to Zong Yuan's words and prepared the cavalry early to go out of the city to chase Zhenjun! While she was walking back and forth in a hurry, the waitress came back and brought a set of clean cotton clothes. Wu Mei quickly changed them, then wrapped her cloak and walked out of the house quickly under the protection of a dry bodyguard.

As soon as Wu Mei came out, she saw Zongyuan and Lei Zhen coming face to face. Seeing the two of them, Wu Mei immediately blurted out and asked, "I heard that Zhenjun has retired. Is it true or false?"

Zong Yuan and Lei Zhen both looked happy. They both nodded and replied, "Madam Hui, it's true that Zhen army has indeed withdrawn!"

After being confirmed by both of them, Wu Mei's heart finally fell back to her stomach when she mentioned her voice. She giggled, looked up and sighed, "this is the eternal generation of heaven's help to my strong wind!" Sighing for a moment, she said to Lei Zhen in a hurry: "general Lei, you speed up the two thousand cavalry in the city to pursue and kill Zhen army. You must not let Zhen army retreat too quietly."

"I will obey!" Lei Zhen took the order and turned away.

He gathered two thousand horses in the city, ran out of Wancheng and pursued the Zhen army. The cold wind in the city is not small, but once out of the city, the cold wind outside is more intense, blowing in the dark, crying and howling. Even if the cold resistant wind people can't stand it when they wear cotton clothes and trousers, even if they can stand it, the war horse can't stand it.

Less than two miles after Lei Zhen and his cavalry left the city, they were forcibly blown back to Wancheng by the wind and snow outside. When he returned to the city, let alone the soldiers below were watery with tears from the cold. Even Lei Zhen felt that his ears were about to be frozen off, numb and tingling, and his hair and beard were covered with white frost.

In this weather, I can't get out of the city! He sighed a pity in his heart, casually wiped the runny nose and went to Wu Mei to explain the situation. After listening to Wu Mei, she was not angry, but happy. Her own soldiers could not hold out when they left the city, so we can imagine the situation of Zhenjun.

She guessed right. Now Zhenjun is extremely miserable.

People walk hard in the cold storm and snow. From time to time, someone falls straight in the queue, and no one cares. People are already unable to protect themselves. How can they have the mood and strength to take care of others?

In the ice and snow, you can still see the road at the beginning. When the sky will be a little bright, you can't see the road or any reference. Everything you can see is a vast expanse of white, as if all the world is covered by snow.

At this time, Zhenjun's progress was more difficult. When he stepped out one step, he could hardly see his lower legs. The snow was below his knees. He had to use all his strength at every step. Coupled with the biting cold wind, people couldn't open their eyes. Gradually, tens of thousands of Zhenjun were completely lost in this snow covered world. They couldn't tell the southeast from the northwest, but just walked forward blindly.

I don't know how long it took, the soldier Zhenbing who was walking in front exclaimed, "there are woods! There are woods ahead!" Now they don't expect to meet towns or villages, as long as there are mountains, trees and shelter from the wind and snow.

Seeing the woods, the soldiers of the Zhen army were like seeing an oasis in the desert. People used their milk strength and ran quickly to the woods against the wind and snow.

The area of this forest is not small. Zhenjun entered the forest and went deep into the forest. Here, the cold wind finally weakened a lot. People pushed away the snow on the ground, cut off the branches from the trees and started a fire.

The officers and men of the Zhenjun army gathered around the fire, sat on the ground, and then hissed for a long time. They began to retreat in the middle of the night. Until now, all the Zhenjun soldiers are tired, hungry and cold, and all of them are exhausted.

Leaning against an old tree, Li Cheng squatted and sat down, looked at the exhausted soldiers around him, sighed bitterly in his heart, and then said to the assistant generals around him, "go and count how many troops our army has left now."

Along the way, someone fell to the ground and couldn't stand up. Li Cheng saw it in his eyes, but he couldn't help it at all.

Soon, the number of each regiment was reported one after another. As soon as the assistant generals counted, people were a little incredible. When attacking Wancheng, the Zhen army had more than 80000 people, and when retreating, there were also more than 50000. Up to now, only 30000 people are left, that is to say, nearly 20000 people fell in the process of retreating.

oh dear! Seeing such data, Li Cheng lamented on his back that God was unfair to Zhenguo, and even more unfair to Li Cheng! Since entering the wind, he has never made mistakes. He has been victorious in successive battles, attacking the city and pulling out the stronghold. However, the result is like this. How can Li Cheng accept it?

Seeing Li Cheng's sad face, Xun Xiao and other generals comforted one after another: "the general doesn't have to be sad. Even if there are only more than 30000 brothers left, after the wind and snow stop, our army can still capture Wancheng and kill Yancheng!" Their words are not just comfort. In fact, Zhenjun does have such strength. Even if there are only 30000 people, it is not something that the wind army in Yancheng and Wancheng can resist.

Li Cheng looked at the sky and murmured, "who knows when this snowstorm will come to an end?" As he spoke, his stomach purred.

People were stunned at first. Then they touched their food bags, took out steamed bread and dried meat from them and handed them to Li Cheng.

Li Cheng took it and lost his appetite before he put it in his mouth. The steamed bread and dried meat handed over by the people have long been frozen stiff and hard like stones. If they hit their heads, it is estimated that they will have to hit a big green bag.

He shook his head and smiled bitterly, took out his sword, stabbed it on the steamed bread, and then put it on the fire to bake. Seeing this, the generals followed suit and took out their swords, baked steamed bread and dried meat.

They had something to eat, but most of the taxi men didn't. people were so hungry that they couldn't go out of the woods to find food. They had to lie down by the fire and curl up to rest.

It was getting dark, but the snowstorm showed no sign of stopping. Li Cheng ordered the whole army to rest in place and spend the night in the forest tonight.

Into the night, the campfire in the forest flickered, row by row, which was very beautiful. However, the soldiers of Zhenjun didn't have the leisure to enjoy the campfire and snow. They lay beside the fire and were lazy to move again.

No one talked, no one spoke, and no one even made a sound. If there were more than 30000 Zhen soldiers in the big forest, the silence was terrible, only the crackle of dry firewood.

One night without words, the next morning, the wind and snow were not as strong as yesterday. Li Chengzhen summoned up his spirit and asked the generals around to take some strong brothers to search for food outside the forest.

When the order was passed on, the regiment leaders shouted loudly and asked the soldiers below to get up as soon as possible. At this time, many soldiers could not live in the forest until thousands of soldiers died.

Under the condition of hunger and cold, there are freezing death and frostbite in Zhenjun almost all the time.

It was not easy to select 500 soldiers with good physical strength from the Zhen army. Led by an assistant general, they went outside the forest to find food.

After they left for a short time, the storm turned from weak to strong. The 500 people led by assistant general never came back after they went out

The sudden storm lasted four days and four nights.

Led by Li Cheng, this part of the Zhen army who marched into Yancheng suddenly evaporated. There were no people alive, no corpses dead and no trace.

Fengguo couldn't find them, and they didn't return to Zhenguo. Li Cheng's inexplicable disappearance has also become a pending case.

It was not until a long time later that the hunters of Youfeng country inadvertently entered the forest and found a large number of remains of Zhenjun. Later, after careful inspection, it was confirmed that these remains of Zhenjun were Li Cheng I, and Li Cheng, the middle General of Zhenguo, was also among them.

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