While attacking, the Chuanzhen allied forces also set traps in the houses near the city wall. According to Wu Rui, all the traps are ropes and so on.

Tang Yin and the secret arrows did not leave the city immediately. The enemy's attack was too fierce, and there were many weapons to attack the city. The pressure on the soldiers guarding the city doubled. Tang Yin and the secret arrows are all in the city to help the new army resist the enemy.

The large siege weapons of the enemy are the main targets of Tang Yin and others. Tang Yin's eyes turned red when he saw that towers were close to the city wall and cold arrows were released from time to time. Some soldiers fell to the ground with arrows from time to time.

He put away his double knives, looked at a tower, took a few steps back, and then shouted. He was like an arrow, rushed forward, climbed the arrow stack with his toes, and the whole man shot out from the head of the city.

Boom! His body was falling on the body of the tower. Ten fingers wrapped with spirit armor, sharp as ten knives, pierced deeply into the board of the tower. Then he climbed up quickly like a gecko.

The Sichuan army on the tower was not blind either. Naturally, they saw Tang Yin jump over. People were startled at first. Then, they bowed down one after another, aimed at Tang Yin who climbed up and fired arrows continuously.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

In an instant, more than a dozen arrows shot at Tang Yin. Tang Yin couldn't dodge when he was on the tower. He had to bite his teeth. Dang, Dang, Dang! The arrows hit his spirit armor continuously, sparks splashed everywhere and made a series of crisp noises. By the force of its impact, Tang Yin's fingers scratched a foot long crack on the board.

Instead of giving the enemy a second chance to shoot, he used his strength, hands and feet, climbed up more than three meters in one breath, and then jumped to the top of the tower. The top of the tower is full of Sichuan soldiers. They can't even find the gap. Tang Yin's shadow drift can't be displayed. He rushed up and dragged the two Sichuan soldiers down the tower.

Two Sichuan soldiers screamed and fell down. Tang Yin fell to their place and met with many Sichuan soldiers. After half a second of silence, the Sichuan soldiers roared and squeezed Tang Yin out of the tower. But Tang Yin, who finally rushed up, couldn't let them do what they wanted. He raised his palms and chopped and chopped at the Sichuan soldiers in front of him.

Although it is only with the palm of your hand, there is a hard spirit armor attached to it, and the fingertips are as sharp as a knife. Whether you are hit or scratched by it, it will take half your life to survive. Under Tang Yin's crazy attack, there was a scream in the tower. From time to time, blood and broken bodies flew down from the top and fell on the heads and bodies of the soldiers below, which greatly changed people's faces.

In the blink of an eye, none of the dozens of Sichuan troops on the tower were spared. They all died under Tang Yin's sharp hands. Looking at the top of the tower, there was no complete body. The blood and flesh and corpses on the ground seemed to have been twisted by a meat grinder, and the blood continued to drip along the gap between the floors.

After killing all the enemy troops on the tower, Tang Yin didn't stop for a moment. He took out his double knives and turned them into sickles. He made every effort to sweep a spiritual wave down. Click! The tower was opened from the center and divided into two. The two halves of the tower fell to the left and right, and Tang Yin on the tower had already flashed back to the wall.

Speaking slowly, in fact, it was only an instant for Tang Yin to destroy a tower. Back to the city wall, he did not make any rest and went to find the next target. Soon, he saw several towers gathered on the west side of the city gate and were shooting fiercely at his brothers on the city wall. Tang Yin rushed over without thinking.

When I came near, it turned out that there were not only several enemy towers gathered here, but also several rushing cars below, which were hitting the city wall. In order to cover the rushing cars below, the Sichuan soldiers on the tower frantically fired arrows at the wind army in the city, and the pressed wind Army could not lean out and throw rolling logs and stones.

Tang Yin quickly made a judgment that the car rushing below is far more threatening than the tower. Once the city wall is damaged, the enemy outside can directly rush into the city, and it is even more difficult for his own side to parry. Tang Yin cast shadow drift, flashed from the city to the outside of the city, and appeared in the crowd of Sichuan soldiers pushing cars against the city wall.

Before the Sichuan soldiers around him could react, Tang Yin's sickle had been wielded and cut out first. His goal was not the enemy, but to rush the car. Only two knives went down. The frames of his left and right cars were cut off, and the car collapsed to the ground. At this time, the Sichuan army regained consciousness. People first screamed, and then rushed to Tang Yin.

These ordinary Sichuan soldiers could not even be called a threat in front of Tang Yin. Their killing was not much different from moths fighting the fire. Tang Yin swung away his sickle and swept away with one stroke. More than a dozen Sichuan soldiers who rushed to him were cut off by the waist and half of their bodies were scattered on the ground.

Tang Yin's sharp knife swept through the crowd of the Sichuan army. It was like a whirlwind. A few cold lights crossed, and there were more than 100 dead and injured. The battle here immediately attracted a large number of Chuanzhen coalition forces. Seeing that the number of enemies was increasing and the space for their own exertion was decreasing, Tang Yin ignored the enemy and looked for opportunities. When he caught the neutral position, he rushed under the other party's car.

In addition, Wu Rui and others who had laid an ambush in the outer city and waited for the dark spiritual practitioners to appear, but they had not seen the emergence of the dark spiritual practitioners for a long time. Just when they were anxious, they suddenly heard that there were dark spiritual practitioners fighting with the soldiers attacking the city. Wu Rui was in high spirits and took more than ten spiritual practitioners from the Sichuan and Zhen armies and went straight to the place where the dark spiritual practitioners appeared.

When Wu Rui arrived with his people, Tang Yin had destroyed the Sichuan army's rush cars. Under the city wall, several damaged rush cars were parked there and could no longer be used. There were two or three hundred Sichuan army bodies lying around. Seeing this, the practitioners who came with Wu Rui roared one after another and all rushed to Tang Yin.

More than a dozen people and more than a dozen spirit soldiers either cut or stabbed and focused on attacking Tang Yin. They were fast, and Tang Yin's speed was not slow. He twisted his body, slipped out of the gap of the other party's attack at an incredible angle, and then returned with a knife and swept at the back of a spiritual cultivator. The man was in a cold sweat and hurried down to the bottom. He flashed Tang Yin's knife.

Tang Yin didn't pester when he failed to hit, and immediately looked for the next attack target. More than a dozen spiritual practitioners fought Tang Yin together, but the latter did not have the slightest unstoppable performance. He swam freely in the crowd and fought back from time to time, which made the other party panic.

Wu Rui, who was watching the war, took a breath and said in his heart: what a powerful dark spiritual cultivator! Not only is his cultivation profound, but his skill is also agile and strange. Who is this? I haven't heard that the spirit of the dark country is so powerful. Why do they have such a strong wind?

He was still thinking to himself that the battle on the field had changed. Tang Yin, who was always fighting, suddenly made a force. The sickle was divided into two. He held double knives and attacked with fast knives continuously. In the blink of an eye, Tang Yin attacked more than 20 knives in one breath. After this round of fast knives, more than a dozen spiritual practitioners, three of them fell to the ground with a knife, and two others were slightly injured.

Wurui screamed, bad! He didn't dare to continue watching the war. Holding a flame blood soul gun, he rushed to Tang Yin with several arrows. Without saying a word, he was distracted and stabbed.

Yo! This man's shooting is very fast! Tang Yin's heart moved, but he didn't dare to be careless. He avoided his body shape and let him be sharp. Wu Rui shook his arm, turned the thorn into a sweep, and slashed Tang Yin's temple. Tang Yin slipped at his feet, flashed to Wu Rui's side, and picked each other's ribs from bottom to top.

Wu Rui was surprised. The other party clearly didn't use shadow drift, but how could he move so fast? He took a deep breath, jumped out, and rushed back two meters away. Tang Yin's double knives almost flashed close to the tip of his nose.

Tang Yin gained the power and immediately launched a rush attack. The two knives were combined into one, turned into sickles, and flew up and down, pushing Wu Rui's back. Fortunately, the practitioners on both sides rushed forward in time to block Tang Yin and gave Wu Rui a chance to breathe. Otherwise, he might really be hurt by Tang Yin's sharp knife.

Wu Rui's self-esteem couldn't stand being so embarrassed by a dark spiritual cultivator. He suddenly roared and used his ability to press the bottom of the box - the spirit of the army. The flame blood soul gun in his hand was shining brightly and stabbed people's eyes. The long gun broke and turned into a chain whip connected with aura. Then he made full efforts to aim at Tang Yin, and sweeping was a heavy whip.

Buzzing - the spirit whip breaks the wind and makes a soul stirring roar. Tang Yin has already seen the other party's spiritual change of soldiers. He also wants to try how powerful the other party's spiritual change of soldiers is. He strengthens his arm and sets up a knife to block it.

Clatter - this violent metal collision sound was like thunder in the clear sky. The soldiers around still dropped their weapons, howled and retreated with their ears covered, and blood gurgled out of the gap between their fingers. Even the left and right practitioners were shocked, their hearts and hair were stuffy, their Qi and blood surged up, and their voices and eyes were sweet.

The collision between the spirit soldiers and the spirit soldiers was deafening, but the spirit pressure burst out at that moment was the most threatening. The nearby Sergeant Chuanzhen United was also hurt by the spirit pressure, not by the loud noise.

Tang Yin retreated two steps and Wu Rui remained where he was, but the latter took the initiative and naturally took the initiative and advantage. Tang Yin was competitive and jumped high. When he fell, he held a sickle in both hands, aimed at Wu Rui's head and fiercely swung a heavy knife.

Roar - the sickle breaks through the wind and has made a dull thunder. Its strength is as powerful as a thousand. Wu Rui, who was so skillful in cultivation and had already displayed his spirit of soldiers, dared not resist his edge and withdrew. At the same time, his wrist shook, and the spirit whip stabbed Tang Yin's heart from bottom to top.

He was fast, but Tang Yin's speed was faster. He was still in the air, suddenly turned into a black fog, and the man had disappeared. Wu Rui's spirit soldier only stabbed a mass of air. At the moment when the latter was slightly stunned, the evil wind arose behind him, and the sharp roar came rapidly.

too bad! Wu Rui didn't have time to think about it. When life and death were at stake, he didn't care about his face. He rolled with a lazy donkey, fell to the ground and rolled forward three or four meters.

Thanks to his quick reaction, otherwise Tang Yin's knife in his back was enough to cut him in two.

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