Pan he's Lingluan · Ji was not as good as the Lingluan · Ji released by Shan Yang. He was hit by Yu Wei. Just for a moment, pan he's armor was broken, and his armor and clothes were torn to pieces by Lingren. He flew out upside down like a rag doll. After landing, when he looked at Pan he, there were blood holes all over his body, up and down, hundreds of places.

This is also due to his profound cultivation and exquisite spiritual skills. The spirit armor on his body is tough enough to remove most of the power of the spirit blade. Otherwise, he will have to be ground into pieces alive. Even so, pan he was badly hurt. Lying on the ground, he was dying, his eyes turned white and his mind was confused. Seeing this, the surrounding Zhenjun rushed up and protected pan he who was seriously injured. Then, the spiritual practitioners in Zhenjun rushed to attack Shan Yang like crazy.

On the other hand, Zhen Jun has more and more ropes wrapped around Tang Yin, and his arrows are more and more dense. Under such strong shooting, Tang Yin's cultivation is more profound and his spiritual armor is stronger, but he can't resist it. With the crackling sound, Tang Yin's spirit armor began to break, and the arrows shot at him no longer rebounded to the ground, but deeply penetrated into the spirit armor and nailed him.

It didn't take long. Tang Yin had dozens of arrows on his body. Looking coldly, he looked like a hedgehog, and his body slowly softened.

Seeing this, the surrounding Zhenjun stopped shooting. People looked at each other and were not sure whether Tang Yin was dead or not.

At the same time, Jiang Fan and Cheng Jin also found that the situation of Tang Yin was wrong. They broke through the siege and suffered several heavy blows from the enemy. They just rushed out of a bloody way and killed Tang Yin.

Jiang Fan's opponent is Wujin. In order to get away, he was forced by Wujin's heavy knife. At this time, there was a half foot long knife cut behind him. His injury was heavier than Cheng Jin, but his speed was faster than the latter. He first killed Tang Yin and saw that he was trapped by the enemy's rope and covered with carved feathers. Jiang Fan was scared in a cold sweat. He didn't have time to look carefully. He twisted his bow and arrow, At the same time, shoot three arrows to accurately break the three ropes entangled with Tang Yin.

With the disconnection of the three ropes, Tang Yin's body lost its support and collapsed to the ground. Jiang Fan still wanted to rush up to check, but Wujin in the back came up again. The spirit knife was hung with a strong wind and swept his neck. Jiang Fan was helpless and had to turn back to block. He just blocked Wujin's knife. Suddenly, a rope came under his feet and entangled Jiang Fan's left foot.

Before he could get back to his senses, the Zhen army holding the rope pulled hard. Jiang Fan lost his balance and fell to the ground on his back. Seeing the opportunity, Wujin roared, held up the spirit knife and slashed down the fallen Jiang Fan Li's chopping Huashan Mountain. Even if he fell to the ground and the situation was extremely passive, Jiang Fan didn't sit and wait to die. He held a bow in both hands and hard connected the other party's heavy knife.


Wu Jin's powerful and heavy knife hit Jiang Fan's purple and gold bow. It was so powerful that it smashed half of Jiang Fan's body into the soil. The knife wound behind him was like tearing.

Jiang fan is in a desperate situation, and Cheng Jin's situation is also in jeopardy. Although his opponent is not as strong as Wujin, he is not much weaker. Moreover, the other party's ropes continue to attack one after another, which makes Cheng Jinying unable to pick up. When he rushes to a distance of less than ten meters from Tang Yin, he can no longer step forward. The ropes from all directions are like a big net, Wrapped his waist, legs and arms around and around.

Jiang Fan and Cheng Jin are trapped by the rope of Zhenjun, while Shan Yang is entangled by a large number of Zhenjun spiritual practitioners. Now Tang Yinzhen is alone and has no help, so he can only rely on himself.

However, his situation at this time was more critical than that of Jiang Fan and Cheng Jin. Although Jiang Fan shot off three ropes on him, several ropes still entangled his waist. The most deadly thing was the dozens of arrows he hit. These dozens of arrow injuries are not light. Someone else would have died long ago, but at the critical moment, the dark aura in his body worked again to protect his heart.

Now, there is no place in Tang Yin's body that doesn't hurt. His physical strength and aura are also rapidly losing. Without the pull of the rope, he doesn't even have the strength to stand up. He kneels down and doesn't move.

The surrounding Zhenjun was stunned for a while, and several brave practitioners slowly approached Tang Yin. One of them took the lead in walking to Tang Yin. The spirit knife in his hand first shook in front of Tang Yin. Seeing that he had no response, he was more daring. He looked down and saw that Tang Yin was still holding a sickle in his hand. He took a deep breath and raised his knife to chop.

His knife was not aimed at Tang Yin, but at the sickle in Tang Yin's hand. With a crisp clang, the sickle in Tang Yin's hand fell and was hit on the ground by the other party's spirit knife.

Wow - on the battlefield, weapons are human life. Losing weapons is tantamount to losing life. When the surrounding Zhenjun saw that Tang Yin's weapons had been knocked off, people cheered. In their eyes, Tang Yin was no different from the dead.

The spiritual cultivator who knocked off the sickle was bolder. He kicked Tang Yin's sickle away with one foot, then pulled up Tang Yin's drooping head, raised his knife and waved it around to show off.

Of course, he has the ability to show off. Not everyone can catch or kill the king of a country by himself. Listening to the cheers around, the Zhenjun spiritual cultivator even began to look forward to the heroic treatment he would receive when he returned home. However, he chose the wrong object to show off.

Tang Yin, who was already dying and half dead, suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes shot an incredible green light. Before the people around him recovered, he suddenly raised his hand, grabbed an arrow inserted in his chest, pulled it out with force, and only heard a flutter. There was blood on the tip of the arrow, which was forcibly pulled out of his body by him. Then, his arm waved forward and fluttered, The arrow pierced deeply into the root of the practitioner's thigh.

"Ah --"

The Zhenjun spiritual cultivator felt a sharp pain in his thigh and issued a howling cry. While shouting, he also found that the faces of his companions had changed, and his eyes were full of panic. People's focus was not on him, but on his side.

His eyes slowly turned and looked around him. Tang Yin, who was kneeling on the ground just now, didn't know when to slowly stand up. The spirit armor on his face and body produced fine lines, as if it had grown a layer of fine scales, ferocious and terrible. The spirit armor on his hands and feet was also changing. The spirit armor on his fingertips and toes was growing longer, as sharp as a knife and as sharp as claws, The most frightening thing was that his eyes were covered with a dazzling and strange green light.

At this time, Tang Yin looked not like a man, but more like a monster with half a man and half a demon.

The spirit cultivator of Zhenjun subconsciously opened his mouth, but the howling stopped suddenly. After being stunned for a few seconds, he suddenly screamed and turned to run, but Tang Yin's palm had fastened his neck first. It was as sharp as a knife and nails, which instantly pierced the spirit armor on each other's body and deeply embedded into the skin and flesh.

The other party also wanted to shout for help to his companions around, but Tang Yin no longer gave him this opportunity.

The dark fire came out of his palm. With a cry, the black flame spread to the whole body of the spirit cultivator of the Zhen army in an instant. The other party's spirit armor could not resist the burning of the dark fire and turned into a trace of fog. With the change of the spirit armor, the dark fire spread to his body recklessly. The spirit cultivator of the Zhen army struggled only a few times, and the person was silent, The white mist emitted from him, and the body that lost its essence hung on the palm of Tang Yin.

Tang Yin didn't even look at the corpse in his palm and drained each other's aura. He shook his arm, threw the corpse out, then raised his head and sucked the aura floating in the air hungrily.

He didn't leak a trace of aura and inhaled it all into his body. Then, the green light in his eyes was more prosperous. He looked around at the Zhen army around him and roared like a beast.

Zhenjun has never seen such a person, or such a monster, who is still alive and can kill even with dozens of arrows in his body. People feel cold from their bones.

No one fired any more arrows, and the people retreated as if they were avoiding the plague. Zhenjun was timid, but how could Tang Yin, who had lost his mind and had only the original life-saving * * in his mind, let these "prey" leave.

With the muffled sound of the cry, his palms were completely shrouded by the dark fire. Then, the dark fire spread from his palms to his whole body, making his whole person covered by a layer of black flame.

He walked step by step to the Zhen army with the most dense crowd. As he walked, he pulled out his arrows and threw them on the ground. Zhenjun was so frightened by Tang Yin that he didn't dare to fight again. Tang Yin went further. They had to take two steps back. Finally, Zhenjun was really hopeless. People shouted, "use rope! Wrap him with rope! Don't let him come over!"

Zhenjun began to use rope tactics again. One stumbling horse rope flew to Tang Yin in the air and wrapped his body in circles.

Made by the rope, Tang Yin couldn't move forward any more. He slowly lowered his head and looked at the rope on his body. His arms retracted and his fingertips bounced. The thick and tough stumbling rope that could trip even a galloping horse broke one by one after being scratched by his fingernails. The cutting edge was as smooth as cutting with a knife.

The rope was broken one by one, and the Zhenjun who pulled the rope lost their balance and fell to the ground screaming. Without the control of the rope, Tang Yin was like a runaway wild horse. He was low and landed on all fours. As fast as lightning, he flew into the group of Zhen soldiers.

"Ah --"

Tang Yin rushed into the Zhen army and made a scream from the Zhen army camp. Just for a moment, there were more than a dozen soldiers affected by its dark fire. In order to protect themselves, the spiritual practitioners in Zhenjun, regardless of whether they will hurt their own people, cast Lingwu skills to Tang Yin one after another.

It's a pity that their Lingwu skills can't stick to Tang Yin's body. They only attract their own soldiers to fall to the ground in groups, and Tang Yin has flashed behind them like a ghost.

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