Shan Yang walked into the tent of the Chinese army. When he got inside, he didn't see Nie Ze and other Zhen generals. He went directly to Ren Fang, stepped in and saluted, saying, "general, I have escorted his Highness the wind king back to the inner city of Jinyang."

Seeing Shan Yang, the reactions of Chuan Jiang and Zhen Jiang in the account are quite different. Chuan generals were relieved and relieved, while Zhen generals had two eyes full of righteous indignation. Looking at Shan Yang, their eyes seemed to rush over and bite him at any time.

Ren Fang was very calm. After sitting in the handsome case, he waved to Shan Yang slowly and said calmly, "general Shan has worked hard." After a pause, he looked at Nie Ze, who was standing aside with an angry face, and then said, "general Shan, general Nie complained to our commander that you hurt brother Zhenjun. I don't know if it's the matter?"

Shan Yang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "it's true!"

As soon as his voice fell, Nie Ze couldn't wait to say, "what's the matter, Ren Shuai? General Shan personally admitted it and didn't originally wronged him?"

"Hum!" Shan Yang snorted coldly and said, "general Nie, if you don't come to the door, I'll go to you and ask you what your heart is! General Ren has made an agreement with the wind king hall, but you ambushed on the way to assassinate His Highness the wind king. You're not only undermining the peace agreement between the two sides, but also putting our country in a situation of injustice. What's your explanation?"

Ren Fang has long guessed that this is the case. Now listening to Shan Yang's words, he pretended to have a sudden understanding. He turned his head and looked at Nie Ze, as if asking him what's going on.

Nie Ze's old face is red, and then he strongly says: "the wind country is the enemy country, the wind king is the big enemy, our army assassinate Tang thief, why not?"

Ren Fang still didn't interrupt or make a statement, and his head turned to Shan Yang again.

Shan Yang said coldly, "when the two armies were at war, it's understandable to kill the king of the enemy country by any means. Now the two sides have made peace, but general NIE is still bent on killing the king of wind. Is general Nie too reckless?"

Unexpectedly, Shan Yang, who had always been silent, became so eloquent at this time. Nie Ze was also questioned by him for a time. When he didn't know what to say, Ren Fang finally opened his mouth. He said, "yes, general Shan has a point! General Nie, I have made peace with King Feng, but you assassinated King Feng. Isn't that making me a villain? It also makes you and our two countries lose face!"

Nie Ze became angry with shame and stood up. He said, "no matter what he would have done is right or wrong, it is true that general Shan seriously injured general pan. How do you deal with this matter?"

At this time, Ren Fang stopped talking and looked at Shan Yang in confusion.

Shan Yang said, "my duty is to protect his Highness the king of wind, but general pan came to assassinate His Highness the king of wind. My duty is to fight with general pan. I can't avoid getting hurt in the martial arts competition, not to mention on the battlefield. If I don't do my best, I'm lying down now."

Nie Ze shouted angrily, "general Shan means..."

Shan Yang replied, "I mean, pan he is to blame. I have been mindful of the meaning of the alliance and show mercy without taking his surname!"

"You..." Nie Zeqi's eyes were full of Venus, stretched out his hand and pointed to Shan Yang's nose. He couldn't speak for a long time.

Shan Yang was lazy to argue with him again. He turned and walked to Ren Fang's hand, lifted his Zheng skirt, shook his Zheng robe, and sat cross legged. Shan Yang is a general. In terms of rank, he is at the same level as Ren Fang. He is low-key and speechless, but it doesn't mean he has no temper. If he really starts to bully, he will have to be afraid of re-election.

Looking at his attitude, how can Nie Ze's face hang? His facial features are distorted and his expression is ferocious. He looks back at Ren Fang and asks, "Ren Shuai, how do you deal with Shan Yang's injury to general pan?"

Ren Fang smiled and said, "general Nie, don't be angry and don't worry. General Shan's attack is a little heavier, but it's also his duty. If he offends, my commander will compensate general Nie on his behalf." Speaking, Ren Fang stood up and saluted Nie Ze respectfully.

As the commander-in-chief of the coalition army, Ren fangnengfang * * * Duan saluted and apologized to Nie Ze in public, which was enough to give him face, and Nie Ze was obviously dissatisfied.

Two of his generals, pan he and Wu Jin, were injured and died. Wu Jin died at the hands of Tang Yin. There's nothing to say, but pan he was injured at the hands of Shan Yang. If it's all over because of Ren Fang's apology and salute, wouldn't Zhenjun lose face in front of the Sichuan army? What dignity does the commander-in-chief have in the army?

Nie Ze's eyes shone a gloomy cold light. He looked at Ren Fang coldly and asked, "is this the way Ren Shuai handled it?"

Ren Fang always smiles on the surface. He looks like a peacemaker. In fact, he is tougher than anyone. In his bones, he has the unique loneliness of the nobility of Sichuan.

He looked at Nie Ze, slowly sat back on the mat, and then said calmly with a smile, "yes, this is my way of dealing with it. General Nie, you and our two countries are allies, and you and our two armies are brothers' armies. Why should we haggle over every detail in case of trouble? Besides, this time it is really Zhenjun's brothers who made mistakes first!"

"It's not the general of your Sichuan army who is seriously injured and dying in bed. Of course you don't have back pain standing and talking!"

"No matter who was injured, I'm right. I'll make peace with King Feng, which is agreed by both of us. But general Nie wants to go out to stab King Feng, which leads to general pan he's injury. After all, the main responsibility lies with you."

"Both sides agree to make peace? Ha ha -" Nie Ze laughed angrily and said sternly: "the Lord has always been you. Ren Fang, I Nie Ze never agreed! If you want to reconcile with the wind thief and retreat, you Sichuan army will retreat by yourself. My Zhen army would rather die than retreat, rather than be a dog running away with its tail!"

At this time, Nie Ze was really dizzy with anger and tore his face with Ren Fang regardless. After the roar, Nie Ze was angry again, pointed to Ren Fang, turned and strode out. As soon as Nie Ze left, many Zhen generals also got up one after another. Many people hummed heavily at Ren Fang and left.

"Nie Ze is hateful. He is too arrogant!" After the Zhen generals walked out of the big tent for a long time, the shocked Chuan generals came back to their senses one after another. People were red with anger, blowing their beard and staring. Even the wounded Wu Rui took pictures of the table. If he hadn't had an arrow wound on his foot, he had to chase out and argue with Zhen Jun.

There was no anger on his face, at least. He smiled calmly and said, "different ways don't work together. Since people want to stay, let them stay. Nie Ze wants to die, and we can't manage so much."

Zhenjun fought bravely, but without the support of the Sichuan army and the large-scale weapons provided by the Sichuan army, it would be beyond their power to defeat the Feng army and destroy the Feng country alone. In Ren Fang's opinion, if Zhenjun doesn't retreat and stays alone, there is only a dead end.

Nie Ze said he would rather die than retreat. That was just a moment's angry words. He hasn't really stayed to fight the wind army alone.

Returning to the camp of Zhen army, sitting in the account of the Chinese army and discussing with the generals and counselors under his command, Nie Ze also felt that his side was unable to stay in the Fengguo territory alone and fight the Fengjun army alone. In the end, he could only accept the fate of retreating.

The protracted war between the two countries of Chuan Zhen, which lasted for several months, finally ended with the initiative of the joint forces of Chuan Zhen to seek peace.

In this war, the two sides did not distinguish an obvious victory or defeat.

The Chuan Zhen allied forces dispatched a total of one million people. During the war, nearly 400000 people were killed and injured. There were 150000 people in the mysterious missing Li Cheng I in the wind country alone. However, there were many casualties in Fengguo. The BAGUAN garrison was completely destroyed, and the Chifeng army was almost destroyed. In the end, there were only 20000 or 30000 people left in the 100000 new army. Coupled with the casualties of the plain army, Sanshui army and directly subordinate army, Fengli also lost nearly 300000 personnel.

If we only look at the data of the deaths and injuries of both sides, we can believe that it is a losing battle, but there are still many things that can not be seen in the data. The most important point is that in the battle of cutting wind, the weak alliance relationship between Sichuan and Zhen appeared cracks, and the relationship between the two armies was worse, even to the extent of water and fire.

It is reasonable to say that the two armies are allies and should help each other in retreat, but the Sichuan army and the Zhen army retreat separately. The Sichuan army retreats first and the Zhen army retreats later. It is not so noble for the Zhen army to break up the rear for the Sichuan army, but that they disdain to walk with the Sichuan army at all.

In the era of war, the army is the core of a country. The discord between the two countries' armies has directly led to the deterioration of relations between the two countries.

When the two armies of Chuan Zhen returned home, they both shirked their responsibilities when they saw their respective monarchs. The Sichuan army accused Zhen Jun of disobeying the command and acting recklessly, while Zhen Jun accused Sichuan army of being afraid of war and having an unfavorable command. In the case of different opinions, the monarchs of the two countries will inevitably be dissatisfied with each other.

The breakdown of the Sichuan Zhenfeng alliance can be said to be the biggest victory of the Fengguo army in the war of defending the country. The discord between the two armies made it impossible for the two countries to reorganize and assemble their forces and jointly launch the second wind war against the Fengguo. In this way, the Fengguo, which was exhausted and scarred in the war, got a rare chance to breathe.

Now the Fengguo has annexed eight counties of Ningguo, and its overall national strength is far better than before. At this time, what the Fengguo needs most is time. It needs time to fully integrate the eight counties of ningbei. It needs time to reasonably distribute the resources between Fengdi and Ningdi, and it also needs time to influence and appease the people of Ningdi, so as to integrate Ningren and Fengren into one.

Without external pressure and the threat of strong enemies, the Fengguo court headed by Tang Yin can concentrate on doing these things.

If lianmo miening is the stepping stone for the rise of Fengguo, resisting the invasion of Chuanzhen allied army can be regarded as the symbol of the real rise of Fengguo.

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