After discussing with the elders, Gao Ge finally decided to ask the king of wind to send an invitation to lead Guanghan out of the city, and then they inquired about the forbidden area Youdian.

However, what Gao Ge never thought was that Feng Xi, who had received his invitation but delayed in the future, had gone to the Youdian to inquire first.

On weekdays, the gate of the secluded hall is closed and guarded by specially assigned personnel. In addition to Guanghan's listening, no one else can enter at all. The gate of the secluded hall will be opened only when it is necessary to deliver food, clothing and daily necessities.

This evening, it's just time for the outside world to send things to the Youdian again. This is also a great opportunity for Fengxi to get into the Youdian.

He ambushed early on the only way to the temple. When it was getting dark, a convoy came. There were three carriages in the convoy. They were full of boxes and bags, and there was nothing in them.

There are less than ten people walking beside the carriage. These people are Guanghan's disciples and can be regarded as his closest confidants. Feng Xi, who was hiding in the dark, saw it clearly. When the carriage was about to reach his hiding place, he stepped out quickly.

Several people next to the motorcade were startled by the sudden appearance of Fengxi and stopped at the same time. At the same time, a middle-aged man headed by him drank in a deep voice and asked, "who is it?"

"It's me!" Feng Xi walked forward without changing her face. The middle-aged man took a torch and took a picture in front of him. After he saw clearly that the visitor was Feng Xi, he looked surprised and couldn't help asking, "elder Feng? Why is elder Feng here?"

You should know that outsiders are not allowed to enter the forbidden area. They are not even allowed to get close to the forbidden area. Feng Xi said expressionless, "of course, this seat is ordered by the holy king."

"Oh?" The middle-aged man frowned secretly. He didn't receive the king's notice! He was surprised, but he didn't dare to show it on his face. He asked carefully, "why did the holy King ask elder Feng to come here?"

"Now is the time when our sacred pool is in turmoil. The holy king is worried that some people think of it and secretly communicate with the enemy country." Feng Xi's personality is cold. If you use a gloomy tone when talking, it makes people feel chilly.

The middle-aged people and others were inspired to fight a cold war and mistakenly thought that the holy king sent Fengxi to investigate them. The middle-aged man quickly arched his hands and said, "elder Feng, I have no second thoughts about the holy king and the holy pool. The holy King... Did the holy King misunderstand something..." when he spoke, his voice was trembling slightly, which showed the deep fear of Guanghan's listening.

"It was not you that the holy king asked me to check, but those in the temple."

It's very risky for Feng Xi to say so. He is not sure whether the secluded hall is the place where the materials of the divine pool are stored or whether there are spiritual practitioners secretly trained by the holy king. He is not sure. He is not only testing, but also taking a chance.

Originally, the middle-aged man had doubts about Fengxi, but when he heard this, his doubts were immediately dispelled. It is a top secret that there are spiritual practitioners hidden in the temple. Outsiders can't know it at all. If it weren't for Fengxi told by the holy king, he shouldn't know it.

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned and murmured, "Youming and Youyin are loyal people selected and trained by the holy king. They... Shouldn't have two hearts for the holy king?"

Feng Xi's face was silent, but she took a breath in the dark.

It turns out that what Tang Yin said is true. There are really two organizations, Youming and Youyin, in the Youdian hall. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "the holy king told me that the spiritual practitioners of the dark system are not credible and can't be prevented."

Hearing what he said, the middle-aged people believed his words. Few people know that there are spiritual practitioners in the temple, and even fewer know that there are dark spiritual practitioners. Only the most intimate confidants of the holy king can understand these top secrets.

In addition, the holy king did mention in front of him not only once that dark spiritual practitioners are reusable and easy to use, but they can't help but be careful. Those middle-aged people still don't trust the dark king!

He didn't say much. He nodded his head gently and said, "since it's the intention of the holy king, elder Feng will check it!"

Seeing that he said the dark spiritual cultivator, the other party's face didn't even have a little surprised expression. Based on this alone, Fengxi could judge that he was really unlucky to be told by the king of wind. There were really dark spiritual cultivators in the sacred pool and hid in the secluded hall.

His reason has told him that nine times out of ten this matter is true, but emotionally, Feng Xi still doesn't want to believe that there are dark spiritual practitioners in the holy pool, let alone that the holy king is the kind of despicable villain mentioned in the imperial edict of the son of heaven.

At this time, he could have chosen to retreat, but he did not do so. Instead, he planned to enter the secluded hall in person to see the dark spiritual practitioners with his own eyes.

He took a deep breath and said to the middle-aged man, "such things can't be observed clearly, but can only be visited secretly. That's why I'm waiting for you here."

"Elder Feng means..."

"I will enter the temple with you." Feng Xi said deadly.

Hearing what he said, the middle-aged man suddenly noticed that Feng Xi was wearing ordinary cloth clothes and trousers, which was similar to their dress. He said with a wry smile: "it turns out that Feng Chang always wants to disguise and sneak into the secluded Hall..."

"What? Do you have any objection?" Feng Xi asked with a smile.

I don't know whether his smile is too gloomy or the surrounding temperature suddenly drops. The middle-aged man involuntarily fought a cold war and said, "I dare not, elder Feng, please!"

Feng Xi joined the motorcade and followed them to the main gate of the Youdian hall. Fengxi didn't have a written instruction from Guanghan, but the middle-aged man had a token that could enter the Youdian. In addition, he was familiar with the guards of the Youdian. Without careful investigation, the guards opened the door and let them enter.

Having been a great elder in Shenchi for more than ten years, Fengxi entered the mysterious temple for the first time. He did not expect that there was such a unique cave in the secluded hall. When it was built, the engineering was huge and amazing.

It's shocking to see the huge cave where Youming is located, but it's incredible that there's more than one floor inside the Youming hall. There's another floor under Youming, which is where Youming is located.

The dark cave is deep into the mountain. It is cold, wet and dark. The cold air * people. Torches can be seen on the wall every good distance. Under the shadow of the weak fire, the shadow shakes, looms and appears from time to time, just like the hell.

Seeing that Feng Xi kept looking around, the middle-aged man whispered with a smile and asked, "elder Feng, is this the first time to come in!"

Feng Xi came back to himself. He said quietly, "although the holy King often mentioned it before, it's really the first time to be on the scene. Here... It's much bigger than I imagined."

The middle-aged man and others walked to the dark warehouse against the sundries and whispered, "where is this? There is a cave under the darkness!"

Feng Xi looked at him in disbelief. Is there a cave below? Where is it? It won't really lead to hell, will it? He asked casually, "where is it? The holy king has not mentioned it to this seat."

"Oh!" The middle-aged man answered, waved his hand again and again, and said with a smile: "I've made a mistake. Let's not say it. Elder Feng wants to stay in the temple for a while? I have to remind elder Feng not to go below the dark, or let the holy King know, but..." when he said this, he suddenly paused, as if he remembered something in the past and involuntarily fought a cold war, Dare not say more.

Feng Xi was curious. What place would scare them into this shape under the darkness? I have to find out later.

Thinking so, of course, he wouldn't show it on his face. He said coldly, "where can I go and where can't I go? The holy king has already explained."

"Yes, yes, yes! I'm talkative!" The middle-aged man and his companions came to a cave and stopped. They had just stood up and walked out of the cave. They were all dressed in black clothes and trousers. Each one was pale and expressionless. They looked up at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man put away his humble posture in front of Feng Xi, raised his head and said proudly: "this is the rice noodles, clothes and trousers sent by the holy king. Do you need to check it again?"

"No need." The man in black, who was the first, said blandly.

"Then sign for it!" The middle-aged man took out the bill from his arms and handed it to the man in black.

The latter took it, just looked at it roughly, and then nodded to his companions. A man in black quickly returned to the cave. After a short time, he returned from the cave and took out a pen dipped in ink.

The man in black grabbed the pen, drew a circle on the document, signed it, and then handed it back to the middle-aged man. When the middle-aged man took it, he snorted and smiled. Without saying anything more, he waved and said, "let's go!"

When they handed over the goods, Feng Xi had been watching carefully and used the art of insight secretly. Now he can conclude that these people in black are indeed spiritual practitioners of the dark Department.

Moreover, through their handover with the disciples of the holy king, it is obvious that both sides are very familiar with each other. From this, it can be judged that these dark spiritual practitioners must have lived in the secluded temple for a long time.

Feng Xi's mood at this time can be described as falling to the bottom of the valley. He never dreamed that the holy King actually secretly trained the spiritual practitioners of the dark system, abandoned the ancestral training of the sacred pool, and pushed the sacred pool to the edge of the abyss step by step.

The people in black present were all dark Lingwu experts. The smell of Fengxi was just a little chaotic, and they immediately noticed it.

Several people's eyes cast at Fengxi together, and then frowned at the same. They asked the middle-aged man who was about to turn around and leave: "who is he? Why haven't you seen him before..."

These dark spiritual practitioners are the most invisible people in the holy pool. On weekdays, their activities are limited to the huge cave of darkness. Naturally, they don't know Fengxi.

The middle-aged man stopped and looked back at the man in black. He smiled and said, "you shouldn't know, so don't ask."

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