Fengxi mysteriously disappeared, no one alive, no body dead, which cast a shadow over Gaoge's heart. Gao Ge understands that the rumor can't be true. Feng Xi will never defecte to FengChuan. If so, he won't be so persistent in the wind camp to kill the wind king. There is only one explanation for Fengxi's disappearance. He had an accident, and I'm afraid only one person in the world can do it. Shengwang Guanghan listens.

Gao Ge also made a special trip to find Guanghan to listen to this and asked him if he knew the whereabouts of Fengxi. Guanghan listened with a blank face, saying that he didn't know, and had sent people to find out the whereabouts of Fengxi.

Guanghan heard that, there was no way to sing, so he had to return in vain. Back at home, it's difficult to sit and stand with a high song. The more you think about it, the more you feel wrong. It's too strange for Fengxi to disappear at this moment.

Just as he was wandering back and forth in a confused mood in the room, a servant of Gaofu hurried in and said, "sir!"

"What's up?"

"Sir, someone put a letter outside the door." As the servant spoke, he took out an envelope and handed it to Gao Song respectfully.

Gao Ge frowned, took the envelope and looked down. There was only the words "elder Gao Kai" written on it, with no signature.

He asked suspiciously, "who sent it?"

"I don't know." The servant shook his head and said, "I heard someone knocking at the door, but when I went out, there was no one outside. I just put this letter in front of the house."

Nodded loudly, waved to the servant and said, "well, go back!"

"Yes! Sir, I'm leaving."

After the servant left, he opened the envelope with a high song, took out the letter paper from inside, and unfolded it. There were only five simple words on it: Fengxi had been killed.

After watching it, Gao Ge's face suddenly changed and Feng Xi was killed? When did Feng Xi die? How could the great elder be killed? Is this true or false?

Gao Ge stayed where he was for a long time and didn't return to his mind. However, after a long time, he quickly picked up the letter paper and looked at it carefully again. It's only five words. Of course, it's clear at a glance. He checked his handwriting this time.

As he grew as like as two peas, he thought of the handwriting. He suddenly remembered that Yu Zo had received the mysterious book, and the letter was identical to the letter.

The messenger should be the work of Feng Wang'an inserted in the sacred pool! Singing, my heart trembled and I couldn't help taking a breath. If so, the content of this letter is true.

The only one who can kill Fengxi is the holy king, but why should the holy King kill Fengxi?

There are too many questions that Gao Ge doesn't understand, but one thing he knows very well is that it's urgent to eradicate the cause of Guanghan listening. Otherwise, I don't know how many people will be killed by him, including myself.

Thinking of this, Gao Ge quickly took out the fire fold and burned the letter. Then he went to the table and quickly wrote a letter. After folding it, he called a confidant domestic servant to give the letter to him and ordered him to go to the wind camp immediately. In any case, he should hand over the letter to the king of the wind.

The domestic servant nodded repeatedly. When the singing was over, he bowed his hand, took the letter, turned and left quickly.

According to the meaning of singing, the servant rode out of Shenchi city on a fast horse and went straight to the wind camp. There was no accident on the way. To make a long story short, when it was late in the evening, he came to the gate of the wind camp and explained to the wind army guarding the gate in the future.

The Fengjun guard didn't dare to delay and immediately reported the news to Tang Yin. At this time, Tang Yin is in the account of the Chinese army. He has just received a message from the flying pigeon and knows that Feng Xi was killed by Guanghan.

The killing of Feng Xi is also bad news for Tang Yin. You know, Gao Ge and Feng Xi are all potential helpers in the holy pool. They may help him eradicate Guangxuan spirit in the future. Now that Feng Xi is dead, it is estimated that Gao Ge will also be very dangerous and may become the next target of Guangxuan spirit. If Gao Ge is killed again, Then there are few people who have the strength to compete with Guangxuan spirit.

When Tang Yin was discussing with the crowd whether to send someone to sneak into the Shenchi to rescue Gao Ge, the guard of Fengjun came in and reported that a man claiming to be Gao Ge's servant came to send a letter to the king.

Hearing this, Tang Yin was refreshed and hurriedly said, "bring him in!"

"Yes!" The bodyguard turned and ran out. After a short time, the servants of Gaofu were led in by the bodyguard. The servant took a look at Tang Yin, who was sitting in the middle of the room. Then he stepped forward quickly, knelt down and said, "little man, see your Highness the king of the wind."

Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "get up!" When the servant got up, he asked, "where is your master's letter?"

"Here!" The servant hurriedly took the letter out of his arms. A San came over and took the letter. He first pinched it, then looked at it again and again, and confirmed that it was OK. Then he handed it to Tang Yin. The latter opened the letter and looked closely.

The content of the letter is not much, but Tang Yin invites Guanghan to listen to the city negotiation. Gao Ge and the other elders can take this opportunity to enter the Youdian hall to find out. If there are hidden spiritual practitioners, they can impeach Guanghan hearing and expel him from Shenchi on this ground. Later, Guanghan hearing that death or life has nothing to do with Shenchi. Shenchi will not intervene no matter what FengChuan and Sichuan want to do with him.

After reading it, Tang Yin narrowed her eyes and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he spit out the turbid air and said softly to the famous servant, "I know what your master means. You stay in my camp first. When I think about it, you can send back your reply to your master."

"Yes! Your Highness the wind king!" The servant answered respectfully, and then was taken out by the bodyguard and settled in the wind camp to rest.

After he left, Tang Yin handed the singing letter to everyone for circulation. After all the people present had seen it, Tang Yin casually sat on the collapse and asked slowly, "what do you think?"

Liang Qi was the first to stand up and express his opposition. He arched his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I think it's wrong. Guangxuanling's spirit is unpredictable. If you negotiate with him face to face, you will undoubtedly hand over your life to guangxuanling. This... Is too risky."

His words were unanimously agreed by everyone present. Even Huangfu xiutai and Jin Xuan nodded silently, believing that it was too dangerous to let Tang Yin and Guang Xuanling negotiate face-to-face.

Hearing Liang Qi's words and seeing the attitude of the people, Tang Yin puffed and laughed, He said: "I think elder Gao's attention is good! Danger is a little dangerous, but the profit is also huge. Let the people of Shenchi know that the activities of Guangxuan spirit secretly will ruin his reputation in an instant. As long as Guangxuan spirit is expelled by Shenchi, he will be left alone. Moreover, I also want to meet Guangxuan spirit..."

After five hundred years, Tang Yin wanted to see what guangxuanling had become.

"However, if guangxuanling wants to fight the king..."

"Liang Qi, don't forget that I'm not a fish to be slaughtered, let alone," said Tang Yin, smiling at Huangfu xiutai and Jin Xuan. "And elder Huangfu and elder Jin will help me. Why should I be afraid?"

Hearing his words, Huangfu xiutai and Jin Xuan could only smile bitterly. If they really start, even if they add together, they may not even have the ability to protect themselves in front of guangxuanling, let alone Help Tang Yin.

At this time, Qingyu stood up and said, "if the king insists on judging with guangxuanling, then you have to take the king of Sichuan, so that the king's safety will be more guaranteed."

There is no top-level spiritual cultivator in the state of Sichuan, but fortunately there are enough people. Spiritual cultivators in the state of Sichuan can only be described in terms of a large number. Especially the spiritual archers in the palace guards of the state of Sichuan have exquisite arrow skills and are beyond defense. With the king of Sichuan, they don't want to scare Guangxuan spirit, but at least they can ensure the safety of Tang Yin.

"Yes!" Everyone nodded with king Xuanyu, but if King Xuanyu had no reason to negotiate with him, he would lose everything.

Tang Yin turned her eyes, then smiled up and said, "it seems that I have to go to Chuanying." As he spoke, he stood up and looked outside the camp. He felt it was too late to get to Chuanying, and then walked out.

Liang Qi hurried to catch up with Tang Yin and whispered around him, "Your Majesty, the last general still feels inappropriate. Now we don't know what the elder Gao's idea is. Does he really want to help us eradicate Guangxuan spirit or has another purpose..."

Tang Yin said with a smile as he walked, "what else can he do?"

"Lead out the king for Guangxuan spirit!" Liang Qi said word by word.

Tang Yin shook his body and turned to look at Liang Qi. After a while, he shook his head with a smile and said, "he won't."

"People are separated from each other. How does the king know he won't?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Tang Yin said: "intuition."

Liang Qimei's head is twisted into a pimple. How can intuition be used as a basis to judge a person's good or bad? This is too childish.

Xiao muliangqi and Xiao MuQing can be regarded as Tang Yin's old subordinates. There is no doubt about their loyalty to him. Tang Yin also knows that they care about their own safety from the bottom of their hearts.

He came to the outside of the tent, stopped, youyou said, "sometimes if you want to achieve great things, you can only take a risk. We have always come like this!"

"But this time is different from the past..."

"It's the same! You don't have to think Guangxuan spirit so terrible. If he is so powerful, why don't you directly enter the camps of the two armies in FengChuan and kill Xiao Xuan and me? No matter how high the Lingwu of Guangxuan spirit is, he is still a person and can't beat thousands of troops."

Xiao MuQing and Liang Qi looked at each other and finally stopped talking. It can be seen that the king has made up his mind to act according to the plan of singing. I'm afraid it's in vain to persuade him again.

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