"Night, what do you mean by telling us now?"

"Do you know who captured me?"


"Your Highness the wind king!"

"Ah?" It was the first time for everyone to hear Ling Ye talk about it. They all showed a surprised light in their eyes and looked at him without blinking.

"Your Highness the king of wind not only didn't kill me, but also begged the king of Sichuan to let me go. Do you know why? Very simply, the king of wind is a spiritual cultivator of the dark system, and I am also a spiritual cultivator of the dark system. The king of wind said to me that there are few spiritual cultivators of the dark system in the world. Everyone should be close as one family and support each other. At that time, the king of wind invited me to join the kingdom of wind, but I thought of the holy king Kindness and cultivation, also reluctant to abandon your brothers, so we didn't answer the king of the wind. Now, I think it's time for us to take refuge in the country of the wind and his highness. Just because we, like his Highness the wind king, are also spiritual practitioners of the dark system, the wind king will try his best to protect us and help us. With the wind Kingdom and the wind king as backers, even if there are many enemies, even if they are enemies all over the world, who dares to move us? Who can move us? At that time, we can live the life we want, marry a wife and have children, and be carefree! "

Ling Ye's words are half true and half false, but people are deeply moved after listening to them.

He is very smart and can find a starting point. Instead of talking about great benevolence and righteousness, he takes the point that everyone is a spiritual practitioner of the dark system as the starting point, which is easy to resonate with the dark people. You should know that what they lack most is their sense of identity and belonging. Now the king of the wind regards them as a family. How can they not be moved and excited?

As soon as Lingye's voice fell, someone immediately stood up and said, "YeYe is right. I'm afraid the only one who can sincerely accept us is the wind king who is the same dark spiritual cultivator as us. Now we have no choice but to take refuge in the wind king!"

"But how can we be worthy of the holy king by doing so?"

"The holy king is planning to murder us now. Why should we be loyal to him?"

"If the holy king gave me an aboveboard order to wait for death, we would be willing to die. We have no complaints. Now we are poisoning in the name of banquet. What's this? It can be seen that the holy king has never trusted us!"

Ling Ye waved his hand and interrupted the people's next indignation. He said with a straight face: "I have decided to take refuge in the king of the wind. If there are brothers who are willing to go with me, I will welcome them with both hands. If there are brothers who are unwilling to go and want to stay in the sacred pool, I won't force them. Between our brothers, we should cut off righteousness with robes, and there will be no brotherhood in the future!"

His words made the faces of all the people present change at the same time. Those dark people who were still hesitant beat their hearts one after another, stamped their feet and said, "night, you are the leader, just speak, and our brothers will listen to you!"

"Yes! We all listen to you!"

Ling Ye looked around the crowd with tears in his eyes and bowed his head heavily. In fact, he was also very afraid that someone would not go with him. He really regarded these dark people as his brothers and was unwilling to abandon any of them.

He choked and said, "you... Deserve to be my brother Lingye. You are blessed to share..."

"Share difficulties!" The crowd answered with one voice.

Ling Ye didn't hesitate any more. She tore off a piece of her skirt, then picked up a firewood and quickly drew a pear on the cloth strip with the end burnt black. Then, he folded the cloth strip, tied it to Huoer, stroked the fuzz of Huoer, and said softly, "go back and find the moon!"

As Huoer was going to return to the palace, he could be caught by others at any time. He didn't dare to write too much in his biography to ziyue, but drew a pear, indicating that he had received ziyue's warning and decided to escape from Shenchi.

After letting the fire go, Ling Ye gasped. His eyes turned and said coldly, "we can't just leave the sacred pool with empty hands. At least, we have to bring a meeting gift to his Highness the wind king!"

As soon as people's eyes lit up, they asked one after another, "night, what gift should we bring?"

"Who wants us?"

"Yes... It's the holy king!" You can't kill the king yourself?! People stared at Ling ye and grinned secretly.

Ling ye asked again, "then who is doing it for the holy king?"

"The letter from Miss Yue said it was... Lingyan and Longqiu!"

"En! Lingyan is haunted. We are not familiar with him, and we can't find him. However, we can find Longqiu. This time, we will take the head of Longqiu as a gift to meet King Feng. What do you think?"

"Good! That's good. That's what we should do!" Everyone responded in unison. If others want to harm them, they have nothing to say, but the person who will harm them this time is Longqiu, which is too unreasonable. Everyone lives in the secluded hall and belongs to a close neighbor. On weekdays, even if they don't have much contact, they bow their heads and don't look up. In the eyes of everyone, Longqiu is more hateful and hateful than the holy king.

When they were discussing how to kill Longqiu quickly and escape from the sacred pool, there was a sudden rustling sound of footsteps outside.

People stopped talking together, Ling Ye frowned slightly and made a look at the people. They understood it and dispersed. They sat down respectively, some pretending to meditate and some pretending to sleep.

The rattan grass swayed outside the cave for a long time.

On the surface, there was no response. No one even looked at Longqiu more, but they felt helpless. They were discussing how to kill Longqiu without being aware of it. It was good that he took the initiative to come to the door.

Long Qiu has long been used to the cold attitude of the dark people. He didn't find anyone else. He came to Lingye, who sat close to the cave wall, arched his hands with a smile and said, "brothers are here!"

"Yes!" Ling Ye didn't open his eyes and answered indifferently.

"Ling ye, I'm here to tell you good news." Longqiu said with a smile.

"Oh?" Ling Ye finally opened his eyes, looked at Longqiu and asked, "what's the good news?"

"The holy King specially hosted a banquet in the library tonight for you, and only for you."

As he spoke, Longqiu pretended to sigh helplessly, shook his head and said, "it's really disagreeable to say that. At ordinary times, we Youming do a lot for the holy king, but in the heart of the holy king, only you Youming, not us Youming!"

If you don't receive the letter from ziyue, the dark people will be moved to cry and swear to be loyal to Guanghan. But now, there is only one feeling in people's heart, anger!

Now, it can be completely determined that the content in the purple moon's letter is true. If the holy king really wants to give a banquet to get rid of them, and the location is in the library.

Although people closed their eyes, they clenched their teeth and clenched their fists. If it wasn't for the strong pull of the left and right people, several impulsive dark people would have to stand up and fight with Longqiu.

Ling Ye remained calm. His eyes fell on Longqiu's face and asked softly with a smile: "brother long is complaining about the unfairness of the holy king. Isn't there a bowl of water?"

With his voice, the dark people around stood up and took shape. For a time, the cave was covered with spirits and the opportunity to kill appeared.

Seeing this, Longqiu excites Lingling to fight a cold war. He waved his hand and said with a smile: "no, no, no! Of course I don't mean to be dissatisfied with the holy king. Please don't get me wrong, dark brothers."

"Just by what you said just now, I can cut first and then play!"

Ling ye also slowly stood up and stood face to face with Longqiu. Then the corners of his mouth provoked him, smiled and said, "however, I still know the man of brother long and his loyalty to the holy king after we have worked together for many years."

"Yes, yes! Oh, brother Lingye really scared me just now." Longqiu said with a smile.

"By the way, brother long, why does the holy King invite me to the dark banquet this time?" As he spoke, he walked casually to the mouth of the cave, pulled aside the grass and vines, looked out and looked carefully to see if there were any Youming people outside.

"Ah, the holy king has said that the dark brothers do the most difficult things for the holy king, take the greatest credit, but suffer the most. The holy king is very sorry. This time, taking advantage of the dark brothers are in Zhuyu mountain, he can just give a banquet and get drunk with the dark brothers!"

"The holy king is so 'kind' to us. I really appreciate it!" Confirm that there are no other people outside the cave. Longqiu came alone. Ling ye came back from the cave, looked at Longqiu with a smile and said, "no wonder brother long will be unhappy!"

"In front of the holy king, our Youming has always been less popular than your Youyin!"

"I don't know what kind of food and wine the holy king invited us to eat this time?"

"The holy King specially told me to prepare delicacies of mountains and seas, as well as the fine wine that the holy king has treasured for many years..."

"Is there anything else added?" Ling Ye smiled more and asked happily.

He asked casually, but Longqiu's whole heart was raised. Should Lingye know anything? It's impossible. The holy king just gave himself the order. No matter how well informed the news of Lingye is, it's impossible to know it so soon.

He said with a strong smile: "brother Lingye, don't laugh with me. What else can be added to the good wine and delicacies prepared by the holy king himself?"

"For example, poison..."

This sentence almost scared the souls of Longqiu out. He stared at Ling ye in a daze and couldn't come for a long time.

Just as he looked at Ling ye in a daze, he suddenly stabbed a sharp sword from behind him. Unprepared, Longqiu, who was in shock, was stabbed by this sword.

When he heard the snort, the steel sword entered from his back waist, and the blade protruded in front of his lower abdomen. A dark man pasted on his back and said in a cruel voice with gnashing teeth: "this sword is a gift from Lao Tze!"

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