Tang Yin himself is a spiritual cultivator in the dark system. Naturally, it is clear how destructive the spiritual cultivators in the dark system are. For Ling ye, he has only two means available, either take it for his own use, let him work for himself, or kill him.

The three of them left the wind camp and secretly sneaked into the Shenchi to rescue the darkness. Cheng Jin and Lotte did not dare to hide, so they immediately sent separate people to inform the heads of the armies.

Before long, Xiao MuQing, commander in chief of the plain army, Liang Qi, commander in chief of the Sanshui army, Wu Ying, commander in chief of the directly subordinate army, and Qingyu, commander in chief of the Feiyu army, rushed to the Chinese Army account one after another.

After Xiao MuQing arrived, seeing Cheng Jin and others, he immediately asked, "how can you let the king sneak into the divine pool alone, why don't you stop the king? Besides, what is the dark and who is Lingye?"

Cheng Jin, Lotte and others bowed their heads and did not speak, Finally, Yin LAN whispered: "tell General Xiao back that you and Ling ye can't explain clearly for a while. In short, it's a very important person to deal with guangxuanling. The king is determined to go, and we can't stop it. General Xiao should also know the king's temper. Moreover, the king didn't go alone, and he took elder Huangfu and elder Jin..."

"How long has the king gone?" Seeing Xiao MuQing blushing and his neck thick, Liang Qi patted his arm and signaled him not to panic first.

"For... An hour or so."

"Where is Zhuyu mountain located in Shenchi?" Qingyu then asked.

"Here!" Yin LAN went to the map and pointed to the location of Zhuyu mountain.

Xiao MuQing looked at it, his anger came up again, and said sternly, "it's in the hinterland of the divine pool. Even if there are two elders of the divine pool around the king, do you dare to guarantee that you two will protect the king well? Do you dare to guarantee that they won't suddenly change and capture the king to take credit to Guangxuan spirit?"

Under his repeated questioning, the faces of Cheng Jin, Lotte, Yin LAN and others were even more ugly. They were already worried enough. When Xiao MuQing said this again, everyone's heart jumped out of their throat.

Cheng Jin took two steps forward and asked, "General Xiao, what do you think now? Send someone to recover the king?"

"It's late! The king has been out for more than an hour. If you want to change, is it still time to stop it now?" Xiao MuQing glared at Cheng Jin and shouted, "come!"

With his voice, a plain army guard came in from the outside, stepped in to salute and said, "what can I do for you, general?"

"I will order the army to set off and advance into the holy pool immediately!" Xiao MuQing said in a deep voice.

The faces of all the people present changed at the same time. Cheng Jin hurriedly stopped and said, "wait a minute!" Stop the plain army guard. He said to Xiao MuQing in a hurry, "the king didn't order to march into the divine pool. General Xiao, do you want to make a good opinion?"

Liang Qi and Qingyu on one side have the same bright eyes and say in the same voice: "General Xiao's decision is right. Now our army should go into the holy pool!"

Cheng Jin looks at Xiao MuQing and Liang Qi and Qingyu. He is confused. If Xiao MuQing lost his head in a hurry, that's all. How can Liang Qi and Qingyu lose their head with him!

Qingyu smiled, looked at Xiao MuQing with bright eyes and said, "now we need to help the king. The best way is for the army to enter the Shenchi. In this way, we can attract the attention of Shenchi to our army and create a lot of convenience for the king."

"Yes, there are so many people in Shenchi, but if we can attract more people from Shenchi, there will be less pressure on the king!" Liang Qida nodded his head.

Liang Qi and Qingyu also admire Xiao MuQing's resourcefulness and adaptability. Can the plain army become the number one legion of the wind country by simple bravery?

After hearing their explanation, Cheng Jin understood Xiao MuQing's meaning. He suddenly realized it, and then arched his hand to Xiao MuQing: "General Xiao is mistaken. It's the end of the misunderstanding!"

"Stop talking nonsense and march into the holy pool immediately!" Xiao MuQing shook his head to his guard and asked him to pass on his general order as soon as possible. At the same time, Liang Qi, Qing Yu and Wu Ying also called their own personal and Deputy generals to send orders to their subordinates to enter the Shenchi lake.

After the general order was passed on, the wind camp was like a frying pan for a time. People shouted and horses hissed. With the camp doors opened everywhere, the soldiers of the plain army, the Sanshui army, the Feiyu army and the directly subordinate army began to pour into the camp and move towards Shenchi.

There was a change in Fengying, and Chuanying got the news. Xiao Xuan, who had just had dinner, was walking back and forth in his dormitory. Suddenly, he heard that his soldiers came to report that the four legions of the wind country were deploying their troops together and stood in Shenchi.

Xiao Xuan heard that his back body was shocked. Did the wind country send troops? Why didn't you say hello to yourself? What exactly does Feng Jun want? He hurriedly sent someone to the Fengying camp to ask what the situation was. In addition, he asked people to summon all the generals of the army to discuss the matter at the account of the middle army.

The heralds of the state of Sichuan rode fast horses and kept entering the wind camp like walking lanterns, and then kept returning from the wind camp. They all brought similar news. They didn't see King Feng. Now the commander of the Feng army is Xiao MuQing, commander of the plain army.

"Why on earth did Xiao Feng frown at the bottom of the pool?" he asked

"According to the last general, nine times out of ten, the holy King provoked the wind man when he used a double to attend the appointment today. The wind man is just bluff. If he really wants to fight to the death with Shenchi, he will inform our army and send troops together..."

A Sichuan general analyzed it with certainty. Before he finished his words, he heard someone outside shouting, "report --"

With the words, a Sichuan soldier ran in and said breathlessly, "report to the king, the first, second and third corps of Fengguo plain army have entered Shenchi, and the remaining seven corps are ready to go!"

"Report -" another messenger ran in and said in a hurry: "report to the king, the first corps of the three water armies of the wind country has invaded the boundary of Shenchi in the area of Gusong ridge!"

"Report -"

The heralds sent earlier returned one by one and brought back the same news. It was all the news that all the armies and regiments of the wind country had entered Shenchi.

Xiao Xuan listened to the mouth and eyes and tongue tied. For a long time, he returned to his mind, looked around the generals below and asked suspiciously, "now, do you still think the wind man is bluffing?"

"This..." Chuan generals looked at each other and frowned.

If the wind army only sent out one or two regiments, it may be to scare the Shenchi. But now, the four regiments of the wind army move together and attack the Shenchi from different points. This is still a bluff. This is a real attack on the Shenchi.

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense..." the Sichuan general who spoke just now shook his head inexplicably and murmured, "if the wind man wants to attack Shenchi, how can he not inform us? Does the wind man want to work alone? It doesn't make sense!"

Xiao Xuan glared at him, then stood up and said, "since the wind country has sent troops to Shenchi, our army can't fall behind others. Pass the solitary order, our army also cooperates with the wind army to attack Shenchi!"

"I will obey!" Xiao Xuan said that all the generals below stepped in to salute and took orders.

Feng Jun sent troops only to contain Shenchi and attract the people of Shenchi to the border as much as possible, so as to create convenience for Tang Yin's rescue of the dark. However, the most direct chain effect caused by the change of Feng Jun is to attract the Sichuan army to send troops together, and the Sichuan army's sending troops is not to contain anyone, but a real attack.

The two armies of FengChuan jointly launched troops from the north and South and both invaded Shenchi. The news soon spread to the palace of Shenchi city.

Now, Guanghan is still waiting for the news of eliminating the darkness, but he didn't expect that at this critical moment, the FengChuan coalition army will suddenly attack on a large scale.

Hearing the news from the front, the two armies sent out most of their troops in a fierce manner, which seemed to be trying to win the Shenchi. Guang Han's heart suddenly mentioned his voice, and he couldn't sit still in the palace. He immediately asked the elders of Shenchi to come to the palace for urgent discussion.

Let Guanghan listen to a single duel with people, and let him make a conspiracy. But now he is in a panic when facing tens of thousands of regular army legions, and he doesn't know how to deal with it.

After all the elders arrived, Guanghan listened to take out the emergency military information sent back from the front and handed it to the elders for circulation. At the same time, he asked, "elders, now the FengChuan coalition army has invaded our Shenchi on a large scale. I don't know what good strategies you have to break the enemy?"

Elder Yigan, look at me, I look at you, and I don't speak. When the sacred pool was in its heyday, if you want to break the FengChuan alliance, why do you need someone else's hand? Only five elders and their disciples were enough. But now, there are only two of the five elders left, Nie Zhen and Dongfang yehuai. And Nie Zhen was sent by the holy King to kill some dark spiritual practitioners who sneaked into the sacred pool. Dongfang yehuai told the future that he was ill. That's good. None of the five elders came.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Guanghan listened to a fierce slap on the table and asked, "on weekdays, you can all speak well. Why don't you speak now? When Shenchi is in danger, you have become mute?"

The people were reprimanded by Guanghan, and their faces turned red and white, so they were not embarrassed. At this time, Dai Xing stood up and bowed his hands and said, "holy king, in the current situation, if you want to break the FengChuan coalition army, you can only go by holy king himself."

"Oh?" Guanghan listens and squints at Dai Xing.

Dai Xing said positively: "It takes only a short time for the sect's disciples to fight in the mountains, but it's difficult for the sect's elders to concentrate on the large-scale battle. In fact, it takes only a short time to deal with the valley. It's difficult for the sect's disciples to carry their luggage."

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