Listening to Xiao MuQing's analysis, Tang Yin became interested and asked, "this is how you judge that barbarians are going to attack Yuanwang town?"

"Yes, my Lord!" Xiao MuQing nodded.

"You know a lot about barbarians?" Tang Yin raised her eyebrows.

Xiao MuQing did not answer positively, but said, "my subordinates joined the army at the age of 16 and have been in the army for nearly ten years."

Tang Yin really didn't see this. Unexpectedly, the young captain has been in the army for nearly ten years. On the contrary, nearly ten years of military service is just a captain, which makes people feel unimaginable. Without further questioning, he changed the subject and asked, "do you think this barbarian attack on Yuanwang town is also a test for attacking the border city?"

Xiao MuQing was very surprised at Tang Yin's quick response. He was stunned for a moment and said positively, "it was possible! But now, barbarians will attack on a large scale, but it's not sure whether the target is a border city or not."


"Barbarians have always had a strong sense of revenge, and they have always looked down on our wind army. If they suffered a great loss in Yuanwang town this time, they will certainly attract more troops to retaliate. I'm afraid attacking Yuanwang town alone is not enough to eliminate their anger. The * * of ten border cities will become their first choice!"

Tang Yin was secretly surprised. First, he was surprised at Xiao MuQing's analysis of barbarians, and second, he was surprised at his mind. If it is true as he said, the city over there will be in danger. He asked, "in your opinion, how many troops will the barbarians retaliate?"

"Oh..." Xiao MuQing thought and said, "it's estimated to be between 50000 and 100000!"

So many people! Tang Yin frowned and mused.

At this time, a commander who came to reinforce came over, approached Tang Yin, gave a deep salute, and then said, "Sir, the battlefield has been cleaned, more than 200 barbarian bodies have been found, and more than 100 people have been killed in our army."

Tang Yin recovered and replied, "OK, I see."

In fact, more than 200 barbarians died in the war, and many others died in Tang Yin's dark fire. As for the casualties of the Fengjun side, most of them were the defenders in Yuanwang town. The more than 100 cavalry brought by Tang Yin did not lose a few people, and the infantry reinforced behind were undamaged.

He looked at Xiao MuQing and Jin Xin, waved his hand and said, "you two go and be busy. I'll find you again if you have something to do."

"Yes, my Lord, my subordinates leave!" Xiao and Jin bowed their hands and retreated.

After they left, Tang Yin asked the commander and said, "do you know them?"

The commander looked at the two men's back and nodded: "yes, they are the captain of Yuanwang town. One is Xiao MuQing and the other is Jin Xin. Sir, is there a problem with them?"

Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "I heard that the captain named Xiao MuQing has been in the army for ten years?"

"Yes!" The commander shook his head and said with a wry smile, "his military age is much longer than me!"

"Then why is he just a captain?"

"This... Has many reasons." The commander scratched his forehead and said, "he's not strong in spirit and martial arts. It's nothing. In fact, he should have been promoted according to his military age, but he... Is too timid and has committed several felonies of escaping from battle. If his military age is not long enough, considering that he has no credit and hard work in the army, he should have been punished by the military law!"

i see! Tang Yin was disappointed by the commander's explanation, but he suddenly remembered Qiu Zhen. Isn't Qiu Zhen such a person?! It seems that he is greedy for life and afraid of death. In fact, he is extremely smart and knows the way to protect himself. In Qiu Zhen's words, it is the stupidest behavior to make meaningless sacrifices knowing that he is defeated by the enemy. Is Xiao MuQing the same kind of person as Qiu Zhen?

Tang Yin grinned and no longer thought about it. The top priority now is to strengthen the defense of the border city immediately. If the barbarians really kill, his side will not be caught off guard.

At this time, the town began to come alive.

When the barbarians attacked just now, the people in the town seemed to disappear out of thin air. Except the barbarians and the garrison, no civilians could see. Now the barbarians were killed and retreated. People came out of the hiding place and stopped in the distance to watch the bodies left by the barbarians. Their faces were full of fear and hate.

Seeing this, Tang Yin walked towards the crowd of the people.

The people of Yuanwang town didn't know Tang Yin, but they saw that although he was young, he was well-dressed, and there were bodyguards around him. They didn't need to ask, but they also knew that his identity was not simple. People threw curious and awed eyes at him.

As he approached the crowd, Tang Yin smiled and said, "you're surprised! I'm Tang Yin."

Ah? The people were surprised when they heard the speech. It turned out that the handsome young man was Tang Yin, the new governor of Pingyuan County!

In the land of a county, the county guard is the highest official of administration and military, and is also a real local emperor. In the hearts of ordinary people, the county guard is high above all, which is not visible to ordinary people. Unexpectedly, the county guard can visit Yuanwang town in person to resist Barbarians this time.

As soon as his voice fell, there was a crash in front of him, and hundreds of people gathered here bent their knees and knelt down.

Tang Yin was startled. It can be said that he had never received such "treatment" since he served as Pingyuan County guard. He quickly stretched out his hand, picked up a middle-aged man nearest to him, then waved to others and said, "villagers don't need to be polite, let's get up!"

"Sir..." an old man in the crowd raised his head, looked at Tang Yin and said in a trembling voice: "Sir, you... You want to save the people of Yuanwang town!"

Tang Yin looked at the old man who was talking inexplicably. Didn't he come to the rescue? What else? He nodded and said, "please speak frankly, old man!"

The old man lamented: "it's a great pleasure for adults to come to Yuanwang town and defeat the barbarians in person. However, if the barbarians die here, they will retaliate in the future. Then... All the men, women, old and young in the town will be killed!"

"Yes, sir..."

After listening to the old man's words, other people also echoed one after another, each with an expression of imminent disaster.

That's a problem! Barbarians will come back for revenge. Xiao MuQing has just mentioned to himself that the current military strength of Pingyuan county is not enough to set up heavy defense in both places at the same time. Of course, the former is more important. The limited military strength of Pingyuan county should also be concentrated in the border city. As for Yuanwang Town, we can only give up.

After thinking about it, he looked around the crowd and asked, "where is the mayor?"

The old man who spoke just now stood up tremblingly, arched his hands and said, "Sir, I'm Zhong Wen, the mayor of Yuanwang town!"

"Oh, so you're the mayor!" Tang Yin nodded and said, "organize the people in the town, take everything you can and live in the border town temporarily!"

"Ah?" Hearing the speech, the mayor Zhong Wen was stunned, and the people in the town and the surrounding officers and soldiers were also stunned. The Feng state has issued a ban on relocation, especially at the border. The control on migration is particularly strict. Tang Yin asked the people of Yuanwang town to move to the border city. Although their surnames are only temporary, they are also against the law of the Feng state.

"Sir, this... This is not my law..."

Before he finished, Tang Yin interrupted, "life and death are at stake. At present, human life is of course the heaviest. As for laws and regulations, you can ignore it!"


"If there is a problem, I will naturally bear it. Is there any other way for the mayor?" Tang Yin glanced at Zhong Wen from the corner of his eye.

He had said so, and Zhong Wen had nothing to say. He knelt down again, bowed his head and said, "the villain represents the people of Yuanwang town. Thank you, sir!"

"Mayor, you're welcome!" Tang Yin smiled quietly. When her eyes turned, the people's expressions of gratitude and tears came into her eyes. She had a heavy heart and suddenly felt much lighter.

Just as the residents of Yuanwang town went home to pack up their things and prepare to move to the border city, they went out to pursue the Shangguan brothers who defeated the runaway barbarians and returned. At the same time, they also brought back more than 200 barbarian prisoners.

These captured barbarians are like defeated cocks. Many of them are stained with blood. Looking up, they are dejected, listless and lose their prestige.

Seeing the captives of barbarians, the people of Yuanwang town were afraid at first and didn't dare to move forward. They just watched from a distance, but it didn't take long. I didn't know who picked up the small stones first and threw them at the captives, which seemed to be a fuse. Then hundreds of residents rushed over one after another, picking up stones and earth blocks, and smashed them at the barbarians, Vent the depression and anger in your heart for a long time.

The surrounding wind troops did not stop the actions of the people. Their hatred for the barbarians was no weaker than that of the people of the wind country. After all, there were too many wind troops who died at the hands of the barbarians, including their brothers and comrades in arms who fought side by side with them.

Feng Jun knew that the fate of these prisoners must be a dead end. There was no difference between dying by the executioner's knife and dying in the hands of the people.

At this time, it was Tang Yin who stood up to stop the people of Yuanwang town. He didn't care about the life and death of the barbarian prisoners. However, if these prisoners were brought back to the border city or Hengcheng, it would undoubtedly be a great encouragement to the morale of the soldiers and people of Pingyuan county.

Worried that the people's emotions were out of control, Tang Yin didn't stay much in Yuanwang town. He took his Shangguan brothers, escorted the more than 200 barbarian prisoners, left Yuanwang town first and returned to the border city.

The news of their great victory over the barbarians in Yuanwang town has already spread back to the border city, which makes the wind troops in Bian Cheng happy. It can be said that since they joined the army, they have won only a few battles against the barbarians. Although this is only a small battle, it is not easy to exchange a small loss for a stubborn victory.

Of course, Tang Yin's position in Feng Jun's heart has been promoted by the chief mate.

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