Guanghan listened and looked at Fang Zheng, who volunteered, and didn't speak for a long time.

At this time, the elder Chai Wei leaned over and said, "holy king, I think elder Fang's opinion is very right. We should also adopt feint tactics on the front to attract the attention of the wind army. Elder Fang took the opportunity to break into the wind army camp from the side and kill the enemy commander by surprise!"

Guanghan listened and thought for a moment, nodded and said, "OK! Just do what you two want! Who is willing to make a frontal feint to contain the wind army?" As he spoke, he looked around.

As soon as the voice fell, several elders stood up at once, arched their hands and said, "holy king, I wish to go!"

Hearing this, Guanghan smiled leisurely and said, "OK! This time, the elders will let Fengren see the power of my divine pool."

At Fang Zheng's suggestion, Shenchi decided to take the initiative and take the means of front feint and side sneak attack to kill the commander of the wind army, so as to retreat the wind army as soon as possible.

Guanghan heard that as the holy king of Shenchi, he would not fight easily, but the elders below almost poured out. Chai Wei and many other elders were responsible for attacking the Feng army in front, while Fang Zheng and the other two elders Zuo Che and Qian Chuan attacked secretly from the side.

After all the arrangements were made, Chai Wei and other elders walked out of the Shenchi camp and went straight to the Fengjun camp opposite. When they were two miles away from the wind camp, the people in Shenchi stopped and the disciples below came forward to beg the enemy to scold the array.

Soon, the door of the wind camp opened, and then a large number of wind soldiers poured out from the internal source of the camp. The first to come out was the cavalry, first holding down the feet, and then the infantry, forming a neat battle formation in front of the wind camp.

The shield hand is in front and the archer is in the back. Looking around, there is a red pressure on the ground. All the places where you can see are red tassels.

When the battle array of the wind army was complete, the voice of the general's orders rose one after another and continued to be heard. Then, the battle array of the wind army issued a dull roar, and the soldiers began to move forward.

The elders of Shenchi are all equipped with spiritual weapons that are arrogant and arrogant. However, when they see the overwhelming wind army battle array opposite, they can't help being deterred by their momentum and can't help retreating one after another.

The Fengjun battle array pushed forward for a distance, leaving enough space for the rear, which stopped one after another. Then, a large number of troops poured out of the Fengying camp, still in the front of the camp, and pushed forward after the battle positions were aligned.

After repeating this several times, we can't see the edge at a glance in front of the wind camp. In this short time, the wind army has arranged a fish scale array composed of 200000 soldiers in front of the camp.

This is not all the strength of the wind army, but it has a momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers. On the contrary, looking at the people in Shenchi opposite, it seems that they are so lonely, like a drop in the ocean.

I didn't witness the battle array of the wind army with my own eyes. The strength of the wind army was just a series of simple numbers in the minds of the elders of Shenchi. There was nothing. Now I face it directly and see it with my own eyes. Everyone's heart was also trembling.

There are so many wind troops, stretching the sky and the earth, boundless. Even if they stand there motionless and let them chop and kill at will, they will have to be tired to death if they want to kill all these people.

The elders of Shenchi and their disciples were all worried about the next war.

The formation of the wind army was completed, and a wind general riding a tall horse quickly ran out of his camp. When he was a hundred steps away from the people in Shenchi, the wind general stopped his horse and shouted, "listen to the people opposite, our general asked you to lay down your weapons and drop down quickly. Otherwise, the army will advance and kill all the others!"

"Damn it!" An elder was furious at the speech and was about to shout back. Chaiwei waved his hand to him. Then he took a few steps forward, carried his hands on his back, and asked the opposite fengjiang, "who is your general?"

"General Xiao!"

oh He is the commander of the plain army! Chai Wei thought and said proudly, "you general are not qualified to talk to us. Your king will come!"

Chai Wei doesn't know that Tang Yin is not in the wind camp now. He wants to come. If Tang Yin can be led to the front of the two armies, the chance of Fang Zheng's sneak attack will be greatly increased.

The wind laughed coldly and shouted in a deep voice: "according to the general, you should be the ones who are not qualified. The general has made it clear that none of us will stay in our army!"

Chai Wei narrowed his eyes and said, "bring the bow!"

One of his disciples hurried forward and respectfully handed over a hard steel bow.

Chai Wei took it and drew a steel arrow from the arrow pot behind the disciple. Between shaking his hands, the steel bow and steel arrow were spiritualized. He twisted the bow and took an arrow, aimed at the wind in front, and raised his hand as an arrow.

Shua! The speed of this arrow is too fast. The sound of the bowstring has not yet fallen, and the spirit arrow has been shot in front of the wind. The wind will frighten his face and want to draw a sword to block it. It's too late.

There was a whistling sound in his ears. The spirit arrow hit his throat. The wind didn't even make a sound. He shook on the horse several times. Then, his body tilted, fell off the horse and died on the spot.

Chai Wei shot the wind general with an arrow, which shocked the morale of the people on the side of Shenchi. There were cheers one after another. Then look at the wind army opposite, whether generals or soldiers, with anger on their faces, fire on their eyes, and clenched their teeth.

The generals turned back and looked at the handsome flag in the rear. I saw the handsome flag swing left and right, and then the shouts of the heralds sounded one after another: "advance! The general has an order, and the whole army will advance -"

Hearing the commander's order, the war drums in the wind army camp immediately beat. As soon as the drum sounded, the horses tore and roared, the soldiers shouted in unison, and the whole army began to move forward.

"Kill! Kill! Kill, kill, kill!"

As the wind army camp pushed forward, a deafening cry came out. The sound of neat footsteps was like thunder. Even the people in Shenchi, which was far away, could feel the violent tremor on the ground.

Even if it is a feint, you can't withdraw to your camp without contacting the wind army. Seeing the wind army camp approaching step by step, several disciples of Chai wei walked out together, stepped in and said impolitely: "master, disciples are willing to attack the enemy first!"

Chai Wei looked at the wind army opposite, pondered for a moment, and said to several disciples, "be more careful. When you fight with the wind army, you can fight if you can, and withdraw immediately if you can't!"

"Yes! Master!" Several disciples answered, then took out their swords, covered their spirit armor, shouted, and ran straight to the wind army camp with their spirit swords.

There are tens of thousands of people in the wind army opposite. They can't tell the number. Chai Wei's disciples are only six or seven. This situation is like six or seven drops of water falling into a vast ocean.

These children of Shenchi are not too afraid of relying on their high spirit and martial arts. If they want to come, no matter how many people the wind army is, it's nothing to worry about.

But they were wrong. The wind army didn't give them direct contact.

When Chai Wei's disciples were only fifty steps away from the Fengjun camp, they heard a dull hum from the Fengjun crowd, looked up and saw a huge dark curtain rising from the Fengjun and enveloping them.

It's arrow array! Several people have never seen such a large-scale arrow array, which just blocks out the sky and the sun. When the arrow array flies close, even the sky becomes dark, and the roaring sound in the earrings becomes one.


However, under such a huge arrow curtain, it's not easy to dodge. Several Shenchi disciples took a deep breath, put all their strength and wielded their swords to cast their spiritual skills. At this time, they had a sharp heart and cast their spiritual chaos together.

The flying spirit blade collided with the oncoming arrow array, and there were bursts of clicks, clicks, and countless Broken Arrows fell from the air.

The first round of their arrows was blocked by the wind, but there were no arrows in the second round. Several children of Shenchi had no choice but to release the spirit chaos block again.

However, the arrow array of the wind army can be endless, and they can't continuously cast the top Lingwu skill of lingluanji for a long time.

After they continuously blocked the five rounds of arrow array of the downwind army, they finally began to lose their support. When they cast the sixth spiritual chaos pole, the number and power of spiritual blades also weakened a lot.

At this time, the arrow can pass through the spirit blade of the spirit chaos pole and shoot them. The arrow edge hits the spirit armor and makes a crisp sound.

I felt that the arrow array of the wind army was too fierce, and I had no chance to rush to the front of the wind army camp. Several people had the same intention to retreat. But at this time, they are already in the arrow array of the wind army. If they want to retreat again, how can they retreat back?!

In the gap where their aura consumption was serious and their front strength was exhausted and their rear strength was poor, the seventh round arrow array of the wind army fell down again.

Now, they are really unable to continue to cast spirit chaos pole, so they can only cast spirit chaos wind instead, but in this way, their spirit weapon skills can't stop the dense arrow array of the wind army.

From time to time, the dense arrows passed through the spirit blade in the air and nailed them. The golden sound of iron collision was almost connected. Under the constant impact of arrows, the spirit armor on everyone was full of cracks in the blink of an eye.

The head disciple was shocked and shouted to the people around him, "get out! Get back quickly!"

Before his voice fell, he heard a crisp click in his legs, and an arrow penetrated the already overburdened spirit armor and deeply nailed into his thigh.

He groaned with pain, and his leg softened. He knelt on one knee involuntarily. He hurriedly supported himself with a spirit sword and struggled to get up, but hundreds of arrows were nailed to him.

Click, click!

The spirit armor around him was shot to pieces. When the arrow hit the spirit armor, how high did the fragments of the spirit armor bounce up. Just in an instant, at least a dozen arrows were deeply nailed into his body, and half of the arrows left outside looked shocking.

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