The next day, early in the morning. Under the orders of Tang Yin and Xiao Xuan, the FengChuan allied forces successively set out their camps and ascended Shenchi mountain.

Shenchi mountain is dangerous and steep. The mountain road is not rugged, but it is also relatively narrow. It is extremely difficult for the army to advance. Large baggage can not be transported at all. Large siege weapons such as stone riprap machines of the two armies in FengChuan have become useless.

Fortunately, Nie Zhen, who is in charge of the defense of Shenchi City, has secretly defected. Otherwise, just setting up defense on the mountain road is enough for the two armies of FengChuan to drink a pot.

FengChuan allied forces attacked on a large scale, and Shenchi naturally got the news. Nie Zhen stood at the head of the city, holding the arrow stack in his hand and looking out.

The first to appear on the mountain road is the wind army flag, with a huge wind word embroidered on a big flag. Behind the wind flag is a red flag, with the word plain written on the largest side.

The children of Shenchi on the wall could see clearly. Someone was shocked and shouted to Nie: "Nie Changlao, the enemy is the plain army, the plain army of the wind country -"

Nie Zhen picked it up at the corner of his mouth, smiled and said, "pass on the order of this seat and open the gate!"

"What?" Many children around Shenchi doubt whether they have heard wrong. The enemy is attacking on a large scale, and their own side has to open the gate and go out to fight? Isn't that hitting the stone with an egg?

"Nie Changlao, never!" A son of Shenchi rushed forward and said in a hurry: "the enemy is numerous and powerful. It's unwise for us to meet the enemy head-on. I hope Mr. Nie will think three times..."

Before he finished, Qin he suddenly took out his sword and stabbed it in his chest. Go! The sword came suddenly and stabbed fiercely. All the people present changed their faces, screamed and took a step back subconsciously.

Qin he pulled out his sword from the corpse, and then his eyes were like electricity, looking around at all the people present, Shouted: "Guanghan listens to mediocrity and secretly cultivates people who secretly like spiritual cultivation, which harms the world and traps our Shenchi in injustice. All our children of Shenchi should unite to eliminate this thief. The FengChuan coalition army is not our enemy, but to help us. Now open the city gate and welcome the FengChuan coalition army into the city. If there are opponents, they will collude with Guanghan listen and should be killed without mercy!"

When they heard the speech, they took a breath, and people turned their heads to look at Nie Zhen. Qin he is Nie Zhen's disciple. When he does this, people naturally want to see how Nie Zhen reacts.

Nie Zhen smiled rather than smiled at this time. He stroked his white beard with his hands. He was carefree and had no surprise. Obviously, Qin he must have been inspired by Nie Zhen to do so.

Those leaders who were loyal to Nie Zhen looked at each other and lost no time in shouting: "brother Qin's words are reasonable. Guanghan's listening is the first treachery and cunning of our Shenchi for thousands of years. Our crime is unforgivable. We should unite FengChuan and Sichuan to destroy the thief and save the Shenchi from water and fire!"

Nie Zhen, who was in charge of the city defense, turned against his disciples and even the leaders guarding the city wall. The accident came suddenly. The children of Shenchi below were numb and couldn't react for a long time.

Qin he looked around at the crowd and asked in a deep voice, "what are you doing? If you don't open the gate, you will delay the event. You will die and have no place to bury!"

Nie Zhenqing cleared his throat and finally said, "I'm in charge of urban defense. You just need to obey my orders. Even if the sky falls, I'll come out and bear it. It has nothing to do with you. If you disobey orders, it's a capital crime. Don't blame me for being unkind and ruthless under the sword!" As he spoke, he lifted his hand and grasped the handle of the sword.

All of them were shocked at the same time. They shivered and dared not stop. One by one, they arched their hands and trembled and said, "yes! Villain... Villain, yes!"

The disciples of Shenchi hardened their heads, grinned and turned the gate. They only heard the rattling sound under the gate tower, and the heavy copper gate of Shenchi city was pulled up.

Inside the copper gate, there was a wooden gate wrapped in iron sheet. People worked together to remove the thick latch, and then they worked together to slowly open the gate.

As the gate of Shenchi city was opened, the plain army, as the first army, had rushed to Shenchi city.

Seeing the city gate open in front, the morale of the soldiers of the plain army was shocked. People shouted in unison, used their milk strength, threw off their legs and ran forward. The army poured into the city like a tide.

Seeing that the plain army had successfully entered the city, Nie Zhen was also secretly relieved and sighed in his heart: the great event has been completed! He said to the people on the left and right, "everybody, go down the wall immediately and open the way for the wind army brothers!"

"Yes!" His disciples and leaders loyal to him answered in unison, and then ran down the wall at a fast pace.

Nie Zhen stood up on the head of the city and looked at the wind army outside the city. He was also glad that it was only the first army of the plain army. There were several regiments of the FengChuan allied army. Fortunately, he was defecting. Otherwise, how could he resist the attack of so many armies?

"Is Nie Zhen and Nie Changlao in the city?" While Nie Zhen was thinking, he suddenly heard someone shouting and drinking under the city.

He looked out of the city and saw a group of wind generals standing in front of the city wall on war horses. He also knew that it was Xiao MuQing, the commander of the plain army.

Yo! Nie Zhen's eyes brightened and he arched back: "it's me! General Xiao, I've been waiting here for a long time!" While talking, he flew and jumped out of the wall.

While he was still in the air, a white mist suddenly appeared on his body, but in an instant, the spirit armor had condensed on his body. Then, the spirit armor behind him turned into wings. With the wings flapping, he had landed lightly, and then the spirit armor dissipated into invisibility.

It's nothing to change the wings with the spirit of armor. Most elders in the holy pool can do this, but Nie Zhen is too skillful. Covering the spirit armor, turning out the wings, and finally scattering the spirit armor are all completed in the air at one go, natural and clean.

Xiao MuQing was also startled by Nie Zhen who fell from the sky. Fortunately, he had been on the battlefield for a long time and had seen all kinds of big scenes. His surprise did not show on his face.

He smiled slightly, turned over and dismounted, arched his hands and said, "thanks to the help of elder Nie this time, I will thank elder Nie for my king."

"General Xiao is very polite." Nie Zhen craned his neck and looked behind Xiao MuQing. Then he stepped forward and asked, "General Xiao, didn't your highness King Feng come with you?"

Xiao MuQing smiled and said, "my king and the king of Sichuan will come later." A little later, he turned his words and said, "elder Nie, I would have captured Guanghan and listened to him according to the king's order. I hope elder Nie will lead the way."

Nie Zhen grinned secretly when he heard the speech. It's too late for him to hide from Guanghan. Where dare he take the initiative to find him. However, Xiao MuQing had said so, and he couldn't refuse. He had to harden his head and say, "Guanghan, listen, it's in the Youdian hall now. General Xiao will come with me!"

Xiao MuQing nodded and asked his bodyguard to bring a war horse to Nie Zhen. Then he went into the city with Nie Zhen.

As soon as he entered the city gate, Nie Zhen couldn't help but whisper a reminder: "Guanghan listens to the strength of Lingwu. Even I'm not his opponent. After arriving at the Youdian hall, General Xiao can't be trusted to be too close. Just watch the war from a distance."

Even if he didn't remind Xiao MuQing, he wouldn't be foolish enough to approach Guanghan to listen. He smiled and said, "Nie Changlao, please rest assured that he would have his own discretion!"

While they were talking, the people had entered the city. At this time, Xiao MuQing couldn't help looking around and was filled with emotion. This is the core of Shenchi - Shenchi city. Since Shenchi was established for thousands of years, it has never entered the army of other countries. He and his plain soldiers can be called the first person.

The children of Shenchi guarding the city wall were suppressed by Nie Zhen and did not dare to stop the wind army entering the city. People stood at the head of the city one by one and watched the wind army rush into the city one after another. However, some people in Shenchi city are still loyal to Guanghan listening, including many people. People spontaneously organized to resist the wind army.

It's a pity that these people are a minority after all. It may be OK for them to deal with one or two thousand regular troops, but it's impossible to resist 100000 plain troops.

After entering the city, the plain army pushed forward at great speed and attacked the center of Shenchi city in one breath.

If you move forward, you will be close to the palace of Shenchi. Here, the number of Shenchi guards began to increase, the resistance became more and more intense, and the real fierce battle between the two sides also began.

The Shenchi guards are all powerful and capable of fighting one enemy against ten or even one enemy against a hundred. However, the advantage of the plain army lies in the large number of people. When the army moved forward, it was difficult for the guards to display their spiritual strength. Even if they killed all the wind troops who rushed to the front, the bodies had not yet fallen to the ground. The wind troops behind had pushed the bodies of their companions to continue to rush up and overwhelm the guards to the ground.

But in the chaos of the army, it's not easy to get up once you fall to the ground. Just hundreds of people trample on them and they can trample the guards into meat patties.

Moreover, the officers and men of the plain army are not grass mustard to be slaughtered. The officers and men are skilled in combat methods. They use bows in long-distance combat and crossbows in close combat. These all pose a great threat to the guard of Shenchi lake, and people fall to the ground with arrows from time to time.

Hundreds of guards were routed under the strong rush of the plain army, leaving more than 100 bodies, and all the remaining people fled back.

The guards retreated again and again, and finally all retreated to the palace. At this time, the gate of the palace was closed. All the palace guards standing on the wall of the palace. According to the rules of the sacred pool, no one can let outsiders into the palace without the permission of the holy king. Even if their own people were blocked outside the palace, the palace guards did not dare to open the gate and let them into the palace without permission.

Now, the guards can't enter, and there is no way to retreat. Hundreds of Shenchi disciples are crowded outside the palace gate.

Seeing this, the generals of the plain army held high their swords and ordered the whole army to stop advancing.

The task of attacking and occupying the palace is the Sanshui army. It doesn't matter to the original army. They have other points to occupy. However, this Feng general didn't intend to let go of the guard of Shenchi opposite. He immediately shouted to the left and right: "the whole army arrows -"

"The whole army is on the arrow --" the whole army is on the arrow -- "

As soon as he gave an order, the voice of orders in the wind army camp rose one after another and spread throughout the army in an instant. Then, the wind army officers and men twisted their bows and arrows one by one, and the edge was always aimed at the Shenchi guards opposite.

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