Tang Yin smiled and looked at Qiu Zhen. The latter understood what he meant and explained his battle plan in detail to the four men of Cheng Jin.

When he finished, the four people found out what was going on. Cheng Jin was silent for a moment and said, "Sir, I'll go with you!"

As soon as his voice fell, Jiaxi, JiangMo and Aoqing also expressed their willingness to go to Yuanwang town with Tang Yin.

Tang Yin shook her head happily, say: "I'd like to thank you for your kindness, but I don't think this trip is dangerous. On the contrary, I think the border city is the real dangerous place. I checked the previous war examples and found that barbarians always fight rapidly and pay attention to quick decisions. Therefore, if they come to attack the border city, they will do their best. I really don't know whether the border city can withstand the first round of attack I hope the four of you can stay and help the garrison of the border town. "

Cheng Jin thought for a moment and thought that what Tang Yin said might also be reasonable. He turned his head, retreated and asked for the second place, and said, "Sir, I think so. Aoqing and I will follow the adult and help the adult fight. Jiaxi and Jiang Mo will stay in the border city to help the garrison resist the enemy!"

He finally found a place to live. He was afraid of Tang Yin's accident. If he couldn't go there in person, he wouldn't be at ease anyway.

Seeing the urgency in his eyes, Tang Yin couldn't refuse any more. He nodded and said, "OK! You and Aoqing will go with me." Then he looked at Aoqing and asked, "if you don't want to go with me, don't force it."

Aoqing is the only female surname among the four, but her surname is very strong and does not lose the man at all. She said positively, "I'd like to go with adults."

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded and said, "well, let's start tomorrow morning." Then he faced Qiu Zhen squarely and said in a deep and long voice, "Xiaozhen, the border city will be handed over to you. Anyway, before I come, I must not let barbarians step into the city!"

"Sir, please rest assured that I will do my best." Qiu zhengse replied, and then added, "adults should be careful themselves."

"I know." Tang Yin patted Qiu Zhen on the shoulder. He cherished his first friend in the world. If there were other people to reuse, he would never leave Qiu Zhen in this dangerous place in the border city.

The next day, Tang Yin left for Yuanwang Town, accompanied by Shangguan brother, Cheng Jin, Ao Qing and 2000 elite soldiers carefully selected from various legions.

With the people of Yuanwang town living in the border town, the town has become an empty town. In broad daylight, the town is empty, like a ghost town. Walking into it, people naturally feel a chill.

Guided by soldiers familiar with the environment here, as Xiao MuQing said, almost every household in the town has hidden cellars or tunnels, some can accommodate dozens of people, some can even accommodate hundreds of people, and 2000 officers and soldiers hide in various cellars and tunnels in batches, which is still very spacious.

First let the soldiers hide well, then Tang Yin came out to inspect in person, picked out those relatively hidden cellars or tunnels, and finally retained only 20 places. Then he divided the officers and soldiers into 20 batches and stationed them respectively. Then he carefully inspected again and confirmed that there was nothing wrong, so he was relieved.

Fearing that his deeds would be exposed and the news would be revealed, Tang Yin ordered corporal soldiers to be strictly prohibited from going out after they had been properly arranged. Whoever resisted the order, regardless of the reason, would be punished by military law.

Tang Yin's own tunnel is located in the center of the town. The entrance is not hidden, but the location is excellent. No matter where the officers and soldiers have an accident, he can rush to the rescue at the first time. In addition, the exit of the tunnel goes directly outside the town and is hidden inside. He can dive outside the town at any time to observe the enemy's movements.

The tunnel was dark and could not see five fingers. At this time, the advantage of dark Lingwu was reflected. Tang Yin, Cheng Jin and Aoqing could see things faintly in the tunnel, while the Shangguan brothers who were with them became blind. They sat in the corner of the tunnel and couldn't move.

Feeling their uneasiness, Tang Yin took out the small oil lamp prepared earlier and lit it. Although the light was weak, the tiny light in the dark tunnel also seemed very valuable. The spirit of the Shangguan brothers was invigorated. They both gathered together and sat down near the small oil lamp. It may be due to the relationship between light and Shangguan yuanbiao's words.

"Sir, when do you think the barbarians will come?"

Tang Yin shrugged, leaned back and said, "God knows! Maybe another day or two, or maybe five or six days."

"Then we'll wait here all the time?"

"What's the harm? We brought enough food to eat for half a month."

"But... Can't we just wait all the time?! if the barbarians don't come all the time, can we wait all the time?"

Tang Yin said, "ten days! We'll wait here for ten days. If no barbarians come after ten days, we'll go home."

"Ten days!" Shangguan yuanbiao muttered, then sighed softly and muttered, "hold it here for ten days!"

Tang Yin smiled and said, "if the barbarians attack tomorrow, we can go back tomorrow."

Shangguan yuanbiao said with a smile, "I really hope the barbarians can fight early!"

At noon, Ao Qing took out the dough and dried meat from the package she brought, handed it to Tang Yin and said softly, "Sir, have something to eat!"

Tang Yin thanked him, tore off a piece of dried meat and asked curiously, "Aoqing, how old are you this year?"

Whether modern or ancient, asking a woman's age is too direct. Ao Qing was stunned, not coy at all, and replied, "twenty."

"How many years have you been practicing Lingwu?"

"Three years!"

"Only three years?" Tang Yin was surprised. He felt that Aoqing's cultivation was not weak. If he could skillfully use shadow drift, he had to at least reach the spiritual realm. After only three years of cultivation, he came to the Linghua realm. He can be regarded as a Lingwu wizard. He said with a smile, "yes, if you practice hard, your accomplishments in the future will be unlimited."

Being praised so much by him, Aoqing's face suddenly showed an excited color, and her jade face also blushed. She asked curiously, "how long have you been cultivating dark martial arts?"

This question is difficult for Tang Yin to answer. It's OK to say a few months, decades or even hundreds of years. He smiled softly and said vaguely, "say whether it's long or not and whether it's short or not."

Perhaps she has experienced too many things. Aoqing has a maturity that is inconsistent with her actual age. Seeing that Tang Yin is unwilling to answer positively, she doesn't ask questions. Instead, she says with some envy: "it's not easy for adults to sit in the position of county guard as a spiritual cultivator of the dark Department."

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin was amused by her words, waved her hand and said, "in fact, I didn't do anything. I can get the position of county guard, which depends on the relationship of dancers."

It's no secret that he has a good relationship with the dancer. It's also said that he made his mark by the family background of the dancer. It's just that it's not easy for the party to say this lightly, which also makes Aoqing and Cheng Jin look at him with admiration.

When he said this, Aoqing felt that what she had just said was a little impolite. She said positively: "adults are too modest. If adults are really of average ability, it will be difficult for adults to do anything even if dancers are promoted. Now they won't stay in this tunnel!"

Tang Yin was amused by her again and nodded secretly in her heart. She is such a smart and flexible girl. After talking, he has a great appreciation for Aoqing. Similarly, Aoqing and Cheng Jin admire him and are more determined to stay with him.

Cheng Jin, who was always silent, suddenly said, "I don't think adults are willing to be the guard of one county!" His words are mostly exploratory. He wants to explore Tang Yin's ambition, which also determines whether he will contribute more or less in the future.

Tang Yin's eyes are shining and looks straight at Cheng Jin.

When he gathered his eyes, his eyes were bright and evil, which really seemed to turn into essence, making the person he was looking at feel hot.

Cheng Jin is no exception. Under Tang Yin's sharp eyes, he unconsciously lowered his head and avoided looking at him.

After a while, Tang Yin raised her mouth and smiled back. She still didn't answer directly. Instead, she said, "times make heroes. Even if I can't be a hero, I'm not like a bear who is greedy for life and afraid of death and does nothing."

His words are not obscure. Cheng Jin can naturally hear the meaning of his words. As soon as his eyes brighten, his spirit is greatly boosted. He whispered, "as long as the adult has ambition, his subordinates will help even if they spell their last name!"

"I'm glad you can say that. Since you are willing to give your last name to me, I will make it shine."

"My lord..."

"It's too early to talk about this. The top priority is the danger of barbarians." Tang Yin's eyes gradually become deeper and deeper. As the county guard of Pingyuan County, Murphy's Federation is a sharp sword hanging over his head. Whether he can eradicate the suffering of barbarians is very important to his future.

But how can we eradicate the suffering of barbarians? Even if the barbarians can be defeated this time, who can guarantee that the other party will not attract more military retaliation? Even if we can still defeat each other at that time, how can we deal with the next attack and attack? As he served as the county guard of Pingyuan County for a longer and longer time, the problems he considered became deeper and deeper.

At present, the problem of manbang is the deepest and most serious problem perplexing Tang Yin.

Seeing Tang Yin's frown gradually deepened, Cheng Jin said: "the suffering of manbang can't be solved by fighting. There is only one way to make peace!"

"Sum?" Tang Yin raised his eyebrows. In his idea, seeking peace is surrender, and he can't tolerate such things.

Before he could speak, Shangguan yuanbiao couldn't help it. He shook his big fist, pounded the ground fiercely, and shouted angrily, "fart! Let's make peace with manbang. It's better to kill us directly!"

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