Tang Yin chuckled and said, "although Huangfu xiutai is not an expert in alchemy, he has been influenced by ordinary drugs since childhood. I'm afraid he can't deceive him."

Qin he stood up, took two steps forward, said in a low voice with a smile, "Your Highness, you must not prescribe medicine against Huangfu xiutai, but should find another way."

"Oh? What can I do?"

"Wine cream is the safest." Qin he zhengse said: "the wine mixed with wine cream is fragrant and delicious, with strong fragrance. It's like a century old wine, but it's easy to get drunk after drinking, and it's not easy to wake up after drinking. Therefore, it's the most safe for your highness to use this method to get rid of Huangfu xiutai."

Tang Yin looked suspicious and asked, "wine cream?" He had never heard of such a thing before.

Qin he hurriedly explained: "in the aged wine of 20 or 30 years, there will be wine paste more or less. However, it is inferior. To say that a good wine paste must be available in the aged wine of more than 100 years. It only takes a small spoonful to mix a large jar of good wine. In the market, this kind of century wine paste is extremely precious and hard to find!"

Tang Yin nodded as he listened. Through Qin he's explanation, he also gained a lot of insight. Thinking for a moment, he asked suspiciously, "where can I find this Centennial wine cream?"

Qin he hurriedly arched his hands and said, "I don't have talent. I just have this thing at home."

Seeing Tang Yin raising his eyebrows, he immediately explained: "the villain has no other preferences, that is, he is greedy for the things in the cup. Over the years, there are no less than 100 kinds of wine creams in the little family. As long as his highness needs, the villain should bear the pain to give up."

Tang Yin was stunned. Then he looked up and smiled. He praised: "well, well, with Mr. Qin helping the king, great things will be done!"

Qin he said: "Your Highness is serious. If your highness can use the villain, it is also the villain's honor. The villain will go all out and live up to his Highness's trust."

Tang Yin's eyes were like electricity, looking at Qin he, but he didn't smile.

According to Qin he's plan, Wei Biao came to Huangfu mansion and asked to see Huangfu xiutai. Huangfu xiutai was surprised to learn that Wei Biao came to see him. He doesn't have any friendship with Nie Zhen, and he doesn't have any contact on weekdays. Why did Nie Zhen's eldest disciple come today?

Huangfu xiutai ordered his servants to invite Wei Biao into the hall.

When Wei Biao came in, Huangfu xiutai looked up. Well, he had a large bag of small rolls in his hand and brought many gifts that looked valuable. Huangfu was happy, waved his hand and said, "nephew Wei Xianren, just come. Why do you need to bring these gifts?"

As he spoke, he winked down and motioned to accept the gift. When the servant came near Wei Biao, the latter stepped back with a look of embarrassment.

Huangfu xiutai frowned and looked at him puzzled. Wei Biao said with a dry smile, "elder Huangfu, these gifts... Are not for elder Huangfu, but... They are for elder Dongfang."

Hearing this, Huangfu xiutai's nose was almost crooked. You came to visit me with a gift, but the gift was not given to me, but to my enemy. This is outrageous!

Huangfu xiutai's face immediately sank down, stared coldly at Wei Biao and asked, "what can I do for you here?"

"Elder Huangfu, don't be angry." Wei Biao carefully put down the gift, Bowing his hand, he said: "the elder Dongfang is seriously ill, and all the elders have visited him. Only the elder Huangfu and his master haven't gone yet. However, the master has been unwell for days, and the wound on his shoulder tends to worsen. He told my nephew to visit the elder Dongfang on his behalf. However, my nephew is too modest to visit him rashly, so he dared to invite elder Huangfu to go with him."

Huangfu xiutai frowned deeper. In order to compete for the throne of the holy king, there were many contradictions between him and Dongfang yehuai. He had a deep heart knot. How could it be possible for him to visit Dongfang yehuai?

He waved with a calm face and said, "this seat is not empty. Come and see off!" As he spoke, he stood up and was about to go out.

Wei Biao said anxiously, "I understand that elder Huangfu and elder Dongfang both have the intention to ascend the throne of the holy king. That's why elder Huangfu should visit elder Dongfang. Only in this way can we show that elder Huangfu is magnanimous and broad-minded, and will be talked about by people."

Yo! This is something that Huangfu has never thought of before. He took back his steps, turned his head and stared at Wei Biao. In the past, he only thought that Wei Biao was brave and resourceless. He didn't expect to say such reasonable words today, which made people look at him with admiration. He pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "you have some truth. From this point of view, I should go to Dongfang house."

"Exactly!" Wei Biao said hurriedly, "if elder Huangfu wants to become a new holy king, he should show his excellence. Only in this way can the elders and the people be convinced."

okay! with reason! Huangfu xiutai nodded secretly. He smiled and said, "these words are taught by the teacher?"

Wei Biao was shocked, but he reacted quickly. He bowed and said, "it's true that nothing can be concealed from the eyes of elder Huangfu." Then he lowered his voice and said, "in fact, the master also supports elder Huangfu."

"Oh?" Huangfu xiutai snorted with a smile and asked slowly, "why, doesn't the master covet the throne of the holy king?"

Huangfu xiutai knows that Nie Zhen is full of bad water. He is a typical snob. If he doesn't covet the throne of the holy king, he won't believe it.

Wei Biao said with a wry smile: "of course, the master also hopes to sit on the throne of the holy king, but in terms of reputation, the master is not as good as the Oriental elder, and in terms of merit, the master is far from being as good as the Huangfu elder. The master knows that he has no hope. He only asks that after the new holy king is elected, the master can continue to serve as the elder."

Nie Zhen is a little self aware! Huangfu xiutai smiled leisurely and said, "go back and tell your master that if we can successfully ascend to the top of the holy king, we will definitely make no mistakes to Lingshi."

Wei Biao hurriedly bowed his hands and said, "my nephew, thank elder Huangfu on behalf of my family first."

Huangfu xiutai smiled on his back and waved to Wei Biao. Then Huangfu xiutai changed his clothes and went with Wei Biao to the mansion of Dongfang yehuai.

On the way, Huangfu xiutai also specially ordered his servants to buy some gifts. Since it was a visit, it was always bad to be empty handed.

After learning that Huangfu xiutai and Wei Biao came to visit together, the disciples of Dongfang yehuai came out of the house together.

The arrival of the two of them was very unexpected, especially Huangfu xiutai. His eyes were higher than the top on weekdays and no one paid attention to him. He could come in person. It was like the sun came out to the West.

Zhong jaw, the eldest disciple of Dongfang yehuai, walked quickly and came to Huangfu's show platform. He bowed his hand and said, "I'm paying a visit to elder Huangfu. It's inconvenient for my master to get out of bed. I hope elder Huangfu will forgive me for my poor reception."

Huangfu xiutai waved his hand and asked, "how is your body now?"

Zhong jaw frowned and whispered, "OK." Fortunately, that's polite. In fact, it's getting worse and worse. The medical officials sent by the king of Sichuan are like walking a lantern, and they will rush over several people every other hour.

Huangfu xiutai sighed faintly and murmured, "I've seen your injury. It's not serious enough to hurt your life. Why hasn't it improved all the time?"

Zhong jaw shook his head and said, "the medical officer said that it is reasonable that the family teacher is old and the injury is difficult to recover..."

"Fart!" Huangfu xiutai said bluntly, "your master's cultivation is not weaker than this one. What are a few harmless injuries? Where did you find a quack doctor?"

Zhong jaw secretly stuck out his tongue and said carefully, "yes... It was sent by his Highness the king of Sichuan."

Huangfu show platform heard that there was no more to say. Since it was sent by Xiao Xuan, it must not be a quack. Xiao Xuan has always supported Dongfang yehuai as the holy king. He hopes that Dongfang yehuai will be safe early. It's too late. It's impossible to deliberately harm him?

"Take me to see the master!" Huangfu xiutai put his hands on his back and raised his head.

"Yes! Elder Huangfu, please come inside! Brother Wei, please!" Zhong jaw let Huangfu xiutai and Wei Biao into the house, directly led them to the backyard and came to the bedroom of Dongfang yehuai.

As soon as they entered the bedroom, Huangfu xiutai and Wei Biao could not help frowning. The bedroom was full of strong medicine smell, which choked people's nose. Looking inside, Dongfang yehuai lay flat on the bed, pale and coughing violently from time to time.

Seeing the sick Oriental night bosom, Wei Biao's heart suddenly hung to his throat. Next, it's up to him.

Did the medical officer of the state of Sichuan put the spirit seed into the medicine and take it to Dongfang yehuai? Was the decoction hot at that time? Did it burn the spirit seed? If Dongfang yehuai has taken it, how long has he taken it, and has the spirit seed been digested?

Even if the above are all OK, is Dongfang yehuai really out of his mind? When he launches the spirit seed, he can't suppress it with Reiki?

Wei Biao knew nothing about these questions, and it was conceivable that he was nervous. He is now going to murder the great elder. If he fails, not only him, but also his master Nie Zhen will fall into a situation of eternal doom.

It can be said that since entering the bedroom, Wei Biao's cold sweat has not stopped. Not only the clothes behind him are soaked, but also sweat beads are covered on his forehead and face.

However, everyone present ignored him, and everyone focused on Dongfang yehuai. Huangfu xiutai quickly walked to the bed and slowly sat down. He looked at the look of Dongfang yehuai and couldn't help but take a breath.

Looking at his face, Dongfang yehuai's injury is much more serious than he thought! In competing for the throne of the holy king, Huangfu xiutai hopes to surpass Dongfang yehuai, but he doesn't want to see the latter's death.

In this way, even if he gets the throne of the holy king, he has no sense of achievement. He held Dongfang yehuai's hand and whispered, "Dongfang brother? Dongfang brother, wake up, Dongfang brother, wake up!"

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