Too Early

Chapter 1071: Zibaishan is unstoppable


Sun Qiang and others were spurred by the old ancestors and their faces were filled with red, and their anger filled their chests, but they couldn’t say a word because of the spread of their frightened pressure.

"This is Zhenxianshan..." Jiang Zibai’s hand was on his body, with a smile on his face, and looked at Zhenxianshan. “Before, I only heard about its name, but I have never seen it, though not The complete town of Xianshan, but it has been seen today."

Perhaps when Jiang Zibai said these words, his attitude was too indifferent, so that Sun Qiang and others were born with vigilance. Several of them looked at each other and attacked Jiang Baibai without warning.

Numerous magical magic weapons flew out of their cuffs, and the brilliance of the brilliance shot suddenly, and forced to the white of the ginger. At the same time, the seven roads bloomed in colorful colors, and the Daofa emerged like a river, with the same disease as the magic weapon in the air. Speed ​​attack to Jiang Zibai!

The void vibration, the huge pressure overturns!

In the eyes of Jiang Zi with a smile in his eyes, his face was as light as a walk, and he reached out with a hand, spit out a word in his mouth: "Come."


A force that is as soft as a stream of water passes through, and all the power is gone.

Everything in midair seems to be fixed, and the magic weapon and the different ways of the Tao have come to the hands of Jiang Zibai in an instant!

The people in Ximingge were all stunned. No one thought that the man on the squat was so strong!

Jiang Zibai swept his palm and glanced at the palm of his hand. Then the other hand gently blew the Dafa and the instrument inside. These things were like the sharp arrows of the string, and suddenly flew out, and instantly came to the sun who had no sense. In front of Qiang and others, they will fly out suddenly!

"This magic weapon, although not of good quality, can still be used for a while, for you to collect it." After that, Jiang Zibai handed the only remaining white silk ribbon to Xu Yu.

Xu Yu was worried about Qin Haoxuan, and he didn’t have much to look at the new magic weapon. After thanking Jiang Zibai, he took the white silk ribbon and collected it.

Xu Yu did not care, but Wan Xuexian’s legacy, Jin Mingge’s teaching with the light curtain to see this scene is to vomit blood!

That is one of the five magical treasures of their martial art. The name is called the spiritual rhinoceros belt. It is a top-notch Chinese magic weapon, and it will not easily show people!

This time, the reason why I took this magic weapon out of my mind was to smash the boat and think about letting Sun Qiang and others take the idea of ​​taking the town of Xianshan. But whoever thought, Zhenxianshan was still not settled, but their magic weapon was given Robbed!

Jin Mingge taught the flying cranes and screamed: "Who is this in the end? When did the Wanjiao fairy come out with such a bad character?!"

Yes, who is this person? With a wave of hands, I will fly the three disciples of the real world without any effort! This kind of cultivation is probably a powerful power!

Jiang Zibai did not want to kill, so he only shook the people away from Zhenxianshan.

But he waved his hand gently, and it wasn't Sun Qiang that they could bear. One by one, the blood was unstable, and the mouth blew!

Sun Qiang stabilized his body and glared at Jiang Zibai: "Moreover, we are disciples of Supreme Master Xi Minge! Who are you in the end, don't you want to mix up? If you really do it right with us, once you are out of Wan Xuexian Legacy, we Ximingge will not let you go!"

"Yes! Quickly let go of the acquaintance, Zhenxianshan is ours! You must know that no one, no matter how strong, is the same as the ant in front of the Supreme Master!"

The anger of Sun Qiang and others was sent out by them with spiritual power. The sound waves generated by one word and one sentence made the earth tremble slightly.

The old ancestors frowned, and the eyes were killing. He asked Jiang Zibai: "These people are like the ducks. They are very noisy. Can I eat them?"

Jiang Zibai was interested in watching the town of Xianshan, listening to the words of his ancestors, not carelessly said: "Well, eat."

The masters of the three roads in Ximingge have changed their faces directly!

The flying cranes of Wanjiaxian’s survivors also said with a sullen face: “Who is this in the end? I dare to swear in the eyes of the public!”

Within the Wanjiao fairy.

I got the permission of Jiang Zibai. I haven’t eaten the ancestors of the cultivators for a long time. Haha laughed loudly, and then the slender tongue slammed out suddenly, and it stretched out a few feet!

The action of the ancestors was too fast. Sun Qiang and others had not had time to reflect it, and they were directly dragged by the tongue of the ancestors!

At this time, the fear rose from their hearts, and the unbearable fear made them shout!

"Help, save... Ah!"

The ancestors did not give them more opportunities to speak, and the three of them all entered his mouth.

The squeaky chewing sounds from the mouth of the ancestors, and even the snoring of the bones being bitten!

Those who saw this scene could not help but froze their faces, and the goose bumps fell to the ground.

Feel free to chew a few times, the old ancestors screamed and swallowed the scented singer in the mouth, and the huge body grew for hundreds of years before growing a small tail, excited to swing around!

Wiping his mouth with his claws, the old ancestors said with a satisfied voice: "The flesh and blood of the immortal is really too sweet and too delicious!"

This time, even the early childhood disciples were shocked! They are also the first time to see their ancestors and eat people!

The remains of Wanjiaxian are silent.

Feihe real person's forehead blue-legged jump, apparently has been mad.

Others are completely shocked!

When Jiang Zibai came up, he waved his hand and took away the magic weapon of the fierce attack. It was already abnormal. I didn’t expect that his ugly mount was so powerful, and he could make three fruits with a single tongue. The cultivator of the environment swallowed into the abdomen!

Scary, shocked!

These outside teachings are better than many of the cultivators who have seen Jiang Zibai himself. Therefore, the heart is also more difficult to calm down.

A large gathering place where the cultivators gathered, there was no sound, many people went to see Huanglong, or looked at it secretly, or looked at the past with blatant thoughts.

Xu Yu is now at the side of Jiang Zibai, looking at her appearance, it seems that this **** is not familiar with the general, and the early teaching disciples all look at Jiang Zibai.

Everything shows that Jiang Baibai has a very close relationship with the early education!

Therefore, the doubts of the people came. When did the early teachings climb such a big tree?

Huang Long is indifferent, and there is no conscious of being concerned by everyone. He just looks at the light curtain quietly.

Wanjiao immortal.

The **** man was long and sturdy, his robes were squatting, and the black hair was dancing gently. He stared at the paper on the foothills of the town of Xianshan. His eyes were lightly smirked and he smiled. "This paper is also a bit interesting. I haven't seen such a beautiful French paper for a long time."

Saying, Jiang Zibai extended his right hand and made a move toward the French paper, making an action to pick up the paper.

In addition to the Wanjiao fairy tales, many of the teachings of the great teachers are somewhat disdainful.

"Although I admit that this guy named Jiang is very powerful, but he wants to take the paper from the air, dreaming? At the beginning, our disciples took more than a dozen magic weapons together, and they didn't move this..."

The loud and ridiculous teaching suddenly disappeared, as if he had been caught in the neck, his face suddenly rose red.

On the light curtain, unexpectedly, the French paper, which was thought to have been inaccessible for a long time, shook slightly!

Inside the town of Xianshan.

It has been many days since the first violent violent volatility, and the blue has been closed.

On this day, Qin Haoxuan finished hunting and just returned home. Suddenly, the sky was discolored. The golden light of the glare was shot from the sky. The whole sky seemed like a huge whirlpool. The wind and the sky would be golden, and everything was spinning fast. A powerful pressure is like a sea of ​​ocean!

what happened?

Qin Haoxuan was shocked. He remembered something and looked up suddenly. He only saw the violent vibration of the paper on the top of the mountain, as if he had to be torn off!

Qin Haoxuan changed his face and threw the prey on his back and ran into the house.

Outside the town of Xianshan.

A thousand miles away from a mountain that is thousands of miles away, the ninety-nine leaves that were originally meditating and practicing, felt the change of Zhenxian Mountain, opened his eyes and shouted in the direction of Xianshan in the town: "Let's go!"

Ninety-nine leaves are sitting in a lonely mountain, the entire mountain is in the shape of a lotus flower, the thousand colors of the ruins, the white clouds lingering, the fog rolling, with his loud drink, the clouds are rolling apart, the flower A white lotus blooms behind him!

Then, the magical charm of Zhenxianshan was dazzling, and the golden light of the glare was shot like a sharp sword. The whole magical character suddenly broke away from the town of Xianshan, and in the air, it turned out to be a golden sword, with a sly Killing the intention, slamming into the **** white!

The old ancestors felt the power of the monk, and uneasy moved his little tail, but Jiang Bai smiled softly.

The **** face is light, the mouth is full of laughter, a pair of eyes through the heavy clouds, looking straight to the ninety-nine leaves, Jiang Bailang said: "But where you and I are the same realm holding this paper, I Maybe you will be afraid of a point. But what about the use of a treasure when you are a three-year-old doll?"

The voice did not fall, he snapped a finger, and the ninety-nine leaves turned into a golden sword, and the paper was suddenly turned over by an irresistible force!


At the same time, the lonely mountain under the ninety-nine leaves suddenly fell apart, silently turned into a powder! The clouds around the entire mountain disappeared in an instant, and the wind was quiet.

The ninety-nine leaves were suspended in the sky, and the sputum spit out a bright red blood, and a rapid ray of light hit him and was caught by him. On the ninety-nine leaves, there was a big surprise. He refused to take the pain in his hand and rushed to cast a spell. He wanted to take back the town of Xianshan!

Zhenxianshan was summoned by the ninety-nine leaves, and rose to the ground, wanting to vacate, but was suppressed by a big hand from top to bottom!

"Since it has been released, let it stay."

Jiang Zibai said with a smile, the palm of his hand was light, and Zhenxianshan was completely out of the control of the ninety-nine leaves and flew into his hands.

Ninety-nine leaves did not expect that some people in this 10,000-year-old fairy tales could take away their own town of Xianshan. The reason why they did not take back on that day was so casually placed for demonstrations! Tell everyone that this mountain is here and no one can take it away! Anyone who defies his own orders will be sealed in the end!

Now...but there is a freak!

"Let's go! Today, if you dare to win the town of Xianshan, I will find you to take revenge in the coming day, and smash your soul, and die forever!" The ninety-nine leaves full of anger and sorrowful sounds, crossed the thousand miles of mountains and fell straight into the sky. Ginger white in the ear.

Ps: Yesterday's still did not say, two of today's ten more are still earlier, I counted, and finally did not owe. I hope everyone can see it! Look cool! Remember the monthly ticket!

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