Too Early

Chapter 1094: Taoist Venus

But the power of reincarnation is still flowing into the body of the empty mysterious child!

The empty mysterious child is still aging! However, with the help of relics, not only the power of reincarnation was weakened, but even the power of space was much weaker. Qin Haoxuan was finally able to take a breather.

No! If I continue this way, I will die! In the eyes of the empty mysterious son, the color of madness appeared, and the eyes flashed in the blink of an eye, desperately pointing out the relics in front of him!


The relics quickly smashed through the two forces that pierced the time and space and slammed into Qin Haoxuan. Relics blew themselves, the power of heaven and earth, Qin Haoxuan can not stop!

Did you hit me with this? Qin Haoxuan’s eyes flashed in playfulness, and the power of reincarnation shrouded the relics. The reversal of time turned the relics that were about to explode back to the state before the explosion, and fell into his hands.

In the moment when Qin Haoxuan received the relic, in this piece of heaven and earth, the force of the space that has been entangled and the power of reincarnation suddenly disappeared.

The sky reappears in the blue, but under the power of reincarnation, everything that has disappeared will never appear.

The relics started to be gentle, not the cold in the imagination of Qin Haoxuan. Just like the good jade, the brilliance of the good jade, a layer of soft light covering it, and a force of hegemony flowing inside, it is shocking.

Qin Haoxuan is observing the jade in his hand, but the empty Xuanzi is laughing, laughing and leaning forward, very incomparable.

Qin Haoxuan held the relic, very patient waiting for him to laugh.

Xuanzi looked at Qin Haoxuan deeply, shook his head and sighed, and said with regret: "If you just sneaked over to hide, but you are greedy, you dare to win this relic."

Xuan Xuan just finished, Qin Haoxuan felt the reluctance in his hands, and then when he had no time to react, the relic suddenly fell into his body.

Qin Haoxuan was slightly shocked and rushed to check his body, but only saw the relics standing next to his fairy, and did not make any attack.

"There are countless immortals who come to me. You are not the first to push me to this point." Kong Xuanzi slightly lifted his chin and faced Qin Haoxuan with a winner's gesture. I got a vicious smile. "When I was still weak, the kid of the nine-golden golden flower in your dragon sword came. At that time, he also forced me to a situation similar to today. But, what about it? The dead person is him! Hahahahaha..."

Qin Haoxuan looked coldly at Xuanzi, holding the hand of the dragon scale sword, and the blue veins violently.

The empty Xuanzi snorted: "You don't know? Although I haven't merged with this relic, I have already established contact with it. At that time, the kid also caught the relic and was relegated into his body. Then release the boundless power..."


Xuanzi’s hands jerked his hands and made an extremely exaggerated movement. The mouth also simulated the sound of the explosion. He looked at Qin Haoxuan, who was getting colder and colder, laughing and laughing: “Then the person is fully supported. Explosion! Blood falls like rain, it is a wonderful scene!"

"Is it?" Qin Haoxuan said coldly.

Xuanzi blinked his eyes and looked straight at Qin Haoxuan: "Of course. You can't imagine how much energy is contained in this relic, it will directly blast you, flesh and blood!"

Looking at Qin Haoxuan's indifferent look, although he feels that he has been steadily winning, but Xuanzi is extremely uncomfortable, he said with scorn: "Don't think that your current body is still your own, the vain of the Nether Devil is your kind." There is a demon that makes the devils jealous, it will control you!"

After the empty Xuanzi finished, the relics in Qin Haoxuan’s body moved, and a group of dark black magic spewed out!

When Hao Xuanzi’s eyes were smug, Qin Haoxuan suddenly smiled, then extended his right hand without thinking. In the eyes of the empty Xuanzi’s horror, he fell into his chest, and then he gave the group’s demons. Knocked out!

" is this possible..." The empty mysterious man widened his eyes and looked at it all unbelievably!

What happened to the empty mysterious son happened. After Qin Haoxuan pulled out the group of demons, he lumped up like a dough, then stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it.

Xuanzi has been horrified to say no words at all!

Everything Qin Haoxuan has just done is far beyond the cognition of Xuanzi. How can a person cultivate a fairy, how can he not be affected by the demons, or even eat the demons? !

Looking at the empty Xuanzi who was staying in the same place, Qin Haoxuan made a modest smile and smiled: "I also forgot to tell you, this thing is my heart, I am more familiar than anyone. Since you know me, you should know, I was immersed in the magic of magic for two years, and then I had some chances, so... this thing is not useful to me."

Xuanzi fingers trembled and pointed at Qin Haoxuan, his lips shook, and then his face flashed sharply, loudly: "Don't be crazy! Even if there is no demon in the relic, I can kill you!"

After all, the empty Xuanzi's hands flew very fast, and the knots were printed in front of them. They wanted to mobilize the relics in Qin Haoxuan and release a lot of energy.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the empty Xuanzi who was constantly printing.

"How could it be..." Xuan Xuan tried it three times in a row, and did not provoke the relic of Qin Haoxuan!

how is this possible? The empty mysterious face was pale to the extreme! Fear came up from the bottom of my heart!

The empty mysterious son gnawed his teeth and exerted his strength again. He wanted to control the relics in Qin Haoxuan's body, but he was extremely shocked to discover that he could not only move Cui, and even the connection with the relics was gradually weakened, and he was about to be cut off!

Xuanzi suddenly looked up and looked at Qin Haoxuan with horror. He swallowed his throat and trembled: "Why?"

Qin Haoxuan smiled.

Qin Haoxuan did not expect this to happen, but it really happened.

He could feel that the relic was very happy and happy in his body, and this situation began when he took the demons out of the body and began to work the Taoist magic.

Originally, I just wanted to manipulate the relics by the local Xuanzi, but I didn’t have this kind of magic to directly bring the relics to my side.

In fact, the rough line will understand, seeing the empty Xuanzi a pair of thunder, and now there are only two of them in this world, Qin Haoxuan said kindly: "Have you heard the Taoist magic method? ”

"Daoxin genius Dafa..." The empty mysterious son was beaten, and his mind was a little chaotic. He murmured and repeated it again. Then his body was stiff and he looked at Qin Haoxuan unbelievably. He shouted: "Daoxin Dafa?!"

Who will not know the magic of Dafa? It can be said that all the secrets of the magical Tao are from the Taoist genius Dafa, that is their ancestors who repair all magic!

Qin Haoxuan gently raised his eyebrows and smiled and said: "When you look at it, you know that you must know what is the Daoist Dafa, and what I am repairing is the Taoist Dafa."

Xuan Zizhen stared at Qin Haoxuan and said: "You are not a cultivator!"

Qin Haoxuan shrugged and said: "I am a cultivator."

"How is that possible?!" The empty mysterious heart is bleeding, I did not expect the hard work of the years, it will be put into use today!

"How is it impossible? Who said that the cultivation of immortals can not cultivate the Daoist magical Dafa? This is the most advanced cultivation method of the Magic Road. Moreover, this mentality is the most intimate of the two masters." It became clear, and Qin Haoxuan became very patient, saying one word and one sentence to Xuanzi.

"It turned out to be like this..." Kong Xuanzi understood, the original problem lies in the heart of Qin Haoxuan cultivation!

Relic is the dear thing of the devil, and it will be completely sensible to be attracted by the top-level mentality of the Taoist Dafa.

"Do you understand?" Qin Haoxuan asked kindly.

Xuanzi nodded subconsciously.

Qin Haoxuan smiled: "Then you can get on the road!"

Dragon scale sword cut through the sky ~ ~ bring up the wind and thunder and lightning, both fast and fiercely smashed to the empty mysterious son!

Losing the relic, the empty Xuanzi also lost control of the space, and he himself was seriously injured, how could he still resist Qin Haoxuan?

Not a moment, the empty mysterious son will be turned into a pool of blood under the dragon scale sword of Qin Haoxuan!

After hacking the dead mysterious son, Qin Haoxuan stood still for a long time, then whispered to Yu Chaohua, who was placed in the dragon scale sword: "Old, I will avenge you."

The clouds are scattered, the breeze comes, Qin Haoxuan will stand in front of the dragon scales sword, sigh in the heart, everything in the cultivation of immortals is unpredictable, death, always strong enough to be irresistible.

Yu Chaohua, a cultivator of the nine-petal golden flower, is a natural talent, and should have a more brilliant future, but now... nothing is gone.

Yu Chaohua’s affairs have also made Qin Haoxuan aware of the impermanence of the world. The road to Xiuxian is unpredictable and the future road needs to be cautious.

A loud bird hummed from the air, Qin Haoxuan returned to God, then shook his head and pressed those thoughts down.

He began to look at the relic in his body.

Even if he entered the human body, the brilliance of the relics did not dim a point. Qin Haoxuan tried the power inside the relics and wanted to absorb those forces.

But he just had an action, and the power of the relics poured out like a raging sea!

If Qin Haoxuan can freely manipulate the body and relics, at the moment of discovering the wrong, he will return to the retreat and no longer release the power. Maybe, he will really be blasted by the power in the relic!

"How can the power inside be so turbulent?" Qin Haoxuan was very surprised.

Sure enough, the existence of this level of the demon statue is not yet accessible to him now?

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