Too Early

Chapter 1101: Finding people in the wild

Which one is not a face-faced person? Why are these four ally allies hiding their faces?

Is it really everyone's enemy?

Although everyone has a lot of thoughts in their hearts, they can clearly feel that the four seas are angered.

Even though he couldn't see his face, the pressure of the main body of the four seas, and the traces of the ground suddenly bursting out, showed that he was very angry.

For a time, everyone even breathed lightly, and the line of sight closely followed Qin Haoxuan and the four-sea allies, and the scene touched.

Everyone is secretly guessing, is this four-sea allies mainly fighting Qin Haoxuan one time?

It is necessary to know that the Lord of the Four Seas Alliance is also very powerful. It is highly advanced and powerful. What is even more terrifying is that no one knows what his cards are, and Qin Haoxuan, just that hand, has already shocked everyone!

If the two really fight, they must hide far enough, otherwise it is easy to hurt innocent!

Just as nervous, Qin Haoxuan’s eyes were slightly revealing a few killings, and an extremely arrogant taunt came from afar.

"The cultivators are really a group of scattered sand that can't be gathered up, that is, we should be cleaned up!"

Along with the appearance of this voice, a group of imposing martial arts monks rushed in from the outside.

The leader led his eyes to look at the ambiguous Qin Haoxuan and the four-sea allied lord. He said disdainfully: "If you want to hit and hurry, don’t play here. Don’t be here in the old way, this fairy squad will be ours. It’s best to kill all the dog bites, and we’ll have to work hard to clean you up!”

The embarrassing came in with his own hands, and the group of magical demons were all awkward to look like.

The immortals present at the scene are all glaring at them!

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes were dark and turned, facing the on the way to the magical repairs of the road, and asked faintly: “Is it a ruin of the unknown?”

The man seems to be very proud of his master's rapture, or he is mistaken to think that the innocent little demon is contented, he sneered and laughed, taking advantage of his extremely high cultivation, swaying and walking toward Qin Haoxuan a few steps Carrying his chin and saying: "Our little demon has not arrived yet, I am his pioneering general ghost..."

The words of ecstasy are suddenly annihilated!

Qin Haoxuan has a sword without a warning! It’s too fast, just like the illusion, the cold light flashes in front of me, and the ghosts are separated! A head smashed to the front of the road to follow him!

This is the first time that Qin Haoxuan used the heart of the sword to kill, and it feels good.

And that ghost, even the introduction of the self did not introduce, directly hacked to death.

All the magical demons behind the ghosts are stunned! I don’t know what happened in the end. I reacted to the time of several interest, and I realized that my own generals were killed!

The cultivators behind Qin Haoxuan were also shocked and unable to speak. No one expected that Qin Haoxuan would suddenly shoot, and it was so fierce. Before everyone could respond, the little collar of the magical repair Was hacked!

Qin Haoxuan looked at the polar roads who were completely away from the front of the road. The eyes were cold and the tone was indifferent. "It is necessary to kill the individual. Is it necessary to be surprised?"

In the face of Qin Haoxuan's martyrdom, although they know that Qin Haoxuan is telling the truth, but always feel that what is wrong, but this discomfort quickly disappeared in the fear of Qin Haoxuan, all the people of the magical repair all eyes Looking at Qin Haoxuan with horror.

The people of the immortal society gradually gathered toward Qin Haoxuan.

"Not to mention, on the way you came, you have also destroyed one of our big forces, right? Then there is nothing to say." Qin Haoxuan raised his sword and finally, he kindly asked the whole group of people in front of him. The magic repaired, "Do you have anything to say?"

The people who are demon-minded are afraid of the extreme. In the face of the killing of Qin Haoxuan, none of them doubts that they may really fall here today. They are extremely afraid that they will not be able to respond. In the same place.

The four words of Wanjia Butcher, although not worthy of the gold signboard, are definitely **** signs!

At this time, everyone thought that when Qin Haoxuan wanted to open the killing, it was extremely humid, as if the shower was coming, and the breath of the raging sea was coming, not far from the entrance of the fairy grave. come!

Everyone has changed!

"this is……"

After the humidity to the extreme is adapted by the people, it is extremely ridiculous and lifeless, just like the pressure of the end of the world!

A thick cloud of clouds drifted from the sky, it was too fast, but in the blink of an eye, the cloud came to the crowd.

After seeing it clearly, everyone is yelling!

It wasn't a cloud at all, it was a chariot of black light, and the chariots were huge, all of them like hills, with turbulent pressure.

Above the chariot is a group of people who look arrogant and proud.

The robes on them are very different from those of Qin Haoxuan. They are not the same. They are not the big 6 people at first glance.

And everyone does not even have to guess, they know who they are.

On the chariot, everyone’s chest is embroidered with two gold characters on the front chest: “The End of the World!”

Everyone's face has changed!

The people of the sea are coming.

The chariot stopped before the immortal grave, and it was in opposition to the crowd. Then, there were several members of the sea and the sea, who were completely glaring and ignorant, and went to the chariot before going down. Indifferent overlooking the fairy grave and Qin Haoxuan and others.

The local big 6 cultivators and demons were no longer fighting at this time. Instead, they gathered together intentionally or unintentionally, and then looked at the chariot on the opposite side of the chariot, and they were proud of the sea.

Qin Haoxuan took a two-step walk to the sea.

On the way to the arrival, I knew that people from the wilderness would come. Therefore, Qin Haoxuan was not surprised. He just thought: "I don't know if there are blue smokers or friends among these people."

Thinking of the moment before the death of the blue smoke, her love for her loved ones in the hometown, Qin Haoxuan also brought a bit of pain between the eyebrows, slightly eyebrows, Qin Haoxuan strode out, before the day of the sea chariot.

"Lead?" Su Baishan was slightly shocked. I don't know why Qin Haoxuan suddenly went out.

Feng Yan also frowned slightly, but soon remembered the crowd of people who had been completely destroyed. When she closed her eyes and opened again, she only had firmness in her eyes.

In addition to the immortal people, all the other people on the 6th of the Big Ben were all surprised to see Qin Haoxuan standing up, and a whisper spread.

"What is Qin Haoxuan doing?"

"Would you like to find death? You have to go to the sea of ​​people!"


On the top of the sea chariot, those people just glanced at Qin Haoxuan with their eyes slanting and did not pay attention to him. Even the disciples with the lowest ranks in the wilderness, they all felt that they were better than those on the Xiuxian 6 A lot of noble.

"Below, teach Qin Haoxuan at the beginning."

Standing under the chariot, Qin Haoxuan sent a calm, slightly handed, and slammed his name.

Although he was standing in front of the sea chariot, he did not lose half of his momentum.

After a while, a very strong sound wave was uploaded from the chariot, and the violent winds of the intense energy fluctuations started!

"Children in the weak land, what is the qualification to talk to us? Roll!"

The thick voice, with the strength of the majestic, stirred in this world!

People who are called "the land of weak law" don't even see who is talking!

Standing in front of the chariot, Qin Haoxuan, who faced the sound wave, the black robe was blown behind him, hunting and slamming, and the land under his feet was even three small cracks caused by the intense sound waves!

Hearing the incomprehensible and contemptuousness of the words of the people in the wilderness of the sea, even the fairy light on the Lord of the Four Seas Alliance was slightly shaking, with a wrath.

Qin Haoxuan’s look is very dull, his eyes are silent like Gujing, and even his standing posture has not changed. When the hurricane suddenly stops, he opens his mouth again and his voice is light and cold: “I am here to ask you all the friends.” Can you know the blue smoke of the ancient sects of the ancient wilderness?"

The voice just fell, Qin Haoxuan brow wrinkled, he can feel that the moment he finished, on the chariot in front of him, there was a commotion!

Do you really have blue smoke relatives?


One person rushed out of the chariot, and immediately came to the ground, and then relyed on the sea chariot face Qin Haoxuan.

The man was covered in a layer of golden light, and the brilliance of the brilliance was like a few spins of the sword, making it impossible to see his face.

Qin Haoxuan opened two golden flowers in his eyes, and the gods condensed. Look again, and see the man at a glance!

Standing in front of Qin Haoxuan, the eyebrows are fine, the skin is fair, and the front is handsome, but the eyes are too much calculation, and the look is too proud, so Qin Haoxuan gently frowned.

"Where is the blue smoke now?" The man asked, as soon as he stood still.

Qin Haoxuan's expression was indifferent, and he whispered his mouth: "Before I told you, you should always let me know who you are, what name, what position, what is the relationship with blue smoke..."

The man snorted and rudely interrupted Qin Haoxuan’s words and said impatiently: “Now I am asking you questions. What qualifications do you have to ask? Answer me, what is your relationship with the blue smoke, where is she now?”

Qin Haoxuan was not irritated by the anger, but his expression was more calm. He nodded slightly: "Alright, I am the blue smoker..."

"Bold!" Qin Haoxuan just finished, the man will be angry, the flying sword in his hand glimpsed, like a thunder like a Qin Hao Xuan!

Qin Haoxuan was in a shape and completely avoided. Standing on the other side, he looked at the person faintly. If he did not know that the other party had a relationship with the blue smoke, he would kill him with a sword.

The guy shrouded in the golden light, full of surprise and wide-eyed eyes, he did not think that the immortal of the weak land in front of him could avoid his own blow!

Behind Qin Haoxuan, those who cultivated Xianda 6 were also very surprised. Qin Haoxuan was attacked by the initiative, and did not even kill the people in the wilderness? ! What are you doing? Is this still Qin Haoxuan?

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