Too Early

Chapter 128: Treasure hidden treasure

The red smelt squeezed a handkerchief, and the huge aura quickly gathered on him. The spiritual power fluctuated wildly, and the dust on the ground fluttered in the sky. The dust that was rolled up condensed in front of him, infused with spiritual power. Under the violent expansion, it becomes a huge stone!

Ye Yiming, who had a mental disorder in his body, saw a handkerchief in his nervousness. He quickly recited words in his mouth. As he recited the law and mobilized his spirit, he faced Qin Haoxuan: "Go!"

Qin Haoxuan is not moved. He has already died a brother, and can no longer let Ye Yiming die for himself! Since the sacred attack is useless to him, you can only use the invisible sword again! Fortunately, in the blood festival, he has quickly filled up the spiritual power of the body.

His right hand clasps the invisible sword, proficiently urging the body's spiritual power, madly and majesticly pouring into this small invisible sword. After the invisible sword trembles, the red stone will raise the huge stone to make them into Before the meat patties, the invisible sword spurred out, and the red smelt felt a sharp murderous rush, but it had already escaped. Qin Haoxuan shot through his eyebrows and fell to the ground.

Qin Haoxuan, who once again used the invisible sword, was the same as the previous one. The seedlings in the body suddenly approached the edge of the withering edge. The original sacred Dantian gas was donated again. He suddenly became languid and could no longer stand up.

In a room where a lavish courtyard of the ancient Yuntang Church was taught in the early days, a middle-aged man with a slightly sacral bone and a thin face with a slightly yellow complexion sat cross-legged in front of a line, and his body exudes a burst of gloom. The breath of man, his face wrinkles, like dry and wrinkled orange peel, this time, like the face of dried orange peel, is angry.

His gloomy and angry eyes fell on the small array filled with the flag. In this case, the small array was destroyed, the flag was scattered, and a small person folded with yellow paper was burning. If you are seen by a well-informed person, you will be surprised to recognize that this is the miracle of the evil monk, and even more surprising is that this soul-shifting array has been broken!

This person is the younger brother of Gu Yuntang Gu Yunzi, the red refining son.

"Bastard! A natural church waste, a new disciple, actually broke Laozi's soul-shifting array, and grabbed Laozi's stalactite spirit! In the future, you will be able to smash your body and smash the bones!" His anger is rising again. With the spirits stirring, the eyes turned to the front of the soul, and a green smoke suddenly emerged from the small array, and it burned it in the blink of an eye.

After burning the evil evidence such as the soul-shifting array, the red refining son was a little calmer. He said to himself: "There are hidden treasures that can kill the sacred leaves of the sacred leaves, and wait for you to come out of the water house. Have to find a reason to catch you, force your baby not to be, and my stalactites, must get!"

Just now he controlled Wu Yi’s body and was about to kill Qin Haoxuan and Ye Yiming, but it was inexplicably killed by Qin Haoxuan. The smashing soul was destroyed. He was completely stupid, a fairy seedling The new disciple has the ability to break his own lineup?

This Qin Haoxuan is only a cultivation of Xian Miaojing, not only in the blood sacrifice, but also can kill the Wuyi of the 20th leaf of Xianmiao, it seems that there must be heavy treasure!

The red refining son is secretly calculating in his heart. Fortunately, they also have no evidence of their own soul-hunting. They know that the truth of the matter is of no use. As long as they leave the water house alive, it is a pity that the treasure is placed on it. More help, but it is good to receive it. As for the stalactites, it is necessary to get the hand. Now there are not many Shouyuan, and the five people will be dying. It is necessary to get the spirit before the arrival of the five people.

After killing Wuyi, which was controlled by the red smelter, the sky was already exposed to white, and the dim morning light was scattered in the water house.

Ye Yiming excitedly looked at the group of stalactites floating in the air, and the eyes showed a hot glow. At this time, he and Qin Haoxuan were left. As long as they came up with a reasonable way to take these spirits out, they could Give Master's nephew the alchemy to Yanshou!

Because the immortals above the 20th leaf of Xianmiao can't enter the water house, the water house only appears for a short time each year. These stalactites are extremely rare, so they are extremely precious. Even if they can get it, they must be sold to the sect. The door, the private collection of stalactites is equivalent to the sin of the murderer!

After collecting these stalactites, only those elders who are eligible to enjoy, such as the ancestors, ancestors and elders, even the four lobby owners, do not have this qualification.

Zongmen’s investigation of his disciples was extremely strict, and the person who was in charge of the customs was a nine-time elder who was cultivated as a heaven. It is not a simple matter to want to marry him.

Ye Yiming from Wuyi Huaizhong, took out his jade bottle, carefully loaded these stalactite spirits into it, and then launched a smash, because it is not an easy thing to bring out the spirits. Being found to carry private goods, the nephew could not keep him.

"How do these stalactites come out of the water house? If the light is taken out, it will definitely be collected by the sects. So many spirits can indeed be exchanged for a large number of Lingshi, but the master can not use it. Only by taking them out of the water house, can you extend the life to Master!" Ye Yiming looked at Qin Haoxuan, as if he was asking, but he said to himself: "The strength of Xiuxian is everything, no strength, even if you get good things, you can't keep it." ”

When Ye Yiming was extremely entangled, the weak Qin Haoxuan took out the snake in his arms and said to Ye Yiming: "Sister, I have a way, you put the jade bottle on the ground."

Qin Haoxuan lay flat on the ground and attached the soul to the little snake.

Ye Yiming saw that the little snake that had been motionless suddenly moved, and Qin Haoxuan was astonished as if he had died without breathing.

The little snake came to the jade bottle and opened his mouth. The original small snake mouth became bigger than the jade bottle in a moment. The jade bottle was swallowed in one mouth and then returned to its original size.

The body of the snake is still as big as before, and there is no abnormality at all. It is even more impossible to imagine that it has swallowed a jade bottle with a thick wrist.

It went to Qin Haoxuan, and then Qin Haoxuan opened his eyes and put the snake into his arms and sat up. He smiled and said: "Ye Shixiong, this is my secret. I hope you can help me keep it!"

At this time, Ye Yiming was shocked and stunned. After Qin Haoxuan spoke to him, he nodded again and again. "Qin Shidi, I just didn't see anything. Do you have any secrets? Don't tell the brothers, the brothers don't want to know."

Looking at Qin Haoxuan who took up the snake, and forcing the curiosity without asking, Ye Yiming, could not help but think in his heart: Qin Shidi, where did the snake come from, and even have such a magical function? I don't know if he has any other treasures. It seems that this younger brother is really a blessed person. Obviously, there have been fairy tales before entering the water house. Otherwise, the children born in ordinary people have such magical things. ! Whether it is this little snake or the unknown baby who killed Chu Xiangzi and Wuyi, it is very strange, not to mention the general cultivation of immortals, even the super-teaching, the ancestors of this level of strength, may not be able to obtain .

Qin Haoxuan touched the little snake in his arms and suddenly sighed: "Hey, the fairy is ruthless, but in three days, if Pu brother can live three days more, these stalactites can be extended to Dan, he can also give him extended life, he Not so much..."

When mentioning Pu Hanzhong, Ye Yiming’s heart is also heavy, and he sighs slightly: “The heavens are ruthless, the fate is impermanent, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow. What we can do is to grasp the present and grasp the future! Just like Han Zhong often marries you. Shou Yuan is the foundation of the cultivator. Only by working hard to improve the realm can you get Shouyuan."

Qin Haoxuan solemnly nodded, sweeping the face of decadence, said: "Get these stalactites, Master's life is expected, Pu brother brother is also pleased in the spirit of the heavens. Ye brother, I just consumed excessive spiritual power, first meditate !"

Ye Yiming nodded. When he looked at Qin Haoxuan, he was somewhat ecstatic. In the past few days with Qin Haoxuan, he has been shocked by the unique performances of Qin Haoxuan. This younger brother can always come up with various surprises, not only repeated. It’s a must, and it’s a magical thing. It’s so easy to solve the tricks of sedating stalactites.

"Master, his old man... finally has hope." Ye Yiming flashed a bright light in his eyes, his face filled with excitement that could not be concealed. He finally knew why Pu Hanzhong specially talked to him for an afternoon and asked him to help Qin Haoxuan. After he contacted Qin Haoxuan, he found that he was not only empathetic, but also so amazing, he often gave him surprises!

After Qin Haoxuan returned the invisible sword, he took out a pack of gas from his arms again, swallowed his mouth and began to quickly replenish his spiritual power, and Ye Yiming checked it around and found that there was no abnormality, but also meditation on the cross to adjust the disordered spirit in the body. force.

Ye Yiming does not take long to adjust the aura of disorder in the body, but Qin Haoxuan has spent a full three hours of devouring the aura. In these three hours, although some sporadic souls have appeared, they have been solved by Ye Yiming. This courtyard is very remote. There were no other people looking for it at three o'clock.

When Qin Haoxuan resumed his spiritual power and opened his eyes from meditation practice, Ye Yiming was looking at a mirror. It was found by Ye Yiming just below the stalactites.

"Senior brother, what is this mirror?" Qin Haoxuan took this bronze mirror that showed the fluctuation of spiritual power. He looked over and over and looked at it. He always felt that it was very unusual.

"This is not an ordinary mirror. It is a magical mirror. It is a magic weapon." After Yi Yiming paused, he showed his fascination: "The three things of magic weapon, medicinal herbs and flying swords are extremely precious resources for cultivation. The rumored refining magic weapon is particularly expensive, and it is tens of thousands, even dozens, millions of Lingshi." Ye Yiming said that in the end, even his own secretly.

Qin Haoxuan heard a stunned look, took this face and turned it over and looked at it for a long time, said: "Can this mirror carry people? Can fly thousands of miles?"

Ye Yiming smiled and shook his head. "I have read some books on magic weapons. I have had an introduction about the Thousands of Mirrors. Although this Thousand Mirror is only an auxiliary low-level magic weapon, the production method was a fairy magic war thousands of years ago. Lost in the middle, there are very few people now! Thousands of mirrors can not be used for combat, generally used in surveillance, exploration, etc., such as you are in an unknown area, you can use it to find out where there is danger, where is there any treasure The so-called knowing ourselves and knowing each other is not a battle."

Qin Haoxuan nodded took this Thousand Mirror and fell into meditation. After a long while, he said: "These stalactites have artificial bans outside, and there is such a magic weapon. It seems that some people have discovered these spirits. Liquid, just for some reason, did not take it away."

Ye Yiming also thought thoughtfully for a while, and finally smiled calmly: "Don't be too sorrowful! The cultivator is desperate to the sky, not afraid of the sky, still afraid of people?"

"For the brothers, how can you use this mirror? You know?"

"You enter a spiritual power, and then you can see the situation nearby. If you want to see farther, you need to input more spiritual power."

Qin Haoxuan tried to input a spiritual power, no response, he had to increase his spiritual input.

After the spiritual power was enough, the mirror of this thousand miles burst into a white light, and then returned to normal, and the mirror that originally had no difference from the ordinary mirror slowly appeared in a picture, which turned out to be the courtyard where they met Wuyi. Qin Haoxuan continued. Entering the spiritual power and changing the picture, I saw that a group of people were fighting. He stopped curiously and found that there were more than a dozen people besieging a person.

The man who was besieged was a madman!

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