Too Early

Chapter 1355: Visiting the famous teacher

He has reached the peak of Xianying five years ago, and it is harder to go further.

In five years, he has tried to hit the palace many times, but he has returned without success. Until now, he did not find out where the door of the palace was.

Just like climbing a summit, looking at another mountain that cannot be looked up, looking through the foot, but found that there is no way.

Qin Haoxuan is helpless.

Where is the road?

he does not know.

In the past five years, he also forced himself to go mad. Qingsi once turned into white hair. However, he did not come out, but he still couldn’t figure out that he could not find a way out.

Qin Haoxuan had to get out of the state wrapped in thick fog, because he knew that it would take time to continue retreating.

Reconciliation of the inner waves, Qin Haoxuan fingertips, the room full of dust slowly receded.

Get up, open the door, a yard of peach blossoms, just as he retired.

"Qin Xiaoxian Wang, are you out?" Ali did not change much, standing in the distance, not afraid to approach.

Ari’s heart fell, because he found that the Qin Xiaoxian Wang who came out of retreat became more and more awe-inspiring, and even dared not look up.

"The free magic master can come back?" Qin Haoxuan sounds dull, like Qingquan out of the valley, with a trace of clean.

Ah immediately replied: "Back, the Lord is watching the clouds at the peak."

Qin Haoxuan nodded and turned to go.

The peaks, the loneliness is unattainable, the chill is sensational, the snow is covered all the year round, the clouds and seas are stacked, and it is spectacular.

Sitting in the chair made of his black jade, the black man was black and black, his face was cold, and he had a wooden gourd on his hand. The whole body was covered with fog. The eyebrows with thick ink were stained with a wet mist. The hair is not like the person who should be in the human world, and the temperament is also chilling in vain, as if you can go to the fog at any time.

Qin Haoxuan has always been a bit slow to the beauty of the United States, but at the moment, he really feels that the self-defeating master can only seduce half of the world with this skin.

From the eyes of the demon Lord, it seems as if a still ink painting is suddenly injected into the charm, everything is alive, and his light flashes, and the soft waves are like water, but actually contain the power to tremble the world. The spirit of the king in the eyebrows is full, and the super-existing sea of ​​the sea is suppressed.

One move and one quiet, the rhyme is full.

Qin Haoxuan step by step, the thick fog around him entangled, but it is difficult to really contaminate Qin Haoxuan's body.

Since the Lord of the Lord raised the gourd at hand, took a sip and said casually: "Look at the sea of ​​clouds?"

Qin Haoxuan stopped and shook his head: "I don't understand a problem."

The owner of the devil nodded to him.

“How to step into the palace?”

The self-defeating Lord is not surprised by Qin Haoxuan’s question. His tone is gentle and said: “It’s impossible to rely on the understanding, to achieve the peak of Xianying’s environment, to step through this gap, to enter the Taoist palace, it’s impossible to practice alone. of."

"I know that I feel that my absorption of the aura and the grasp of power have already reached the level of the situation. Even so, I still can't break through the road and can't find a way to enter the palace."

"Then you need to understand, when you are enlightened, it is the time to step into the palace." The voice of the Lord of the Lord fluttered in the thick fog.

Qin Haoxuan frowned. "How can you get to the point?"

The self-devil smeared the chin, and he thought about it: "I can't say anything about this thing, you have to feel it yourself."

Qin Haoxuan felt that this was the case. He did not say that there was no difference. So he asked: "How did you realize the demon Lord?"

When the Lord remembered the days, he blinked and said: "How did I get to the point? That day can be interesting, or I am the peak of the fairyland, sitting in the lonely mountain, sitting for a hundred years, then one day... ..."

"Amorous?" Qin Haoxuan asked slightly.

"No, I am asleep."

Qin Haoxuan turned his eyes to the sky.

"After taking a nap, when I woke up, a road across the Xianyingdao Palace flashed through my mind, and I took it. After ten days, I stepped into the Taoist Palace." The devil's tone said plainly, "Through the road, the heavens and the earth, the road, I am a brand new existence."

“Have a hundred years of sitting?” Qin Haoxuan shook his head. “This method is not suitable for me. I don’t have much time.”

Moreover, since the Lord of the Devil has been able to enter the Taoist Palace for a hundred years, he may not be able to do it. Qin Haoxuan clenched his fist.

Even if I can wait, I can’t wait for the first time.

Therefore, I must step into the palace as soon as possible.

The self-defeating Lord did not know what he thought of, and smiled lightly: "Some people, stagnation of Xianying peaks can not go any further for hundreds of years, but when Shouyuan is near, Wude Avenue, step into the Taoist palace."

Qin Haoxuan sighed softly and shook his head again: "This is not for me."

The magical master looked at the front and far away, and the dense fog of the sea of ​​clouds, the sound said: "Daogong, that is, the Taoist Palace, only the real way to enter the realm, can not enter so easily. ”

Qin Haoxuan looked up and looked at the distance. The clouds were smashing, the fog was like the sea, and the waves of the wind seemed to spurt out and melt into the sea of ​​clouds.

Since the Lord of the Lord picked up the gourd to drink, the afterglow of the corner of the eye saw Qin Haoxuan, and let go, and for a moment, said: "There is still a way."

Qin Haoxuan’s dawn: “What method?”

"I have heard that there are a lot of monks trapped in the peak of the immortal infantry. They will go to visit the strong people in the palace, and ask the masters of the palace to inform them of their feelings when they step into the palace. Naturally, you can clear the fog and see your own way."

Turning to look at Qin Haoxuan, the palm of the hand is slightly raised, a non-Golden jade token appears in the palm of the hand, but the size of the palm, in addition to the material, everything is very different from the previous bookstore token given to Qin Haoxuan, this order The card is full of light, and the color is very beautiful. The surrounding area is full of engraving and graphic art.

Throw the token to Qin Haoxuan, and the main road of the devil: "There is still a monk in the palace. You go to the magic city, ask from there, there is no palace around, pick a few, go Listen."

After taking the token, Qin Haoxuan nodded thoughtfully: "This is indeed a solution."

"Right, go to see the strong palace, and tell them how to enter the palace, don't forget to bring a gift." The self-defeating Lord snorted behind him.

Qin Haoxuan said: "Know it."

Quickly swept from the peak, Qin Haoxuan did not stay in the direction of the free magic city.

The magic master leaned slightly against the back of the chair and took a sip of the gourd in his hand. Outside the gourd, it was clear and transparent. There was no impurity, and there was no taste at all: "The world is full of wine and mellow, but I don't know this. The snow water formed by the top of the snowy peaks in the northern region is a must in the world."


Freedom in the Magic City is a castle that the Devil Lord once established. Although the Devil Lord said that the Magic City is not big, Qin Haoxuan saw a large city covering hundreds of miles when he was seen in midair. The city is five or six times larger, and it is a country that cannot be overstated.

It is not only a city, but also a number of mountains and a few rivers. It is full of people and full of fireworks.

The walls are made of black bricks, but they are not straight. When viewed from the sky, it seems to be four black dragons lying on the ground, connecting them end to end.

Qin Haoxuan walked in from the city gate, and the flow of people was like a weaving. There were also various sounds of selling. The roads here are wide, there are many roadside shops, and there are some high-rise courtyards. I don’t know what a monk’s residence is.

Different from the four elephants, the atmosphere of the whole free magic city is very easy, without any restraint, as if there are no rules, Qin Haoxuan saw someone flying in and out, not far from fighting.

Chaos, but chaos is very orderly.

Two steps in the city, Qin Haoxuan looked at a big city, pondered for a few moments, and turned back to the city gate.

Two magical dresses in black robes at the gate of the city, one tall and fat, one is short and thin, and the two are sitting lazily in the chair, and there is a talk without a ride.

The gates of the city are allowed to go in and out, even if a **** person flies out, followed by a monk who screams the murderer, these two magic eyelids will not lift.

"Li Wu, have you heard of it? Yesterday, the people of Haoyue Pavilion and the people like the Water House fought up. I didn't expect that, the women who helped the women were smashed than the men." There was a sound in his mouth.

The short-skinned demon who was called Li Wu took a sip of wine and shook his head. "I want to say that it is all from the Hehuan Palace. What do you fight? Zhao Wei, you said, isn't it? This is a lot of hits." The day does not open the door."

Zhao Yan sighed: "Isn't it? Female repair is trouble."


Until Qin Haoxuan came to them, the two sneaks, who were whispering, frowned and raised their heads: "Who are you?"

Qin Haoxuan did not speak, and directly took out the token given by the devil.

Li Wu and Zhao Wei’s body suddenly became stiff. They looked at the token and looked at Qin Haoxuan. They fell from the chair as soon as they woke up. They stood in front of Qin Haoxuan: "I don’t know the advent of the nobles. Guilty and guilty. What do you have to tell, directly say, directly, small is to give you a life."

Qin Haoxuan shook his token in his hand: "I don't want your life either, just inquire about it. Is there any strongman around the palace, carefully?"

Li Wu and Zhao Wei looked at each other and saw the surprise from the other side, but the token was in front of them. The two did not dare to hesitate. They immediately began to search for the truth of the palace.

"There is a 10,000-year-old Dazhi Zileizong from the city to the West Baili. There is an ancestor in it. It is called the real person of the Taoist Palace. Li Wudao .

Zhao Wei went on to say: "There is still a 10,000-year-old Da Zhai Village, which is dozens of miles from the outside of the city. There are two strong people in the palace."

Li Wu tried hard to think about the sects around the magic city, and said: "There is also a Ziye Pavilion. This sect is only over 9000 years old, but there is also a Taoist palace with two Taoist palaces."


Qin Haoxuan listened to their words and frowned. "It’s all in the sect..."

Still trying to think about where there is a place where the powerful members of the palace, Li Wu and Zhao Wei, heard this, and silenced, and looked at Qin Haoxuan with uneasiness.

Qin Haoxuan secretly thought: "I am sensitive now. If I really go to these big sects, it is difficult to ensure that these sects will not be as mourned as those of the previous people. They rely on sects and guard the mountains. If true, This way, then I will suffer."

"Excuse me, what's wrong with you?" Li Wu asked cautiously.

Qin Haoxuan thought for a moment and asked: "In addition to the monks who were trained in the Daoist sects, there are still monks in the vicinity who have no orders."

Li Wu and Zhao Wei thought about it, and then the eyes brushed up and lighted up: "There is such a strong person."

"Oh? Where?" Qin Haoxuan asked.

Li Wudao: "Hundreds of years ago, a monk who had been killed by a martial art in the magic city, but he spent three days in the magic city, broke through the bottleneck and entered the palace."

"Yes, this person's name calls for the ancestors. After entering the Taoist palace, he did not think about the re-education. He regarded the magic city as his blessed land. He opened a cave house outside the magic city, and named it as a cave house. Now Traveling to the ancestors, is already the strongest of the two Taoist palaces, right?" Li Wu looked at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei nodded and said with certainty: "The ancestors of the tour have always lived there."

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