Too Early

Chapter 1387: Giant Country Fighting Dragon Tiger

The sky is wide and the land is extremely wide. In the breeze from the pavement, with the smell of moist sea water, Qin Haoxuan stands beside a stone. After a while, it reacts. From the sight of these scenes, there is a strange feeling. What is it.

He is getting smaller, no, it should be said that everything around him is beyond the common sense. This is similar to the feeling of his possession of the snake. It feels more real and shocking. After all, he looks at himself.

The trees around me are unimaginable, and the head can only see the top slightly, and even the plants in the bushes are much higher than him.

“Where is this?” Qin Haoxuan wondered, “Does the door be accompanied by a small space and a different world?”

The place where Qin Haoxuan is located at the time is above the coast. Occasionally, the sound of the surging waves coming from afar is heard. The ground is covered with sand and stones. The huge trees and bushes are scattered on the ground.

He even heard the voice of human conversation.

Qin Haoxuan's brow slightly wrinkled and looked into the distance. At first glance, he was shocked.

In the distance, a man and woman built in the civil engineering, there are men and women in and out, and these people, the shortest is also two feet high, even three feet high, even higher!

"What kind of world did I enter?"

Qin Haoxuan was full of surprise. He lived in the cultivation of the fairyland for so many years. He also saw the super-human or the monk, but it was a minority. Why have you seen such a tall giant?

Qin Haoxuan condensed the gods and felt that there was no danger. In this strange space, it seems that there is no repression of the heavens and the earth, and the aura and its abundance are not the aura of concentration in one place in the cultivation of immortals, but the shop. Scattered between the heavens and the earth, it blends into the air and feels everywhere.

At this time, a huge shadow shrouded Qin Haoxuan. He was tight and looked up quickly. A huge, feathery bird flew over his head. The bird was two feet long. With a wave of arms, it covers the sky, like a floating cloud, and it is extremely fast, rolling up the waves, and disappearing into the sky in a short time.

When the giant bird flies far away, Qin Haoxuan's low eyebrows are a little thought, rising and rising to the air, overlooking the positive area. At first glance, the horror of the heart increases.

This is a huge island surrounded by sea water, with a lot of water and steam. The terrain is very wide, but unlike the countless cities and divisions in the Xiuxian world, this whole island is a country with a huge city around the island. Wrap it up, there are few mountains in the island, mostly hills and undulating, and various stockades with quaint meaning are located on it.

Taking the giant tree up to the sky as a shelter, Qin Haoxuan tempted to fly to the nearest stockade, and when he was closer, he could clearly hear the words of the giants.

"What they said, I can understand..." Qin Haoxuan blinked, found a big tree, flew into it, and then began to listen carefully to what these people are saying, maybe they can get useful things.

I haven't waited for Qin Haoxuan to hear anything, not far from the sea, like a tsunami, the waves are skyrocketing, and the sound is like a thunder, and the front door of the stockade is open, and several giants rush out from it, with a slap The momentum of the people slammed into the sea!

what happened?

Qin Haoxuan turned his head and looked at it. After entering this space, he suffered a lot of horror, and suddenly his eyes widened!

An incomparably huge big fish jumped out of the sea somehow, attracting waves around the sea!

That big fish is really too big, completely beyond the imagination of Qin Haoxuan, the giants are on the side of it, they are small as if they are ants!

The fish showed only one head, and then half of the coast was shrouded. When the fish was exposed, Qin Haoxuan discovered that it was no wonder that the fish could prance and fly like a flight. It turned out that there were a pair of weird but powerful wings on both sides of the fish body!

Looking at one of the excitement, the giant who rushed to the big fish, Qin Haoxuan’s mouth was pumping, as if he saw the ridiculous ants screaming at the elephant, it was very funny.

But once again, Qin Haoxuan’s shocking speechless thing happened!

At the moment when a giant is about to approach the big fish, his feet are slamming, and by this force, he is soaring, clenching his fist in midair, lifting it up high, ready to go, and then falling to the front of the big fish. The moment, suddenly swayed!

Huge, as if the power to tear the heavens and the earth suddenly came, the whole world was a trembling, the void was curling, the wind was broken, the power of horror gathered in a fist, and the giant fish that looked taller than the mountain, Instantly slammed out and fell into the sea, no more life!

Terrible, this power is terrible!

Qin Haoxuan was stiff and couldn't believe the scene. An ant could fly an elephant out and die in an instant. This ridiculous and absurd thing happened to be lived in front of his eyes!

"This, what kind of people are there?!"

After the death of the huge fish, the giant of the boxing fist smiled, very loyal, just looking at his expression, who can believe that he had just punched a fish so big?

However, Qin Haoxuan looked at the expressions of the giants around him. It seems that this is a very common thing. No one is surprised.

Qin Haoxuan: "..."

The two giants went to the sea and quickly took off the body of the big fish.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the fish corpse that was as high as the mountain. It was dragged ashore by two giants who were similar to the ants. The strangeness in my heart was nowhere to be expressed.

"These people, this place must be weird!" Qin Haoxuan's eyes shine brightly. "This is a powerful force against the sky. If I have it, can I even kill the king?"


"Wow! Big fish!"

"Two uncles are amazing!"

After conquering the big fish, some people ran out again in the gate of the cottage, which was a woman and a child.

However, those women are also like giants, and the children are no different from the children in the world of cultivation.

"What is going on?" Qin Haoxuan wondered and made up his mind to look at the past. "By just killing the dragon, you can see that these giants will not fly. Once there is any danger, I will fly to the sky." Self-protection is completely no problem."

Trailing behind the women, Qin Haoxuan noticed that the boulder bushes were hidden, and no giant found any strange.

"Great, I want to grow up, just as bad as my uncles." There is a seven- or eight-year-old doll on the giant's feet!

"Ha ha ha..." The giants burst into a big laugh, then put these children and children on their palms and teased them to play.

The child laughed with joy.

A shadow came over from Qin Haoxuan, and instinctively, Qin Haoxuan suddenly flew up and rose to the sky!

When he set his mind down, he found that although several giants ran from behind him to the huge big fish, they flew from the eyes of these people. How, as if no one noticed?

"Can't you not see me?"

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes turned and fell from the sky with vigilance. He deliberately circled a giant around a safe distance. The giant did not say anything.

"I really can't see me." Qin Haoxuan felt funny, grinned, fell from the air, and began to observe these giants at close range.

"These people are tall, but not average, and they don't seem to grow up to become more than three feet tall. Some old people and even young people are just over a ton, compared with those who are more than three feet taller. It’s a bit strange.” Qin Haoxuan looked at them thoughtfully.

"I want to grow up, I want to grow up too!"

"Me too, I want to kill big whales!"


The children’s still tender voice came over, and Qin Haoxuan looked curiously.

The giants laughed hahaha, and even for the children, they even lowered their voices: "The baby is still small, and when I grow up, I can learn witchcraft. When I use the power of witches, I can grow up and grow up. Strength!"

"Hurry up!"

The children are shouting.

The giants are full of spoiled children, and immediately said: "Yes, grow up quickly, and when our baby grows up, you can gain the supreme power. When you go to fight with the father, you will not be oppressed by them!" ”

When this is said, not only children, but other giants are roaring in the carnival, as if to fight the gods is what is exciting and exciting.

Qin Haoxuan, who was on the sidelines: "...What kind of clan is this? The power of witch? Fighting the gods?"

Are the gods in their mouths the same as the gods in the celestial world? What is the power of witch?

Some men and women were separated from the big fish and made into food. The remaining giants took the children back to the stockade.

Qin Haoxuan did not want to follow up.

This stockade is built with giant wood boulders, rough and unconstrained, with a special charm.

The closer to Qin Haoxuan is more surprised.

There is a kind of power fluctuation that he has never touched!

With a strong interest in it, Qin Haoxuan followed the strength of the wave and found himself in a very spacious yard, much like the teaching platform for the disciples of the immortal world to learn spiritual law.

In fact, this is indeed a place for teaching.

The older giant is standing on the north side, and many 12-year-old children are sitting right in front of the giant, and on the side of the giant is a polished slate with a black handwriting on it: witch !

Qin Haoxuan looked at the word and laughed: "It's getting more and more interesting. This word is exactly the same as the text of Xiu Xianjie. This shows that this is not an independent world. It is related to the definition of Xiuxian."

Recalling that just next to the body of the big fish, there is a giant saying that learning witchcraft can kill the gods and see the power of the giants. Qin Haoxuan’s heart is filled with arousing excitement. Is this witchcraft really killing the gods?

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