Too Early

Chapter 1388: Do whatever you want

"If there is a robbery cloud down..." Qin Haoxuan shook his head, a little dare not think, with his current level, even a common thunder cloud can not stop, let alone the double fairy species of robbery? !

With a sigh of relief, Qin Haoxuan looked at the two seeds of a demon and a fairy in the body, and raised his eyebrows: "Is it my own to make myself a very rare double fairy in the legend?"

If you are known by others that Qin Haoxuan has been mistakenly hit by a magical species, I don’t know how many strong people to be shocked.

In the Xiuxian world, if you want to achieve the double fairy, you will be born with a genius, but this kind of general is born and killed by the robbers, and the other is the transplant of other monks, and the demon spends a lot of manpower and resources. Only the profound teachings of the 10,000-year-old or the Supreme Masters can be carried out.

Like Qin Haoxuan, he spontaneously condensed one, which can be said to be unique!

Exploring the aura into the magic species, Qin Haoxuan’s surprise discovery, the magic species is really like the common fairy species, began to absorb and grow leaves.

It didn't take long for the forty-nine leaves of the magic species to grow out completely, with magic on it, and even more surprised, each leaf has a demonic expression, joy, anger, sadness, and joy. ... all kinds of things.

"Reincarnation can actually do this step." Qin Haoxuan looked at his two vibrant species, full of emotion.

Close your eyes, the reincarnation avenue is everywhere, in his body, on every leaf of his genus, every drop of blood flowing in his body, even between heaven and earth, traverses.

Qin Haoxuan feels his own kind and magic species, and he has already thought about the road to the realm of Xianshu.

"A demon tree, a fairy tree, when the two trees grow, I will plant them all on my avenue. From then on, every cultivation I will be related to the reincarnation, will absorb the reincarnation. Everything in the cultivation is used by me. I want to take this road to the extreme."

Qin Haoxuan has a firm color on his face. He understands that once he chooses to root the fairy tree on the reincarnation avenue, it is equivalent to cutting off all other possible Taoist sentiments.

This is a mad gamble, blocking all of your own and the future, and rushing for your own life. Win, don't know what to get, once you lose, you will be defeated, and there is no turning day.

Qin Haoxuan’s brain flashed through the reincarnation of the last question of the fairy king: Does the reincarnation really exist?

Even Xian Wang, even a fairy king who has reached a desperate situation can not answer this question.

However, now Qin Haoxuan has given the answer in his own heart.

Reincarnation, always exists, the way of reincarnation, after all, will be the world through which the world and the people, God's Kangzhuang road.

This road, I Qin Haoxuan has set.

With the idea fixed, Qin Haoxuan's eyes are more clear, and all the confusions in the past have disappeared in a flash. Only the sky is wide and the mind and body are refreshing.

Now is not the time to enter the fairyland, too much movement, will cause unnecessary trouble, after all, the purple species does not have such a fast cultivation speed.

Qin Haoxuan thought for a moment, turned his head and looked at the bed and cried tired and tired of Ji Aozhen, a corner of the mouth, since bought it can not be used at all.

Starting from the group, Qin Haoxuan came to Ji Aozhen with the smile that he thought was the most kind.

Ji Aozhen looked at Qin Haoxuan who stepped closer to himself, and his sly look became alert. The tears that had not been there immediately flowed out again.

Sure enough, the devils are all beasts, bastards, stinking, what should I do, who will save me...

Qin Haoxuan had just walked to the bedside, and Ji Aozhen struggled fiercely. Even the clothes on his body were smashed, revealing that a large piece of white meat did not know, and struggled with strength.

Qin Haoxuan frowned, held the shoulder of Ji Aojun, and then put his clothes on her, and said gently: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I will release you now, you can't call As long as I answer some of my questions, I will nod."

Ji Aojun nodded like garlic.

Qin Haoxuan was satisfied, and removed the shackles of Ji Aozhen and removed the rag from her mouth.

"Smelly, what do you want to ask?! I will not tell you the secrets of our sects!" Ji Aozhen stood up from the bed and pointed at Qin Haoxuan and shouted, "You are far away from me." Point! Be careful, I killed you!"

Qin Haoxuan licked his temples and twisted his brow to see Ji Aozhen: "We are not saying good, I will not harm you, as long as you tell me..."

"I won't listen to you! I won't tell you anything!" Ji Ao shouted in his ear. "Master said that it is true. The people of the demon will all confuse people. You walk away!"

Throughout the cave, there was a sharp scream of Ji Ao, Qin Haoxuan endured forbearance, and finally he couldn’t bear it. He screamed: "Do you know what you can't do? What do you know now?!"

The anger that Qin Haoxuan suddenly broke out scared Ji Aozhen instantly.

Looking at the red eyes, the arrogant arrogance, Qin Haoxuan scratched his head, is it too strict?

At this time, the cave broke out more than a few times more than the sharp crying cry: "You devil even dare to marry me?! You go away, I want to go back to Fengmingge, I am looking for my master, I want to kill You killed you!"

Qin Haoxuan: "..."

Looking at his own bed and screaming and jumping and crying, Ji Haozhen, Qin Haoxuan angered to the extreme and smiled.

Ji Aozhen wiped his tears with both hands, and looked at Qin Haoxuan with a slap in the air. The blind man was still dumb and still said: "You don't want to get anything from me! If you dare to hurt me, just wait for death..."

Qin Haoxuan stepped closer to the bed, his face was smiling, but his eyes were cold: "Are you busy enough? Didn't you teach you when you were young?"

Ji Aozhen did not listen to Qin Haoxuan’s words. When he saw him coming over to himself, he screamed and jumped out of bed and ran to the hole. However, Qin Haoxuan grabbed it and then threw it on the bed and she cried louder. When I think of it, Qin Haoxuan held it down with one hand. The panic in my heart suddenly flew her mind: "You let me go, I can give you a lot of things, I have a lot of Lingshi..."

Qin Haoxuan didn't listen to her now, and she thought about teaching her well. After she pressed her on the bed, she slaps and slaps the **** of the arrogant ass!


The buttocks came up with hot pain. Ji Aozhen first slammed for a moment. After reacting to what kind of treatment he was treated, a face turned into a pig liver color, and there was a cry in the throat: "You ran this dare to beat me." Oh, you are waiting for me..."

Qin Haoxuan listened to the smashing of the arrogant pipa, but also a bit of a hard look, happy, and another slap hit!

"Oh... it hurts, the **** is stinky, I want Master to kill you!"

Just when Qin Haoxuan and Ji Ao were in a hurry, a slightly strange voice came from the hole: "What is your situation? Apprentice, it’s been two days, have you not subdued this little girl?"

Qin Haoxuan had a tight heart and controlled the look on his face. First, a spiritual method blocked the mouth of Ji Aozhen, and then he looked back with surprise and raised his eyebrows: "This kind of thing, don't worry, you must first adjust your training." ""

Huo Knife likes to know his own apprentice, just look at Qin Haoxuan's eyes, then nod his head and admire: "Yes, good, look at your usual look, I did not expect a bad stomach, hahahahahaha..."

Being tied to the bed, I can't say a word, messing around, flushing my face, tears and scars, and being like a roadside beggar, watching these two shameless demons, I am talking, The great grievances in my heart were afraid to come up and cry again.

Qin Haoxuan smiled and smiled.

Huo Keng took a picture of Qin Haoxuan's shoulder, with a hint of comfort in his eyes: "Well, I saw you honestly before, and thought that you are more suitable for the cultivation method of Dao Xiu, I feel a little pity."

Qin Haoxuan stunned and asked Huo Knife: "Why?"

"Because our devotion is about casualness and embarrassment, we abandon all the weak things in the world, and the same is true of the mind. Usually, we are too ignorant to understand the essence of our magical practice, and we cannot inherit my Tao." Huo Knife held his hand, and the hard face was accompanied by a smile that was not easy to detect. "But now, it seems that my doubts are your disguise. So treacherous, even I can't see it, it really is a The material of the magic repair."

Qin Haoxuan listened to this, crying and laughing, had to make an embarrassed look.

"Okay, go in, get ready, go on these two days."

Qin Haoxuan nodded and said yes.

Huodao just turned around and stopped again. He looked at the arrogance in the room with a sneak peek: "Take a good morning, don't wait for trouble on the road."

"You can rest assured that the disciples have a few hearts."

Ho Khoha laughed: "There are counts."

When Huo Kou completely left his own Dongfu, Qin Haoxuan only slightly relieved his heart: "He said that the magic repair is to abandon all the weak things in the world, refers to feelings?"

But if you really abandon the feelings of the people I can't understand love and hate, can people still be called people?

Can be seen, but can not be abandoned.

Qin Haoxuan shook his head and turned back to the Dongfu. He saw the arrogance of his eyes on his bed, and it was a big head.

Ji Aozhen looked at Qin Haoxuan who came back again. He felt that the world of his own world had turned black. He felt a grief and grievance in his heart. He was fierce and sorrowful and looked at the magic repair that he could not wait to smash his body.

Qin Haoxuan leaned on the foot of the bed, and looked at Ji Aozhen very disgusted. He said impatiently: "What is your look? I tell you, I am not interested in your little girl."

Ji Aozhen can't talk, can only use his eyes to complain about his unbelief, and secretly thinks that Master is right, the magic repair is really a treacherous sinister, can not believe a word!

Qin Haoxuan frowned: "I am actually..."

Halfway through, Qin Haoxuan looked at the likes of the little white rabbit and swallowed the words in his mouth.

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