Too Early

Chapter 1394: 螳螂 雀 雀 with hunter

According to the calculation of Huo Knife, the catastrophe of his own disciple is also in these days, but it is not accurate to which day. I did not expect that he himself figured it out, which is a bit interesting.

"Then what are you doing here?"

Qin Haoxuan saw Huo Knock listened to his own words, and his mood did not change much. His heart was dark, and the old fox really knew it. He also had a look at the mountain, but he was superficially respectful: "Disciples This time, I want to tell Master that this time I should be a foreigner to the disciples, not the people of the konjac. The disciples don’t know who they will be, and they don’t know who they are, so they want to Please Master to help the disciples this time."

Huo got up from the futon and walked up to Qin Haoxuan. He patted his shoulder with relief: "Yes, I didn't let Master down, your boy not only has a bad stomach, but his brain is also good."

Qin Haoxuan’s Yi Zhongyi: “Master promised to help the apprentice?”

Huodao nodded: "You are only repairing weak, power is not achieved, after all, it is still smart, knowing that when one can not protect yourself, you will seek external help, yes. And you are my apprentice, for the teacher. No outsiders are allowed to bully their apprentices."

Qin Haoxuan’s tight string finally loosened, and he worshipped Huo Knife: “Thank you Master.”

After coming out of the knives, Qin Haoxuan looked at the dark and dark sky and sighed. It was an old fox. If I don’t come today, I am afraid that he will not be in control.

Qin Haoxuan walked slowly to his tent, but on the 100-step road, he walked very smoothly, not fast or slow, but when he walked to the tent, his forehead was covered with sweat. After stopping for a moment outside the tent, he walked in.

"Why have you just gone?" When Ji Haozhen saw Qin Haoxuan coming in, he immediately greeted him. "Have you gone to practice? How is your face so sweaty?"

Qin Haoxuan shook his head and looked a little dignified. He said: "If I am assassinated this evening, you have to take me to run, you know?"

Qin Haoxuan certainly does not press the hopes of life on others. He knows that he is not strong enough now, but there are still few people who can catch up. If there is an accident, he can still save his life with his own speed.

Ji Aozhen nodded seriously: "You can rest assured, I understand."

"What will be the situation this evening, I don't know, I am not sure about life and death, so neither of us can take it lightly." Qin Haoxuan took a deep breath and then stood quietly.

From the time when she was young, she felt such a strong life and death crisis. She stood next to Qin Haoxuan and quieted down.

In the past eleven days, Qin Haoxuan’s anxiety has spread a little bit in his heart. All the worries come from the ignorance of the murderous, but just outside the tent, when he feels a sensation of killing He was anxious for a few days, suddenly calmed down, no longer a wave.

Qin Haoxuan and Ji Aozhen stood in the tent, and both of them were tight and full of tension, and there was no slack.

The wind blew gently through the sparse trees in the valley, and a leaf swayed from the treetops. It had not yet landed on the ground, and it was shattered into powder by sudden surprise!

The strong killings came out of nowhere, and before it appeared, it was a repressed calm. After it appeared, it was the fierce battle of the army on the battlefield!

It is an extremely horrible killing, and it will invade your bone marrow without any sound, and will not give a time to react!

Even if the combat experience is rich, such as Qin Haoxuan, the double array method set by himself is destroyed by the moment, sharp, and the swordsman who is stunned from the darkness pierces his left shoulder and reacts!

When the severe pain came out, Qin Haoxuan moved in an instant. He did not even control the arm that was cut off to reveal the white bones. Instead, he rushed to the place where Hobo ambushed with the same action.


In the endless killing, a light green jade porcelain doll instantly turned into a powder!

Qin Haoxuan’s heart was standing behind Huo’s knife, watching his own sapphire body turned into a powder and was blown away by the wind, slightly tightening his fist.

If I have a sapphire substitute, under the sword, it is me who died.

It is a pity that the sapphire avatar is ineffective for those who are on the road, otherwise they will not fall to such a degree.

The whole body was dark, and the killer that was not exposed at all was not hit, no longer nostalgic, and turned away!

The knives that have been ambushed for a long time have a long sleeve, and several strong men in the enchanting hall are dispatched to block the direction of the killer!

Qin Haoxuan stood outside the encirclement, there was no relaxation at all. He stared at the action of the killer, and his heart was full of waves. The action of this killer was too fast and too fierce, and it was like a ghost, and it was a strong killing. It’s heart-warming!

This is not an ordinary killer!

Even in the face of a mortal killing, the besieged killer did not see the slightest panic, the whole body exudes the cold and indifference of death, not only regards others' life and death as leisure, even their own life and death are ignored!

Breaking through the breakout is hopeless, the killer swayed a few tricks, and then the danger of being shattered by the spirit of the law, the whole body brilliance, the whole person rushed toward Qin Haoxuan like a meteor falling, but suddenly disappeared in the middle of the road!

It is a space array! The killer actually took a space array with him!

This change was too sudden, and even Qin Haoxuan was slightly shocked. He took the arrogance and retired without thinking, and the speed was coming to an extreme!


The figure of the killer suddenly appeared, like a thunderstorm, appeared in the distance from Qin Haoxuan, the fairy tree behind him suddenly opened, more than seven hundred feet, the fierce murderous like a sea of ​​madness rushing out, Drive the savage hunting, the skin of Qin Haoxuan's exposed skin is separated, and the blood is like a spring!

Just as the killer and sword went to Qin Haoxuan’s Tianling cover, the body was suddenly smashed, and then the entire chest was smashed by the violent force behind it. The whole person was smashed into two halves, and the broken internal organs were mixed. The flesh and blood scatters to Qin Haoxuan's body. He handed the sword in his hand three cents before he died, and then he completely suffocated.

Qin Haoxuan took the arrogant and then stepped back two steps. His eyes opened slightly and he looked at the flesh and blood in front of him.

This fight will awaken the entire konjac disciple, and come out to see what happened!

Huo Knife looked at the killer who had broken into a pool of flesh and blood, frowning: "Unfortunately, I didn't catch the mouth."

Just as everyone's eyes still condensed on the killer's body, Qin Haoxuan's black sword behind the ink came out!

Calm less than a moment of the atmosphere was suddenly broken up, the strong murderous overwhelming, Jianguang fierce and hot, with a forward-looking decision, straight to Qin Haoxuan stab!

The wind is rustling, and the void is shattered under the sword! It is definitely a strong tree with eight hundred feet of high fairy trees. It is a sword that has been smashed by the power of life. The vastness is like a sea of ​​anger, and the prestige is like a mountain, but now it is a hit!

It was only swept by the swordsman, and the surrounding megalithic trees were silently turned into soot. If it was really stabbed by a sword that was enough to kill the masters of the fairy wheel, even the sapphire avatar could not be saved!

In the face of such fierce and invincible killings, Qin Haoxuan’s mind was calmer than ever. He didn’t see a panic, but he leaned over and leaned over, shunned the swordsman who pointed at himself, and even could sigh in his heart. It must be the killer’s early ambush waiting for his own sword!

In other words, the first killer finally seems to have no help but to kill, but in fact, it has long been planned, they plan the possibility of the first hit unsuccessful, and under the chain, do enough to send themselves The position of the second murderer, prepared a fatal second strike for himself!

How is this precision assassination! Qin Haoxuan is chilling!

"Hands!" Qin Haoxuan sighed with a sigh of praise.

Since the first killer appeared, Ji Aozhen seems to have been running around with Qin Haoxuan. In fact, he has been secretly accumulating.

She can indeed make the first sword of the heart sword, but can not be played like a random wave like Qin Haoxuan, but need to accumulate power, the spiritual power will be accumulated to a certain extent before the sword can be played!

In the second murderer's sword meaning has approached them, Ji Aozhen finally waved that sword!

The brilliance of Guanghua is like a small sun attached to the sword body of Ji Aozhen. The aura of this whole space is absorbed by her. The purple lightning in the dark sky is staggered and flashed, and it is instantly integrated into the sword light of Ji Aozhen!


It seems that the sword that can destroy the earth and the earth is rushing in this world. If the horses are like a beast, the mountains around the world are falling apart. Some people feel the detached sword in the place. meaning!

The second killer condensed a life-long attack, met the arrogant sword light, the inch was broken, was swallowed up, and did not leave a trace of power, and Ji Ao’s sword light was like the sky, from the body !


After a sudden moment, the second killer fell apart and turned into a powder!

"How... how could it be..."

"The woman... that sword... it’s terrible..."

Everyone who has witnessed this process is stunned and can't speak!

The power of the sword just left in the void, even if the knife is scared, I can't believe it.

After Ji Ao’s sword was thrown out, the whole was shocked by the swordsman’s sword!

After the death of the second killer, Qin Haoxuan, who had been completely relieved, had a loose mind and body. He fished behind him and pulled Ji Ao to stop the blood of a beach left by the second murderer and ran towards the magical hall!

At this moment, a tree on the side of Qin Haoxuan burst into bursts, and an arrow suddenly emerged from it, and then suddenly spurred Qin Haoxuan at a speed that the human eye could not capture!

This change, Qin Haoxuan is really not really expected!

In his guess, there will be two waves of assassination at most, and I did not expect that there will be a third wave!

And Qin Haoxuan can truly feel the power of the powerful people!

This arrow is played by the powerful players!

What kind of organization is there such a strict assassination? !

The speed of that arrow is faster than everyone's imagination, and what is even more shocking is that Qin Haoxuan's speed is even faster than that of the arrow. Blink disappears!

When everyone’s eyes caught up with Qin Haoxuan’s figure, Qin Haoxuan had already brought Ji Aozhen to the back of the witch’s fall!

The whole process is only a faint look at the collapse of all this, there is no change in the face, the arrow is broken, because the speed is too fast, and even left a spark of friction with the air!

Everyone's breathing was on hold.

Su Luo just raised his hand gently, and Ying Luru’s fingers, like white jade, gently flicked in the void, and a ripple of water-like ripples spread from her fingertips.

The arrow came to the front of the Soviet Union, and it happened to fall into the void of the sky that popped out of the Soviet Union. Then, from the arrow, it was smashed into a powder, and the breeze blows and scatters in the air.

After that, the entire camp was silent, and no one spoke for a long time.

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