Too Early

Chapter 1411: Wind bones proud of the bones

Wang Xueqin didn't put the night's things in his heart, and his life didn't change much. It was just that the business before the stalls was getting better and better. He began to think about setting aside for a few more days, and he saved the tolls and went back to the stalls. Read the exam.

Just over a month from the big test, there are more and more talents in the capital. Almost every day, there are new things from the talents of all parts of the country. What is the name of the Qing Xuan Gongzi at the fight, what is Yang Liufang? The singer Liu Yingying banquets the parties, and the stories of those talented and beautiful people are very attractive to people's attention and become a topic that many people talk about.

"Hearing Mr. You will paint, my girl wants to ask you to paint for her."

This Tianwang Xueqin just finished writing today's words, and he heard a familiar female voice ringing in front of him. He looked up in surprise, but saw the little girl who met in the night before.

"Look, isn't that Liu Huakui's personal body?"

"God, what's the situation?"

"I heard it seems to ask the guy to paint!"

"This luck is also very good? I heard that the Qing Xuan Gongzi must throw a thousand dollars in order to see Liu Yingying. It will be personally invited by the squad, Yan Fu is not shallow!"


The surrounding arguments came into the ears of Wang Xueqin, which made him a headache. When he just wanted to refuse, he saw the little girl bending over. The voice said lightly and quickly: "My girl said, you don't promise her. Come down to you personally, do you want to be the focus of everyone's talk?"

Wang Xueqin does not care about becoming the focus of the population, but he does not want to be the focus of these pink rumors.

Seeing the little girl in front of the eyes quietly made a gesture of looking up, Wang Xueqin did not know so looked up, a slight glimpse.

Just in front of him in a beautiful attic, a light figure is standing there, she retired the soft beauty of the night, the eyebrows are light, the face is fat powder, the lips are Zhu Dan, the gorgeous is shocking.

Slightly sighed, Wang Xueqin in desperation, had to promise, as the month left here, went to Yang Liufang.

Riding a leaning bridge, full of red sleeves.

This is the wish of many talented people. What they want is the spirit of enthusiasm. It is a beautiful girl. In the most frivolous young, there is a romantic story that can be remembered for life.

But this is not what Wang Xueqin pursued.

He was born and calm, and he has been moving towards his goal since he was born. He is thinking about how to seek fame, based on the court, and asking for life for Li Min. Even if he can’t live forever, he must be worthy of heart, not Wenxiang nephrite and red sleeves. Tianxiang is such a child.

What's more, he already has a wife who is waiting for himself to go home, and he is not allowed to make a mistake.

This is the first time that Wang Xueqin stepped into the fireworks. The furnishings in Yang Liufang’s attic, fitting his name, the cobbled paved roads, Yangliuqingqing, the artificial river is filled with lotus flowers, the fragrance is fluttering, the yard is patchwork. , pavilions, roundabout corridors, pleasing sounds scattered in the air, it is refreshing.

"Sister, people are here." As the moon stands in front of a loft door, it is said to be crisp.

Wang Xueqin did not look at it, holding his own paper film in his hand, standing quietly in front of the attic, where the wind rang, the gauze was heavy, and the aroma of the heart and lungs floated in the air.

"Please come in." Liu Yingying's voice came from a heavy yarn.

As a month, Wang Xueqin made a face and opened the door.

Wang Xueqin paused for a moment and finally went in.

The exquisite and gorgeous layout of the attic highlights the owner's worth, and the green potted plants are placed on the shelf, adding a vitality to this luxurious loft.

“What kind of painting does the girl want?” Wang Xueqin asked while he put his own ink on the table.

The bright light came in from the wide open window, the breeze blew, and the gauze in the attic swayed gently, adding a touch of shackles to the house.

Liu Yingying stood in front of the window, dancing with silk, burning green and blue waves, beautiful colors, she smeared Zhu Dan's red lips and lightly said: "You don't look at me, how to paint it? Mo Fei Yingying is already in the heart of the gentleman. Already?"

When Wang Xueqin moved his hand, he put down the brush in his hand and looked up at Liu Yingying: "Please don't laugh at the girl."

Liu Yingying, Yan Yixiao, Can Ruo Zhaoxia: "Mr. I know, can this window of Yingying be able to see all his every move in the eyes?"

Wang Xueqin bowed his head and said: "I don't know, if I know, I should change a place to do business, so as not to disappoint the girl."

"But, it's already late." Liu Yingying's light-looking approach to Wang Xueqin came, her face was like a peach and plum, her eyes were full of tenderness, and her tender feelings flowed in her eyes. "I saw you writing, and there was God; I saw You paint, you have a well-thought-out; I see you reading poetry and writing text, as if the sun's rays are shining for you alone, you say, is this like or love?"

Wang Xueqin’s Liu Yingying bowed his head deeply: “I’m going to live up to the girl’s affection, I have...”

"I know." Liu Yingying went to Wang Xueqin's side, his eyes clear, implied, "I like you, willing to be your confidante in your life."

"Sorry." Wang Xueqin handed the ball. "The girl's temperament is sure to find someone who is really worthy of entrustment. In the lower heart, there is only a wife at home, and there is no place to put other people."

Liu Yingying blinked his eyes as if he didn't understand what he was saying: "Don't I be beautiful?"

"The girl is beautiful."

"Then why don't you like me?"

"Looking at the moon in the sky, I feel beautiful, and I see the flowers on the ground." Wang Xueqin said seriously.

The light in Liu Yingying’s glory instantly dimmed. She sat in a chair and frowned slightly. “I know that you have been stolen by a thief. I can finance the cost of your exam and home.”

"Girl, I don't dare to accept it in the next ten thousand, and no matter how big a man is under the hand, how can I not let myself starve to death, and retire 10,000 steps, even if it is really to the point of smashing the food, it will not be closed. The reason for the girl's money." Wang Xueqin's voice is not high, but one word and one sentence reveals firmness.

Liu Yingying's exquisite face with a sad touch, she hooked the corner: "It seems that you insist on drawing a line with me."

"Don't dare, but today is just a girl's painter." Wang Xueqin's answer has always been calm.

Silently circulated in the attic, Wang Xueqin saw Liu Yingying stunned and sighed in his heart, and it was a nerd. How did I like him?

"Then you paint for me." Liu Yingying got up and re-entered the bed, sideways, and looked at the sky with his eyes open.

Wang Xueqin looked up for a moment, and the light ink fell on the paper.

Liu Yingying is extremely beautiful, but if the beauty is restored to the paper, it will flow in the cliché. Wang Xueqin did not deliberately draw people, extending the composition of the pen to the invisible sky, where the clouds rolled, white fog. Immersed, the green hills are faint, the waters are flowing, and the beauty stands by the bar, looking forward to the spring.

Although this painting only uses Liu Zhiying to outline a back with very thin lines, but the heavens and waters meet, the artistic conception of people and emotions jumps out.

Liu Yingying looked at the painting, and she flashed through the sigh. She looked at the person who was collecting the ink in front of her eyes, and suddenly there was a great disappointment in her heart.

"Is this?" Wang Xueqin looked at a blue-green bracelet that Liu Yingying handed over, and asked incomprehensiblely.

Liu Yingying cherished the paintings that Wang Xueqin painted for himself, and placed the valuable bracelets in front of Wang Xueqin in one hand: "This is the gift of painting."

Wang Xueqin smiled a little helplessly: "I think the girl still gives me money."

Seeing his resolute attitude, Liu Yingying sighed sighly and placed a piece of silver in front of Wang Xueqin.

Wang Xueqin looked at the silver two more than his own stolen silver. He didn't know what to say at the moment. Finally he thought about it and said, "The painting is equivalent to giving back the deep affection of the girl and saying goodbye."

"Hey." Liu Yingying called him behind him, some anxiously said, "You must take these money, take care of the official staff, so that you have the opportunity of high school."

At this time, Wang Xueqin had already come to the door. After listening to this, he laughed and said: "I Wang has to learn from the real talents. If I use these two silvers, I will live up to my hard work for ten years. ”

Looking at Wang Xueqin's figure disappearing behind the gauze, Liu Yingying couldn't help but bite his lip: "Dad."

When she saw the picture in her hand, she smiled and smiled. She placed the picture in her heart. The middle half was bitter and sweet.

Although Wang Xueqin felt that Liu Yingying’s attic was low-keyed that day, but his own and Yang Liufang’s first-name squad were still being rumored to be overwhelming. Every day, there are many good people to explore and make him annoyed. There was no way to calm down and read the book. Later, I even heard that the Qing Xuan Gongzi had to compare with his own fighting. He directly turned his eyes.

Calculated the money owned by the hand, Wang Xueqin felt that he was almost enough to go home, so he no longer went out to set up a stall and concentrated on preparing for a book in the house.

The day of the big test is coming soon.

The exam lasted for ten days, and all the daily use of the candidates was in the examination room. It was not only the candidates' talents, but also the mind and patience.

When Wang Xueqin lined up to enter the examination room, he did see someone cheating the examiner. He frowned slightly and did not speak. Even when the examiner blatantly came to his side, he asked for a bribe when he asked for his identity.

"I have heard your name, it is really talented, but this officialdom is not the school where you study. It doesn't work without human relationships." The examiner stood up in his stomach and rushed to Wang Xueqin to touch his fingers again.

Wang Xueqin looked at him and chuckled: "This is not the officialdom, it is the examination room. It is the talents of the candidates. If you examine the briber, you are not afraid of the emperor knowing?"

The examiner looked gloomy: "You don't know what to do with your Wang Xueqin doesn't look at him: "I just don't want to be with the villain." ”

The examiner angered and laughed, pointing at Wang Xueqin, and looked deeply at the name on his test card, a look of threat.

Wang Xueqin looked indifferent and did not fear him.

The examiner bit his teeth and left.

Wang Xueqin's back is straight, and he does not squint forward.

"Hey, you guys are finished!" A scholar who had just stuffed the money to the examiner stalked him a few steps, shaking his head and sighing. "Do you know who you have just offended? One of the three chief examiners! Seeing that you are not like a poor family, why are you so few silver?"

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