Too Early

Chapter 1437: 0 stiff and arrogant

North Mangge is proud of the top of the squadron of the Eight Diagrams of the Devil's Array. A fascinating glazed lamp burns quietly, and the infinite coldness rushes out and falls to the Eight Diagrams.

The flames created by the Eight Diagrams array were instantly annihilated. The most central position of the Eight Diagrams array was the first to appear a little hoarfrost. Then, the whole phantom of the Eight Diagrams was solidified, frozen, and guarded by the elders, and they wanted to operate the array counterattack. But he just had an action, and the chilly breath came instantly, completely freezing him!

On the shoushan squad of the North Mangge Pavilion, the spread of the cold was covered with the speed visible to the naked eye. In less than a few moments, the entire gossip array was frozen into a huge ice block!

How come... How is it possible?

The gossip array of the North Mangge Pavilion is integrated into the fierce skyfire. After three strong players, it can be saved for a long time. How long will it take, how can it be extinguished? Will it still be frozen? !

The two elders who stood side by side with the real people of Wu Ming changed their looks. They dared not to delay again. They turned into streamers and entered the big battles. They supported the mountainous array with their own methods!

But even with the help of two strong men, the Eight Diagrams Volt, still showing the shackles, was completely suppressed by the chill of the slut, and the sporadic flames wanted to break through the ice, but they were relentlessly suppressed, and finally they rebelled. The power is gone.

What is the magic weapon? Wu Ming is very surprised.

The cold moon glazed lamp is high in the sky, although there is only one of the three scorpions, and even this scorpion is also the defective product that Qin Haoxuan has picked up several times, but it releases the cold air and extinguishes a fire in a district. It is still very easy. of.

On the Eight Diagrams of the Devils, there have been subtle cracks. This is a dangerous sign. Once the gossip method is broken, the entire North Mangge will become the lamb to be slaughtered!

The North Mang’s guards the elders to fight hard, do everything they can to prevent the expansion of the rift, but where is the cold moon where they can stop?

"According to this trend, how long can we resist?" Wu Ming asked urgently and quickly.

The defending elders frowned. "If Qin Haoxuan does not take the initiative to attack, the gossip array is estimated to be able to stick to it in January."

If Qin Haoxuan does not take the initiative to attack...

Wu Mingzheng felt that his blood was frozen at this moment. He looked at the North Mang Pavilion, which had been covered by hoarfrost, and the disciples who had not yet shot the enemy, and they had already frozen a piece of their own, and the heart was desolate.

"Predecessors! Do you really want to be an enemy of our North Mangga?" Wu Ming really bite his teeth and stand up from the ground. He resisted the uneasiness in his heart and looked straight into the dark black robes in the air, like the devil-like Qin Haoxuan.

"A northern part of the area is not worthy of being called my enemy." Qin Haoxuan said with a faint look, "I have given you the opportunity, you have chosen death."

Wu Ming’s real fist is clenched. His nails are deeply inserted into the flesh. The red blood has frozen before it falls. Even though Qin Haoxuan is right, it has already developed into this step. He still wants to North Mangge fight for one.

"Yes, the North Mangge can't be an enemy of you, what about the Fengfeng Pavilion?" Wu Mingzhen said in a word, "The signal of our help is intercepted by the predecessors, but you are so blatant, so arrogant, no The Dazhi Linfeng Pavilion will definitely know the news!"

Qin Haoxuan held his hands, such as the **** of war from ancient times, he seems to be plain and waveless, but the thick killing is like Wang Yang shrouded the entire North Mangge: "He knows the news, how?"

"Are you not afraid of being a great teacher?!"

Qin Haoxuan chuckled and didn't answer, but the pride that jumped into the eyebrows was clearly expressed.

Afraid of the supreme teaching?

It’s ridiculous.

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is to destroy the Puguang Pavilion of Supreme Masters. A supreme Master teaches him to succumb. If there is no greater education, he will dare to fight against him, and then it will not be fine.

Although Wu Mingzhen heard about Qin Haoxuan's many deeds, it was the first time that he met, so that no one can eat and die.

The chilly atmosphere is like the inverted Tianhe River, which has been plunged into the entire North Mangge. The mountains are bleak, the water is frozen, the frost covers every inch of the land, the cold wind is rolling, the frost is like white snow, and many unacceptable disciples are Already in a coma, the sects are filled with desperation like the last days.

Some disciples have already surrendered their hearts, and even hated the disciples who participated in the massacre that year, and wished to give them out to end the pain of the slow knife.

"Predecessors, we really don't want to grieve with you. You are the legend of Xiu Xianjie. We have a small sect in the North Mangge District. We also ask our predecessors to be merciful and let us go." After Wu Ming’s real life, he began to use the weak. Means, "Today, my palm brother has already lost your hand, which is a great loss for our North Mangga, and we also had a cause for the elimination of the Brother League."

Qin Haoxuan stood in the air in an indifferent manner, completely ignoring the words of Ming Wuzhen. He was full of murder and never gave in.

Cao Qinghua's qualifications are not good, but it is a disciple whom Qin Haoxuan is very valued. This disciple is tenacious and persevering. Even if he made mistakes, he has already repented. He was sealed and remembered, but he was re-entered because of chance. The only way to cultivate the immortal is that the heart of the child is unchanged, and the feelings of the beginning have never changed.

However, such a disciple with a strong sense of righteousness was killed by Qin Haoxuan without knowing it, and his alliance, which he worked so hard to create, was also wiped out.

This hatred, Qin Haoxuan must report.

It is necessary to use the blood of the massacre several times to comfort the soul of Cao Qinghua and his alliance!

Qin Haoxuan, who is a new person, can already see a lot of things. People can protect themselves and protect their loved ones. As for others? unimportant! Bad name? unimportant! Are your hands covered with blood? unimportant! If you enter the **** sea, you can restore the beginning of the Taiji to the pre-destruction. If it is Huanglong, the red refining son can be resurrected! What about entering the **** sea?

Xian Fan? But so.

Xian Fan? No difference.

"Predecessors! Our North Mangga has been wrong, and is willing to compensate you!" Wu Ming real people have no choice, in order to survive, even the words of compensation have also said a word, "predecessors are so vocal, in the fear of the big teaching With the surrounding friends, we have already heard that we are trapped. For the sake of both parties, we are willing to pay compensation!"

The first news after Qin Haoxuan's resurrection was to steal the baby that Tianyang teaches to contribute. Wu Mingzheng naively thought that this matter can also be solved by the use of treasure.

Qin Haoxuan’s dark and indifferent standing in the sky above the North Mang’s Pavilion, he looked down at Wu Ming’s real person who was like an ant, and said slowly: “Compensation? Can you afford it?”

Wu Ming’s real heart trembled: “Do seniors have to kill them?”

"If you surrender the person you want, you can spare your life."

In the real heart of Wu Ming, the gods are engaged in war: "We are willing to let the fairy slaves caught in the same year, but those people are my disciples, and those who betray the brothers are now my client, if they surrender them, we are north. What is the face of the Mangga?!"

Some young disciples of the North Mangge were told by the real people in a few words that they were so excited that they endured the cold wind that pierced the bone marrow. They also stood up and glared at Qin Haoxuan, who was arrogant in his own school, to see their expressions, as long as they were deputy. With a command, I am willing to stand up for the sects, and I will not hesitate to break the bones!

Qin Haoxuan looked at Beimang with no expression, and behind him, the sky was sloshing, the clouds were gathering, the roaring thunder swelled out from the clouds, the white scorpion became dull, and the purple-black lightning was from time to time. Passing the dark sky.

Compared with the changing sky, a black robe, Qin Haoxuan standing quietly at high altitude looks so harmless, but in the eyes of all members of the North Mangge, he is more shocked than the strange Thunder behind him.

"You, you are right. It’s right. So... I’m going to be buried for my first time."

The words have come to this point, only to do it yourself.

Qin Haoxuan's wide sleeves flicked gently, and the zombies that came from the fairy valley all appeared, one by one, on the gossip array that was frozen into ice.

Wu Mingzhen and his disciples around him have their eyes wide open!

In addition to the three people who are still recuperating, Qin Haoxuan has been released from the bodies that have fallen from the Valley of the Immortals. These bodies have been completely converted into zombies, all of them are black and light, and they are completely expressionless. They are completely obeyed by Qin Haoxuan!

Qin Haoxuan looked at the monks in the North Mang Pavilion, smiled slightly, and the gods disappeared into the zombies standing on the gossip!

The zombies who received the order changed their rigid image and started a jaw-dropping crazy attack!

"What is this?!" Some disciples were scared to see the zombies attacking their formation, and the voice trembled.

The attacker's blue-white skin, blood-red eyes, and the black light that has spread all over the body indicate that they are not living people!

"It's a zombie... I have read an old book, and there are records in the ancient book..."

More than one hundred and thirty zombies, each of whom is the strongest of the immortal infantry, the power of their attack is amazing, the fairy baby behind the demonized wandering in the air, countless Dafa crazy to the iced gossip The battle has been raging in the past, and the various dark colors of the Tao are intertwined on the North Mangga array. The sound is amazing and the killing is like a wave!

Those who dare to go to the fairy valley of the fairy valley, after becoming a zombie, the heart is dead, the combat power is greatly increased, fierce and brutal, fearless!

Their flesh and blood bones have completely changed, they are like a monster, they don't know the pain, they are completely obeyed by the master's orders. They are tireless, as long as the command of the attack is, as long as the body is not completely smashed, it will only attack!

The North Mang’s formation was frozen, and it was impossible to use the Dafa to launch an attack. The North Mang’s disciples in the formation wanted to attack and they could only wait for the ice-blocking method on their heads. Broken, but once broken, these will be completely exposed...

I understand that everyone in the North Mang Pavilion, who is in a dilemma, is looking at the sky and has begun to break up a little bit, and the mood is extremely complicated.

The disciples who are afraid of death are constantly praying for the law and insist that they don’t break. The brave and brave people are preparing for evil. After thinking that the battle is broken, they will go out and kill the enemy, and wait for death. Qu!

In fact, the news of the besieged by the North Mangge has already been known by the surrounding sects. The neighboring sects of the Wulong and Qingyun factions have even assembled a group of people immediately, and want to come out for it, but when the two sects are in charge, When they came with their disciples, they clearly saw the sky above the North Mangga, and there were hundreds of zombies carrying the crazy attacks of Xian Ying.

Everyone was shocked by this ferocious scene, sucking a cold breath, and then dare not step forward.

. Wonder House

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