Too Early

Chapter 1448: 1 word for life

The people around him were shocked by this change, except for Qin Haoxuan and Chen Bo, who are still indifferent, and others don’t know what happened.

Although Huo Knife does not understand why Chen Bo is such a big law, why should he respect his own apprentice, but with Chen Bo’s identity, killing dozens of Jiang Wenxiong is nothing but a word!

"Little beast!" Huo Knife's words almost squeezed out of his teeth, he gloomy face. "Do you know who it is? Dare to talk to him, you have a few lives!"

Jiang Wenxiong’s brain creaked, and Huo’s words made him chilly. He was not stupid and naturally understood what he had done wrong.

Da Zhuang definitely found a big backer!

The eyes twitched and looked at Chen Bo. Jiang Wenxiong felt that the man was so terrible for the first time. His mind turned quickly. After realizing his mistake, he immediately went up two steps and slammed into the front of Chen Bo!

This move is even more confusing for the onlookers. How did things develop into this way?

"Predecessors, seniors, are younger generations with no eyes, and have collided with their predecessors. Please seniors must forgive the younger generation!" Jiang Wenxiong’s tears are too fast, the tone is abnormal and sincere, while crying, while washing himself for white, not forgetting to step on Qin Haoxuan has two feet. "But the predecessors! This big and strong person is despicable and shameless. I hope that the seniors can recognize his face and never be deceived by such a thief!"

Chen Bo's face is completely dark. If it is not because of Qin Haoxuan, he may have already smashed this confused thing.

What is this special looking for death? You want to die, your mother, don't bother me! I don't want to die! Do you know who this person is sprayed?

Qin Haoxuan! That is the demon head that both the road and the devil are stunned, killing people, but there is no room for cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables! If you are irritated, everyone present will die!

Chen Bo didn't want to go to Jiang Wenxiong, who was out of breath, and only looked at Qin Haoxuan with his eyes. He wanted to know if the ancestors had to scrape this kid or crush it.

Qin Haoxuan stood in a leisurely manner, and even with a faint smile on his face, he asked with a slight head: "Do we have a death squad here?"

Waiting for the rest of the disciples to answer, Chen Bo said: "Yes, there!"

Huo Knife looked at Chen Bo, and secretly drummed in his heart. Why did a big sect of the sects of the sects be so respectful to their disciples?

Jiang Wenxiong, Qin Haoxuan rushing to the ground, smiled slightly: "Take him to the death squad."

Jiang Wenxiong's body is a stiff, and the emperor looks at Chen Bo: "Predecessors, I..."

"What are you talking about..."

When Chen Bo waved his hand, someone immediately came over and compiled Jiang Wenxiong's name into the death squad who needed to enter the battlefield recently.

Jiang Wenxiong turned pale and turned to look at his master: "Master, Master saves me!"

Chen Bo waved his hand and let the martial art person lift the Jiang Wenxiong who was still crying.

When this is the case, as long as it is not a fool, you know that Chen Bo’s big man doesn’t seem to be very big. At least there is a character that makes him very respectful.

"Dare to ask, Chen Hufa...what is this..." Huo Kou had to ask, he must know what happened, why is this Chen Dafa so jealous of his own "disciple", there is a bigger backing behind it. ?

Seeing that Huo Kou meant something, and the ancestors did not mean it, Chen Bo coughed and said: "This is the ancestor of the legendary fairy tales, Xiaoxian Wang Qin Haoxuan."

When the words "Qin Haoxuan" came out, they didn't need to say anything more. The shock brought by it was no less than the collapse of the mountains and the sky fell.

Huo Knife heard that the name was almost not sitting on the ground, he was also seen a lot of people in the big scene, but I did not expect it... Qin Haoxuan, who once smashed the fairy magic, actually mixed in his own hands. ! I have also installed a lot of great people with him!

Chen Bo looked at the expressions of the people around him and smiled secretly. It was quite cool for these people to feel their own anxious mood.

Qin Haoxuan is still the underestimated expression. He smiled slightly at the knife: "I was hit hard and repaired to nothing at all. It was a coincidence that I entered the Tianyan religion. It is also a fate between you and me."

Huo Knife looked at Qin Haoxuan, and his heart turned up the waves. He tried to maintain calm. He only looked down after Qin Haoxuan and bowed his head. He whispered: "Under the ignorance, there is no eye, there is a slow waiting for the ancestors. Mozu Haihan."

Qin Haoxuan fluttered and looked at Jiang Wenxiong, who had been dragged to the periphery and was scared. "I was chased and killed in the past. What is the truth? I know, you know, he knows, according to my previous temper, I saw him again. At first glance, it is also common to kill him."

Huo’s forehead slowly brought out the sweat, and he nodded: “Yes, yes, it’s the fault of the little beast.”

Qin Haoxuan smiled lightly: "I care about the fate of Tian Yanjiao, so I don't kill him. I only send him to the death squad. As for whether or not he can live, he will see his creation."

"It is the ancestors of compassion." Huo Knife said respectfully.

The Tianguan teaching disciples who were originally onlookers were all shocked. No one can believe that the disciple of that martial art turned out to be Qin Haoxuan who stirred up all directions!

Qin Haoxuan slightly curled his head and then left.

Chen Bo waved to other people: "Scattered, all scattered."

After dealing with Jiang Wenxiong, Qin Haoxuan found a hill in this area and began to clean up.

After Chen Bo arranged Qin Haoxuan’s residence, he retired and retired.

Qin Haoxuan sat on the top of the group and began to enlighten the six reincarnations. The power of the six reincarnations swayed in this cave. The five sects were lined up on both sides, and occasionally Huaguang skyrocketed.

Day and night reincarnation, white and dark constantly alternating, Qin Haoxuan looked at the clouds drifting in the sky, looking at the stars flashing in the night sky, suddenly had a bit of mysterious and mysterious feelings about the human body.

"Devil ancestors, some people want to see, they claim to be your old friend." Chen Bo's voice passed through the array.

Qin Haoxuan opened his eyes and the five body moments did not enter his body.

"My friend?"

Qin Haoxuan thought for a moment, he was in the devil world, except for the self-defeating Lord, there seems to be no other people who are particularly familiar.

"Please come in with them."

Chen Bo should have a voice.

Qin Haoxuan removed the formation. After a while, Chen Bo took a group of people and walked over from the outside.

It turned out to be them.

Gong Sun Meng took Xiao Heng, Su Qiteng, An Ziqing and other people into the fish, and he greatly bowed to Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan looked at them, and his mouth also brought a bit of smile.

These people are the abandoners of the Taoist circles many years ago. They went to the magical palace and then met with themselves. They remembered that when they were drinking tea, they were indeed friends.

Qin Haoxuan walked down from the group, let Chen Bo put on the spirit tea and smiled at them: "How come you?"

Gong Sun Meng's eyebrows are gentle, and his gestures are polite and courteous. It is like a spring breeze: "The devil said that the ancestors came here to practice, and we have a total of one, and there is nothing to do in the magic palace all day, just think about it. Let’s have a rare battle with the devil.”

"Is it going to the battlefield?" Qin Haoxuan asked with a smile.

"Yes." An Ziqing was dressed in black hair and temperament. She had an eye-catching British spirit. "It is not a good thing to be comfortable for a long time, but the battlefield is the best place to hone people."

Qin Haoxuan nodded, no battle on the battlefield, only life and death, it is indeed more people can understand what.

"In this case, you are here to settle down. When you want to go to the battlefield, you will be with you."

Qin Haoxuan waved to Chen Boyi and asked him to arrange accommodation for these people.

"Thank you for your ancestors." Gong Sunmeng handed over Qin Haoxuan, and then took people along with Chen Bo.

The cave was restored to the cold, and Qin Haoxuan supported the chin with one hand, thinking that it was a trip to the battlefield or continued to feel.

"The enlightenment of the ancestors, the lord invited the ancestors to go to the council to discuss matters." The voice of a disciple came from outside.

Qin Haoxuan hooked his lips and it was a coincidence that everything was rushed together.


When Qin Haoxuan walked into the Chamber of the Assemblies, the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors and the other tyrants of the dynasty had already sat down. When Qin Haoxuan came in, they all got up and saluted Qin Haoxuan and greeted him. High seat.

After everyone sat down, Qin Haoxuan looked at the whole meeting room. In addition to the already known ancestors, there were four demons in the magical world. Three men and one woman, the highest level has four Taoist palaces.

"This time, please come to the brothers, because the magical battlefield has been opened, and a crack has been opened to the magical field." After a brief chill, the aging ancestors got up and said slowly.

Someone has already got the news, the expression is slightly heavy, but not surprised, but did not know, but was really shocked by this news.

The crack leading to the Magic Yuan means that the world of Xiu Xian Mainland and another magical object has been opened up. The danger of this matter is enough to shock everyone on the mainland.

There was a picture flashing in Qin Haoxuan’s mind. It was a very early and very early thing. When he went out of the mountain, he found a crack in the small county town that was opened by the magic object. This incident shocked the whole beginning, and Was quickly sealed.

Now, such cracks have reappeared.

"Who found this thing?" Qin Haoxuan asked.

The aging ancestors of the fire rushed to the outside, and there was a magician disciple who had waited outside the door to come in.

This little magic repair, it seems that it is not the age of seventeen or eight, the robe on his body does not know what is being drawn by a few buttons, the exposed skin also has scars, it seems to be directly from the battlefield, It was very embarrassing, but his waist was straight and his eyes were black and bright. Even if he faced a strong house in a house, he did not show any expression of fear and fear.

Looking at the magician disciple coming in from the outside, Qin Haoxuan, who was sitting in the main position, had a moment of embarrassment. He felt that this disciple was like himself when he was young.

This image does not mean appearance, but a feeling.

Thinking about this, Qin Haoxuan could not help but bring a bit of temperature. He asked: "What happened to the crack in space?"

The disciple looked up at Qin Haoxuan and then nodded and said: "It was discovered by the disciple."

Qin Haoxuan nodded: "Good What is your name?"

The little devil repaired it, but he quickly replied: "Qi's ancestors, the disciple named He Donghua."

Others are a bit confused. How did this ancestor suddenly become interested in a small disciple? What surprised these people is Qin Haoxuan’s next words.

"I see you are good, just stay with me and be a Taoist."

He Donghua looked at Qin Haoxuan and turned to look at an old man sitting on the chair in his left hand.

The old man glanced at He Donghua: "Look at what I do, don't hurry to thank Devil!"

He Donghua was squatting, and Qin Haoxuan bowed his respectfully and respectfully. He said very simply: "Xie Laozu."

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