Too Early

Chapter 1449: 49 Kwai Shui Tian Yu Gu

Qin Haoxuan nodded, let He Donghua stand by his side, and then smiled at the old man: "Is it your disciple?"

The old man is not tall, but he is strong in the body. Although he has white hair and wrinkles on his face, his eyes are clear and flawless. He smiles and rises up. He said to Qin Haoxuan: "It is our Lingguang School. The disciple, the kid has a tenacity since he was a child. He is able to follow the demon ancestor. It is the fate of his past life."

Qin Haoxuan smiled faintly.

"Okay, Ling Yue's ancestors, know that your disciples are blessed and can be seen by the ancestors." Some people laughed and said.

Ling Yue’s ancestors laughed: “It’s all his own creation.”

Qin Haoxuan has no door now, no one in the future, and it is unknown to everyone. but! Qin Haoxuan’s Taoist system, which one does not want to take it for himself? Now that there are a few more opportunities, Ling Yue is naturally very capable, and secretly plans to cultivate this He Donghua in the future.

After getting a Taoist child, Qin Haoxuan rested on the chair again, and he looked at the flaming ancestors below.

The fire ancestors immediately met and said: "This time, please come to the brothers, just want to explore the space cracks. We all know that this matter can be big or small. Once the cracks become bigger, there is a possibility of magical invasion."

"What do you mean?" Qin Haoxuan raised his eyelids.

The fire ancestors coughed: "It is like this. We all know the danger of cracks in space. If you are not careful, you may be torn into pieces by the force inside, but if you don't care, it will definitely bring more dangerous results. So, still have to Please check it out."

"Yeah, the battle of the demons is one thing. This crack in space is another matter. Nothing can be taken lightly." Someone added that

Ling Yue’s ancestors nodded. He stroked his long beard and said: “This situation happened many years ago. When the fairy war broke out, the space crack suddenly opened, and another world’s magical creatures poured in madness. We have reached a consensus in the two circles of the devil and the Tao, temporarily suspending the war, and first unanimously confronting the group of monsters."

"Although the people on the side of Tao Xiu call us a demon, we also use the magic to repair ourselves on weekdays, but we always belong to people first, but the things on the other side of the space are completely demon objects. They are bloodthirsty and cruel. Super strong, that is the real devil world, we must not let the magic objects re-invade the immortal continent." The voice of the flames of the ancestors brought a bit of war.

There was a silence in the Chamber, and everyone was measuring the risk of it.

Qin Haoxuan remembered the devil and the heart of the devil. He glanced at the people in the hall and said, "I will go, I will deal with those monsters, and it is a bit of experience."

When the words were exported, the atmosphere of the entire council was once again active. After all, some people are willing to give up, how are they all good.

"Then it will be annoying to the ancestors." The fire ancestor immediately said.

Ling Yue’s ancestors saw Qin Haoxuan’s eyes, and his eyes turned and he got up and said: “There is still some danger in this matter. How can I let the ancestors go alone and be willing to accompany them?”

Qin Haoxuan raised his eyebrows slightly and did not refuse.

Others looked at Ling Yue's ancestors and said with a smile: "It's rare that the dude has this heart."

"It should be." Ling Yue's ancestors said modestly.

Ling Yue’s ancestors knew clearly that Qin Haoxuan led the way, and the big risks were not worthy of their own fear. After all, it was the legendary figure who swept the entire Xiu Xian continent.

Without the danger, following the ancestors to the cracks in the space is simply a good thing.

Once you get the first-hand intelligence, you can hold the crack in the space.

Second, it is to prevent this evil ancestor from coming. After all, the space crack has not appeared in the millennium. How did it appear after Qin Haoxuan came? Who knows if this is the magic of the devil, the two circles can not come out of the tranquil ancestors.

Third, Ling Yue’s ancestors also have a certain research on Qin Haoxuan. He can find a problem through Qin Haoxuan’s troubles, that is, Qin Haoxuan can always turn his disadvantages into advantages, from countless disadvantages to him. In the situation, it unexpectedly got the benefits that everyone could not think of.

Ling Yue's ancestors want to see this time, Qin Haoxuan will not be able to get any unexpected benefits from the space crack, it is not a common sense, if there is, he may be able to share a piece of cake.

Because investigating space cracks is not a trivial matter, people who need to do this are prepared, so everyone negotiates to leave after three days.

"Then trouble the ancestors."

Qin Haoxuan faintly got up from his position: "Nothing."

Just when Qin Haoxuan was leaving, a fairy baby sitting on the right hand side of the mountain peaked up, and Qin Haoxuan handed a hand: "Devils please stay."

Qin Haoxuan raised his eyebrows.

"Starting the ancestors, I want to introduce you to you." Although the man is weak in momentum, his eyes are clear and his voice is not humble.

Qin Haoxuan hooked his lips: "Who?"

The curtains leading to the partial hall in the conference hall moved, and one person came out from the inside.

When Qin Haoxuan saw this person's first sight, he narrowed his eyes, because this person gave him the feeling, very much like the free magic master.

"Starting the demon ancestors, this is the devil of the sea."

Lord of the Lord?

In the cultivation of the immortal world, there are no more than five people who can be called the devil.

The swallowing demon master has a blue robes, black and white long hair and a meticulous bundle behind her head. She is tall and tall, describes her noble, her posture is proud, her long eyebrows, Danfeng eyes, narrow cheeks, and a thin and sharp The beauty is obviously not a beauty in the traditional sense, but it gives people a feeling of horror, and the sharpness that is revealed from the bones is even more daunting to look at.

The swallowing sea master stepped to Qin Haoxuan, and the thin lips were hooked: "The ancestors, fortunately."

Qin Haoxuan nodded slightly, and there was a bit of doubt in the middle of the sigh. I don’t know what the lord was looking for. He didn’t seem to know her?

The swallowing demon master is not a person who will be chilling. He directly said: "I have a son who wants to find a master for him."

Qin Haoxuan smiled. It seems that the master of the devil is better than himself. How can he want to be her son's teacher?

"The Lord of the Lord sat down and said, please also sit down with the ancestors." The fire ancestor looked at the two men's posture, it should be a long talk, and immediately said.

Qin Haoxuan and the swallowing sea masters sat separately, Qin Haoxuan asked: "I don't know what the Lord means?"

The thin eyebrows of the swallowing sea master gently picked up, she said: "I accidentally got a trace of true dragon blood, gave birth to this child, to tell the truth, my son does have invincible posture, the young age is already a fairy The baby is at its peak."

Qin Haoxuan listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

"But I still want to find him a master, not only to point him to him, but also to let the master teach him the truth of his life." The swallowing master said that the child is young. Guan, indeed, is a bit of a pet, so that he has been a child since he was a child, and he has also found some prestigious masters, but they are not satisfactory."

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is a chuckle, and it’s still a fame. It’s a high evaluation in the swallowing of the sea.

The swallowing demon master looked at Qin Haoxuan and said bluntly: "I am fortunate to hear about your reputation as a ancestor. I think you should be the best teacher to teach me."

The true dragon blood, the talent is different, the invincible posture, the young age is the peak of the fairy baby, these really caused the curiosity of Qin Haoxuan, he looked at the swallowing master: "That will bring me out to see it."

The owner of the swallowing sea smiled, and her fingertips were light, and the dark light flashed. A 13-year-old doll was brought out from the partial hall by a breeze.

The little doll is not tall, but the roots are singular, and the short-sleeved dress is dressed up. The little scorpion is behind the head. The facial features are exquisite and beautiful. It is just like a fairy girl with a pink face, but the eyes are big and bright, and the momentum is forced. People, and now the mouth is tight, the face is impatient, do not have to talk, the arrogance of the arrogance to the extreme has been poured out.

Qin Haoxuan’s gaze swept through the doll, and the deep eyes were slightly stunned.

No wonder the swallow master is so confident when he praises his son. It turned out to be purple.

The supernatural talent of Supreme Purple, coupled with the blood of the dragon, the body of the half demon, this is the talent of the heavens, which is slightly better than the talent of his son.

Moreover, this kid is arrogant and arrogant, revealing the arrogance in his bones. This is very different from the memory of the blue. Although the blue kid is also arrogant, he does not know who to learn, on the surface. That is called a modest...

As soon as I thought of the blue, Qin Haoxuan’s thoughts were a little bit floating. After a long time, I sighed softly in my heart. I haven’t seen the stinky boy for many years, and I don’t know how long it is now.

"Hey!" The swallowing sea master's son's voice is crisp, it sounds very different from the young child's voice, with full arrogance, "let me out!"

"Small, don't make trouble." The swallowing sea master looked at his son lightly.

Haitang’s mouth slammed down.

"Let the ancestors laugh." On the face of the swallowing sea, there was no shy expression on his face. Even if he tied his son, he was still full of his son’s proud attitude. "This is my son, Haitang. The ancestors should be able to see his qualifications. What I want to say is that Xiaolu’s talent is forty-nine sunflowers.”

Four nine sunflower water?

The ancestors here are also considered to be people who have experienced great winds and waves, and who have seen the big scenes, but they have secretly taken a breath when they heard these four words.

That is the talent that God has given, and if it grows up in the future, I am afraid that it will be uncertain to grow into a fairy king.

Forty-nine Kwai water, with intrinsic yin and thunder, all things in the heavens and the earth can be melted. Even the strongest person in the Taoist palace has cultivated a strong flesh. In front of the four-nine sunflower water, it can not resist too long. .

Such a big killer, plus the talent of Shanghai, the supreme purple, the half-human half demon physique, in time, the world is difficult to have someone out.

Haicang struggled a lot and found that she really couldn't get rid of her mother's jealousy. She also gave up doing nothing. His big eyes swept through his mother's body and looked at the entire church. He disdain and contempt. Sliding from the bottom of his eyes.

The sea otter has been accustomed to being a daring, and he has been used to being a traitor.

The people in the church looked at the expression of this little doll.

The legend of the sea turtle is a mysterious life, but the origin of this sea otter is mysterious, and no one knows who his father is. He only knows that this child is born from the body of a half demon, and before the birth of the sea otter, swallowing the sea The demon Lord once killed a demon with one person.

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