Too Early

Chapter 1455: Men's hands and feet support the sun and the moon

Qin Haoxuan looked at the words of the beginning of the emptiness in the void, blinked his eyes and sighed softly: "But those Taos are not my laws, whether it is the reincarnation or the void. Then, my law is Where is it?"

Huaguang in the cave returned to Qin Haoxuan with the disappearance of the three fairy palaces. He looked at the cave that was dimmed a little, his eyes smashed, and the words were returned to the front.

"My law should be the cornerstone of my lifelong cultivation, the method of the beginning." Qin Haoxuan’s eyes brightened a little. "The current method of the beginning is not perfect, but it is not important. It is important to learn this. How the people of one law will use it, like the branch that goes out from the same river, the source of each of us is the same, but the future direction can be based on our own mind."

When this idea came to the fore, it was like a beam of light shining in the fog. Qin Haoxuan passed through Qianshan and turned to Wanshui, and suddenly saw the world he could not find.

"It turned out to be the case."

Tracing back to the source, looking for self, Qin Haoxuan realized in this moment that the disappearing Huaguang rose sharply. Suddenly, it went straight to the ninth, and above the void, the sound of the avenue was clear, the clouds were rolling, and the rainbow was shining. The auspicious atmosphere is now!

After consolidating and repairing, Qin Haoxuan looked at his three fairy palaces and fell into meditation.

Past, present, Future. The power of time flows through it. Since ancient times, countless peerless powers have pursued the cycle of reincarnation, but until now, no one has said that it has succeeded.

“Does the reincarnation really exist?”

"If it is true, where does the cycle come from, and where do you go?"

Qin Haoxuan closed his eyes and meditation, but he could no longer draw the circuit of reincarnation in his mind.

"If you want to understand the cycle, you must know how he works."

Qin Haoxuan got up from the cave and thought about it. He came to the nearest world. He found a bully who held several human lives, killed him, and arrested his palm before his soul dissipated. Then he found a forthcoming production. The mouse placed the soul in his hand into the mouse.

Every creature is a soulless thing before landing. Only after birth will it have a soul and a wisdom.

Qin Haoxuan sneaked into the hand of the bully before the birth of the mouse. In a few moments, the mouse that had not yet been born was violently violent, and the mother was madly torn, killing him alive and dying himself. .

The cycle failed.

Qin Haoxuan pointed a wave of blood, and the blood in front of him was scattered: "I will directly enter the soul, and the reincarnation will not be built. If it is born naturally?"

Re-finding a pregnant mouse, Qin Haoxuan waved his hand, reincarnation, placed the mouse on it, slowly running the reincarnation map, the mouse successfully landed, but when Qin Haoxuan again revolved, the ominous signs appeared .

In the moment when Qin Haoxuan placed the mother mouse on the reincarnation map, it was hidden in the thunderstorm of the sky, and its momentum was fierce, splitting the mountains and shattering the rivers!

The fairy palace starts from behind his back, and it is unstoppable, and it will block the thunder from the hundred feet!

On the top of the nine days, the squad is rolling, and the wind is raging. It seems that there are thousands of troops and horses that are about to be rushed down. What makes this monk outside the mountain horrified is that the black heaven and the earth are dying, and the long dragons are whistling down, and everything is retreating. , screaming!

The way of reincarnation, just like the way of heaven and earth, the taming of the people, the world is not allowed!

Qin Haoxuan seems to be the old man, and a pair of eyes only fall on his own reincarnation disk, and the crisis that makes countless strong people tremble with fear is nothing.

The violent day robbery is blocked by the immortal palace, and the power of the five evils of the heavens is that even the king of the king can not resist!

Qin Haoxuan's fairy palace dimmed in the moment of being contaminated by the five fascination of heaven and earth. The breath of the five people of the heavens instantly broke into his blood. In the twinkling of an eye, Qin Haoxuan Huafa was pale, and the body was more like a frosted eggplant. A little bit weakened!

If there is a second person who sees this situation, it will be scared away!

This is not only the way to destroy him from the outside, the fierce force directly into his body, a little careless will burst into a splendid, body swear!

Qin Haoxuan has supported it.

The power of time on the reincarnation slowly flowed until all the mice on the above died in an instant, turning into ash, and Qin Haoxuan took up the power of his own body.

The day of the robbery, the five failures of the heavens were expelled from the body, the pale hair turned into black, and the wrinkles on the surface of Qin Haoxuan dissipated, and the immortality in the body was revived.

"Seven days."

Qin Haoxuan looked at the lines on the reincarnation and frowned.

The mice that were manipulated by his reincarnation were born, but only lived for seven days.

Qin Haoxuan pondered for a moment, re-taken the pregnant rat, and placed it on the reincarnation plate again.

He tried a total of seven times, every time there was a robbery, and every mouse born on the reincarnation died on the seventh day.

"The mouse is like this, then what about other animals? Pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, even Warcraft, or monks, can they live for seven days?"

Qin Haoxuan took back his own reincarnation and embarked on a journey of finding the way back, and this is three years.

In the past three years, Qin Haoxuan has tried countless kinds of creatures, rats, rabbits, snakes, and even ordinary mortals and monks, which he used to explore. Although each one will eventually die, the time of persistence will gradually grow. The longest time is a magical repair of Xianying, which has been on the reincarnation for a year.

In the process of Qin Haoxuan's attempt to manipulate the reincarnation, the robbery was madly screaming at him. There was a chance to eradicate the momentum of this chaotic world. Once Qin Haoxuan Xiangong had cracks, the genius was completely dry, only If you are in a bad situation, you will have to explode and die!

After three years of trials, although he did not really succeed in realizing the reincarnation, Qin Haoxuan really realized the avenue he had never imagined before.

Qin Haoxuan stood at the top of the mountain, and the reincarnation in front of him disappeared in an instant. He seemed to have the appearance of the longest remaining person on the reel.

That person is the confidence that Qin Haoxuan continues to reincarnate.

It was a sinister demon repair. He persisted on the reincarnation for a year, and in this year, although he was a newcomer to the soul, the memory of the demon repair was completely passed down.

"The reincarnation is there, and it can be manipulated by me." Qin Haoxuan held his hand and stood up. He looked at the mainland and the king's gas was revealed.


After being returned by Yang Yue, with the lessons of the first day, Haishu knew the danger outside, and did not think about running outside. He was daring and not desperate, but he could not do anything about himself now. Very angry, so I was sullen all day, and even the Yang family and the old man were fighting every day.

Yang Yue looked coldly, and wanted to attack several times, but he gave up because of his father’s pleading eyes.

The sea otter is served by the Yang family three times every day, doing nothing, eating and eating, drinking and drinking, so that it is still sullen all day, seeing nothing is pleasing to the eye.

Oh, Haishu has been in the Yang family for a month. The outer leaves have completely fallen off the treetops, and the cold atmosphere begins to sweep the earth.

On this day, Yang Jia Er Lao worked hard to go home one day, and Yang Yue had already prepared meals.

When the sea bream came out, when I looked at the food on the table, I frowned at the brow: "Why are there no meat? What have you gone out all day? Qin Haoxuan is not leaving money when he goes? Why not buy it?"

After a series of questions, Yang’s face turned white and explained: “Small immortals, our family really has no meat, and the outside soldiers are in ruins...”

"I know that I’m fighting outside, I’m asking why there is no meat!” Haiyan looked at the three mortals, and the anger that had accumulated in her heart broke out. When she raised her hand, she smashed the table in front of her, and the hot rice soup sprinkled. Going out, even splashing Yang Yang’s body.

"爹娘." Yang Yue was shocked, and quickly rushed over and took the two old people away. After carefully observing them, they turned their heads and glared at Haitang. "Are you sick?"

Haishu did not expect that he would be hot, but he was so screamed by Yang Yue that his brow was wrinkled and his face was cold. The hand that wanted to reach out was also collected, silent and full of anger. Yang Yue.

"Forget it, boy, he is a fairy." Yang father saw that his daughter was really angry, and quickly pulled her sleeve and said.

"Hey, don't worry." Yang Yue took Yang's hand and looked up at Haitang, and said unceremoniously, "Do you feel aggrieved without meat? In my opinion, you are not qualified at all." Eat meat, do not do anything in bed all day, but also pick and choose, you are a waste, what kind of immortal people are there in the grandfather? What makes you feel good about calling us a family? Why should you be mad at you?"

Haiyan’s face looked at Yang Yue, and there was a killing in her eyes.

From small to large, Haishu was called by many people to "small devil" and "small bully", and no one ever dared to say that he was a waste.

If it is not repaired now, the immortality is sealed, and some people dare to say it in front of his face, it must be a dead soul.

"A month, this can not say, he is a person left behind by the immortals..." Yang father was anxious, and quickly stopped.

"Even if the immortal left it? The fairy said clearly before leaving, let him live the same life as us, what to eat for us, what do we do every day, let him do what he does, but this one What about the month? He doesn’t do farm work at half-point, and he is a slave to us as a slave!”

Yang Yue's tender face is red and angry, her voice is clear: "You are a man, have hands and feet, but can't earn half grain, what qualifications are disappointing, and what qualifications are there to eat meat?"

Why has Haishu been stunned by his nose? The forehead blue veins burst frequently, and the teeth said: "When it is really a tiger, Pingyang is bullied by a dog. If I can still cultivate a fairy, do you think you can still live?"

This statement is full of murderousness, and the face of Yang Jia Er's old man is white, but Yang Yue does not retreat at all: "You complain that you can't cultivate the immortal all day, and the words are low and mortal. Can everyone in this world cultivate the immortals?" Can mortals who can't be cultivated **** it? We are struggling to survive in this troubled years. Don't you want to live and don't drag us down? In my opinion, you are a waste, even worse than me."

"Where is it better for you?" Haishu said, raising his voice.

Yang Yue eyelids lightly lifted: "I can do farm work to take care of my family, do three meals a day, can you?"

The sea otter was blocked by Yang Yue and couldn’t say a word. The fist was tight and loose, and finally turned back to his room in the horrified eyes of Yang’s father Yang.

Lying on the bed, the sea otter closed his eyes, and his mind was in chaos. He never thought about it. He would have such a wretched day, which would be unbearable than the half a day he was beaten.

Yang’s house is simple, he can clearly hear the sound outside, Yang’s father Yang’s helpless sigh, Yang Yue cleans up the tables and chairs and softly comforts the voice of his parents...

"You are a waste..."

"A man has hands and feet, but can't earn half grain..."

"One waste, not even me..."

Yang Yue’s words, every word is like a sharp blade, and the road is on the sea otter. He opens his eyes and looks at the pure night sky outside the window. He listens to Yang’s depressed cough and falls into deep meditation.

On the second day, at the beginning of the glimmer, Yang’s father got up from the bed and prepared for a day’s work, but he heard the sound of firewood coming from outside. Everyday work was done by him. How could anyone chop firewood?

Pushing open the door, the cold breath of early winter came, the smog in the distance, the small courtyard, the sea otter with a short-sleeved clothes, holding a chopper and slashing the firewood in his hand, every time I cut it, I still remember Yang Yue, who is cooking rice with his own side, said: "I am not as good as you? Where can I not be like you? I can chop firewood, can you?"

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