Too Early

Chapter 1456: Happiness turns into sorrow

Yang Yueha started, and the firewood that was cut by the sea bream ignited the boiler, and the smoke floated. Although she was still silent, the face that had always been cold was eased a lot.

Yang’s father looked at the scene and took a long sigh of relief.

The food was served on the table, and the daily grievances of Haitang did not say, but An An steadily finished a meal.

After breakfast, Yang’s father was carrying a machete and a rope to prepare for the mountain to cut wood. The sea otter silently followed him.

After arriving at the mountain, Haitang was robbed in front of Yang’s father, chopping wood, harvesting, bundling, and then carrying back a thick firewood burden. Yang’s father persuaded him to be ignored by Haitang.

On the way down the mountain, Yang’s father walked slowly behind him with empty hands. He looked at the sea otter carrying a bundle of firewood and finally revealed his first smile for a month.

Haishu got up this morning. In addition to saying a few words to Yang Yue, she has been very silent. The action is very positive. The half-sized boy is changing awkwardly.

"My son is on the battlefield. The youngest baby is about the same age as you." Yang’s father looked at the back of Haitang and suddenly said such a sentence. After he finished, he himself stunned and then he was silent.

Haitang raised his ears. He wanted to talk a little, but he didn't know what to say, and he closed his mouth.

In the following days, the relationship between Haishu and Yang’s family gradually eased from the hostility. After more than two months, they became familiar with each other and actually had a feeling of warmth and tenderness. If you are still awed by the sea, you will still be a little scared, but there will be any busy work on weekdays, and you will actively call Haitang to help.

Today, Haishu and Yang’s father went to the mountain to cut wood. When it was near noon, Yang Yue came out from the mountain with meals and gave them food.

Looking at the sea otter who was eating, Yang Yue thought for a while and finally made up his mind and said to him: "I have been yelling at you before, I am wrong, and apologize to you."

Haiyan glanced at Yang Yue and gently picked up his eyebrows.

"Actually, you are not a waste. I was so angry at that time. It was so ugly to say it. You should not put it in your heart. You are very powerful now, and it is better than me." Yang Yue said generously.

Although Haiyan looked at his young age, he was a hundred-year-old person. After listening to Yang Yue’s words, he couldn’t help but evoke the lips: “What is it now, I was really powerful before, flying. Daddy, moving mountains and seas, omnipotent, wherever the monks have to give me face."

Yang Yuexiao's eyebrows bent and did not speak.

The sea otter pointed to the tree on the mountain and said very proudly: "If it was the former me, what did these count? With your fingers, the whole mountain would have to squat."

Yang Yue said with amazement: "Is it so powerful?"

"That's for sure!" Haiyan's eyebrows are handsome and handsome. "If I still have repairs, I can take you to swim too weak, cultivate the mainland, wherever I want to go, where the North Sea is, the mountains Hey."

The sea otter opened his voice and said a lot of anecdotes in the celestial world. He heard Yang Yuexin longing for it: "The world of immortals is so wonderful."

Looking at the way Yang Yue yearns, Haishu suddenly feels that those very flat things have fun.

The relationship between Haishu and Yangyue is better than one day. Yang’s father Yang’s eyes are also full of joy.

On this day, Haishu and Yang Yue were joking in the yard. Yangmu came over and smiled and asked Haishu: "Xiaohai, how old are you this year?"

"With two years, I am a hundred years old." Haishu said.

Yang mother stunned and asked carefully: "One hundred years old?"

Haitang nodded.

"You brag, see you are as big as me, maybe I am not big yet!" Yang Yue Liu Mei picked one, crisp and said.

"I am telling the truth, because my physical reasons seem to be slow, but I am really ninety-eight years old." Haishu said a sincere face.

Yang Mu and the Yang father who came over looked at each other and smiled: "Xiao Hai, you are all good, just like to talk big."

"Little boys, they all like to blow the cowhide, it is not a big problem." Yang mother smiled and continued to ask Haishu, "What are you planning for in the future?"

When Yang Yue heard the parents ask this question, she understood it a bit. Her face was red and red, but she couldn’t help but laugh. She lowered her head and said softly: "Mom, you ask what to do."

For the future problems, Haishu thought for a moment and said: "Now live first, and if my body seal can be solved in the future, I will continue to repair the immortal and then find the Qin Haoxuan revenge."

Yang Yue looked at Haishu and looked at it. The original bright eyes were dark and dark.

Yang Mu took a shot of Yang Yue’s hand and said to Hai Yan: “Now it’s not too flat outside, you are now safe to live with us.”

"Well, I know." Haishu used to reject his current situation. Although he is still in a hurry to re-cultivate, the idea that he is eager to leave is gone.

Yang Mu looked at the sea otter: "And then?"

"When the outside is too peaceful, or seize the opportunity to unlock the seal, I will find a place with ample aura, practice well, and return to the peak as soon as possible."

Haishu said that he is full of confidence. He is confident that with the supreme purple and his talent, it is not a problem to return to the peak of Xianying. As long as he is back, Qin Haoxuan is not in his eyes.

Upon hearing the answer from Haishu, Yangmu looked at her daughter and silenced.

As long as Hai Hao Xuan thought of Qin Haoxuan bowing to himself, he felt full of joy. He touched his mouth and then looked at Yang Yang and Yang Yue who were no longer talking. He asked, "How can you not speak?"

Yang Yuehong's cheeks slowly retreated. She took Yang's hand and went to the kitchen: "Don't say it, it's noon, cooking and cooking."

Haiyan looked at Yang Yue, who was rushing to the kitchen, and frowned slightly. How did he feel that Xiaoyue was not very happy?

The winter is about to pass, the spring breeze is thawed, the grass is back to the bud, everything is developing in a good direction. In the day-to-day busy farming life, the mind of the sea otter tends to be peaceful, and the body suffocating is mostly ruined. The sword finally has a scabbard.

On this day and night, the sleeping sea otter suddenly opened his eyes. He was lying in bed and listening for a moment. His eyebrows picked up slightly, and he did not hear the mistake. There was a sound of horseshoe rushing outside.


After a rush of knocking on the door, Yang’s father, who was wearing a coat, rushed in and said, “Xiaohai, get up, the robbers come, hurry up.”

The sea otter, who was sobered up, quickly put on a pair and went out with Yang’s father.

Although it was late at night, a round of moon was hung in the air, and the bright and bright brilliance shrouded the small mountain village. The sea otter could see that Yang Yue and Yang Mu had been waiting in the yard.

See Yang and the sea otter come out, Yang Yue will have prepared the kitchen knife and chopper to them in their hands.

The sea otter held the machete and listened to the sound of the horseshoes that were getting closer and closer and the laughter in the darkness. He frowned. "What is going on?"

Yang father took his family to the firewood house and said: "The troops stationed in our country have been defeated. The people outside may be the soldiers of the enemy country, or they may be bandits nearby. But they dare to be so uneasy. Kind, just hide in."

In this remark, Yang’s father said that it was anxious and fast, and a feeling of restlessness and anxiety was pervasive among several people.

"The last time this happened was still three years ago, half of the people in the village were killed. This is a beast of beasts, and there is no humanity." Yang Mu’s voice was trembling with mixed hate and fear.

"Don't say it, hurry in, hurry up!"

Yang’s father first hid Yang’s mother and her daughter behind the hidden door, and then took the sea otter to the front of the firewood: “Come in!”

Haitang looked at the woodpile: "How can such a small woodpile hide us two?"

Yang’s forehead brought a bit of sweat: “You go in first, I have a place to go.”

Haitang looked straight at Yang's father: "Where can you go? This home is as familiar as you are, there is no place to hide!"

"If there is a place, you should hide in it first!"

Yang’s father listened to the sound of rushing into the village outside, and his face was filled with anger. When he saw the sea otter, he couldn’t go. He couldn’t help but directly picked up the rope on the ground. In the sea’s strange eyes, He uniformed and tied it with a string and pushed it into the woodpile.

The sea otter still wanted to talk, but then he was stopped by Yang’s father with a ripped robes.

Being still in the corner, the firewood piled up layer by layer, blocking the light and obscuring the sight of the sea otter.

When the eyes can't see things, the ears are especially sensitive to sound.

The sea otter heard the sound of the door of the house being slammed open, heard the screaming noise, heard the sound of Yang’s hurried departure, and the snoring, the sound of the knives piercing the body, and the sound of people spreading to the ground.

Do not……

In the darkness, Haitang’s eyes widened, and he clearly realized what was going on outside, and it was an unacceptable shock on the face.

"Old man!"

Yang’s sorrowful sound suddenly sounded, and Haishu’s heart seemed to be tightened. He tried to shout what he was trying to do, but his body was tied by a rope and his mouth was blocked. He couldn’t say a word.

"You guys are killing thousands of knives, I am fighting with you!" Yang mother sounded with a crying sound, followed by the sound of heavy objects landing.

"Mother, mother! Hey!" Yang Yue’s mournful voice suddenly came.

"Hey, there are such beautiful girls in this small mountain village."

"Brothers are blessed!"

The suffocating sound of the suffocating voice of the scorpion, the sea otter hated to open his eyes.

"Get out!"

The sound of Yang Yue became sharp, and there were irons colliding with the man’s miserable voice.

"Smelly girls are looking for death!"


A few knives cut into the human body sounds!

Yang Yue?

Not No, I want to be her!

Qin Haoxuan? What about his body? where is he? Come out, come out!

At this time, Haishu is eager for the emergence of Qin Haoxuan. He even prays in his heart. As long as Qin Haoxuan can appear, as long as he can save this family, he is willing to worship Qin Haoxuan as a teacher. He is willing to enter the beginning, as long as Qin Haoxuan can save this. family!

"Hey! What a special sigh."

"Go gone and see what can be taken away."

The turbulent voice gradually drifted away, and finally left the house. The house was caught in a panicking silence. The sea otter was piled under the heavy firewood. There was only a darkness in front of his eyes.

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