Too Early

Chapter 1509: Cloud Island

A series of days of catastrophe fell at the same time, rushing towards Qin Haoxuan, the power was stronger than before.

At this moment, heaven and earth seem to be completely reversed.

Above the sky, the sun that had originally disappeared because of the looting clouds slowly shuddered wildly.

In the previous days of the Heavenly Tribulation, all the Heavenly Tribulation was directed at Qin Haoxuan. Zizi Mountain was only affected. Although the mountain was damaged and the earth was cracked, it was only affected.

But now, the sky-tribulation falls above the looting array, which is also affected. The entire mountain of freedom is swaying wildly, the mountains collapse, and the rocks explode.

It's just a breathing effort, and the entire free mountain seems to be completely destroyed.

Qin Haoxuan's body is capable of melting the heat of all things, the extreme cold ice, and the wind that can tear everything apart ...

All the disasters came in an instant, and the strength of the disaster caused his body to explode almost instantly.

The power of reincarnation circulates rapidly.

Suddenly, the power of this terrible disaster was shared by him and the five bodies, and the power of reincarnation was even more crazy.

Even so, the skin of him and the five bodies exploded, his muscles exploded, exposing the bones of the forest, and all the meridians broke under the impact of this terrifying force!

Yin Hong's blood spewed out, and in an instant, completely evaporated under the power of disaster, dissipated between the world.

Farther away from the sky, those who had left this side of the sky and flew into the robbery nine days away, appeared again and gathered towards the remaining robbery.


Qin Haoxuan stretched out his palm with a firm grip, but in the sky, a virtual shadow of a big golden yellow hand was holding the robbery, and at the same time, he pushed down with a firm support.

At the next moment, this robbery fell into his four Tao palaces!

As this robbery cloud dissipated, above the sky, the robbery cloud that returned from nine days away, but dissipated, seemed to have returned to nine days away again.

Qin Haoxuan's body fell softly, and fell from the air. It fell into a hole full of holes. This landform has been changed. I can't see a mountain. It completely sags into the free mountain of the earth, opens his mouth, and spouts a big mouth of blood again. .

On his side, the five bodies also fell from the sky, each one was pale, invisible, and there was no blood on his face.

Just before that blow, including him, the six of them almost died together.

If it were n’t for six reincarnations, the power of that terrifying blow would be divided into six parts. Sharpen yourself and improve your physical strength. He would really die under the blow of just before.

He had thought that if he took over the robbery, he would get a more terrible counterattack, but he did not expect that the counterattack would be so terrible.

Qin Haoxuan breathed out a breath, making his blood and breathing smoother. His body, the power of reincarnation, flowed again and connected with the other five bodies.

Including him, the six reincarnation bodies are connected by the power of reincarnation.

Their bodies recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, in just a few breathing moments, Qin Haoxuan and the five bodies seem to be intact.

"It's a fast speed." The devil's pair seemed to be able to see through, seeing a different color in the eyes of the future, no wonder that the reincarnation Mozun relied on the six reincarnations in the past, and he had never lost.

Between the six reincarnations, you can breathe with each other, endlessly live, fight against the enemy, and replenish mana in an instant. This is not to consume mana, and it can recover the injury very quickly. In this way, under the same level of battle, it is invincible!

With a sigh in the heart of the devil, he fell to Qin Haoxuan's side, seemingly admiring a rare treasure, looking at the fourth Dao Palace behind Qin Hao: "You, the new Dao Palace, has some meaning. Especially your stone door The three words on the page. "

Since the devil looked at these three big characters for a long time, he continued to say: "Among these three words, there is a kind of charm that can't explain the unknown. These three words don't just make your Taoist palace sublimate, even Some qualities change direction. "

Qin Haoxuan heard the sound, but his heart was moved, looking dignified and looking at the free devil master: "Devil master, I have something to ask for advice."

"Come with me." The free devil nodded slightly, his figure moved, and returned to his residence, lying in the sea.

Qin Haoxuan followed the free demon lord and lay in the sea.

Above the head, the hot sun hung high, and the sunlight fell on the two.

"Demon Lord, I saw a strange world a year ago. That world ..."

Qin Haoxuan told all the pictures he had seen in the other section of Jingbi a year ago to the free devil.

After listening to the Devil Lord, his face dignified and said: "The land of clouds ... the place you said seems to be the legendary fairyland."

"What? Fairy Realm! What I saw is Fairy Realm!" Qin Haoxuan's face was shocked. He had speculated before himself, but when the Devil Lord said it was Fairy Realm, he couldn't help but exclaim.

The world over the crystal wall is fairyland! The rumored fairyland, which is under attack by unknown forces at this time, is being continuously destroyed. The people of fairyland have begun to open up passages and want to enter their own world.

The free devil continued to say: "The three words on your stone door. The first of them cannot be derived. The second should be the word of the sky. This word is imitating the sky.

Look at this word, does it look like a human character below? Above the person's head, that's heaven. So this word is a word of heaven.

As for the third word, do you look closely at this word, is it similar to your stone door? "

Qin Haoxuan heard the sound and looked at the stone gate of his fourth Taoist palace. From this perspective, he was unsure: "The third word seems to be somewhat similar to my stone gate."

"Yes, this word is imitating the door. The second word is imitating the world, and the third word is imitating the door." The free demon master spoke, and his eyes fell to the stone gate of the fourth Taoist palace of Qin Haoxuan Above, looking at the three characters of [Nantianmen], he was lost in contemplation, and there was an extraordinary sense of freedom in his whole body.

He talked to Qin Haoxuan under the word, and he felt something again.



Qin Haoxuan looked at the large characters on the stone gate of his Taoist palace, and suddenly realized that the characters of the door ... Why did he have such a little bit, that point, the door was opened, this word is the meaning of entry ...

There are only two words, but he is Karsian. Both of these words are very meaningful.

After feeling for a long time, he came back to his mind.

Aside, the voice of the free devil came.

"I want to see with my own eyes what you said about the fairyland." He just listened to Qin Haoxuan's story, and then he guessed by himself that this is far less than the real fairyland he saw with his own eyes.

Qin Haoxuan paused slightly, nodded slightly, and intersected with the free demon master.

Suddenly, what he saw on the side of the crystal wall at that time, all the pictures on the other side of the fairy world appeared in front of the free devil.

For a long time, the free devil slowly spoke and sighed: "It's just a pity that I can't see the other side. Even so, this time, it is also a great insight and very rewarding. Everything in the fairy world follows the law. It is Nayun Island, and their existence and display imply heaven. "

"The location of Yundao implies Heavenly Dao?" Qin Haoxuan recalled everything he saw. It is now that he cultivated to improve again, and he still can't see the Heavenly Dao implicit in it.

"These things can't be explained to you." The free devil's eyes moved away from the stone gate of Qin Haoxuan's fourth Taoist palace and fell to Qin Haoxuan's face. The tone calmly said: "We communicate with God. It ’s interesting, I just want to see your six reincarnations. "

Qin Haoxuan's eyes showed a look of surprise, and six reincarnations were his celestial path.

Generally speaking, no one will show others his own natal celestial path, that is their way of cultivation, containing their own understanding of the way of cultivation, containing their feelings, and showing them to others is equivalent to Fully expose yourself to the opponent.

Not only is it to tell others about your own cultivation and your own feelings, but also to tell each other about your weaknesses.

After hesitating for a while, Qin Haoxuan chose to open his six reincarnations to the free devil.

"Interesting, the six reincarnations are really interesting." The free devil master was astonished.

At the next moment, a scroll appeared in front of Qin Haoxuan. The devil was alone, walking on an endless road where he could not see the edge, and he was chopped through the road. No matter what was in front of him, he was all cut off.

He walked along a straight line all the way to the front, never changing the direction of his progress because of others.

This is the great freedom of the free devil!

Qin Haoxuan was shocked, and he showed his own life fairy road to the free devil, and the free devil, as a feedback, actually opened his own life path to himself.

This is the life of the free devil!

Free Devil Lord, that is the existence that is at the forefront of Xiu Xian. His experience, he is afraid that he can hardly realize how much it is for a hundred years.

It's like climbing a mountain. The more you climb, the closest you are to the top of the mountain.

This time, I made a lot of money!

Qin Haoxuan converged and felt the free path of the free devil. Slowly, he began to understand what is truly free.

The Lord of Freedom is taking the road of great freedom, and the road of great freedom also has many ways.

Let go and be at ease, and detachment can be at ease.

And the path of freedom for the Lord of Democracy ~ ~ is that, for those other messy routes, I feel better when I am refreshed, and I am comfortable when I am refreshed!

An ego-free!

The road of great freedom seems to be suitable for him. If you have reincarnation, you will naturally be at ease.

After the demon master showed his way of freedom to Qin Haoxuan, he even communicated with Qin Haoxuan, telling him of the heavenly path implied by the islands of the fairy world.

Qin Haoxuan gained a lot from this period of communication. He even felt that the gains from the exchange of consciousness were not less than the gains he realized from the real six-body.

After the devil waited for Qin Haoxuan to realize his thoughts, he slowly said, "This is a matter of great importance, we still need to inform Xiandao.

The fairy world is obviously suffering from the arrival of unknown forces, the entire fairy world is to be destroyed, they want to survive, only to escape to other worlds.

Although I wish that all the people on the fairy road were dead, but if the forces of the fairy world open up the passage and come to our world, then I will be in big trouble.

As for the magic path, I will also notify a few people who are looking at me, and let them inform others. "

The free devil said, shook his head gently, and sighed: "This matter is too unbelievable, I am afraid many people will think that this matter was fabricated by me, and even think that I have any conspiracy."

"But in any case, this matter still needs to be notified." Qin Haoxuan

Qin Haoxuan did not answer, but said: "Demon Lord, I also need to leave, go to the endless sea to inform there as soon as possible."

Qingyun Zong, where Qinghong's parents were, faced directly, a passage opened by the fairyland. He has to notify. A year ago, the fairy side had already attacked the crystal wall!

Qin Haoxuan quickly said goodbye to the free devil, and the wings that covered the sky appeared behind him, and he hurried toward Qingyun Sect.

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