Too Early

Chapter 1539: Do the same with different people

When looking up, the sea in front of the forehead glided gently, revealing a beautiful face, she was extremely beautiful, even colder to the extreme, as if it was a piece of ice for thousands of years, it seemed to be able to freeze the soul and radiate With such an icy temperament, it is dazzling but beautiful.

Her blue and purple eyes were filled with evil breath, and above her forehead, there was an ancient rune in a star costume.


This is not a human, but a powerful humanoid monster!

Qin Haoxuan looked at this young and beautiful beauty monster, even if it was only observed through the light mirror, but there was a feeling that the other party was not the kind of old antique that was going to die, but a very young female monster.

The monster was looking at the broken crown above her head, and a slender eyebrow was gently raised, as if flipping the universe to stir the sun and the moon.

Suddenly, one of her arms bent slightly, drawing a half arc in front of her.

It's just a movement of raising the arm, but it seems to be completely integrated into the heaven and earth space around it. A stroke of the arm seems to draw a perfect arc. This space is shaking violently in response to her movements. stand up.

At the next moment, her index finger and **** were close together, and she bent to point in front of her.

In the air, a ripple visible to the naked eye oscillated, followed by the sharp air, the entire space was shattered by this finger. Then, above her two fingers, two silver rays burst out.

Two rays of light, as if they were two silver dragons, staggered up and down, and as if they were an extremely huge silver giant shear, suddenly separated after being far apart!

The whole space was split into two in a flash! Even the turbulent turbulence in the space without any regularity was divided into two halves, each oscillating in its own half of the space.

The other hand of the female demon suddenly stretched out, grabbed the broken crown in the void, and a terrifying suction poured out, turning the crown into his hands across the air.

"What a terrifying female monster!"

"What a wonderful method!"

"Fairy implement, that is a real fairy implement, even though it is broken, it is also a fairy implement, but she took it into her hands as easily as she did."

The flame ancestors looked at the crown taken away by the female demon, their faces varied.

The ruins of the flying fairy are full of light mirrors. At this time, many people's eyes are on the female demon, including humans, monsters and monsters!

Qin Haoxuan stared blankly at the female demon in the light mirror, and there was a surprise on his face. This move exerted by this female demon was clearly his own good punishment!

At the time, the punishment also passed this trick to himself, and even told himself that this is his unique scholasticism. How could this female monster also punish the sternism?

In his doubts, a faint scent came, and slowly, the older the scent, the richer, but just smelling the scent, it gives people a feeling of body comfort, and the scent is full of richness Breath of life.


"That elixir, here we are!"

"This is the demon pill before!"

Ling Yue's ancestors, Huo Yan's ancestors, and even the five ancestors of the Yan Wu Sect, all looked at the floating fairy with their eyes burning.

Qin Haoxuan followed everyone's eyes and looked at the elixir.

I do n’t know if it was because the fairy drank the blood of a Taoist ancestor before. At this time, its light was more intense than before.

The fairy pill slowly floats towards the direction of the crowd, and even gives the impression that it seems to float out of the turbulent range of space and float directly in front of the crowd.

In the eyes that everyone expected, it floated to the location of the turbulent space and stopped.

A strong breath of life poured out from the elixir and drifted away.

"This breath of life!"

"This is a pure elixir of life extension!"

"This breath, this elixir, life expectancy is not less than a hundred years!"

Everyone moved, and some of them breathed even more quickly. The two of them, except Qin Haoxuan and his apprentice Hai Ao, were the remaining ancestors.

Today, the most important thing for them is time.

After swallowing this elixir, they can live at least a hundred years longer. In a hundred years, they can do too many things.

Within a hundred years, if they make another breakthrough, then Shouyuan can still increase again!

Moreover, they feel that the life-span that this elixir can increase in front of them is far more than a hundred years!

Win it!

There was a strong thought in the hearts of everyone at the same time, seizing this fairy.

Now this elixir, but at the very edge of the turbulence in the space, they enter the turbulence and only need a moment to seize this elixir.

With their means, the turbulent attack in an instant, they are enough to hold on.

Patriarch Huoyan felt the power of life coming from the air. He walked forward involuntarily, and raised his hand to grab the turbulent flow in the space, but his hand stopped when he lifted half of it. .

Just now, there was a ancestor of Daogongjing who wanted to seize this elixir, but was eventually swallowed by this elixir.

This is a spiritual demon!

It's just staying at the outermost turbulence of space now, it seems to be deliberately tempting himself and others.

But they really have some temptation to make this elixir impossible.

The fairy pill floats in the turbulence of the space, passing by turbulently. It looked at everyone who clearly wanted to do it but didn't dare to do it.

Suddenly, a breath that everyone could not detect flowed out and drifted away into the distance.

Not long, in the turbulent space, another elixir was much smaller than this demon pill.

Elixir also has a breath of life.

This is also a Zengshou Dan.

Is almost standing in the direction of the nearest turbulent flow in the Curry space. Huan Tong Zongzu looked at this floating Xiaodan medicine and suddenly turned to look at Qin Haoxuan.

This little elixir came so coincidentally, that elixir had just fallen here, and although everyone felt that they could carry the short space turbulence, but no one started it, they immediately had this little elixir medicine.

This immortal medicine may have been specially attracted by the demon elder to seduce them.

But he couldn't refuse this temptation.

That elixir has spirituality. I am afraid that it is difficult to seize this small elixir, and it is also possible to seize it, but he needs someone to help him.

The sword that Qin Haoxuan played before is the strongest swordsmanship he has ever seen.

That sword is enough to break the space.

Qin Haoxuan felt the eyes of Huan Tong Laozu and immediately understood the meaning of the other party. His thoughts moved, and the seven Dao Palaces behind him emerged. The space around the lead shakes accordingly.

In his hand, the Dragon Scale Sword emerged, and a gleam of light poured out from his palm, and in a blink of an eye it fell on the Dragon Scale Sword. Out.

The breath inside him kept rising, he hadn't made a sword, and he was already sharp.

The five reincarnation bodies gathered around him, and the breath was strange or cruel or bloodthirsty ...

Around, several people looked towards Qin Haoxuan.

Before, Qin Haoxuan had already shot, but at that time they also had to face space storms, and also faced the sky-tribulation. There was no extra time to observe Qin Haoxuan.

Now, under observation, each one looks horrified.

They have long learned that Qin Haoxuan is already the ancestor of seven Taoist palaces, but Qin Haoxuan's breath is stronger than those of the veteran Qidao Gong ancestors.

Qin Haoxuan He just condensed the seven Taoist palaces, how many years has he practiced, how can there be such a heritage?

After Qin Haoxuan's breath climbed to the top, the five Dao bodies in the seven Dao Palaces behind him, including himself, shot at the same time.

The five-handed sword waved and turned into thirty swords in the sky. It seemed that thirty peerless swordsmen shot at the same time, wielding a sword that condensed their lifetime.

Thirty swords gathered in the air to form a huge sword plate.

The sword plate flew down. At this moment, everyone felt that they seemed to be a world. The sword plate contained sun, moon, and yin, and heaven, earth, and five elements ...

At the sword, the wind and the clouds are violent, the sun and the moon are dark, and the color of the world is changing.

The space in front of several people was blasted away by the sound of horror, and the space was torn apart!

The child's ancestor's general body suddenly exploded at this moment, at this moment his body seemed to be no longer childlike, but immensely towering.

He raised his hand and grabbed the immortality.

At almost the same time, the elixir turned rapidly, and a faint pattern appeared on the elixir.

With the rotation of the fairy pill, the endless turbulence in the surrounding space surged rapidly, rushing towards Qin Haoxuan and Huantong Laozu.

In the space ~ ~ is a huge space vortex began to take shape.

The elixir was really drawn by this elixir, the purpose is to lure everyone to take action!

The space vortex has not been formed yet, and it has been attracted by the waves of fear, causing Qin Haoxuan and Huan Tong Laozu to move much slower.

Qin Haoxuan's eyes were bright, and the left hand without the sword was raised. The void traced an arc-shaped trajectory. Above the left hand, the **** of the index finger and the **** extended closer together, toward the front.

In the void, there is a ripple visible to the naked eye. The entire space was shattered by this finger.

Is a little broken. Above two fingers, two silver rays burst out, as if two silver coils flew out of a giant shear that could interrupt the world.

Giant shears close together, and in an instant, the entire space is cut with a knife!

Space turbulence, space vortex, all are divided into two!

That horrible suction disappeared instantly.

On the palm of Huan Tong Laozu, the aura burst shot onto the medicine, which seemed to be encased by an invisible rope. With the fingers of Huan Tong Laozu together, the medicine suddenly shot into In the hands of Tong Lao Zu.

In the turbulent flow of the void, the spinning elixir suddenly stopped. It seemed to be frightened and flew away.

Qin Haoxuan stood up with his sword, but it felt like he was being stared at by countless eyes. Around him, in the mirror, all the monsters looked at him, and his eyes were full. hostility.

And the female demons who took away the broken crown also looked over at him, as if intriguing eyes that could charm all beings were full of curiosity, they just showed the same trick!

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