Too Early

Vol 2 Chapter 1605:

   In the Xianyun car, the old Xia Yunzi did not have the nagging that Qin Haoxuan imagined. The old man who had been away for many years now just stared at Qin Haoxuan silently.

   After watching for a while, Lao Xia Yunzi would shed tears silently.

   Then, Lao Xia Yunzi wiped away the tears from the corner of his eyes and continued to stare at Qin Haoxuan.

   Qin Haoxuan tried to speak a few times but didn’t know what to say, comfort? Old Xia Yunzi is at this age today, what can he not understand? Caring about the body? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the old man had a dark illness in the war, and this mental state, it is not too much time.

   See a doctor? Qin Haoxuan knew that although he was considered to be brave and advanced abroad, he would not be better than Zhang Kuang in most aspects of Six Immortals. In the coming years, Zhang Kuang should not have been busy working for the old Xia Yunzi, and now he may not be able to save the life of the old man in exchange for himself.

   "Children, have you taught the real people into the soil?" Lao Xia Yunzi asked a question buried in his heart for a long time, this question is also the knot of all the old ladies for many years.

   At the beginning of the battle with Puguang Pavilion at that time, the crowd was too weak to escape, but the Huanglongzhangjiao still did not escape for everyone, and finally fell to the beginning.

   "Zhangjiao Real Man was sent back to Yingling Mountain by me." Qin Haoxuan said softly: "On that day, his disciples woke up and saw Pu Guang set up a burial mound for the Zhangjiao...The disciple welcomed the Zhangjiao Real Man back to Yingling Mountain."

   Old Xia Yunzi slowly nodded and muttered, "Just go back, just go back. He has been out alone for so many years, so lonely. Go back, and everyone will accompany him..."

   "Tian Yu also returned, Chi Lianzi also returned..." Qin Haoxuan said softly: "Every first person who left here, after going to find Puguang Pavilion, the disciples sent them back to Yingling Mountain."

   "Okay, okay, okay..." Lao Xia Yunzi's eyes contained water mist and nodded: "Just go back, don't let them float outside. Puguang's dog thieves, are you alright?"

"It's not good," Qin Haoxuan said, "I would greet them every 20 years at the beginning, and the disciples had killed several Puguang dogs outside. Today, Puguang has long been out of sight. If they didn't have the ability to stop them, The disciples who have been sacked for 100,000 years have already rushed into them to kill them."

"Shoushan Formation that can withstand hundreds of thousands of years of robbery..." Lao Xia Yunzi's eyes rarely shot out two hatreds of hatred: "If this turtle shell could not be pried open, I would have been able to leave here in the beginning I can’t give my martyrs too much hate."

Qin Haoxuan moved his head. At the beginning of the year, it was only a 5,000-year old teacher. Puguang Pavilion was also consumed a lot in order to break the early guarding of the mountain. It can almost be said that it was eating the beginning and let them collapse. Two front teeth.

   A supremacy of hundreds of thousands of years wanted to open the 5,000-year-old guardian mountain array, which was so difficult that even the ancestors of the Dao Palace Realm broke through.

   Nowadays, the Shoushan Formation of the Supreme Master... Qin Haoxuan knew that he had joined Zhang Kuang and Xu Yu together, and he still couldn't break the Shoushan Formation that was harder than the turtle shell.

   "There is always a way, there is always a way..." Xia Yunzi said softly in his mouth: "I really want to take a look at Yingling Mountain..."

   "Uncle Shi, you can see it." Qin Haoxuan responded softly.

   Xia Yunzi smiled very bitterly. Although he cultivated his own position, Zhang Kuang would not hide anything from himself. In the beginning, when facing the fairy tomb, he was actually not much stronger than the ants.

   "Disciples can come in and they will naturally find a way to leave." Qin Haoxuan comforted again.

   "Uncle Shi believes in you..." Xia Yunzi said softly: "Speaking of it, your son used to leave here very strangely, but it was sucked back strangely after a while..."

  Qin Haoxuan heard Xia Yunzi's words, and suddenly remembered that the children of Lan Yan's family once said that they met Qin Yilan who was traveling abroad.

   Turn back and ask him carefully! Qin Haoxuan secretly took this matter to heart.

  Xianyunche has come to the top of Lingtian Valley at this time.

   Ling Tian Gu, this is a name Qin Haoxuan is very familiar with and has a little strangeness. Familiarity was practiced here when he first started.

   is unfamiliar, it is more than a century... Qin Haoxuan has never appeared here.

   Ling Tian Gu is a very familiar place for Tan Linglong, because after all she had practiced here not long ago, and she was sent back to Rupu City only because she was eliminated.

   "Let's take a look, there are ‘people' you are familiar with here."

  Xia Yunzi's words made Qin Haoxuan more and more curious. Lingtiangu has always been a place to train new disciples. How come there are people he knows here? Nowadays, who are you familiar with, which was not a high-weight presence in the beginning?

   "Ben Daxian tells you! This swordsmanship! Ben Daxian claimed to be the second at that time, no one dared to say that he was the first in the world! It was Zhang Kuang who taught him, and he was also afraid to be the first..."

   A big rock in Lingtian Valley came with exaggerated shouts. There were hundreds of disciples all around the big rock, looking up at the one on the big rock-the hedgehog!

Everyone listened attentively to this hedgehog who claimed to be the Great Sword of Ten Thousand Swords, telling about Kendo Swordsmanship, how he used to pull the wind to kill people, and how to save the once-in-chief Vice-President Qin from the Ten Thousand Sect Remains from time to time. On the occasion, if it wasn't for his own great display of power, either Vice-Qin Qin or Zhang Kuang had already died hundreds of times in Wanjiaoxian.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the Wanjian Daxian who was flying not far away. The scene of the Wanjiao Xianxian resurgence once again came to my mind. This hedgehog is still so exaggerated... but Xiuwei is not many times stronger than it was. In the past few years, it has not only made great progress in bare mouth, but also practiced a lot.

   This hedgehog... Qin Haoxuan reacted that Wan Jian Daxian was not like everyone else. It particularly liked this feeling of being sought after. Looking at the whole Taichung where could there be Ling Tian Gu even more like this feeling of being sought after by thousands of people.

   "Hedgehog! Long time no see!"

  Qin Haoxuan raised a voice, and was talking about the spitting Wan Jian Daxian froze, and hundreds of Lingtian Gu disciples looked curiously along the voice.

  Hedgehog sat on the stone staring at Qin Haoxuan.

" are back! I will say! As long as I am nagging you every day! I am nagging you every day..." The hedgehog's smile gradually brought out a crying cry: "I know! As long as I am nagging you every day, I will give you back someday! The saying is not that! People are most afraid of being nagged by others! As long as they are nagging, that person will appear! I am nagging you for hundreds of years ... for hundreds of years! You are finally willing to come back! You finally think of me!"

Wan Jian Daxian Hua returned to the human form, sitting on a big stone, holding his sleeves and wiping his face. One arrow step came to Qin Haoxuan and punched him in the chest: "Good back! Just come back! I didn’t say anything... I didn’t say anything. ..."

In the last war of annihilation, the fact that Qin Haoxuan fell has been acquiesced when everyone left. Although they did not want to admit in these years, the deepest part of everyone’s heart in the beginning was not too much hope of living, but more of how to avenge their revenge. .

   Now, Qin Haoxuan suddenly appeared... Wan Jian Daxian was shocked and happy, and could not help crying.

Seeing acquaintances a few times, Qin Haoxuan is no longer as nervous as when he first came back. It is more joy to see Wanjian Daxian. Old friends have not been happy for many years.

   "I said why I always sneeze when I'm floating outside, it's for you to whisper." Qin Haoxuan returned a punch to Wan Jian Daxian's chest.

  The people of the Pu team followed Qin Haoxuan from birth to death, and worshiped Qin Haoxuan as a god. No one would be born to be friends with his own old host, and he just wanted to throw his blood on his head.

   Zhang Kuang is very awkward with Qin Haoxuan, that is, old Xia Yunzi also regarded Qin Haoxuan as a junior. It seems that Wan Jian Daxian was the first person who really regarded him as a friend after Qin Haoxuan returned.

  Qin Haoxuan's words made Wan Jian Daxian's heart lose a lot of joy when he saw a living person, weeping more joy and joy, and there were a lot of tears on his face.

   "If you don't come back, I will be cursed." Wan Jian Daxian circled around Qin Haoxuan again and again, trying to see the changes of the other party over the years: "Did you eat a lot of bitterness outside?"

  Qin Haoxuan nodded: "The suffering of life and death is better, and it is even harder to think of the suffering of the early days."

   "Who most wanted?" Wan Jian Daxian flashed a pair of peach blossom eyes, and said ridiculously: "I can tolerate you to put me in the third place, who is most thinking?"

   "The first of course is that we want to teach real people." Tan Linglong said proudly on the side: "My way..."

   "Shut up for me." Qin Haoxuan directly blocked Tan Linglong's mouth with a spell.

   "It was you who just started fighting with Zhang Kuang?" Wan Jian Daxian finally reacted: "I thought it was the sister-in-law who was working with Zhang Kuang! Are you so strong now?"

sister in law? Qin Haoxuan had a headache, and the time he came back was not particularly short, but he never reported back to Xu Yu... If he would report back later... I don’t know how the girl reacted...

   Suddenly... Qin Haoxuan found himself...a little afraid of his wife?

"Zhang Kuang's ability is good, right?" Wan Jian Daxian said enviously: "Zi Zizhen's mother is very unique! I also communicated with him several times, and every time I communicated, there was a Laozi who went back to find some mothers. Hedgehog breeding offspring! Fuck **** immortals! God doesn’t want me to cultivate at all, only Purple Cultivation!"

Although Qin Haoxuan didn’t have the idea of ​​going home to find a mother-in-law to give birth to a child and not to cultivate an immortal, she had to sigh and agree that Zi Tian’s skywardness was desperate, just like when he was a mortal when he went to school. I don’t read books, I play with myself all day long, but when the exams are over, people hurried to read it and they are all right.

   Talent... Although Qin Haoxuan didn't like to admit that this thing is really critical, he also had to admit that this thing is much better than without the innate situation. Those who have no talent can only work hard and work hard.

   "Did you come to Lingtian Valley for the purpose of looking for me?" Although Wan Jian Daxian said no to her mouth, she expressed hope that Qin Haoxuan's answer was specifically for him.

   "I come to Lingtiangu with two things. The first thing is to know that you are here, so you must come and see."

  Qin Haoxuan's words suddenly made Wan Jian Daxian smile.

   "The second thing is to send this child over." Qin Haoxuan pointed to Tan Linglong, who was sealed by his spell, and said, "Find her an enlightened brother."

"The little love you can find outside? Can't you take it home?" Wan Jian Daxian patted Qin Haoxuan's shoulder: "Everyone is a man, I know! It's not easy to explain to the sister-in-law? Then put it here first, look back... "

Qin Haoxuan gave Wan Jian Daxian a curse and scolded: "Go back to your sister's head... what do you want? I came in and couldn't find us too early, this kid is the one who we retreated from in the beginning, sealed the memory. I asked her to lead the way It’s helpful to me, and the teacher told her to remember the merits and allow her to go back to the beginning again."

  Wanjian Daxian patted the shoe mark on the butt, and pouted his lips and said, "'s really boring."

  Qin Haoxuan looked at Wan Jian Daxian: "Find her a senior enlightened brother."

   "Since it is helpful to you, the old man will be her brother in person." Wan Jian Daxian patted her chest.


   "What's the matter? Lao Tzu has already worshipped too early." Wan Jian Daxian pointed at the old Xia Yunzi and said: "Uncle Shi said he took the disciples for his brother, our life is the same as you."

Qin Haoxuan looked at the old Xia Yunzi. The ancestor of the early ancestor showed a satisfied smile. After all, he could get the master like Wan Jian Daxian into the early prince. It was also a very good thing for the early prince. Lizong, this matter can be regarded as a credit.

   "You gave this child an enlightened brother, wouldn't that pull up the child's seniority?"

   "What's the matter? You brought it back, it's okay to pull up a seniority." Wan Jian Daxian said: "After all, you can't find where our Taichu Mountain Gate is without this child."

  Qin Haoxuan didn't mean to see old Xia Yunzi. He just returned from his early days, so he didn't make any objections.

   Tan Linglong took a look at Qin Haoxuan, then looked at Wanjian Daxian, and finally looked at the old Xia Yunzi, but she heard clearly on the side, and she returned to the beginning again, as if her seniority was very high! Alone with a real person? Doesn't it mean that you are a sister who teaches real people? Have the opportunity to marry a real person?

   "Follow Wanxian Daxian in the future." Qin Haoxuan removed Tan Linglong's spell of closing his mouth.

   Tan Linglong quickly gave Wan Jian Daxian a knock: "Disciple Tan Linglong visits Brother."

Qin Haoxuan looked at Tan Linglong and Wanjian Daxian, and finally sighed. The fact that Tan Linglong could be eliminated has already explained the problem. The talent is obviously quite If only by Wan Jian If Daxianjiao is afraid, it will be difficult to make too good progress, so I still have to write a set of Xianxian exercises suitable for this child.

   "Get up." Wan Jian Daxian dealt with Tan Linglong, and then embraced Qin Haoxuan's shoulders, said: "Let's go! Since it's here, have a drink!"

  Qin Haoxuan looked at Wan Jian Daxian with embarrassment and said, "I'm back, I haven't seen Xu Yu yet..."

   "You are done!" Wan Jian Daxian escaped Qin Haoxuan like a plague, and instantly jumped out of the distance of the old man and said: "Dude, don't go to see your wife when you come back... you take care... let's go back and drink..."

   "No, Xu Yu is gentle and sensible..."

   "Ha! Yeah... I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, you don't have to go back in a hurry, she is sensible and gentle again, I think... Haha..." Wan Jian Daxian looked very unhappy.

   "You don't know my Xu Yu."

   "I just know a woman, I don't need to know your family Xu Yu, as long as she is still a woman..." Wan Jian Daxian continued his point of view.

   "My family Xu Yu..." Qin Haoxuan's voice also became weaker. He simply turned his head and said to Lao Xia Yunzi: "Uncle Master, that... I... I'll go home and report to you before I see you."

  Qin Haoxuan did not wait for the old Xia Yunzi's reply. He shot Xiao Jin's shoulder and said, "Yu Jian, take me home quickly..."


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