Too Early

Chapter 201: Fairy tales

The sinister wind has the essence, as if the tangible cockroaches generally let Qin Haoxuan have to condense [opening the sky] to break these yin winds, so his dexterous figure is also slightly sluggish, barely avoiding the giant bears.


The giant bear beast took a position in front of Qin Haoxuan, causing the earth to raise countless dust. The soldiers standing in a relatively close position were more vain, feeling that they almost turned to the ground.

The huge bear is not too slow, but he doesn’t turn around and doesn’t turn around. His hind legs are on the ground and sweeping into the ground.

Qin Haoxuan flew back and screamed in the heart. This old thing was controlled by the beasts at a distance, and his own gods stunned each other. They were too late to kill each other!

The giant bear is flexible, Qin Haoxuan feels the pressure for the first time, and it is more stressful than when it is against the harsh winter! Life and death... just a line apart! If the body is stronger than the Daoist genius, where can I escape? Just dodging this way, after all, will lose and die!

Su Wu can't help but rush in the back. He feels that Jiang is still old and spicy. He will call the commander to himself and be ready to retreat at any time. Because once Qin Haoxuan is defeated, his morale must be lowered to the bottom of the valley.

After fighting a few giant bear beasts, Qin Haoxuan could not afford to eat, but Hao Xiu did not give him a little spare time, did not wait for him to breathe and immediately instructed the giant bear beast to pounce on Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan, who has just escaped the giant bear beast and has not yet established a foothold, did not expect it to be so dexterous under the control of Hao Xiu. Dodge is definitely too late, only to fight hard with it!

He whispered to the incarceration of the armor: "Picture!"

Qin Haoxuan's operation [Jihaiyu], the spiritual power in the body is like a sea of ​​water, roaring and roaring, all condensed on the [opening of the sky], the original [opening the sky] the knife gas is only Zhang Xu, deep yellow, running in Qin Haoxuan Haishu], when the spirit is instilled in the road [opening the sky], this [opening the sky] sharp blade has been stretched to three feet long, once again with this giant bear beast hit the boxing.


[Opening the sky] The blade and the giant bear beast collided together, and the spirits swept out, bringing a gust of wind and a deafening muffled sound. The earth seemed to be shaking, and the two army’s horses were screaming and violent. disturbed.

On the battlefield, Wanma Qiming, the horseshoes were uneasy and kicked, so that the dust was soaring in the vicinity of dozens of miles. It was magnificent and quite spectacular, and the most spectacular one was near Qin Haoxuan and the giant bear beast. Within the center of the kilometer, the aura is raging, and the hurricane of the road is as high as a hundred feet, rolling up the sky and flying sand, the roar of the wind is like a ghost crying, a scene of the end of the day.

This scene stunned the two hundred thousand soldiers on both sides. Is this the strength of Shangxian? It’s like a slap in the air, as if it were going to fall apart.

Although Su Wu is also shocked, he is more concerned about Qin Haoxuan's life and death. If Qin Haoxuan is defeated, he will be finished...

In the dust, Qin Haoxuan, who had a punch with the giant bear beast, was shaken back a few steps. The blood in the body was tumbling, and the giant bear beast completely inherited the strength of the giant bear body. The strength of this punch was scary, and the mountain cracked stone. Nothing to say.

If it wasn’t for Qin Haoxuan, it’s the Taoist Dafa and the “helping” of Gu Yunzi. The body is many times stronger than the ordinary cultivator, and there is a criminal change for the armor to protect him, blocking part of the strength and replacing it with The immortal who is in the same realm as him will be beaten into a meat sauce by this fist.

And Qin Haoxuan had a punch, this giant bear beast is also not good, and it has a few more cracks on the body, this is Qin Haoxuan's spiritual and brute force hard shock!

Hao Xiu is also more and more shocked. How many cards do you have in the early education of the four-leaf disciples? Seeing his strength is not high, but the real fight is simply a desperate, and his body is extremely tough, even if he is boxed by his giant bear beast, he just retreats a few steps, and then fights if nothing happens.

How powerful is the punch of the giant bear beast, Hao Xiu as the master is no better! How can a bird of flesh and blood of a fairy seedling be able to suffer! Putting yourself in the ground, with his own physical strength, is also very difficult to withstand!

Hao Xiu regrouped and once again directed the giant bear beast to pounce on Qin Haoxuan. After the roar of the giant bear beast, the bear claw suddenly slammed out, and with a shouting sound and a claw on the back of Qin Haoxuan.

In exchange for other cultivators, this one has the power of a paw, and even the meat is left, but Qin Haoxuan received this claw. Under the criminal protection of the armor, he was only repelled two steps. Not injured.

Qin Haoxuan is fine, but the punishment is screaming: "Mom! Lao Qin, can't you do it? Laozi becomes a hammer. You take Laozi directly to break this beast!" How?"

Qin Haoxuan gasped and whispered: "No! You incarnate the hammer and simply beat the beast. If the other party ran away? Once he ran, he would call friends to find someone to help! And, as a result, your identity will be Exposed! Once they put the news out, the young disciples will be with the devil, I am afraid you and I will be chased to death!"

The punishment knows that Qin Haoxuan said that he can only shut up, but fortunately, the dragon and the golden body are practicing all the way. This giant bear can only shake the blood of the old Qin, and it is impossible to break through his own armor changes.

Continuously and Qin Haoxuan spelled two hard, giant bears and beasts have more than a dozen cracks, the largest crack is full of a finger width, one foot long.

Hao Xiu looked distressed, but he was also shocked by Qin Haoxuan's fighting power. Even if a fairy cultivator of the sacred seedlings of the sacred sacred leaves, under the attack of his own beast, there is only a life to be shackled. Qin Haoxuan is only a fairy seedling, even if it is He is from the early days of teaching, and he is not likely to have such a strong fighting power! Is there any treasure in him? Moreover, how is the spiritual power of this kid so much? Too tired? Why haven’t they been consumed?

Hao Xiu’s various curiosity, as a person who came over... a small person who has been repaired by four leaves, the spiritual power should not be available anymore, but he does not know... although the fairy magic species will not make the cultivation of growth as superb, However, the roots of the fairy magic are extremely thick, and the cruising ability of the battle... the spiritual power is terrible!

Purple species is called the same level invincible! Because it is extremely explosive!

The fairy magic can also achieve the same level of invincibility, just... it is not explosive, but strong endurance! I can't run you for a hundred meters, then we will run for one kilometer. Isn't one kilometer enough? Then let's run 10,000 meters! I am tired and tired of you!

"Mom! I don't believe in this seat, you can hold it for a long time! Your spiritual power should be almost dry!" At the same time as Hao Xiu, the giant bear beast was once again saved!

Dry? Qin Haoxuan feels that the other person's brain is sick, and he completely feels that the spiritual power is exhausted. Instead, he will fight with it... It seems that his own spiritual power is increasing! In the midst of the battle, it seems that the cultivation of oneself is also growing a little bit because of this fierce battle, and it is faster than the meditation in the weekday.

Qin Haoxuan not only does not dodge, but stands up straight, facing the giant bear stepping forward, condensing the spirit in the double fist, lifting up [opening the sky], the length of about three feet [opening the sky] breaking open the air, making sharp The snoring, and the giant bear beasts slammed a fist: "Open!"

The spirit of the collision between the two swelled, and the clear sky was once again yellow sand.

In the distance, Hao Xiu saw through the sky and the yellow dust that Qin Haoxuan, who is only the four leaves of Xian Miaojing, is like a **** of war. This fist hardly forced his own beast to retreat a few steps, and Qin Haoxuan’s legs were also in the mud. .

Although Hao Xiu was surprised that Qin Haoxuan’s combat power was so strong, he did not stop for a moment, and he pointed to the giant bear beast who did not know what the pain was, and once again rushed to Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan snorted, his body flicked, his legs pulled out of the soil, and rushed to fight with the giant bear beast.


Qin Haoxuan's blood rushed, and the pain of the sentence was a breath of cold air, and the giant bear beast body, there are several more cracks with two feet long!

The dust that is centered on them is even more intense, and even a sandstorm has formed. This dust storm covers the sky and the sun is completely covered, as if the night is coming.

After two consecutive episodes, Qin Haoxuan, who knows the bottom, is passive and active. Although this giant bear is powerful, it will weaken one point after each hit!

And yourself! In the battle, after each bang, the fairy genie will have a new entry! I am making progress! And it is the progress visible to the naked eye! What are you afraid of! hit! Just hit it!

Qin Haoxuan rushed to the front of the giant bear beast, and slammed out [opening the sky], kneeling on the chest of the giant bear beast.

This [opening the sky] the knife is like a rainbow, the light red blade is like a blood stain, exudes a heart-rending knife, this knife is full of three feet long, as if it can open up the sky, condenses Qin Haoxuan all-power one Hit the [opening of the sky], in this giant bear beast's chest opened a huge mouth, the giant bear beast body aura leaked, body shape shaking.

If the beast is injured, it is not just a matter of beasts. The owner of the control beast will also receive some reflexion.

After the giant bear beast chest was opened a big mouth Hao Xiu body also bleeds, the face is red and purple.

Qin Haoxuan didn't give it a chance to breathe. The stride of the meteor rushed forward, and the moment of opening the sky array seemed to be like the money!


The sky was slashed and then fell with a knife. Each of them was bombarded on the giant bear beast. The beast of the beast continued to crack, and the body continued to retreat... it was no longer fierce.

Qin Haoxuan, who has the upper hand, secretly whispered: "The beast is really a good thing. A pile of paper and the soul of an animal can become so powerful. I am [opening the sky] cutting iron, but not a knife. Cut off the seemingly fragile beast, it seems that I have to get a few beasts in the future!"

Hao Xiu, who was slammed again, was furious and angry. He resisted the discomfort of the blood in his body: "Mom! Bunny scorpion! You are looking for death! This seat is smashed with this beast! You must kill you! ”

Hao Xiu pinched out a coffin, a real blood sprayed on the top of the coffin, the bears in the eyes of the bears were even more cold, and the screams of anger were violently screaming, and the figure was suddenly enlarged and the body became more and more huge.

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