Too Early

Chapter 291: Yunhe 蹲 袭 浩 Hao Xuan

Feeling that the cranes on Yunhe Mountain are more chilly on the face, they are busy closing their mouths, but their hearts are more admired: "Yunhe ancestors are not the real strong players with flying swords, they are not angry and powerful, and the chaos on his body Not condensed, there is a feeling of blood and venting, is it that the wound is not healed? Is it impossible, Yunheshan people who have the flying sword, who can hurt him? It must be a new skill As a result of the law, it is said that some magical powers will cause a feeling of blood gas venting. In fact, this is a performance that has been cultivated to a very high level! Oh, it’s the momentum of Yunhe’s ancestors, it’s enough for me to wait for a long time. !"

If Yunheshan people know the thoughts of these people, they will definitely shoot them all and practice your sister's new methods. Laozi is angry and not condensed, and there is hidden blood and venting. That is seriously injured by Laozi. The more the surface is not scarred, but the blood in the body has been lost!

"The predecessor of Yaowang is here. His old man is meditating in the back camp." A scattered eye was bright and busy: "Yunhe ancestor, please come with me."

Under the guidance of this scattered repair, Yunheshan people went with him to find Sun Yaowang.

I am meeting in the middle of the military account, discussing how to ambush Qin Haoxuan's scattered people, naturally also heard the Yunheshan people before the call, one by one flush, very excited!

They did not know that the Yunheshan people were passing by the middle of their deliberations.

"Yunhe ancestor, he is the real strongman with Feijian, and the immortality of the saplings is said to be more than the elders of the flying swords."

"There are Yunhe ancestors to help out, and we can just wait for the counterattack in the early days of the camp, even if the sects of the early sects are not afraid to fly the sword elders!"

"Yeah! I have been worried every day for a few months. I don't know when I was too early to send a flying sword elder to annihilate us. When I was afraid of practicing or sleeping, I suddenly took a flying sword and took my son's head! Now Yunhe ancestor Come, finally you can rest easy!"

"Haha, there are Yunhe ancestors. It is not enough to teach the elders in the early days. Not to mention Qin Haoxuan's kid. How about killing us 30 people a day? Yunhe ancestor is flying a sword, enough Qin Haoxuan That **** died a thousand times 10,000 times!"

The Yunhe ancestors who passed through the camp were keenly heard three words - Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan is a person who dreams of gnashing his teeth and wants to kill him. He originally planned to find Sun Yat-sen to get the medicine, and then refine it and restore his body. Then he will launch his influence in the repair and let them help. Look for Qin Haoxuan yourself.

Now even the search for the link is saved. If you listen to these scattered words, Qin Haoxuan is a **** in the battlefield of Qizhang, and in the camp of the early education, he still kills 30 brilliant achievements in a day.

"This kid is very strange, there are many ways, it is not strange to kill 30 scattered one day!" Yunheshan people hate in the heart: "But since I found your trace, even if you are so powerful, how? What kind of life card do you have?"

Yunheshan people hate and hate, think of their lost Qiankun, think of all their own personal assets, but also refuse to look for Sun Yaowang, one of them into the middle of the busy military account, asked: "Where is Qin Haoxuan?" ”

"You are... Yunhe ancestors?" Zeng and Yunheshan people have had a side to the fairy seedlings of the forty leaves to repair Jiang Luofeng, and suddenly recognized the Yunheshan people, busy squatting on the ground: "The younger generation meets the ancestors!"

On the realm of strength, Yunhe's ancestors and Sun Yaowang and other immortal trees are almost the same. Jiang Luofeng is only in front of the strong-minded people such as Sun Yaowang, and has never been to worship. However, the Yunheshan people have a big chance to get the real flying swords.

With flying swords and no flying swords, the difference in combat effectiveness cannot be justified. No one thinks that Jiang Luofeng is saluting to Yunheshan people, and it is wrong to say that his ancestors are not right. On the contrary, they are also crouching on the ground.

Scattered world, always worship the strongest!

Yunheshan people, is the strongman with Feijian!

Yunheshan people are not interested in accepting these vain worships. After wavering, they asked: "Tell me the details of Qin Haoxuan's appearance, strength and realm."

After all, Yunheshan walked straight to the chair where Jiang Luofeng had just sat, and then looked at the scattered repairs that had been squatting.

Jiang Luofeng did not hesitate to say the details of Qin Haoxuan that they mastered. At the same time, he looked at Yunheshan people with a sneak peek at his heart. His heart was very surprised: "How is the ancestor interested in teaching a disciple in the early days? Qin Haoxuan is more powerful. It’s just a cultivator of the fairy tales of the ten seedlings. How can I get into the eyes of the ancestors, and see the ancestors’ condensed frosts, and the eyes are murderous, their relationship seems not simple!”

After the information of Qin Haoxuan was finished, Jiang Luofeng closed his mouth.

After listening to the details of Qin Haoxuan, Yunheshan people were a bit curious about Qin Haoxuan's recurrence: "It is a talent to say, but he will die!"

Whether Qin Haoxuan killed his hatred of several apprentices, or he sneaked himself, snatched the aliens to cultivate the immortals, and took away his own shackles, no matter which one is enough to let him die a hundred times.

Immediately, Yunheshan people made a slogan: "Tomorrow, I will go and kill this one in person, you don't have to worry about it."

Jiang Luofeng dismissed his heart and rejoiced in his heart. At the same time, he was suspicious: "What is Qin Haoxuan worthy of his ancestors personally?"

Doubt is doubtful, but there is a lot of flattering, and the distractors are not happy, but really happy: "The ancestors shot, Qin Haoxuan will die!"

"Even if Qin Haoxuan is more powerful, you can't stop your ancestor from flying a sword!"

"A fool, the old ancestor kills a fairy seedling, the ten-leaf disciple still needs to use Feijian? One eye can kill him!"

"That is, just relying on the momentum of the ancestors, he will be ruined at a glance, his blood is not filthy ancestor sword?"

"Don't think about it, to deal with this kind of guy, the ancestors came to come, he has no room for rebellion! Thanks to the ancestors for help, the younger generation is grateful!"

"Yes, thank you ancestors!"

The strength of the squatting here is stronger than the strength of the squad of the entrance and exit of the squad. The effort to slap the horse is naturally better. Their arrogant shots are extremely angry with the people of Yunheshan: if the eyes of Laozi can really kill people, first of all Hit the face and still do not know what to kill! If it is not Qin Haoxuan, Lao Tzu will not be so miserable, but also to pull the following to find Sun Yaowang to seek medicine.

Forcing the urge to kill and kill, the Yunheshan people who had a bad attack had to leave.

When leaving, Yunheshan people quickly bite a silver tooth: "Qin Haoxuan, don't kill you, Laozi still has a face to live?"

These unrecognized scattered repairs still don't know that they have wandered around the gates of the ghosts. If Yunheshan people take care of their faces, they just killed them one by one. Seeing the faces of Yunheshan people screaming and screaming away, they thought that they were not able to shoot their horses, and they even shouted at the scorpion: "Fare to the ancestors, the ancestors walked slowly, and wished the ancestors to win the victory, and they stunned Qin Haoxuan."

The ears of the horses are always in the ear, but fortunately, Sun Yat-sen’s camp is very close to here, and Yunheshan people will soon arrive, otherwise they will turn around and kill them all.

The Qizhangyuan scattered camp was very lively, and Qin Haoxuan, who had been shrouded in their heads like a cloud, had vanished in their hearts.

In the early days of teaching the infamous peak, Qin Haoxuan sent the nephew to sit for a day, and also remembered Qin Haoxuan, the nephew sighed softly: "Show two bans, only to get the first ancestor system, so go on, the ancestors I don't have all got it, I am afraid I will die!"

The voice of the blind man is distressed. He feels that his physical condition is getting worse and worse. When he thinks about the future of the natural church, he can’t help but feel a little confused.

He picked up the tea that Qin Haoxuan had made for him when he left. Although the tea was completely cold, but the lid was opened, there was a fragrance coming out. This fragrance is better than the aroma that he used to teach himself. After smelling it, he felt The spirit is refreshing, and the original stagnation of blood has eased a bit.

The eyes of the blind man lit up, watching the tea cool and no color, remembering Qin Haoxuan when he left, he said to himself: "Please be sure to drink this tea."

He suddenly thought, is there a famous place in the tea?

Immediately, the scorpion sipped a small sip, and felt a cool airflow into the abdominal cavity, and then the body was comfortable.

"What is this? How can this magical effect... It seems... there seems to be a life extension effect!" The scorpion looked inside and found that it was somewhat withered, and the wilting was spreading more and more. It’s also alive and well.

The eyes of the scorpion are slightly moist: "Qin Haoxuan this kid..."

"Qin Haoxuan this kid!" Li Jing slammed the teacup on the ground and smashed it. His angry hands kept shaking and looked coldly at the few men standing in front of him.

No one has ever! Since becoming a purple species, no one has ever dared to do this to me! Li Jing’s breathing became very heavy. I knew that I would be so insulted today. I was sent to the confinement room to kill Qin Haoxuan in the early days of the teaching. I should work harder and pay more attention. He!

The next morning, the sky was bright, and Qin Haoxuan, who had slept for one night, climbed up excitedly, took the penalty and blue smoke, and said goodbye to Ye Yiming and began to travel to Wangdu.

Wan Lifu is very fast, but Qin Haoxuan can't show Wanlifu every time. Wanlifu is a hidden card that can't be known.

The three of them each took the fast horse selected by the army, crossed the horse and began to go to the king.

The two disciples of Chilizi, Xi Muyuan and Ling Hugang, looked at Qin Haoxuan three people and left. Linghu just said: "Brothers, Qin Haoxuan, they went out again, riding today. If you go out with a horse, do they want to go out and kill people? Do we want to go out?"

Xi Muyuan shook his head: "Now Qin Haoxuan is very famous here. Don't look at the elders who have nothing to do on weekdays. But now the war is tight. Qin Haoxuan is a baby in their eyes. If they move this baby, they will see the problem. Then, you can't figure it out."

Linghu just sighed and resented: "It’s fucking, it’s so troublesome to catch a weak species!"

"Don't underestimate this weak species." Xi Muyuan's eyes slightly picked up, and the narrow slit of the eye burst into a fine light: "He is not an ordinary weak species. Yesterday he killed 30 enemy scattered, 30. Even the brilliant record that I can't easily do! Qin Haoxuan, not simple!"

Said, Xi Muyuan added: "It may not be long before we are not Qin Haoxuan's opponent!"

"The rush of direct hands is likely to leave traces. It will be very troublesome to be traced by the sects. You can only find a suitable opportunity to block Qin Haoxuan on the road." Xi Muyuan sighed softly and they needed a chance.

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