Too Early

Chapter 328: The defeated brother fights the sky and wins the throne.

"Danger! No, you must use the armor!"

Under the threat of the death crisis, Bai Zhanju did not hesitate to make up his mind, and then turned his right hand and quickly took out a white and white jade. This white jade was about four inches long and was carved into a hyperthyroid model. There are many flaws on the nail model. Runes.

Bai Zhanyue injects a spiritual force slightly, and the hyperthyroidism model suddenly hears news, and then Bai Zhan Yue has a strong spiritual fluctuation.

A white armor, appearing at a very fast speed in the white show leaping, making a creaking sound.

Soon, the model of the hyperthyroidism has now become a symbol of the white jade texture. This is similar to the armor of the mortal general, but it will protect the white eyes, nose and mouth from the outside.

The white jade symbol is full of milky white jade, and the white show is like a Confucian.

"Fu Jia!"

After being seriously injured, I couldn’t push [Dragon Magic Golden Body] to protect Qin Haoxuan, but I haven’t been stunned by Qin Haoxuan’s ear: “Fu Jia is a very strong defense, and it is very troublesome to refine. The worst refining system also requires extremely rare materials such as the Millennium Black Blood and Ironwood Trunk Essence. If you want to buy the finished product directly, the worst one will also have 100,000 pieces of the next three spirits! The defensive power is amazing, I didn’t expect Bai Zhan to actually have it!"


From the wind blade of Qin Haoxuan, the numerous blades of Bai Zhan Yue were cut, and then Bai Zhan Yue knew that he was not able to hesitate to release the Fu Jia. In fact, it was only between the electric and the Flint.

This white jade symbol is hard to block Qin Haoxuan's twenty wind blades, but there are some tiny cracks on the Fujia.

Seeing that his own Fu Jia was actually cracked by Qin Haoxuan's [Wind Blade], Bai Zhan jumped and was scared. It was shocked that Qin Haoxuan suddenly became so powerful. He was afraid that Qin Haoxuan would directly break the Fu Jia. I married myself.

As for the emotion of anger, when Qin Haoxuan showed the horrible strength comparable to the 49th leaf of Xian Miaojing, his heart was shocked and afraid of being filled up. Where did the leisure go to anger?

After Bai Zhan jumped to block the 20 wind blades of Qin Haoxuan, Qin Haoxuan did not hesitate and immediately applied a [opening of the sky].

Originally, Qin Haoxuan exhibited [Opening the Sky], just a purple-red knives with a length of ten, but now his [opening the sky] knife is like a rainbow after the rain, up to a hundred feet, with Qin Haoxuan arm down, This colorful rainbow has also leaped to the white.

Don't look at Qin Haoxuan's [opening of the sky] seems to be as beautiful as a rainbow, but at the core of its attack, Bai Zhan Yue, but clearly feels that the knife is like the essence, he has seen some of the fairy seedlings in the forty-nine leafy environment [open day斩 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

If possible, Bai Zhanyue will not hesitate to turn around and run, but now he does not even have time to run, only the desperately urged spiritual power to form the body of the body, while the Fu Jia on the body can protect himself.


The rainbow-like slashing knife easily cuts the protective spirit of Bai Zhan Yue, and the white face of Yue Zhan’s face is pale...

Then, the slashing knife fell on his white jade.

This road is enough to smash a small hill and the slashing knives burst into pieces, but the white jade armor of Bai Zhan Yue also turned into a ground powder.

"Ah! My Fu Jia!" Bai Zhan whispered, and looked painfully at the white jade armor broken into a piece of powder, and the heart was shocked.

Fujia is only a cultivator of the 40-leaf cultivator of Xianmujing. However, not every cultivator of the 40-leaf of the fairyland can have a Fujia. According to Bai Zhanyue, many even reach the fairyland. There is no Fujia in the dispersal, and the Taixu teaches those who have more than forty leaves in the early days of the immortality. Not everyone has the Fujia.

Bai Zhan Yue knows that he is likely to go to the Quanquan Demon in the future to grind and temper, and to fight against the Mozu life and death. Those Mozus are said to be extremely strong and good at physical attacks, so Bai Zhanyue began collecting refining materials. It took a lot of time and effort and finally made it into a symbol.

This kind of Fu Jia has extremely strong defense. Wearing the Fu Jia into the secluded magical dragon can also greatly increase the chance of survival. However, I did not expect to go to the battlefield. I did not see the legendary faucet, but here I was Qin Haoxuan was broken.

Bai Zhan Yue self-deprecating the strength of his own fairy seedlings forty leaves, at least a fragrant time to break this Fu Jia, but he can only pick up Qin Haoxuan two strokes!

The Fu Jia was broken, and the spirit of Bai Zhan Yue was also shattered. Qin Haoxuan in front of him did not know what method he had used. He even had the strength of the 49-leaf leaf of Xian Miao, and it was definitely not a wise move.

Bai Zhanyue wants to escape. He just took out a magical character from his arms. He hasn't had time to shoot on himself. But Qin Haoxuan can let him escape!

Qin Haoxuan snorted, his hands sealed, [Flame]!

[Flame] Compared with [Wind Blade], it is a slightly more spiritual method. When it is displayed, it can form a circle of fire around the attacker. As for how wide the fire is, how much the fire will look at the operator. The strength.

With the strength of Shiyan Yuexian Miaojing forty leaves, [Flame] can turn a square into a sea of ​​fire, and the raging fire will be two people high.

When Qin Haoxuan exhibited [Flame], Bai Zhan Yue, who wanted to escape, felt that the temperature was rising sharply. The flowers and trees on the ground instantly dried up and dried, and then there was no fire and spontaneous combustion. Then the stones on the ground had a tendency to burn red and melt into magma.

Although the true power of [Flame] has not yet erupted, but now the horrible high temperature has already made Bai Zhan stunned. He looked up and looked at the wilderness in the wilderness range, and the temperature at his feet was still As the climb climbed, the ground that was burned red suddenly broke, and there seemed to be something to be ejected.

Bai Zhanju did not hesitate to take out a charm from his arms again, injecting spiritual power, and wearing the armor of the armor.

His second set of Fujia was just dressed, and suddenly there was a huge fire column slamming into the air, rushing into the sky.

The pillar of fire is as high as a hundred feet, and the temperature is enough to burn the fine iron into ashes.

The high temperature and huge impact of the fire column rushed, and the white exhibition in midair felt dizzy, and the set of the newly-changed Fujia was crushed under such high temperature and impact.

Bai Zhan plunged his eye and looked at the second set of Fu Jia's body. He couldn't help but move: "He can really have money, and 100,000 of the next three spirits can buy one of the worst Fu Jia. The Fu Jia on his body is not What a good thing, but how is it worth 100,000 pieces of the next three spirits! He has two pieces of such precious things!"

Even Qin Haoxuan can't help but envy the foundation of Bai Zhan Yue. Even if he has one million pieces of the next three spirits, he can still be like the high-end thing like Fu Jia.

"His Fujia is definitely a refining of his own. Like the Fujia, it is almost equal to a life in the Quanquan Demonstration! And it is not easy to find the refining materials of Qifujia, and it is capable of refining. Either use it yourself, or give away the disciples under the door, the brothers and sisters, few people are willing to sell them, at least in the first-line trading market of the early education!" The sentence is very positive: "This white show is good luck, Xiuxian 20 For many years, I was able to find materials for refining two pieces of Fu Jia. Unfortunately, the cost of killing him is too high..."

Speaking of Qin Haoxuan's display of the "Devil disintegration", the sentence can not help but sigh a little, Rao is his knowledge, but have not heard of someone who has shown that [the devil disintegration] can still retain the power, even less life. There are few.

If there is not enough magical medicine for the heavens and the earth, Qin Haoxuan will not only be repaired as a total loss after enjoying the scenery of the forty-nine leaves of Xian Miaojing, but even his life will not be saved.

Qin Haoxuan will not be able to hear the helplessness in the discourse. He smiled softly and looked at the semi-consciousness not far away, but still insisted on opening his eyes to look at his blue smoke, and still struggled with Wangdu and the scattered people. Xu Yu, then looked at the fire column rushed into the air, the second set of Fu Jia broke, the white will jump to be swallowed by the fire column, he whispered: "Yu sister ... and blue smoke is fine, you are fine, just fine. ”

At this moment, I thought that it would soon be swallowed up by the fire pillar, and the white exhibition that burned to the ashes appeared again.

On his body, there was a third one!

This time, don't talk about Qin Haoxuan, even some of the punishments that Qin Haoxuan worried about, but also the heartless lungs: "This Wang Ba Lazi is like you, so you don't die, and there are so many good things on your body. There are three sets of Fu Jia!"

If Bai Zhanyue has two sets of Fu Jia, Qin Haoxuan can still understand.

After all, into the fierce land of the secluded magic, in the face of the confrontation with the Mozu, a set of Fu Jia was broken by the enemy, this time immediately start another set of Fu Jia, maybe even return a life.

There are a lot of people who have a set of Fu Jia, and there are very few people who have two sets of Fu Jia. Those who have three sets of Fu Jia can be said to be rare.

"This white show jumps, too cautiously too!"

Qin Haoxuan stayed in the third set of Fu Jia, under the protection of the horror of the fire column, and then the white landing.

At this time, Bai Zhanyue played with Qin Haoxuan. He only wanted to escape from the horrible Qin Haoxuan. After breaking two sets of Fu Jia, Bai Zhan Yue now only has the last one of his body, and his cards are also Only the huge eclipse beetle consisting of 5,900 heavenly beetle beasts was a beast.

He gestured and directed the huge eclipse beetle to rush to Qin Haoxuan, and he escaped.

Qin Haoxuan has long noticed his every move, watching him actually command the beetle beetle to attack himself, he himself wants to escape.

Qin Haoxuan did not care to rush to his own hunger beetle, he knew that as long as the celestial beetle beast attacked himself, he would kill the white show, and the beast that lost the commander would be in the same place as the dead. .

Therefore, he once again put his hands on the seal, and once again displayed [Flame], and a fire column rose up to the sky, and the white exhibition jumped into the air. Then he did not stop, standing in the same place to continue to display the spiritual law, some of which would take some time to display. Spiritual law, now as long as the gesture is moving, you can display it at will!

[Flame] the fire column will rush into the air after the white show, such as [wind blade], [fireball], [hundred swords] and other spiritual methods quickly hit from the hands of Qin Haoxuan this time Bai Zhan whispered in the eyes of the horror, he wanted to beg for mercy, but even his mouth did not open, the body of the beast was crushed by a huge impact, lost the white protection of the beacon protection once again felt the horrible heat of this fire column .

He wants to condense the spiritual body and try to support it. If the body spirit has just been summoned, it will be directly hit by various spiritual methods, just like breaking the egg shell, it is broken in a wind blade. Next, Bai Zhanyue's body was cut into countless pieces, and the blood thrown in the air was quickly swallowed by the flames, and his body was directly burned to ashes.

At this moment, Qin Haoxuan exerted at least fifteen spiritual methods, and shattered the three sets of white armor, and finally killed him without burning, and the huge eclipse beetle that rushed to him had not yet Come to get close to him.

The strength of the 49th leaf of Xian Miaojing, killing a fairy seedling forty leaves to cultivate the immortal is like killing the machine, this strength is terrible!

Sure enough, Bai Zhan Yue died, the momentum of the giant hunger beetle of Qin Haoxuan stopped in the same place, and the body exploded, once again restored into 5,900 small eclipse beetles, black and white Ground, it looks disgusting.

Bai Zhan jumped to death. Qin Haoxuan’s top priority was to extinguish the flaming flame of Xian Miao.

Although according to common sense, the cultivation of the immortals, the devil's disintegration, the devil's dedication, which is used with caution, is almost certain to die. Qin Haoxuan is a demon slayer, and it is still a sinister sect. This kind of genius is a coveted practice. In the past two years of cultivation and tempering, the strength of the body is much stronger than that of the immortal, and it is not much more than the general Mozu.

Qin Haoxuan holds a glimmer of hope, desperately absorbing the spirit of the heavens and the earth, and smashing his own burning fairy seedlings and aura.

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