Too Early

Chapter 368: Growing up is always unconscious

With such an episode, when Qin Haoxuan arrived, most of his gaze was concentrated on him. He wanted to see if he had three heads and six arms on his body, which made Qin Haoxuan very embarrassed.

This reception banquet is set up to receive the two members of the Yuanyuanjiao and the elders. The high specification is rare. It is qualified and powerful. If it is not the doorman, it is Shangchenxue. The second generation of the Xian, of course, these two generations of the Xian also have an extraordinary realm of cultivation.

It can be said that even if all the early teaching staff present at the scene are counted, Qin Haoxuan's realm is the lowest, but he represents the nature hall to participate. This banquet naturally has his seat.

Of course, the elders of the Great Yuanjiao will not say anything, but they are young and energetic, and they are very dissatisfied with Qin Haoxuan’s low-level cultivator who is a fairyland. Just now Qin Haoxuan defeated Lu Shi’s news and made them feel very embarrassed.

They hate Lu Shi and resent Qin Haoxuan.

There is no reason for him. Qin Haoxuan’s strength is too weak. If Lu Shi is defeated by other primate disciples in the early days, they will not feel so shameful.

The reception banquet has not yet begun. As Qin Haoxuan walked in, the atmosphere changed.

However, this morning snow, this gimmick, after seeing Qin Haoxuan sitting, also excitedly asked: "Qin Shishu, you tell everyone, why is your strength so strong, the cultivation of Xian Miao Xing Shiye, I can beat Master Lu."

In the face of the innocent problem of the morning snow, Qin Haoxuan was a big man. Didn't you ask in Lingtian Valley before? How did this little grandmother ask in front of so many people?

However, if you don't answer, or you are free to perfunctory, you will be too proud, and this is not a hospitality. Qin Haoxuan has to say sincerely: "This is what I have experienced in countless battles and deaths on the battlefield of Qizhangyuan." , change to any other person, experienced so many kills like me, the achievements will definitely be better than me."

It stands to reason that Qin Haoxuan's answer is very decent, courteous and consider the face of the guests. The elders who taught this side at the beginning of the day are quite satisfied with Qin Haoxuan's answer.

If you switch to another disciple, you may not have other thoughts. However, these are the talented disciples who are above the top of the Yuanyuan, the characters of the second generation, and those who are eager to find their faces. Will you be willing to give up?

I haven't waited for other people to talk. Sitting in the morning of the morning snow, a disciple of Luo Yuan, a full-fledged disciple of the Great Yuan Dynasty, smiled and smiled. She changed the tone of a younger sister to teach her, "Morning snow sister, your recognition." Knowing that something is wrong, the realm of a cultivator is not high, and the strength of the martial arts is no longer useful. Like the one who was practicing the "swallowing treasure" in the enchantment of the sacred spring, the violent power can be swayed by the fairy tree. Killing immortals, but what about this? Isn’t it the same as the life of the dead, and those who are not as good as his immortals, can prove longevity, so happy.”

"Cultivating immortals, seeking for a longevity, cultivation is always the most important thing. One leaf a day, one round and one round! How can it be repaired enough? At best, it is just a beater."

Luo Gui’s voice is not big, but who is sitting in the temple of the early Tai, is it a low-cut? One by one, the ears are clear, and his words are clearly heard.

Many people have a very strong sense of the words of Luogui, and they nod their heads. Even Qin Haoxuan sighs in his heart: "Yes, even if you can play again? I still have to work hard to improve and improve the realm. Seeking for longevity."

Luo Guiyi, a brother-in-law’s education sister, is not aimed at Qin Haoxuan. His tone is also very gentle and polite. No one can pick a fault. But everyone knows that his words are on the surface of education, but it is actually a rude beating.

If you change to someone else, you may not pick his thorns. Even Qin Haoxuan who heard his meaning did not hear it, but Shang Chenxue did not follow. The little girl has already regarded Qin Haoxuan as an idol, and where her own idol is said to be so.

Her face has gradually changed, and her heart has begun to brew rebuttal lines.

Seeing that the two juniors of the Great Yuan Dynasty had to fight with each other, the atmosphere of the banquet was destroyed. Perhaps it was a bit uncomfortable for Luo Gui’s words. Huang Long’s real eyes showed Qin Haoxuan and asked him to be the ringer.

So Qin Haoxuan revealed a kind smile to the morning, saying: "The brother just said it is very reasonable, but it is not entirely true. The cultivation of the inferior in the celestial world, cruel and ruthless, while gaining more and better resources to cultivate the fairy, it also faces more If you don’t have strong combat power, you won’t be able to get more resources. Even if you don’t get resources, you can’t keep your life. Instead, you’re likely to lose your life. Being a realm and fighting for your own strength should be paid attention to by any cultivator. The two are indispensable. Only by truly combining the two can we be more confident in the immortality of the immortality."

"As for this brother who pointed out my problem, I am also very grateful. In the future practice, I will also strive to improve my cultivation."

Qin Haoxuan’s words are very pertinent, not soft or hard. The same is true for anyone who can’t pick a fault. Even Huang Long’s real person and Huiyang’s real person have nodded and nodded.

Many elders of Da Yuanjiao have improved their evaluation of Qin Haoxuan. They can see that Qin Haoxuan's qualifications are not good, but his vision is indeed extremely accurate. His understanding of Xiu Xian is even more accurate than Luogui.

An elder of the Great Yuanjiao can't help but sigh: "Unfortunately, how can Qin Haoxuan be a weak species, even if he is a full-fledged species, the future achievements are limitless!"

Huiyang real people listen to the straight mouth, what is the weak species? These old things, go back and give them a lesson! Qin Haoxuan won and won! Still have a leisurely sigh to sigh people's weak? Let's see what the ash of our family is liked. Use less old eyes to see people! Young, it represents the infinite possibilities of the future!

Hearing that the elder had no malicious sighs, Shang Chen’s mouth was flat, apparently disapproving of what he said, and spoke to his grandfather Huiyang. “Grandpa, Grandpa, I think fighting is very good. People just want to fight. It’s awesome! People want to learn fighting skills with Qin’s brother!”

In the face of the granddaughter's spoiled, Huiyang real people still really have no resistance, and he agrees with Qin Haoxuan's previous insights. The crucifixion is extremely incomprehensible, and the cultivation is as high as the realm. As long as its own combat power and combat experience are slightly weaker, there is a danger of death.

Huiyang real people show a special smile to Huanglong, and he is thinking about it. Although his combat experience is very rich and his combat power is very strong, he is the supreme power of Xianyingdao, his combat experience and The means of combat is obviously not suitable for the morning snow of Xianxian Miaojing. On the contrary, Qin Haoxuan is a weak species with low realm and can pass on his combat experience to Shang Chenxue.

After all, Qin Haoxuan is a weak species, but he is faced with an opponent whose strength is stronger than himself. There should be a unique set of opponents.

So Huiyang real person said to Huanglong real person: "I don't know if Qin Haoxuan will go to the Qizhangyuan battlefield? If he still goes, can he bring me this naughty granddaughter? The children are locked in the martial art and have not experienced life and death. Scenes, going to a long experience, learning some combat experience is also good."

Huiyang's real words made some people stunned at the place, especially the Luogui who used to slam the Qin Haoxuan's fighting power. Although it was well covered, his eyes flashed from time to time, and he couldn't help sweeping Qin Haoxuan. Face...

Other people can't feel it, but after many counts of life and death battles, Qin Haoxuan, who is very sensitive to these side branches, has already been keenly aware. Similarly, while he felt that Luo returned to his hatred, his heart also gave birth to murder, but he hid better than Luo.

During the period of entering the red dust, in the battlefield of Qizhangyuan, after numerous deaths and deaths, and through the calculations of other people in the martial art, Qin Haoxuan was very alert to the hatred of others. If you were careful and cautious in killing those who hate yourself, then you might not need to be injured.

The current Qin Haoxuan, although still in the attitude of treating people with kindness, has become more determined. He deeply understands the cruelty and ruthlessness of Xiu Xian Road. Although he does not harm people, he must not let others harm himself!

"At the beginning of the temple, I can't kill him. When he leaves the public, or finds a chance to swindle him, he has to kill him. This person has hated me, I can see the killing in his eyes. Qin Haoxuan silently thought in his heart: "The reason why I was injured is almost dead. It is that these years have been too kind, and I have not found out that others have killed me. I want to ask Changsheng, I must protect myself, only good." By living, I can achieve the purpose of repairing immortality."

Qin Haoxuan also gave birth to a killer who could not find anything other than Huanglong.

Huanglong is the person who knows Qin Haoxuan on the spot. Don’t look at Qin Haoxuan’s smile all day long, and tolerant and generous, but after so many things, he is no longer a natural disciple who can bully, and gradually grows into a mature Generation of the master.

His life is not only his own, but also the hope of hundreds of disciples of Xunzi and Nature Hall. He is not afraid of death, but he cherishes life even more.

Huang Long did not expect that during the two years of rehabilitation, Qin Haoxuan’s heart has been honed to the extent that he was surprised, so he was too lazy to reveal this scene. For him, how about dying a genius disciple? Since he can give birth to Qin Haoxuan, let him become the sharpening stone that Qin Haoxuan excavated.

"Qin Haoxuan is the new disciple of this sect of my ancestral According to the usual practice, he will bring new disciples into the red dust this year and enter the battlefield of Qizhangyuan to receive training." Huang Long smiled and smiled at Huiyang. The real person said.

Huiyang is a happy person. He has learned from Qin Chenxue that Qin Haoxuan’s fighting power is very strong, and Qin Haoxuan’s reputation has also been heard.

Shang Chenxue is his most beloved granddaughter. The grandfather's nature will try to protect her; but Huiyang is also a few hundred years old, and it is impossible to keep guarding his granddaughter.

The so-called mermaid is not as good as teaching people to fish, if you have the opportunity to let your granddaughter be with Qin Haoxuan, learn some combat experience and means to enhance her self-protection ability, in this crisis-ridden world, there is a way to survive and not use it. Feel free to worry about her.

Huang Long real people see the old friend like this, knowing that he really moved the idea of ​​letting Qin Haoxuan bring Shang Chenxue to experience the battle, so he teased: "Since you are looking for Qin Haoxuan to take the morning snow to the Qizhangyuan battlefield, as the elders please junior Do you mean nothing?"

Huiyang real person almost killed in front of Huanglong real people, nine days of red things are not finished yet! Have to send this kid? But... it seems that I have to give it...

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