Too Early

Chapter 437: Lift the wrist and pick up the tofu

At this time, some of the early teaching disciples took out some runes that would enhance their horizons. Although not as clear as Qin Haoxuan’s knowledge, it is also able to discern the huge outline of the monster.

Everyone was white and pale, and he was scared.

"Everyone goes to the east, the direction of the stream." When the sentence was spoken, one finger ran in the opposite direction of the stream opposite the mountain where the monster was.

After the event was counted, everyone was very convinced of the sentence.

As soon as he spoke, he taught everyone to rush to the stream, lest he fell behind.

After all, there is a glimpse of the car, the last time I met the cannibal monster, because they ran fast enough to be lucky enough to get a life.

Everyone rushed to the road, running and running, and ran out about a hundred miles away, one by one panting.

Suddenly, there was an inky abyss in front of him.

In the abyss, there was a constant chill in the air.

There are countless icicles with thick arms of the baby, and rows of hanging under the cliff boulders.

"This road does not work."

Looking at the abyss in front of a long distance, the prison shook his head helplessly.

Qin Haoxuan sat down on the cliff and there was no road around. There are grotesque rocks and rugged cliffs everywhere, and there is a dark abyss in front of you.

His gods detected the past, and Muir was surprised. There was something like a monster in the abyss. A powerful force similar to a whirlpool, swallowed his gods.

"Well? What breath?" Qin Haoxuan frowned, staring at the front of the awkward, seemingly empty abyss.

At the moment when the power of God was swallowed up, he suddenly felt the sharpness of a sword and a sword, as if he had been cut off with a weapon.

"There is strength in it!"

The prison station is next to Qin Haoxuan, and the abrupt one points to the front of the black belt.

"Do you feel it too?" Qin Haoxuan looked at the sentence with a slight surprise.

The penalty point nodded, the pupils flashed in the pupils, and they kept staring at the dark abyss in front, thoughtfully.

At the beginning of the teachings, for the dialogue between Qin Haoxuan and the punishment, the two monks of Zhang Er couldn’t figure out the weapons and weapons. What weapon? At this time, I will discuss what weapons, and the most important thing is to escape.

At this time, Qin Haoxuan happened to see the punishment as if he smiled and looked at himself.

His heart moved, this guy smiled like this, nothing good.

"Where are you looking for a way out?" There was a lot less in the eyebrows, and it was easy to jump in his eyes.

Qin Haoxuan’s heart has also been put down. In this case, the sentence actually came to test himself... Obviously he found a safe way to leave.

Qin Haoxuan observes the surrounding landscape, plus some Feng Shui wonders learned from the strong people who have mastered the methods of blue smoke and punishment. In the natural hall, the brothers also carefully taught him "Xianxian Six Arts". Calculations, feng shui are also involved.

Finally, I paid attention to the dark abyss. Why is there such a situation?

Here is a broken and independent space. Xian Wang is good at using the landscape to reverse the yin and yang...

In his mind, the electric light flashed, his eyes burst into a fine mans, and his mouth smirked.

Suddenly stretched out one foot and carefully stepped over to the black abyss in front of you.


The disciples behind the early teachings could not help but exclaimed. Some people even reached out and hurry to hold Qin Haoxuan.

As a result, when they seized Qin Haoxuan, they saw that Qin Haoxuan was standing firmly in the dark abyss that seemed to be empty.

This... how is this possible?

In addition to the immortality of Xianyingdao, the whole body is like a feather, and the blood of the bones is as light as the heavens and the earth. It can still stay in the void for a while. At the beginning, the people have never seen the fairy seedlings who can master the emptiness.

"Everyone is coming with me."

Seeing the eyes of everyone surprised, Qin Haoxuan spurred the spirit and waved to the crowd, striding forward, and for a while, the space seemed to be the same as the surface of the water, directly engulfing him.

The penalty shook his head and smiled behind him: "Yes! This kid's nose is too spiritual, so he can be guessed."

As the punishment said, one side followed the back of Qin Haoxuan and stepped abyss, and soon... it also disappeared.

There are two people as pioneers. Although the early teaching disciples are not convinced, they know that this seemingly indecent abyss is definitely a thoroughfare.

Everyone cautiously stepped into the void, and the result was that the seemingly empty void was actually very solid.

Some people were shocked, only to find that the void under the feet was dark as ink, but it was solidified.

"This... this is the magic stone!" One of the well-informed early-teacher disciples exclaimed.

According to legend, the magic stone is a very rare spiritual stone in the secluded magic world.

Although this stone is rare, the aura contained in it is very thin. It just has a feature that absorbs other spiritual powers to store it.

It will appear in a dark, ink-like atmosphere, and occasionally it will solidify into a stone under certain circumstances.

The structure of this fairy king's tomb is strange, the aura has been very abundant, and the magic stone is always solid.

Therefore, Qin Haoxuan and the punishment stepped on it, nothing at all.

At the moment of being swallowed up by the void, Qin Haoxuan only felt that there was a strange space power that wrapped himself.

This power seems to have countless big hands, fierce smashing and tearing on the body, and it is like a leafy boat in the stormy waves. As the wave rises, it falls to the bottom.

After a bit of patience for a while, he was finally pushed by a force.

The top-heavy feeling disappeared immediately, the power of chaos around it disappeared, and the foot was on the ground.

At this time, he was surprised to find that his place was actually a flat open space with a hundred acres.

"This strange space power is simply too powerful... It is the ancient tomb of Chunyang Xianwang. The feng shui trend, the Qimen armor and the heaven and earth spirits are all in one. There is a space trap and it has been transferred here..." Qin Haoxuan carefully observed the surrounding situation and his heart was dark.

The void in the open space is filled with a fierce temperament.

Every soldier's strength, change the magnificent luster, as if to tear the void, and slammed the air passage like catkins.

The entire space is extremely unstable, and the light projected into it in all directions, like water waves, is twisted or even broken, leaving a shadow of a large group.

This power seems to have countless big hands, fierce smashing and tearing on the body, and it is like a leafy boat in the stormy waves. As the wave rises, it falls to the bottom.

After a bit of patience for a while, he was finally pushed by a force.

The top-heavy feeling disappeared immediately, the power of chaos around it disappeared, and the foot was on the ground.

At this time, he was surprised to find that his place was actually a flat open space with a hundred acres.

"This strange space power is simply too powerful... It is the ancient tomb of Chunyang Xianwang. The feng shui trend, the Qimen armor and the heaven and earth spirits are all in one. There is a space trap and it has been transferred here..." Qin Haoxuan carefully observed the surrounding situation and his heart was dark.

The void in the open space is filled with a fierce temperament.

Every soldier's strength, change the magnificent luster, as if to tear the void, and slammed the air passage like catkins.

The entire space is extremely unstable, and the light projected into it in all directions, like water waves, is twisted or even broken, leaving a shadow of a large group.

Among them, Qin Haoxuan seems to be in the **** battlefield of the immortal era.

Soldiers! The breath of the gods, the real top soldiers, just the remaining strength, they are invincible!

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is inconspicuous. What is shocking is that the remnants of the Xianwang have such power. What about the heyday? These powers can't fly, can you really fly?

suspect! Qin Haoxuan is curious, what kind of gods are in the end, and the remaining troops have reached such a point? Experience a million years without breaking! Just the strength of the army, it is over the teaching of the gods and dragons in the early days of the town!

"Qin Tangzhu... What is this place?"

"Qin Tangzhu... The strength of the military here is too strong. Will I still find another way?"

Luo Yangzong made a suggestion to Qin Haoxuan with several questions from his early disciples.

"No hurry... This is nothing but the squad of the gods in the void. It is not a real soldier." Qin Haoxuan raised his hand and stopped the riots that the people might bring: "I will not show hostility, the troops should not Attack me and wait."

"Shenbing soldiers?"

"Shenbing soldiers?"

"Shenbing soldiers?"

The eyes of the disciples in the early days were all shining. These days, they were killed in the tombs and fled, in order to survive, and even forgot to come to seek treasure.

Are there soldiers here today? The minds of the people have once again become active. Since there is a sense of the gods, then the gods should also be nearby.

After Yin Xie and Chi Jiu found that Qin Haoxuan did not stop, he was also careful to look around.

"Be careful..." Qin Haoxuan reminded that the sound had not fallen, and suddenly there was an unusual buzz in the jungle far away.

"Well? This fine and messy voice..."

Qin Haoxuan couldn't help but be alert. The rushing footsteps sounded like a human footstep.

The disciples of the early teachings were also very vigilant. Many people went into the jungle to find the ancient gods. Hearing the buzzing sound from the opposite side, he quickly gathered, and the composition of the back-to-back should be against the law.

Life and death, although derogating from many members of the early period, but also let the living people become people who have climbed out of death, mentally and physically have never been tempered.

These people... have been greatly sublimated without knowing it!


In the jungle, a group of dark, tall and sturdy, but sturdy, but bloody, ragged "people."

Three of these people are particularly tall, with long, dark noses resembling elephants, and each inch of muscles is high in the grave, full of explosive power.

Youquan Mozu!

Seeing a group of people drilled across the jungle, the disciples were too sleepy for a few seconds. Who can think of it, in this tomb of the king of the king, after the death of nine, will meet the geeks of the Mozu? How have these things not died yet?

Everyone found out that the secluded Mozu in this jungle had no such shackles as they had encountered in the past. Instead, they were panicked and bruised.

The bleak eyes made people think of the lambs who fled.

Obviously, the Yuquan Mozu never thought about it. After the death of the dead... I will encounter a group of cultivators!

In the jungle, the two sides were blind and blind, and they were surprised to silence the time.

Silence... silence...

It’s just that silence is not going to last too long.

Life and death enemies, whether it is the battlefield of Wan Ying, or the magic Yuan! I never say anything nonsense when I meet, and it’s not a mistake to pull a knife to cut it. It’s also the most effective way to communicate!

Among the secluded demons, the demons are surrounded by a dark little sedan.

In the sedan chair, a golden arm was revealed, and the people were taught to the beginning.

"Kill them." The voice is not big, but with the majesty of the superiors, it seems that the words can kill and kill, and control the life and death of people.

The demons were stunned and their voices shook.

Luoyangzong instinctively returned to the position of the captain of the captain, and also shouted at the same time as the other party ordered: "Xiaotian Luozhen! Threesome!"

At the crucial moment, Luo Yangzong made a speech. At the beginning, the disciples were almost instinctive. The trio was used as a group, and the runes were thrown out. The spirits in the body were surging, and a layer of shining small battles was condensed in the jungle.

Boom, both sides of the people are screaming, it is like a flood of impact.

Qin Haoxuan was still in the initial position, a few hundred meters away from the battlefield, sensing the moment of the battle, and the spiritual law at the foot prompted the assault to reach the battlefield.

The prisoner followed Qin Haoxuan and came to the battlefield. He held his chin and screamed: "Somewhat! Mountain Mozu, Qingkong Mozu, Blood Devil... There are three prisoners like the Mozu... Well, What it is?"

In the face of these familiar opponents who also come from the Yuquan Mozu, the punishment is very exciting.

However, his final gaze was condensed on the man who had just commanded and sat in the dark sedan chair.

The sedan chair, though it looks dirty, even has some blood on it.

However, it seems that there are strange magic powers that deeply attract the attention of the punishment.

The sedan chair is the king of the Mozu, the treasure that the Golden Mozu can sit on.

The sedan skin is made with the nine-headed snake skin in the thunderstorm of the enchanting spring. It is not afraid of the power of the five elements. The frame of the sedan chair is also made with a variety of powerful monster bones that are rare in the secluded magic world.

Such a sedan chair, sitting inside, even if the immortality of the fairy tales is unbreakable, but now, it is broken.

The sedan chair should have a snake girl slave, but now there is only one female slave, and the smooth back is exposed with a bloody, fist-sized wound.

The other three carrying the sedan chair are the three mountain devils.

"There was a person from the Mozu royal family. It was a bit interesting... It’s no wonder that even the ‘Blue Falling Black Flag’ had brought a few faces...” The corner of the sentence, a hint of inexplicable smile.

"However, it seems that his life is not good."


Meeting the Mozu in the jungle is extremely unfavorable for the early childhood disciples.

The devil's body is strong, and most of the natural supernatural powers can also be realized through the flesh.

The Terran cultivators are extremely good at foreign objects such as Dan Fa, Array, and Fu.

It is extremely unfavorable for the formation to encounter the Mozu in the jungle. On the contrary, the ethnic groups that are close to fighting, such as the Mozu, have the upper hand.

Just after the battle, a pre-teaching disciple just released a charm and turned into a fire dragon. The woods within a few meters of the whole turned into a sea of ​​fire, sweeping into a chunky, chunky, dark, demon.

The Mozu faced the fire dragon, but did not dodge, and the corner of his mouth gave a cruel smile.

Facing the fire dragon, it was like a cannonball and hit the high-definition disciple at high speed.

"Looking for death!" At the beginning, the disciples were indifferent. The temperature of the dragon was extremely high. It was able to melt gold and break the iron. It was the strength of the twenty-five leaves of the fairy seedlings. It was an elder.

He is confident that he can definitely burn this dwarf demon.

But when the fire dragon and the dwarf demon slammed together, his face changed greatly, only the moment when the demon was surrounded by the fire dragon, the head actually swelled like a balloon, and spit out a dark, cold water column.

Every drop of water column contains an extremely cold atmosphere. The fire dragon, which was originally nothing, is hard to be bombarded by the cold water column.

Immediately, the chunky Mozu went on the cast, and the whole obese body slammed into the arms of the early-teacher disciple, and a cold chill appeared in the palm of his hand.

The disciples at the beginning of the teachings then condensed a layer of fine frost on the whole body. The throat just opened and screamed, and the whole person was frozen into an icicle.

"Fruit Ji, you lead ten magic snake warriors, bypassing the southeast direction and attacking them behind!"

"Southwind, you lead ten mountain soldiers, directly into the hinterland."


The people in the black sedan are commanding to spread out in an orderly manner.

With his layout, the Mozu's fierce offensive, such as the tide of the same wave, attacked fierce and full of rhythm.

Only a few face-to-face, there are ten early teaching disciples in the arrangement of the black sedan, killed by the Mozu.

The rest of the clever early-teacher disciples, who had been a group of three, had a small defensive position in the narrow jungle.

At the crucial moment, Luoyangzong also worked hard. Exiled in the crowd, commanding the layout.

With the formation of the law and the subtle cooperation, the early teachings of the people resisted the attack of many Boss.


"The warrior of the hydroxy pig family, aiming at that person, he is the head of the group of people, shooting him!"

At this time, the last order in the black sedan was a rush to Luo Yangzong who had just given orders.

Peng -

I saw a few pigs with a pig's face, and the back of the demon, which was covered with dense bones and bones, fell to the ground.

A piece of bone was stabbed with black light, all aimed at the Luoyangzong of the crowd.

Hey, the overwhelming bone spurs, like the sword rain, bowed to Luoyangzong.

Luo Yangzong in the crowd, full of heart and mind in the surrounding array of teaching disciples.

When I heard the whistling sound from the high heavens, I looked up and saw the spurs of the sky and my face changed.

He swept the whole person in depth, as the shadows flew past. I just wanted to avoid those spurs, but I didn't expect that the spurs in the sky would actually turn in the void, just as there are invisible big hands in the void.

Chasing the soul spurs! It is one of the talents of this Mozu. Every bone spur is connected with the heart of the pig face.

The spurs of the sky, such as the bones of the bones, chased after Luoyang Zong, and posted to him in a flash.

Feeling that the spurs flickered and murderous, as if it was close to the skin, a cold chill from the Luoyang Zongwei vertex directly to the top of the head, scared him to fly away.

The shadow of death will completely cover Luoyangzong. At the moment of life and death, he will only flee in the direction of Qin Haoxuan...

"Ghosts and gods... Come on!"

Qin Haoxuan's right fist is fiercely gripped, and the ghost is turned into a black giant shield. The most barbaric and the most straightforward direct impact is launched against the spurs of the sky!


Numerous crashes sounded, and all the bone spurs slammed into a ghostly sturdy shield. Tens of white spurs were stuck on the dark shield of the blink of an eye. The bone spurs plunged into the shield, still no Stop... Slowly plunging into the depths of the shield!

Swear to pierce the shield and straighten the body to stop!

The shields of the ghosts and gods screamed and screamed, and the force of the spurs was stabbed in succession. In a blink of an eye, the power fell by 10%, and it took a few breaths to turn into a black gas and completely dissipated.

"The power of ghosts and gods! The power of the fairy leaves! The black leaves of the road to the book, open to me!" Qin Haoxuan repeatedly spurred the body of spiritual power, the black leaves once again burst into a dazzling "black light", this black light out... ...the ghosts on the descending shield immediately draw dozens of ghost faces, this ghost face is a green face, they open their mouths... crazy swallowing spurs!


The piercing bones were heard out of Qin Haoxuan's ears, and the roots quickly disappeared, and the next moment... The bones were smashed for the bone powder to dissipate between the heavens and the earth.

Weird fairy leaves, unknown potential! Qin Haoxuan's mouthful of gasping, the heart of the magical Dafa every time, I do not know why ... will have a similar resonance with this fairy seedling as if every piece of fairy leaves are evolving... evolution... again evolution!

At the moment when the bones and blood of the bones dissipated, the pigs and the devils in the vicinity of the black sedan, all squirting blood, the spirits went down.

"Thank you Qin Tangzhu..."

"Hugh said thank you! Continue to command!" Qin Haoxuan dropped his words and jumped into the crowd!


Peng -

The squad finally broke open, and a three-person group’s early-teaching children were smashed after the siege of five or six Mozu’s indiscriminate bombings.

The disciple who presided over the formation of the law, in the moment when the law was broken, only felt that the chest was hit with a huge stone, the throat was sweet, and a blood rushed out.

A few of the Devils saw the nasty law bursting apart, screaming, murderous and rushing past.

The big fan-like hand, soaring three or four meters in the void, shrouded a layer of earth-powered supernatural powers, and smashed the face of the preaching disciples who presided over the big array.

That was too early to teach disciples screaming, pale. He was exhausted at the moment, and a desperate mood enveloped him.

"I want to kill my younger brother? Have you asked me?"

The voice of the punishment is always so sloppy, but this kind of singer Lang is so reliable and secure when he hears the ears of the early disciples at this moment.

The hand of the punishment is very beautiful, beautiful like a woman's hand, white and tender and slender, as if it can be pinched out of the water to the ordinary tender hands, this moment is gently placed on the head of the Mozu, five fingers Also gently buckled the other's skull.


The voice was soft and gentle, his hand was so casual, and his head was "picked" by him, and then... the head in his palm, such as tofu, was generally "bark." "The red and white liquid that was pinched was scattered and splashed.

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