Too Early

Chapter 529: Things are unpredictable

Qin Haoxuan put his face in front of Zhang Daming.

"Are you threatening me? Take so many of you to threaten me?" Then he smiled coldly: "Unfortunately, I am the most likely to threaten me."

"Do you believe it or not, I can kill you now - kill all of you!"

In the last sentence, Qin Haoxuan looked serious and looked cold and cold like a thousand years of cold ice. The body suddenly sizzled with black gas and transpiration, and the suffocating rushed into the sky, as if the sword was slammed directly in the heart of the four halls. Everyone is shuddering.

The current Qin Haoxuan is quite different from the past. At this moment, his knowledge has been condensed, such as King Kong. Even if he encounters the power of the gods, he is not inferior.

These words, with inexplicable power of God, went straight into the soul of the four lobby disciples, and even affected their sea of ​​consciousness.

For a time, everyone felt the same true killing in the heart.

Suddenly, everyone is ashamed. They clearly felt the true heart of Qin Haoxuan - this guy is really killing. After all, just now, there is no real murderousness, and they can’t lie to them.

"Would you like to farm here honestly, why should I kill you? Two choices, you should be very clear about which one to choose."

After listening to this, Zhang Yang's face can not help but burst into a groan. This Qin Haoxuan is too bold, completely different from the past. Once you are a master, it is like having a bear and a leopard.

A few pretty young Baihuatang elite female disciples around him, the weak and hopeful eyes looked at Zhang Yang’s face and made him hot. Zhang Yang

Finally, I was going to say a few words, but I was directly greeted by Qin Haoxuan’s cold eyes.

"You guys who don't know each other ran to the Nature Hall to challenge the authority of my natural church. This is the following crime, it is a big taboo. Don't you know? I can kill you, how can you?"

Qin Haoxuan said "you" in his mouth, but his eyes are staring at Zhang Yang. The meaning inside is very clear - as long as you are arrogant and arrogant, I will kill you.

Zhang Yang immediately understood, and the blood that had just surged in his heart immediately receded as the tide, and his face deliberately made a disdainful expression, standing in the crowd, automatically ignoring the eyes of a group of Baihuatang female disciples around. .

After all, it is more important than the limelight.

At this time, all the elite disciples in the four halls had already shut up and did not speak, and they were completely shocked by the words of Qin Haoxuan. Even though there is some discomfort in the heart, it is nothing compared to the death threat.

"This is the right thing. As long as we work hard, we will not treat you badly. You can still get a little dividend for each medicine field, just like the ordinary gray robe disciple."

At this time, the disciples of the gray robes who had known the cleverness stood up and smiled and mocked the jokes. They also said that they had distributed the farm tools such as hoes and other kinds of medicinal herbs that had already been prepared.

With the income of the elite disciples in the four halls on weekdays, it is tens of thousands of times more than the income of the gray robes. Where can you see the poor dividends of these gray robes?

But now I know that I am being detained by people. Even though they are unwilling, they are helpless. They can only secretly say a few words in their hearts. I took the farm tools and lowered my head in the farmland. Although the movements were awkward and awkward, they were all good and the speed was very fast.

Many of the natural disciples who came over stood around to watch the excitement, only to feel very happy. Unexpectedly, they can actually see the elite disciples of the other four halls in the middle of their lives, holding tools such as hoes and working in the natural hall.


"You are all working here honestly. As long as your cousin doesn't come over, you will be here for a day! Don't think about fish in the water. If you are found to be working hard, don't give food. Eat! If you find that you dare to resist and beat the disciples in the natural hall, as long as you are caught, die..."

Qin Haoxuan stood in front of the four lobby elite disciples in front of the farmland indifferently, and his voice was cold and cool, and he read the rules one by one.

Every time I read one, the elite disciples in the four halls snorted in the heart; The natural disciples who came to see the lively disciples frequently screamed and the atmosphere was warm.

"Several of you, I will confiscate the dry food and the blasphemy that they carry, and supervise them to work hard. If they don't do well, don't give them food. Don't obey the direct killing. The thing, the church owner, I am giving you a sigh!"

"Don't you kill an individual? I can still afford to be a master."

Qin Haoxuan’s words were extremely domineering. For a time, many of the original disciples of the natural hall were red. Too domineering, this new lord is simply a master! I really didn't expect that Nature Hall could one day become a nightmare for the other four lobby elite disciples. It’s only when they are being bullied, and there’s always no bullying – it’s a big fist to be the last word.

It turns out that bullying is actually such a happy thing. Many disciples of the Nature Hall couldn't help but sneak up the tears.

When Qin Haoxuan left the words, he no longer ignored the four elite disciples behind him, and left the hall of the natural hall.


A piece of rune is like a star, rising from the outside of Qin Haoxuan's fairy species, lingering around him, absorbing the power of heaven and earth.

These runes are all completely inherited by the pure Yang Xianwang Avenue, Qin Haoxuan's rune that was deeply felt in these years. Every piece is light and dusty. A little spiritual power flows like a flowing water on the fairy leaves, slowly moistening the fairy leaves to make it more and more powerful...

When the sky turned out of the white belly, the bleak clean room, Qin Haoxuan suddenly opened his eyes, the pupils flashed in the pupils, as dazzling as the virtual room lightning.

The natural hall is quiet.

Qin Haoxuan fluttered his robe and went out.

... The morning dew rolls on the leaves, the mountains pass over the treetops, and the hamsters lick the roots in the deep underground...

There is also a sound or a long, or irregular, resounding breathing sound, in the ear.

After practicing today, Qin Haoxuan has five amazing feelings. Only by the use of the ear force, you can detect the wind and grass in the range of fifty feet.

"The disciples of the Natural Hall, of course, have been hardworking and hardworking. In addition to a few disciples on duty, others are actually practicing. Unfortunately, many people are not breathing well, and they are obstructed... They should be told Wang Da Avenue. This avenue is deep and subtle, capable of washing the mind and comprehending the avenue of the avenue, and has infinite benefits for them." Qin Haoxuan thought quietly, and in a moment, judged the state of practice of some natural disciples.

However, he always felt that the vagueness seemed to be missing something.

Suddenly he stared at the two crisp, crispy willows in front of the natural hall. These two willows were planted when he was just a natural brother of the natural hall more than two years ago. There are two respectful young figures flashing through my mind.

"Right, when I was a brother of a few years ago, I had brought two disciples. How could I not see them?" Qin Haoxuan didn't feel a bit confused, and the voice echoed over the hall.

There were already two natural disciples in the hall, and they were prepared to wait patiently at the side.

"The master of the ancestral hall, the brother Luo Maoxun who is full of immortal seeds stayed, and the weak brother Cao Qinghua consumed a lot of elixir and Lingshi in the door. After half a year passed, he never failed to break him. The elders of the sect at that time sealed up the memory of his cultivation and sent it back to the home of Yamashita. One of the disciples responded respectfully.

Qin Haoxuan glimpsed a little, and I couldn't help but have a few different tastes. After all, he devoted his efforts to these two disciples, especially Cao Qinghua. Although this person is a weak disciple, his heart is strong. In Cao Qinghua, Qin Haoxuan always finds his former shadow, and he is still very optimistic about his future. I did not expect this heart to cultivate immortals, and the strong disciple of the heart finally fell to such a end.

"...I was very optimistic about Cao Qinghua in the past. I poured a lot of effort into him. I didn't expect that he had not broken the fairy species for half a year, and he was sent back to the mountain by the sealed memory... Unfortunately."

Qin Haoxuan’s feelings of enthusiasm, but also can not help but have some fear. If he didn't attach it to the snake and get a big romance in the Valley of the Immortals, can he get such an achievement today? Will it fall to the same end as Cao Qinghua’s disciple?

Suddenly a burst of whim, Qin Haoxuan asked in a deep voice: "Where is my disciple Cao Qinghua? I want to find a time to see him."

"Even if he doesn't know me, I have done it as a brother in the aftermath."

Qin Haoxuan’s voice was really earnest, and the natural disciple who talked down next to him was greatly moved. This new church owner seems to be really sincere, but treating himself is indeed a true heart.

"The owner, I will send back the relevant information that Cao Qinghua has registered in the past, and I will give you a look."

"Good." Qin Haoxuan nodded slightly.

The natural disciple was just about to retreat, and Qin Haoxuan called him again.

"Right, since Luo Maoxun stayed in the nature hall, why haven't he seen him?" For Luo Maoxun, who is qualified between the seeds of fullness and the gray fairy, Qin Haoxuan still has great hope in his heart.

At the beginning, he passed a test and found that both Luo Maoxun and Cao Qinghua were both qualified and strong. If the natural hall is to be dug up in the future, these two people will surely shine.

Now that Cao Qinghua was sent down the mountain, Qin Haoxuan naturally placed greater hope on the remaining Luo Maoxun.

The natural disciple hesitated a bit, still reverently said: "Before the lord, the scorpion lord died before the death, once gave Luo Maoxun a rare elixir and a lingo, and told him to rectify these remedies. Therefore, during this time, Brother Luo Maoxuan has been closed for three months and has not come out."

When Qin Haoxuan heard it, his heart filled with inexplicable anger and his brow wrinkled slightly.

"Retreat? Master Xunzi has passed away. He is still in retreat?! Is it really ruthless, and I care about Master Xunzi’s hard work for him?"

"Where is he retreating? I am going to see him." Qin Haoxuan sighed. In any case, respecting the teacher is the common morality that must be paid attention to by the immortal. If Luo Maoxuan does not understand this point, he will be very disappointed.

In the low tone, there is no disguise of the mountainous anger, so that the heart of the natural disciple around me is not trembled.

The disciple who spoke just did not dare to hide it. He whispered quickly: "Luo Maoxun’s brother has been retreating in the clean room of the back hall of the natural hall." When it comes to the back, the voice is getting smaller and smaller. Silently lamented: "Luo Maoxun brother It is not that I deliberately want to sell you, it is really the new majesty is too majestic, I dare not have any concealment."

Although Luo Maoxun's qualifications are second to none in the natural hall, they never put on the shelf, and the relationship with the natural hall is very good and happy, and it is very popular.

But now Qin Haoxuan is angry and asks, even though he has been favored by Luo Maoxun, this natural disciple does not dare to conceal any of Qin Haoxuan.

Knowing the exact retreat of Luo Maoxun, Qin Haoxuan nodded slightly and walked straight to the main hall.

Behind the hall of the Natural Hall is a lush medicinal field.

Three years ago, Qin Haoxuan came here. He also felt that the land was poor and weak, and it was not suitable for planting medicines. Now, let’s take a look at it. Many of the medicines in this area are full of people, and the potency is strong. A cluster of colorful and lush elixir is like a woven picture, beautiful. From time to time, I can also see a few rare and rare worms in the medicine field, shuttle, and pollinate.

Suddenly, a light blue figure fell in the medicine field, and Yana’s body was like a blue wave, and she burst into a series of silver bells.

"Xiaojin, you are getting stupid. Mitsubishi flowers are not picked this way, they have taught you how many times."

Then there was a scream that seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied, and a golden monkey with a fur-like satin followed, and reached out with a flower on a herb. The furry monkey claws were very flexible. Flicking, a little bit of pollen in the flower is carefully collected into a pocket. The technique is clean and skilled.

After collecting the last bit of pollen collected by it, this is a golden monkey with a height of more than a meter. The smug "guagua" screams a few times, and looks like a monkey head. People show off the same demonstrations.

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