Too Early

Chapter 539: Purple species into nature

Qin Haoxuan said here, paused, and glanced at the other temple disciples who stood in the hall with cold eyes: "" Today, I also invite you to return to the churches and say hello to the same owners. If the heads of the churches also think that they are made by the monkeys of my natural church, then this seat will naturally bind the monkeys, and the natural halls will not be born. ”

When Qin Haoxuan finished, the hearts of other churches began to greet the whole of Gu Yuntang. Under the circumstance, it seems to be a monkey who restrains the natural hall, but the real thing is to help the farming.

In the past few years, because of the help of monkeys, the four halls of Guyuntang, Bizhutang, Baihuatang and Xiayuntang have been more affluent than before. In the past, the management of the field also occupied the training time of many disciples. Nowadays, the fields are handed over to the giant monkeys. Their training time is much longer than before, and the cultivation of the disciples has made great progress.

More importantly, the physical strength of the great apes is far better than that of many cultivators. The field that a strong ape can manage is five or sixty times that of the ordinary cultivator. Therefore, with the help of the great apes, the lobbyes are beginning to be abandoned. And more than a few times the field was handed over to the vigorous ape monkey.

In this case, if the giant monkeys suddenly leave their hands and no longer manage the fields, then things will become very troublesome. After all, each church has invested a lot of resources in the field. So many fields are managed by the disciples of the low-powered disciples in the lobby. It is impossible to manage them; even if each church puts everyone into the medicine field, For the fields that have expanded five or six times more than before, the manpower is still stretched and cannot be fully loaded.

In this way, it will definitely cause a large area of ​​crops and elixir to wither and die. The crops and elixir that they plant will take three, five or even ten years to harvest, and the seeds that are invested are more valuable. The child can be completely destroyed! No church is willing to bear such a major loss.

The disciples have been whispering for a while, and their faces are getting more and more ugly - they can't offend the natural hall at all, otherwise everyone will lose a lot of harvest. They discovered that the natural hall that looked very weak on weekdays has grown so much in these two years. Just farming this piece, the four halls such as Bizhutang are inseparable from the natural hall.

At this time, Qin Haoxuan did not return to his seat without saying a word, and the whole hall suddenly fell into a strange and embarrassing atmosphere of silence.

Li Guang of the Bizhutang stood in the crowd and secretly looked at Qin Haoxuan's look, and his heart played drums frequently. Anyway, this time I want to make a good donation. I can’t send a bunch of things, but I’m going to close the door and go back? In that way, he will leave the impression of "not doing things well" in the heart of the church.

"It’s all the fools of Gu Yuntang!" Li Guang also slammed the people of Gu Yuntang with Wang Chen in his heart, coughing and daring: "Qin Tangzhu, you just didn't talk about it." Is it true that our class elite disciple is missing? In fact, our church really has an elite disciple missing. Check it out. It turned out that it was a person who slandered and sinned the temple... Our cousin sent us here and wanted to go to Qintang. The main indemnity sin, we will bring back to discipline."

Although Li Guang’s words sounded sincere and fearful, they were quite decent, but Qin Haoxuan still heard that it was still far from enough. Qin Haoxuan’s mood has been terrible. The last time it was an elite disciple to make trouble, this time it’s Gu Yuntang’s action on the monkeys, so solve the problem once and for all.

Qin Haoxuan also knows that natural halls have been weak for many years. If people's concepts are planted, it is very difficult to change, so I plan to solve the problem once and for all.

"Just take the people away? Do you think the churchlor is appropriate?" Qin Haoxuan said with a low voice: "If the owners of the church are very busy, then they will send a deputy head to the natural hall to move around. The people in the lobby broke into our natural hall, and they took a bubble and humiliated us. After they patted the butt, they wanted to go, right? No such thing."

"When you come to a cat and a dog, you want to get someone? Is your four halls too worthy of yourself? Or is it too much to look down on my natural hall?" Later, Qin Haoxuan’s words became so bitter and unremarkable, the elites of the churches below The disciples swelled red.

A cat dog? This is also awkward. Although they can't talk about the wind and rain in the hall, but they are also the characters of the division of the teacher and the brother-in-law. They usually don't know how many gray-robed disciples look up, but now they are directly knocked down into the dust by Qin Haoxuan's words.

However, the disciples from all the churches are very helpless. They know that Qin Haoxuan is now mad at the injury of the ape monkey. At this time, it is obviously asking for trouble.

The people of Guyuntang provoked Qin Haoxuan, all of them were driven away, and they made a slap in the face; now the people in the three lobby are afraid to put one. Since Qin Haoxuan’s tone has clearly indicated that he will not let people casually, they have no choice but to retire to Qin Haoxuan.

Seeing that the three disciples have left, the people of the Nature Hall have not expressed anything, even a person who has sent a guest. When the people in the three halls came out of the main hall, there was a loud noise from the "call", and the hall door was closed.

"Now the natural hall, really is not the natural hall of that year..." Li Guang, the brother of the head of Bizhutang, reluctantly looked back at the closed door of the natural hall, and even shook his head and sighed.

Other people's faces are similar to those of Li Guang, and they are angry and helpless. Why have they been subjected to such humiliation? But they can only hardly swallow and dumb down.

"Senior brother, this matter is still early to report to the church owner as well, the sooner the better." One of the Bizhutang disciples reminded the brother Li Guang who is still on the air.

Li Guangyi, who was already angry, thought of the stiff zombie face of the owner, Bizhuzi, and couldn’t help but feel a cold, and he said that he quickly went to the Xianyun car.

The disciples of other churches also had the same mind, and they did not dare to have any delays. After a while, the disciples who came to the natural hall did not sit on the seats and did not sit on the heat.

The fairy cloud car rushed to the electric raft, and once returned to the Bizhu Hall, Li Guang went directly to the clean room of the Bizhuzi retreat.

"Master." Li Guangyi entered the clean room, and his expression immediately became quite unnatural. Even the title was weakened.

Among the clean rooms, Bizhuzi concentrates on the alchemy furnace.

There is also a middle-aged man in a green robes who is carefully controlling the fire and pouring a strand of spiritual power into it, urging the flames in the furnace to be extremely hot, even the air seems to be boiling.

In the midst of an unbearable heat, the light is distorted like water. The blue-red fire is filled with a strong aura, and it is transpiration outside the high-end ding furnace. The entire clean room is filled with strong medicinal herbs.

As soon as I saw Li Guangjin, I focused all my attention on the bamboo in the alchemy furnace. I quickly threw away the medicinal herbs that I was refining and turned to Li Guang. Although my mind tried to keep calm, the hotness in my eyes was betrayed. He is in an eager mood at the moment.

"What happened to you? How did Qin Haoxuan’s kid accept our gift?"

Li Guang was a little bit stiff and looked awkward: "Received... but neither asked about the name of the water house, nor did the brothers who were detained come back."

Bizhuzi has a slight glimpse, and I don’t think it makes sense. The new church owner of Nature Hall is too unwilling to give face?

"How is it possible? What is going on?"

There is no way for Li Guang to do so. It is only possible to bring out the things that happened in the natural hall. In particular, he said that the vigorously killing monkeys were hurt by the evils of Gu Yuntang’s disciples.

Bizhuzi’s brows are wrinkled: “This... How can these things be mixed together? The people of Guyuntang are also true, and the blood demon has not yet come out, no matter what their disciples!”

Thinking carefully about Qin Haoxuan's actions, my heart is very unfair: "Qin Haoxuan has only been a good shelf for a few days. It is really a big shelf. Does he really want us to personally plead guilty to him?" I don't know if we have told him that I am retreating?"

At this time, Li Guang couldn't help but interrupt: "Qin Haoxuan said that the deputy head of the church also went."

Bizhuzi’s face shook his head and shook his head again and again: “I should have sent a deputy head to go, but if Qin Haoxuan said that he would send a party, isn’t this seat shorter than him? Moreover, the four lobby disciples are really wrong, but that The people in the blood-coating team have not yet turned to the church. They are also disciples of my four-story lobby. I really don’t care about it. I want to deal with it. This Qin Haoxuan should also take some In fact, after Bizhuzi sighed with enthusiasm, he found that it was not appropriate. If you really don’t send someone to Qin Haoxuan to say something, those elite disciples of Bizhutang might have to stay there for a while. I heard those. Elite disciples are now being punished in the nature hall, and the days are not so good...

At this time, the middle-aged man who had been in charge of Dan furnace and kept silent, said cautiously to Bizhuzi: "Master, the big man in our church, in addition to Master and the deputy, there is a purple The kind of Xianglongguo emperor is here. He is a purple species, and he can’t speak. He usually sells his three-point thin face when he talks on the weekdays. If he can ask him to take a trip to the natural hall, he will be able to take the elites who are detained. The disciple brought it back."

Bizhuzi, who was originally a big talker and a little embarrassed, listened to the words of the middle-aged people, and his eyes were bright--Yes, the head of the church was not out of the horse, the deputy head of the church was not out of the horse, and there was still someone in the Bizhutang!

"Come, come and invite Li Jing."


As the name suggests, Bizhutang is like a sea on the main peak. When the mountain wind comes, the green tide layers are stacked like a wave of waves. Deep in the bamboo, there is a clean room with a clean environment and the surrounding bamboo forest.

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