Too Early

Chapter 777: Pretending to be a fake

The solid land, after the attack, all the surface of the surface has been turned into a powder, even a little offensive can not stop!

Qin Haoxuan only felt that his eyes were splitting. He thought of getting up Xiaojin and the small stone. He wanted to smash you away, but he just had some action. Xiaojin’s gravity sank a bit, and the angry and anxious Qin Haoxuan wanted to immediately Using the spiritual method, but the ghost whistle suddenly came out of his arm, tied his hands and feet with the lingering ghosts, even the fairy tree, and held the blue smoke that wanted to use the fairy tree, and then bullied Body up, blocked in Qin Haoxuan.

"Boom! Boom!"

The instantaneous power directly stunned Qin Haoxuan’s brain, and the mind in his mind turned up the huge waves, and the tumbling was not only the five internal organs, but the blood and blood went straight to the mind. This is a sign of ignorance!

Ghosts weakened a lot in the moment when power fell, and finally disappeared completely.

The celestial tree of Qin Haoxuan exudes a faint golden light, which belongs to the scent of the ancient celestial king. The avenue of the avenue is uploaded from the fairy tree, which stabilizes his mind.

Xiaojin has become the usual size, and the soft body slipped from Qin Haoxuan's body.

Qin Haoxuan can't even scream, because the people who attacked them are still on the ground, but when they make a little noise, they will be discovered and then killed.

He bit his lip, his hands trembled from the space bag, madly going outside to smash all kinds of elixir, and wanted to feed the little gold that couldn’t keep his eyes closed, but he was shaking and it was really powerful. If you don’t live, the elixir that is hard to find in the world is so scattered.

A broken nail-sized stone fell from the top of his head, and the small stone that turned into a fist was rolled down.

The small stone looked at the broken stone at the foot of Qin Haoxuan and picked it up and pressed it on his body, but it still slipped. The little stone muttered: "The guy in the fairy wheel is really not simple, but fortunately the stone. The emperor is more powerful, what is he?"

Qin Haoxuan looked at the small stone whose color became very dim. I remembered that I saw it for the first time in the relics of the fairy, and attacked him with the method I had just portrayed. It took a hundred years to retreat, but it was just let it It became a little bleak, but now...

The people outside are... too strong! Strong enough to kill everyone!

The small stone looked at Qin Haoxuan’s lost soul and the blood of his mouth. He frowned: “What do you want to do when you are kidnapped? Don’t hurry to move elsewhere. Who knows if the above thing will launch a second attack. ”

Qin Haoxuan is also a local martial art. He presses the body because of the severe pain caused by the displacement of the internal organs. He wraps them with a faint golden light and moves a little bit outward.

The empty space followed behind the small stone, and saw that there was stone powder falling on it, and asked with tears: "Why don't you cry?"

Yes, every time the little stone receives a little pain, it will yell at "There is a pain in the stone!" I am afraid that others will not know that it has been hurt.

But this time, part of the body was directly shot down, the color from the original Ying Run jade became dull, and even those stone powder that had no vitality was falling down.

This time, it didn't say "pain".

The small stone looked at him and was afraid that he would become a powder directly if he didn't pay attention. He still cried and screamed, but he didn't dare to speak out. He felt very funny, so he grinned and said, "Because, This time it doesn't hurt much. Who is this stone emperor? That is a hero!"

On the ground, the dusting dust rolled up in the air, for a long time, a large hole that was several thousand feet deep, and it fell there.

Standing on the edge of the hole, Wu Zhen elders quietly feel the movements in the ground, but nothing can be felt at all!

Looking at the raging veteran Wu Zhen, his disciples boldly came forward: "Master, maybe that Qin Haoxuan is not in the ground, but what secret method has been used to run it? He has just come out from the fairy valley, what can be big? The adventure is also uncertain."

Wu Zhen took a deep breath and accepted the argument of his disciple. Otherwise, it was impossible for him to force the underground people to rely on his just move.

Four scattered to find, they can not be far from here!

After that, his four disciples dispersed, and Wu Zhen also hated the direction of a certain direction, and went away.

Qin Haoxuan, they moved in the depth of three thousand miles, one inch in advance.

He resumed his calmness and gave Xiaojin a meal of Jiuhua Zhusheng Pill, put it into the mixed Tissot, and smashed the small stone into his arms.

The little stone said faintly: "Without the protection of this stone emperor, can you find the direction?"

Qin Haoxuan smiled and said: "We will soon go to the boundary of the early teaching. I think you are tired, just sleep for a while."

Xiao Shidao: "Well, it’s rare to see your kid listening to it. This stone emperor will take a moment."

Qin Haoxuan said: "Well."

Blue smoke has been pulling Qin Haoxuan's sleeves, his eyes are red, but he is tenacious and will not let himself cry. When he walks all the way, he will shed tears all the way, but he has not made a sound.

Going forward in the ground, everyone dare not have a big spiritual fluctuation, do not dare to run ... do not dare to jump, not even dare to fly ... can do is slowly moving forward.

This is a five-day trip, and the talents really came to the boundaries of the early teaching. Qin Haoxuan worried that the people in the West Pole could not catch up, but did not immediately show their heads. Instead, they continued to use the speed of the underground for a day. After confirming that there was no danger, they took the outcrop from the ground and sat on the Tissot. The early education flew.

Already near the beginning of the mountain gate, there are six disciples in front of the mountain gate, and they are making gestures to Qin Haoxuan.

After Qin Haoxuan came to Shanmen, he only took out the blue smoke and left the empty space and Xiaojin in the mixed Tissot.

In addition to the teaching, the flying sword of the elders, and the extremely urgent moment, other disciples must enter the mountain gate to get off the aircraft, and identify the identity before they can enter the mountain. Otherwise, the mountain squad will shoot you down.

"It's me." Qin Haoxuan took the blue smoke and walked forward.

When the disciples saw him, they said, "Oh, Qin Tang is back."

Qin Haoxuan nodded.

A disciple saw the blood on Qin Haoxuan and asked: "What happened to Qin Tangzhu? How can I get hurt?"

Qin Haoxuan said: "I have had some misunderstandings with them in the Western Preachers. I have to tell the reason of the church and not to cause trouble for the two teachers."

After listening to Qin Haoxuan’s words, several disciples standing in front of Qin Haoxuan laughed...

No! Danger!

Qin Haoxuan's brow wrinkled, and he noticed the danger. He took the blue smoke and flew back at high speed, and at the same time opened the sky and smashed them toward them!

However, three of the six people were immortal, and they had long been prepared to escape the attack of Qin Haoxuan.

They pulled the clothes on their bodies and revealed the teachings of the Western Preachers!

"Hey! Qin Haoxuan! Your luck is really good, you can escape from the pursuit of Wu Zhen’s elders! If you are not thinking about Qian Ming’s brother, you have really escaped!"

"Yeah, it’s still good for Master Qian Ming. People will only relax their vigilance when they return home immediately, ah hahaha..."

"Qin Haoxuan, have you been cursed by our Western Pole? Are you injured?"

"I am wild at the door of my early days?" Qin Haoxuan squinted and said: "Do you still want to go back alive?"

The six people are different from Qin Haoxuan's nonsense, so as not to give them too much time to let the whole rush out to help, then everyone really can't go back to the West Pole.

Six people immediately stood in the already planned position, and the ten fingers flew to the place where Qin Haoxuan was located, and shouted "Get up!"

With this loud drink, a reticle rises from the ground and wraps them all up.

Qin Haoxuan pushed the blue smoke, and the lightning rushed toward the mask!

After a loud noise, a row of old trees in front of the mountain door fell, and the strange light array was just shaking, and there was no sign of breaking.

Qin Haoxuan has always been confident in his speed. Just hit it and he can almost hit a hill!

However, the masks that these people sacrificed were just shaking.

The curse is too dragging the battle... Qin Haoxuan sighs, if the curse is not broken, the defense is very easy. Now that he has three hundred feet of fairy trees, the power that can actually be played is not as good as the forty-five leaves.

The blue smoke stationed the body, behind the fairy tree to open the mana, a sword rushing to the sky to tear the mask, but only the thorns of the mask repeatedly shocked.

Six fairy trees! Prepare for a long time! It is the alien blue smoke that can't be broken instantly!

The six West Pole trees are also a sinking face. The blue smoke is so sharp. If it breaks out a hundred times, it is afraid that the six-player formation will be broken by her! This little girl is more terrible than imagined!

Xiaojin shouted, and the iron in his hand suddenly changed, at the same moment! The little stone that just fell asleep wakes up again, and the body turns into a mountain peak and goes straight into the sky, and it is necessary to crush the mask!

Everybody knows! This is a desperate moment! The other party may not just be the last one! This cover has the ability to isolate the sound. If you want to get the rescue, you must break the mask!

"They want to break through! Can't give them a chance!"

Someone outside the mask shouted At the same time his four hundred feet of fairy trees rose up!

Desperate! This person is very understanding! If it is not the law of the squad, I am afraid that the other party will come out one or two people, and I may encounter big troubles when I am convenient!

Fortunately, there are several methods to trap several people! But this is not a long-term solution! Take this opportunity! kill!

A fierce and sinister lightning leopard flew out of his hand, his movements were strong, his body was covered with electric light, and even the claws of his front paws were filled with squeaking sounds. The lightning leopard was really swift, swooping, just hitting the mask. Qin Haoxuan, who did not knock open, couldn't do so. He was concentrated in the chest by the lightning leopard. The whole man flew out and wandered out, and he was able to stabilize his body shape, but he vomited a big mouthful of blood.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the man's four hundred feet of fairy tree and sighed in his heart. He is now in such a state. He said that the four hundred feet of the immortal opponent is that Baizhang himself has no way to win it. The three disasters and six difficulties are too strange. If you only fear that you can't hold back this weird power, you can help to suppress it, but you can help suppress it, but you can't twitch force to attack these few Western-style bastards.

"Everyone joins forces! The West Pole destroys the sword!"

For the first person to drink a big drink, six people broke out at the same time, the power straight into the Han! Thousands of swords are rising from the array! Not yet close to the body, but already can feel the compelling sharpness!

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