Too Early

Chapter 800: Huanglong’s teaching

Qin Haoxuan tears in his eyes, or went to the door of the natural hall, and then instantly caught.

A figure that can't see the head at a glance, kneeling in front of the hall of the nature hall.

Qin Haoxuan looked at such a big man, and all the disciples in the five halls stumbled. He didn't know what to say, so many people couldn't see the side.

Ma Dingshan stood with Qin Weixuan’s guardian disciples and saw Qin Haoxuan coming out and greeted them all.

"The owner..."

Ma Dingshan wants to stop and talk, how many people have persuaded the owner, but the church owner has never changed his mind.

Qin Haoxuan raised his hand to stop what they had to say, and hoarse voiced: "You are... well cultivated... Nature Hall takes care of a lot. I am just going to the small room for a few years, and I will meet again sooner or later!"

After Qin Haoxuan finished, all the disciples’ heads were deeply lowered.

Qin Haoxuan turned his head and said to Ma Dingshan: "The two hundred years are very long. The natural church can't be without a hundred years. If you come back, you will ask, can you pass the position of the church to the flower?" ""

Ma Dingshan nodded his head and then took all the disciples down and said to Qin Haoxuan: "All the disciples of our natural hall are waiting for you to come back!"

Qin Haoxuan smiled softly and said: "Good!"

"Send Qin Tangzhu!"

Thousands of disciples sing.

The sound goes straight to the Han, with a hard Congo and admire! The waves were soaring, and the clouds that shook the sky were scattered.

Qin Haoxuan stopped talking and went straight to white light and left here.

The disciple of the Natural Hall first cried in a sob, and then burst into tears!

Cry and mournful, it seems that I will leave Qin Haoxuan with these tears and crying...


As soon as you enter the penalty prison, you will enter the ice cave. The small house has just turned the size of Qin Haoxuan. The door is closed and the cold is pressing. Qin Haoxuan is not afraid because of the cold flame in the fairy tree. cold.

He sat quietly and slowly recalled his life.

He still remembers the feeling of facing death for the first time, his body slowly falling down, watching the world slowly darken, and then falling into chaos. At that time, he was only twelve years old. He was thinking about playing more prey in the mountains every day, reducing the pressure on his working parents. At that time, he wanted to be the pillar of his family.

He remembered the day when he was accepted as a disciple by the "Imperial Man" in the sky, watching the "Imperial Man" come out, that is, awe and envy.

He remembered entering the early education, ventilating into the body, breaking through the seedlings, remembering the comfort and comfort of the first time communicating the spirituality between the heavens and the earth, remembering the embarrassment of the future when the first leaves came out, how many people were in his ears He sighs at the side or behind him. He is a weak, but he never feels that he is inferior.

He knew very well from the beginning that the long road to repairing Xianli needed more than just innate talent. Later efforts were more important than a tough heart.

He remembered the difference between the fairy and the sensation that he felt when he entered the red dust. The kind of arrogance and faint pity that swayed the world and looked down on all kinds of dust, so that he would do his best.

He remembered the first heavy blow after he stepped into the Taoist Immortal Way. The heavy pain, the demise of the Xianmiao when he got rid of it, is now just a faint smile.

He remembered all kinds of things.........

At the time when Qin Haoxuan was concentrating on his thoughts, there was a roar of anger around him, with the last madness and the pain of the sky.

"Qin Haoxuan!! After I go out, I must kill you and take revenge for me!!!"

"Qin Haoxuan! I must kill you! I must... ah ah"

After the last roar, it is a cry of sorrow and anger, and a sob of hopelessness!

Qin Haoxuan did not speak, he quietly listened to Zhou Tiansheng's venting, no regrets in his eyes.

For a long time, he slowly closed his eyes.

After half a month.

The punishment came to the prison, sitting outside the door of the ice, and leaning against the wall, there was a conversation with Qin Haoxuan.

"Mao Xun was buried, or did not enter Yingling Mountain..."

"I thought I could watch him as a master."

"He is my only disciple."

"Remember when you first came to teach..."

"I still remember one thing, Mao Xun him..."


Qin Haoxuan also had a voice in the cold ice.

The sentence and Qin Haoxuan said a lot, but ... maybe he does not know what he is talking about.

Qin Haoxuan listened seriously and listened to it. Sometimes he laughed because of the scene described by the punishment. Sometimes, he may be saddened by the touch of a sentence.

The punishment said from the sunrise to the sunset, in the sky and the chilly wind, he stood up... Looking straight to the other side of the ice, his eyes were slightly stunned, saying: "This is not finished. When I was born, I will kill him personally."

Qin Haoxuan sat in the ice and squatted in the ice, and did not need to speak. After he finished the sentence, he turned and left.

For a long time, Qin Haoxuan sighed deeply.

In the small hail, Qin Haoxuan began to cultivate his "difficulty in the skin" that has not yet reached the great realm.

half year later.

Qin Haoxuan slowly opened his eyes from the entrance, his hands were pinched, and a huge disaster seed appeared in front of him. The seeds were wrapped in a thick **** mist, emitting a cold and horrible atmosphere. The ice must be cold three points.

Qin Haoxuan pulled out a smile. When he used Zhou Jian’s memory to see him for three years, he learned a little about the “skins”, but he used it for more than half a year, and he would “harden the skin”. After practicing to the great consummation, I have to say that this ice breeze is really good for his cultivation.

This huge "skin-hard" seed, even if he can not smoothly enter the immortal of the fairyland, but it is a breeze to send into the fairy wheel.

Just when Qin Haoxuan was satisfied with the seeds of the disaster he had cultivated, the Huanglong Taoist took a look that couldn’t cover his happiness.

In the past few years of teaching, the Huanglong Taoist people lived quite happily, almost forgot their identity, and there is a kind of vertical and horizontal world, free and easy to return.

However, Huang Long also passed the age of impulsive action, even though he was reluctant to fight outside and kill, he still came back.

Since he entered the early education, he found that the whole Taichao was filled with a vibrant and prosperous atmosphere, which surprised him!

When he was stationed in the early education, he had never seen such an atmosphere and state!

The five lobby disciples, who were not very harmonious, didn’t share each other’s threes and threes. They were discussing what they were looking at. The smile on their faces was really from the heart, not from the smile, even the past. The ancient Yuntang who can't understand each other can talk and laugh with the disciples of Bizhutang, and let Huanglong have some unreal feelings.

What is even more ridiculous is that the natural hall that has not been seen by all the four lobby disciples in the sect seems to be a fragrant scent, and everyone is very enthusiastic about them.

Huanglong all the way back to the Huangdi Peak, so that people around him ringed the big clock and called the disciples in the lobby to ask questions.

"Huang Long is teaching back?!"

"It seems like it is."

"It’s rare, I thought I’m going to play the church for another three or five years, and I’m so happy to be back.”

"Fortunately, I am coming back to teach, otherwise, my ancestors will have to..."

The lord guards who flew from their own places to the Huangdi Peak revealed a tacit expression to each other.

Huang Longdao was sitting on the main hall, watching no one coming again, frowning: "Qin Haoxuan? Gu Yunzi? And Zhou Huo Law? How can there be so many people?"

Su Baihua is listed, and Huang Longdao: "Teaching, you are not here, I taught some things at the beginning, and Qin Tang went into jail..."

When I heard this sentence, Huang Long was somewhat puzzled. How did Qin Haoxuan’s kid enter the prison?

However, Su Baihua has not finished yet, she went on to say: "The ancient church master and the Bizhuzitang master also went to jail, and Zhou Hufa was also sent to prison for imprisonment..."

Huang Long is not wondering, but looks gloomy like black water, a guardian of three church owners?

All were put in jail, this... What happened in the end? ! No one knows how to tell him!

Huang Long frowned and asked: "What happened? Tell me clearly."

Su Baihua smashed into the body, and the blood demon incident six months ago, one by one to Huanglongdao humanity After Huanglong listened, the brow was locked... The mind was turned, but the face remained calm. , said: "After I left, there are so many things happening."

Su Baihua went on to say: "Before the Qin Tang master entered the prison, he once mentioned that the natural church could not have two hundred years without the owner, and recommended the natural disciples to the church to let him take over the nature hall."

Huang Long’s momentum and his face were angry. He said: “Noisy! Is it so long? Are you all dead? Is it so indulgent to him?”

He slowly glanced at the crowd and said: "You have done a good job in the past six months! Let's go ahead. I will go see my ancestors first, and then deal with Qin Haoxuan later."

Everyone is leading the way.

Huang Long turned into a white light and went directly to the Yunfeng Peak.

He respectfully gave a group of Chinese people a good night ceremony: "The disciple did not return to the early teachings when he returned from Shi Bo. He was guilty. Because of the blood demon incident in the early days, Shi Bo was angry and even his disciples were derelict. It is the disciple who did not manage the early education, and failed the teacher’s expectation.

A group of people smiled and shook their heads and said: "There was no wrong teaching in the early days of teaching. I have not chosen the wrong person. You have managed the Taichu teaching very well. Even if I do the teaching, I have not done well. ”

The Huanglong Taoist silently listened to the speech of a person from China.

"I also heard that you once saved Qin Haoxuan, the young man, I thought about it... If it were me, I would probably choose not to save it, you are right... very good."

Huang Long’s real person is slightly covered: “The disciple is jealous.”

Then Huang Long's long sleeves waved, and a huge vein like the Milky Way was taken out from his Qiankun bag. The rich and pure aura came out from this vein, which was exceptionally powerful.

Even the faces of Hua’s people are amazed.

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