Too Early

Chapter 834: Bath fire rebirth 800 feet

Bizhuzi has already said that it is very euphemistic. In fact, the medicinal herbs left in the medicine cabinet, let alone one month, I am afraid that even ten days will not be able to sustain it. As the ravages become more and more fierce, the number of disciples in the sects is also Rapid growth...

"Especially the elixir of the top grade, basically, basically used up, and dozens of arrays of Butiange need to be watered by the elixir, teach, we..."

Huang Long’s face was deep, and he said: “Tianzhong’s elixir is also used up?”

Bizhuzi sighed and nodded, saying: "Even if the power of the robbery shortens the time for the elixir to mature, but it is not available for the consumption of the early education, we have only the last episode of the Bizhutang. The next batch of seeds, but..."

This batch of seeds cannot be used, and everyone knows it.

If the seeds are used up now, even if they have survived the catastrophe, there is no foundation, how to maintain the needs of a large martial art?

Huang Long brows are also deeply wrinkled, what should I do?

Qin Haoxuan's look changed, and even a smile on his face.

Yesterday, he took a break and went to the sinister poisonous valley. The big pill medicine just matured, so they all picked it up. It was so clever that it was just a difficult time to explain the elf medicine.

Qin Haoxuan stepped forward and said: "Teachers, there are a group of elixir here."


Everyone's eyes were placed on Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan opened the dragon scale sword and took out hundreds of kinds of elixir from it. Each of the elixirs was brilliant and glittering. The entire Huangdi Peak was surrounded by this rich medicinal scent that would drip out water.

Bizhuzi was so excited that he couldn’t speak, but he circled around the pile of herbs and shouted in his mouth: "Good! Good! Good medicine!"

Huang Long’s face showed a hearty smile and patted Qin Haoxuan’s shoulder: “Good boy! I taught you too early, I am a great friend!”

"The elders of Qin are really extraordinary!"

"The elders of Qin can actually come up with so many elixir. It is really a blessing to teach my disciples too early!"


Yi Hua’s eyes are complicated and look at Qin Haoxuan, who is praised by everyone. His heart is not very tasteful. He can’t help but think: “So many natural treasures, where did Qin Haoxuan get it? Although it has come up a lot, I don't know if he has any private possessions. The most important thing is, why not tell everyone about such a big resource? If you tell us, maybe you can get more!"

The vice-teaching looks gloomy, thinking like that, the more I feel that Qin Haoxuan is not simple. He felt that if Qin Haoxuan could take out the elixir earlier, the early teaching would not be so embarrassing! Now everyone is in a hurry, and the elixir is really in short supply before it is taken out. Why? It’s not because I want to take these things to enhance my prestige and improve my status in the early days!

Thinking of this, the deputy teacher looked at Qin Haoxuan's eyes more cold. In his view, Qin Haoxuan did this, completely self-interested and seeking benefits for himself.

Qin Haoxuan felt a gloomy look at himself, so he looked at it with this look and saw that he was dissatisfied and looked at himself.

When Qin Haoxuan’s thoughts turned, he understood that the deputy master was thinking about what he thought, and now he wants to turn his eyes.

This deputy teaching is really for me everywhere! I definitely think that I deliberately took out these elixir at this time.

Although Qin Haoxuan understands, he is too lazy to explain anything... People... Once you have a prejudice against another person, it is very difficult to modify the prejudice.

If it weren't for the magical power of the demon, it is impossible to have so many elixir now. Where were you when I was chased by the devil? Now I am questioning me here. Don't say I won't tell you, even if you can say that you can go in?


The robbery is coming again.

No one talks again, all of them turn into a flash of lightning and go in all directions.

The sly lightning flashed across the sky, with the horrible power of the horrible heart, the fires of the sky, and the hail.

The tall and unscented saplings are blooming, and the fruit wrapped in various colors of light is crystal-clear. Several huge fairy babies are flying with their hands, and countless surging auras come together. The pale green turtles are rising from the ground, and the ground shakes and shakes the side.

On the peaks other than the early teachings, several Western Buddhist leaders who swayed in the robes watched silently.

The robbery cloud rolled over and seemed to stir the world.

"The sky robbery is so terrible, can the early teaching really pass?"

An elders in the elders caressed their long beards and frowned and said: "If it is my Western religion, I am afraid that the face of such a huge catastrophe will not be able to resist the present, but the early teachings are still stable, and their heritage is better than us. I expected more speculation!"

The Antarctic teaches Taixue that the real person is very slow and nods. "This is indeed the case. However, after the teachings of the early days, the rain will definitely be more. There must be a batch of high-end elixir seeds in their hands, waiting for the rain. Plant it when you land..."

Too learned to be a real person is just saying this half of the words, a few elders have revealed a tacit smile on their faces.

"Our Western Preachers are going to be sent this time. The weakest time after the early sect of the sect of the princes is to launch an attack. Not only can we get a heavy treasure, but we can also get a batch of heavenly treasures!"

In the early days of teaching.

The catastrophe that fell this time is even more fierce. The fire of the skyfire has just emerged, so that everyone feels the heat, the hurricane and the wild dance, instantly flattened a mountain.

The mysterious tortoise method shines brightly, and the color of life is diffused from the early teachings, and there is no fear of welcoming the violent natural disasters.


The invisible sound waves came out, and the disciples of several immortal trees suddenly became unstable. They were stunned by this sound wave, and their mouths were fainting. The weakest one fell more directly to the ground.

After the mysterious turtles took the shot, the light on the huge array of faint faint moments, like a candle fire, was obviously hit hard, and there were several cracks and cracks.

The huge Thunder passed through the array and instantly turned into a thunderbird with a back wing. This bird is a few feet long, and the whole body is made up of thunder, with a layer of purple lightning on the surface, making a creaking sound, screaming and raging on the land of the early religion.

Subsequently, skyfire, hail, hurricane and so on fell.

The giants formed by the accumulation of flames screamed, and the blazing flames were everywhere; the ice dragons and dragons swayed and swayed, and the hurricane was invisible, and it was tangled into a wind blade with the size of the index finger. Shooting with endless sharpness, blood everywhere.

In the early days of teaching, it was like a real battlefield of Shura, shouting and killing the sound, screaming and screaming, killing and boiling, no fear.

This is not the first time that a natural disaster has been turned into a strange beast. Everyone has faded from the beginning of the panic, the weak have retreated, the strong have come forward, and they have been waiting for the blood to kill the enemy.

The giants of the celestial fire were raging in violent anger, and the two disciples were instantly burned to ashes.

"Fast! Go and call Qin Elder!"

Although the disciples on this mountain are anxious, they are not flustered. This kind of thing, anyone who has experienced so many times will get used to it.

In the case of the giants who are in the shape of the sky, even the four main halls have to retreat. In addition to the strongest of the immortality in the early teachings, Qin Haoxuan, who has the power of ice in the fairy trees, has a blow.

Qin Haoxuan didn’t need people to shout. When I felt the temperature of the hot weather here, I quickly rushed over. I haven’t stood still, and the meaning of the ice is scattered. Four ice dragons, all composed of ice, rushed. Go up and instantly destroy the two fire giants.

"Qin elders prestige!"

"Qin elders are doing well!"

After the fire giant was destroyed, Qin Haoxuan immediately took back the cold, otherwise these disciples would be frozen.

Qin Haoxuan waved his hand to these disciples, and his heart sighed slightly. The ice in his body was taken from the heavenly cold moon by the immortal king in ancient times, and he could contain all the flames in the world. But every time you face the fire giants, you must do everything in your power to get rid of them. These fires are really not to be underestimated.

This last day of robbery is really scary and scary!

Qin Haoxuan smashed his head and turned it into a lightning bolt. He rushed to another Nearly a month, the early teachings and another 10% of the disciples died, the blood almost reddish the entire ground.

The falling days of robbery are faster and more powerful, and the power is also greater, almost without landing.

Looking at it, I was taught at the beginning that everyone was covered in blood, the robe was broken, and the messy hair was all in the back. A few people were even scattered because the hair was burnt in half by fire. Their faces were very ugly. The miserable.

Despite his stupidity, all disciples’ eyes flashed with triumphant light, and they were determined to persevere. After a violent baptism, everyone was like a phoenix reborn in the fire, rooted in steel and creaking.

The high-spirited fighting spirit in the brutal battle is like a raging fire, which can burn the sky. Even in the face of death, there is no fear, they swear to coexist with the early education!

Qin Haoxuan looked at the robbery cloud on the top of his head. The robbery cloud was shaking gently like a peaceful sea. There was no trace of ripples and it looked pure and harmless.

Pure and harmless? How can it be pure and harmless? Take a look at the new loess in Yinglingshan, and count the number of people who are in the early days of teaching. Within a year, 40% of the disciples are strong.

This is just the last calm before the storm.

The eight hundred feet of Xianshu stood quietly behind Qin Haoxuan. He smiled bitterly. The time of the year was soaring, fearing that it would be a hundred years of hard work.

With some disciples who have been cultivated, they are squatting with this brief calmness, repairing wounds, accumulating spiritual power, and preparing for the final battle. The disciples of the younger generation are all repairing the ruined mysterious tortoise, and countless monkeys have also been repaired under the leadership of Xiaojin.

An elder looked at a large number of monkeys who were more skilled than those younger disciples, and sighed with relief: "Fortunately, there are a large number of monkeys of the Qin elders. Otherwise, it will be really difficult to recover after a long time."

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