Too Early

Chapter 852: Great revival after the early robbery

After the memorial was completed, Qin Haoxuan turned back and said to the crowd: "The early teachings are now in vain, and there are still many things that need to be busy. Let's go ahead."

Some of the disciples stayed here to build the cemetery. After this war, too many people died in the early days, and many disciples needed to be buried.

"Qin elders, Zhou Hufa and his son, can you enter Yingling Mountain?"

Upon hearing the question, Qin Haoxuan, who was about to go outside, stood up and nodded for a moment in silence. "He died for the loyalty of the early teaching, let them enter."


"What about Naluo brother?" Natural Hall had a disciple who suddenly went out and took out a letter and a letter from his arms.

Nowadays...the masters of these letters have already become a new grave on the Yingling Mountain.

Qin Haoxuan launched a letter:

Qin Laotang master pro:

Old Master, when you saw this letter, your disciples were afraid that they were gone.

Did not support this day robbery, disciples useless.

I don't know if the disciples have contributed to the beginning of the day, even if they have little power, a day of robbery... or a catastrophe?

I want to come, after the disciple's death, the disciple's family... will take care of it at the beginning, this does not require me to miss something.

I want to come, if it is a man-made disaster, the living younger brothers have already avenged the dead brothers...

Speaking of it, the disciple almost died with no regrets, but... when a person dies, he always thinks a little.

The disciple is a pity, Luo brother... not into the spirit.

If the disciple had made a credit in the catastrophe this time... The old master... You can see if I can convert my credit to the heart, can I connect Luo Shixiong to Yingling Mountain? I took him to apologize to those who were killed by him and asked for forgiveness.

To the cousin, I stabbed the big mountain tattoos in our chest at the beginning, and I will bring back the birthmarks. Seeing the birthmark, that is me! Bring me back to the beginning, don't let me fall outside...

Qin Laotang master kisses...

Owner... Should I die? After the birth, you have to pick me up into the nature hall! I imprinted our big mountain on my back! If you see a child born with a birthmark on the back of the mountain, don't doubt it! That must be me! Pick me up too soon!

Lord, go find the teacher and tell you about it... Let Luo brother enter Yingling Mountain. He is alone outside, we are afraid that he will be bullied by the evil spirits outside.

In the day of robbery, should I also make a little credit? Can I change my brother to enter Yingling Mountain? The mistakes he made during his lifetime, let the old master of the scorpion teach himself, okay?

Qin Laotang master kisses...

Qin Haoxuan looked at one letter after another, sobbing in the throat... This letter will reveal a face that was once alive... Each of them is pleading for Luo.

"I went to the palm to teach... I asked Ronaldinho to enter the beginning too..." Qin Haoxuan said to everyone.

In the natural hall, the small stone woke up and fainted, and immediately felt a pure spiritual method covering the entire early teaching. This kind of spiritual method is not too early, it seems like...

The small stone was awake at the time, and the bones rolled out to the outside, and it was shocked by the foreground of the eye. The babies wrapped in holy glory fell and overwhelmed.

"Is this Shi Huang this is a fairyland..."

The little stone muttered, and it happened that a huge white stone like a jade stone fell down.

The small stone "squeaked" and then slammed, and took a deep breath. A wonderful taste emanated from the jade white stone. The small stone returned to the gods and opened his mouth unceremoniously.

"Delicious! Delicious! This stone emperor has not eaten such a delicious stone for many years! Haha... This stone emperor made a big profit this time..."

Holding a stone and screaming, and from time to time, I sang a small stone, and laughed at the passing natural disciple.

At this time, I just dragged a bunch of babies into the house, and I was immediately discovered by the stone at the tip of my eye.


The little stone shouted such a sentence, and emptied like a frightened bunny.

After finishing the stone in his hand, the small stone eyeball turned, and immediately became a bandit, and then directly exposed the head from the center of the empty room.

The empty space that was hiding the baby suddenly felt bad, and had not had time to react. The results of his hard work for a long time were all robbed by the small stones.

"Haha, you are doing a good job, this stone emperor will accept it!"

I have to cry when I am empty!

Qin Haoxuan listened to the noisy voice in the empty room, shook his head and smiled. Several Lingshi containing pure aura fell from his head at this time. Qin Haoxuan then grabbed it and looked at the dazzling Lingshi in his hand. Just open the dragon scale sword and give these pieces of spiritual stone to the shadow corpse doll.

Lingshi just put it next to the shadow corpse doll, and it woke up, waving the fat arm and filling the Lingshi into his mouth.

It’s obviously very happy that the shadow dolls giggled happily while eating. When I finished eating, the shadow corpse doll was a meal, and then a golden **** was sent to Qin Haoxuan. Qin Haoxuan immediately accepted this god.

After eating these few crystal clear stone, the shadow corpse doll fell asleep with great satisfaction.

Qin Haoxuan put the sleeping little shadow back into the dragon scale sword, and carefully looked at the **** it gave, and found out that it was a complicated corpse, mainly how to convert the body into a zombie and control the zombies. method.

"This corpse is so mysterious. If I practice it, it will not be as natural as the shadow doll, but the power will not be too weak!"

Qin Haoxuan was happy in his heart, trying to absorb the corpse carried by the gods, and a few sinful breaths spread from him.

After practicing it, Qin Haoxuan has mastered this kind of exercises and understands that if you want to strengthen this work, you need to actually operate it.

"I am not in a hurry anyway. Let’s go see the disciples of Nature Hall."

Qin Haoxuan, who made up his mind, entered the hall of the Natural Hall. When Qin Haoxuan came back, Ma Dingshan led people to the front, his eyes were red, and he took the lead and squatted around Qin Haoxuan. "My brother, our natural hall and nature hall passed this catastrophe. Only three percent of the disciples are left, and Li Yue and Duan Nan’s disciples are all returning to the sky... The blood jacket team is less than 60%...”

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is mournful. Li Yue and Duan Nan are also following their own tombs of the Emperor’s Tomb. The disciples of the blood-coating team...the outstanding disciples are less than 60%...

"Know it..." Qin Haoxuan feels tired and has never been tired! When the day of the robbery...Where is the **** team where it is dangerous... When the man is in trouble... Where is the most tragic killing... Where does the blood-coating team go to support...

The essence of the beginning... The essence of the natural church... Losing 40% and more... The road to repairing the fairy... It’s too cruel...

At this time, a disciple suddenly broke through the fairyland, and the surging spiritual power spread out on him. The white soft light shrouded him, and a 40-foot fairy tree rose.

"Forty feet! Zheng Chen's younger brother is outbreaking!"

"God! Forty feet! When you enter the fairyland, you will be forty feet!"

In the distance, Qinghong Pity saw this scene, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, secretly saying: "Teaching it is too big to teach!"

Qin Haoxuan felt tired and finally had a solace. He also came to Zheng Chen with a smile. He nodded with a sigh of praise and gestured to consolidate his repair. Zheng Chen was moved in his heart and immediately immersed himself in training.

Qin Haoxuan looked at Zheng Chen, who was sitting cross-legged. He suddenly thought that he still had some things to do. He let Ma Dingshan lead the natural church and flew to the Huangdi Peak.

Looking at the rapid arrival of Qin Haoxuan, Huang Long, who is repairing the array, stopped and asked, "What happened?"

"Teaching, the disciples want to bring together all the disciples who are about to break through the fairyland in the early days." Qin Haoxuan arched. "The disciples here also have some Jiuyang springs. Although there are not many, but a few drops per person is enough. After this robbery, there are a lot of disciples who will be able to break through the existing disciples of Xian Miaojing. With the help of Jiuyang Springs, they can go further."

After Huang Long listened, the body was slightly shocked, and nodded with appreciation. He said, "I am very lucky to teach you!"

Qin Haoxuan sighed: "If there are a large number of people who can break through before the robbery, then the use of this spring will be even greater... I will give Xu Yu a blank bowl with Zhang."

Huang Long looked at Qin Haoxuan and laughed. He did not speak, but he thought in his heart that he could contribute unselfishly to the hard-to-find treasures in the world. Even if he looked at the entire realm of cultivation, there was not a few. This kid is really a lucky star given to us by the early days!

Soon, the disciples who were about to enter the fairyland in the early days of the church all gathered in the Huangdi Peak. Under the breakdown, even Huang Long had a big surprise, and there were hundreds of them!

"Haha! The blessings of my sect, blessing!" Huang Long couldn't help but laugh.

The elders and ancestors next to him are also smiling and smiling, and their faces are uncomfortable.

"The natural disasters and man-made disasters have caused our sects to suffer heavy losses. There are several disciples who are teaching their bodies. However, every disciple who stays is not a sturdy bone, and it will certainly lay a solid foundation for Taixing’s future Daxing!"

"Shi Bo is right, I am too early to teach!" Huang Long nodded.

The disciples who are about to enter the fairyland all sit on the awkward Huangdi Peak. Each person gets two drops of Jiuyang spring water. The fragrance of the spring water has a silky to pure avenue atmosphere. Everyone is careful and understanding. Practice.

Qin Haoxuan looked at this group of disciples as if I saw the future of the early education.

"Teaching... Luo Maoxun..." Qin Haoxuan bowed his head and said, "The disciple knows that this request is excessive..."

"Oh... don't say anything..." Huang Long sighed and said: "Let him enter the Yingling Mountain, hope that the scorpion has a spirit underground, teach him well, don't make mistakes again..."

"Thank you for teaching, the disciple has nothing else, and he goes back."

Huang Long nodded: "Hao Xuan, after going back, I will practice well. The future of Taichu is up to you!"


Ps: Two things, the first thing, the monthly ticket.

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