The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"How do you know where I am?"

Luo Qili felt something was wrong.

Even if Zhao Yi called from the future, why did he know where she was now?

"Because you will soon go out from here to see 'me'."

Zhao Yi's tone was very calm.

It was in sharp contrast to the heart-wrenching screams outside the alloy door.

Luo Qili was stunned.

"Didn't you tell me that if I don't want to die... I shouldn't go out?"

Zhao Yi on the phone replied:

"You will die if you walk out like this."

"The 'me' outside is not the same as the me you saw before."

"If you want to survive, turn up the volume of your phone to the maximum and put it on speaker."

"Let me talk to 'him'."

Luo Qili's heart trembled.

"Hurry up, we don't have much time..."

Zhao Yi on the phone urged her. Luo Qili was silent for a moment, gritted her teeth, and immediately turned the phone to speaker and turned up the volume to the maximum!

This Nokia is indeed outrageous, the volume has even made her ears tinnitus.

Then, she pressed the door opening button.

The alloy door opened.

The purgatory-like cruel scene in front of her was like a sharp sword piercing Luo Qili's eyes and piercing her soul!

The ground was full of broken limbs, and blood was spread out like ink.

A strong smell of blood made Luo Qili feel as if she was in a slaughterhouse!

Many people with broken limbs were not dead yet. They fell to the ground and wailed loudly!

It seemed that because of serious mental pollution, many people dug out their eyes with their own hands, and continued to dig their fingers into the inside of the eye sockets frantically. The flowing blood was even stained with a touch of white...

The man standing in the center... grabbed Bal's dead body with one hand, with a weird smile on his face, and looked at her quietly.

His body was covered with hideous black blood vessels, leaving terrible patterns on his skin that could not be seen directly.

Just by looking at it, Luo Qili could clearly feel that her san value began to drop!

The familiar Zhao Yi... has become strange and terrifying!

At the moment of being distracted at the door, Luo Qili suddenly came back to her senses.

However, the scene that made her ghost appeared!

Zhao Yi, who was two hundred meters away from him at the beginning... disappeared!

Where did he...


An indescribable sense of crisis enveloped Luo Qili's heart. She looked around in panic, trying to find the terrifying figure among the broken limbs.

No on the left!

No on the right!


Where is he?

At this time, a gloomy voice came from very close behind her:

"Are you looking for me?"

Luo Qili was shocked and her body stiffened.

Her blood seemed to coagulate, and her mind was blank.

Even though she had all kinds of psychological preparations before, she would never surrender easily in the face of crisis, but the voice behind her still made Luo Qili feel the fear from the depths of her soul!

It was like a newborn fawn facing a tiger.

Although its legs were intact, it could only fall to the ground and tremble, waiting for death when the tiger roared!

A pair of hands covered with black blood vessels slowly stroked her cheek.

Luo Qili felt as if she had fallen into a bottomless abyss...

Everything in front of her was moving away from her...

The world was getting darker and darker...

Just when the last trace of color in front of her eyes was about to disappear, the phone on the phone made a sound:

"My own people."

Instantly, Luo Qili's vision returned to normal.

She was covered in cold sweat!

A hand took the phone from her hand. Luo Qili didn't dare to look back and just stood there like a piece of wood.

After Zhao Yi took the phone, he canceled the hands-free mode. No one knew what was said on the other end of the phone.

After a long time, Luo Qili felt that the coldness from the abyss behind her disappeared.

"It's time to complete the logical loop."

Zhao Yi's warm voice sounded.

Luo Qili turned around and panted to Zhao Yi behind her:

"What happened to you just now?"

Zhao Yi didn't reply to her and dialed a number.

A hotel number.

On the first day, after he received a call from the future, he deliberately checked the bottom of the phone and memorized the phone number.

The ringtone sounded:

"La~ La La La~ La La La~"

"Pink fans are flying~"

"La~ La La La~

La la la~”

“I want to walk with you~”

“How fast is the heartbeat of love~”


What a strange phone ringtone!

It doesn’t match the heart-wrenching screams around me at all!


The phone was silent, and it looked like it hadn’t been connected yet.

Soon, there was a very unstable current interference from the other end.


As soon as Zhao saw the phone was connected, he said:

“Take your camera and go to Kara Lunatic Asylum. "

After saying that, Zhao Yi hung up the phone.

Then he handed the phone to Luo Qili. Not long after, Luo Qili also received a call from her future self, and told her when to call her first and second self to provide important information.

After Luo Qili also provided the correct information to herself in the hotel on the first day, she breathed a sigh of relief.

At least their first logical closed loop has been successfully established.

The second logical closed loop needs to be established on the fourth day.

The two of them need to call 'them' on the second day at a fixed time and place and provide the next correct information.

Looking at Zhao Yi who was fiddling with his camera, Luo Qili suddenly raised a thought-provoking question.

"Zhao Yi... Why did we on the fifth day explain all our itineraries for the fourth and fifth days? ”

“According to the previous rules, we on the sixth day should call us on the fourth day to tell us about the itinerary for the fifth day…”

This is something that is easily overlooked.

On the first day, they received a call from the third day, telling them where to go on the second day.

On the second day, they received a call from the fourth day, telling them where to go on the third day..

But on the third day, the fifth day called and told them what would happen in the next two days.

This seems to have disrupted the rules.

Zhao Yi thought for a moment and replied:

“Remember what I told you before, the system is likely to do something weird on the sixth and seventh days?”

Luo Qili thought for half a second, her eyes lit up.

At that time, Zhao Yi was banned for three minutes.

“I have a guess, but I’m not sure now…”

“When we entered the fourth day and I got the last part of this camera, the battery, I was able to confirm whether my guess was correct.”



Thanks for reading.

Write the next chapter right away!!

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