The ghost house was full of hatred, but the ghost house was full of hatred.

Only after entering the room of the chief steward, Zhao Yi could truly feel the malice of the ghost house towards outsiders.

Those countless strands of hair made up of resentment could kill a person with unstable spirit and weak mind in a moment!

Even Zhao Yi, who was not affected, let these resentments entangle the place above his neck, and he could hardly breathe!

Zhao Yi was not in a hurry, and directly shone the flashlight on his palm, photosynthesis started, and his body began to be self-sufficient.

After the resentment had been entangled with Zhao Yi for a long time without any results, it tried to drill into Zhao Yi's body, from the eyes, nose, mouth, ears... almost everywhere,

They rushed into Zhao Yi's spiritual world frantically, as if they wanted to devour Zhao Yi and assimilate him...

During the whole process, Zhao Yi seemed very relaxed and had almost no resistance.

He even enjoyed it a little.

Soon, the hair that had drilled into Zhao Yi's body seemed to have touched something extremely terrifying, and suddenly wanted to drill out of Zhao Yi's body!

They panicked and let out a creepy howl.

But it was useless.

There was some kind of gravity in Zhao Yi's body, constantly pulling them into the spiritual world...

After three or five minutes, these resentments disappeared.

Zhao Yi's face regained a little color.

He opened his mouth:


These resentments are really...


If it attacked physically, Zhao Yi might not be able to bear it.

His power is now sealed by the system. He just released his dark personality in the last game. The terrifying chaos has a great impact on his body.

But this resentment must target Zhao Yi's mental attack... Isn't this courting death?

"What a pity... I only replenished a little bit."

Zhao Yi curled his lips.

He was obviously not very satisfied with the opponent's attack.

The flashlight swept across the corners of the room.

It was very messy.

There were cold weapons and iron and stone tools for physical exercise everywhere.

Che Lin seemed to be a powerful warrior when he was alive.

The token Zhao Yi wanted to find was a plaque from Che Lin when he was alive.

The plaque was issued by the court and engraved with the words [Fire Cavalry Ten Thousand Man Captain].

It represents Che Lin's identity.

Only with this plaque can Zhao Yi go to the deputy house to find the second wife.

Fortunately, although the room was dusty, there were few furniture. In addition to a bed, there was only a nanmu table left, which was placed opposite the bed.

There were some papers scattered on the table, with some strange materials written on them:

"Mercury... rooster blood... bronze mirror..."

Zhao Yi fanned the dust and opened a cowhide book.

This was a memorandum from Che Lin.

[January 20th (1.20)]

[…A group of guests dressed strangely came to the palace. They brought valuable gifts to visit the master and talked about some strange things in detail, which seemed to be related to "eternal life"…Hey, it must be another scam in the world. These charlatans and sorcerers are cheating people everywhere with the gimmick of immortality…]

[I don’t know what happened to the master. He actually believed the words of these charlatans. Could it be that the master, who has been a soldier all his life, has begun to fear death…]

[January 21st (1.21)]

[The master asked me to find two twin female guards under his command and send them to the second wife as maids. It’s really strange…Not long ago, the first wife also specially selected two maids for the second wife…What are they doing? 】

[January 22nd (1.22)]

[The eldest lady is about to celebrate her 40th birthday, and the master is busy preparing a birthday gift. In the past few years, the eldest lady always complained about the master for not having children with her. Recently, she and the master had a big quarrel over this matter...]

[Behind the scenes, the eldest lady said that it was Su Mei, the vixen, who seduced the master's soul. She said that the vixen bought from the brothel had bad intentions and was afraid that the master's marrow would be squeezed dry by her in the future...]

[The master said that the gift he prepared would let the lady see his The sincerity of the master calmed the anger in the lady's heart...]

[January 23 (1.23)]

[The master looked a little strange this morning. He asked me to buy two large jars of glutinous rice and some glutinous rice to plant in his mansion... This is the first time. I remember that the master didn't seem to have the habit of eating glutinous rice before...]

[January 30 (1.30)]

[The master looked very pale. He gave me a sum of money and asked me to retire and return home. He also dismissed most of the servants in the mansion... I didn't leave. These days I always feel

It's not safe inside. ]

[I went to find the second wife, but she also advised me to leave, saying that something terrible was going to happen in the house... But I insisted on staying. ]

[I followed the master in the north and south battles for thirty years, and passed through the gates of hell many times, with scars all over my body, but I was never afraid? ]

[February 5th (2.5)]

[Alas! ]

[My poor master, who has been a soldier all his life, has never suffered a single sword wound, but ended up like this...]

[Forget it! I, Che Lin, followed the master in the north and south battles when I was thirteen years old. This year I am fifty-six years old. The master has treated me well. I don't care about this worthless life. I will go with the master...]

The notebook ends here.

The text in other places is seriously lost, and Zhao Yi can no longer get other information from it.

Found the token and took it with the notebook.

Push the door and go out.

A gust of cold wind blew from the deep corridor on the left...

Zhao Yi glanced over.

A strange black shadow ran towards him quickly!

The evil spirit rushed towards him!

It was extremely strong!

This ridiculously strong!

Zhao Yi remembered what the paper man nanny had said, and turned around and ran towards the central hall!


Suddenly, a pale hand stretched out from the next room and grabbed Zhao Yi's ankle!

Zhao Yi's body was unstable, but his other leg still stepped out very quickly. At the same time, the scalpel appeared in his palm and stabbed into the ghost hand fiercely!

A shrill scream came from the door, and the predator and chaos damage broke out at the same time. The ghost hand immediately loosened and retracted!

With such a delay, the ghost behind him had already run to the door of Che Lin's room!

It seemed to be very afraid of Che Lin's room.

But after finding that the strong resentment in Che Lin's house had disappeared, it was no longer afraid and swept towards Zhao Yi with a terrible gloomy wind!

Zhao Yi held a scalpel and ran all the way!

Any ghost hands and faces that appeared on the road were all crushed!

These little ghosts were not strong. Although Zhao Yi was severely weakened, the chaotic damage of the scalpel and the "predator" were really powerful!

Zhao Yi could still deal with the resentful ghosts on the road and in the next room. Once he was caught up by the ghost behind him, he would really die!

But fortunately, its movement speed was not very outrageous. Before Zhao Yi ran back to the hall, it never caught up.


The ghost stood at the entrance of the corridor, staring at Zhao Yi with a pair of scarlet eyes, making an unwilling sound.

Didn't catch up.

It looked at the paper butler holding the Guan Gong sword in the hall, and then looked at Zhao Yi, with endless resentment hidden in the darkness...

PS: First update

Thanks for reading.

Will write the next update right away.

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