After Yingxiong left, no ghosts competed with Zhao Yi for the cart.

He stuck his butt out and searched around in the scorching sun.

"Strange... I just threw it here..."

Zhao Yi touched his chin, and a curious light flashed in his eyes.

It doesn't make sense, a thumbtack... disappeared?

After a few glances, he locked his eyes on the pile of rust stains on the skin of his feet.

The blood had completely dried up under the scorching sun.

The thumbtack, which was originally smooth enough to reflect the sunlight, was now rusty.

It was completely mixed with the pile of rust stains, and the original shape of the thumbtack was also changed by the rust stains, completely twisted, and turned into a small pile of scrap iron.

"Ordinary rust will not change the shape of the original object."

"So the change in the shape of the thumbtack occurs during the rusting process."

"If rust can change the thumbtack, does it mean that it can also change other... things."

Thoughts quickly flashed through Zhao Yi's mind.

The sun in the sky was much smaller, and Zhao Yi took this opportunity to push the cart out to the lawn and began to collect rust grass.

The rust fragments were very sharp, and Zhao Yi did not grab them directly with his hands, but took out Liu Laohan's real estate certificate.

This thing is quite tough and rust cannot scratch it.

Filled a cart.

Turning around and pushing it towards the steel melting room, Zhao Yi quickened his pace.

The sun above his head was only cloudy for a while and then came out.

The feeling of being melted reappeared in his heart.

Zhao Yi jogged faster.

The shadow faded in the sun.

The emptiness in my heart became stronger and stronger!

There happened to be no shelter on this road.

However, Zhao Yi ran fast, and when he entered the steel melting room, the shadow of his body could still be barely seen.

It was just fainter.

But Zhang Ming behind him was not so lucky.

Although its speed was not slow, because it did not accurately control the distance calculation, and did not abandon its cart in time to recover in the shade, its shadow was completely melted under the scorching sun and disappeared...

Zhang Ming was sweating all over. It pushed the cart and came to the lawn, and did not go to the wall to avoid the light first.

It had already discovered that its shadow was gone.

The feeling of emptiness engulfed it.

But it seemed that apart from this strong feeling of emptiness, there were no other adverse reactions.

So... this rule seems to be violated...

It doesn't matter?

Zhang Ming resisted the emptiness in his heart and kept loading rust grass on his cart.

It wanted to finish its task earlier so that it would not affect its evaluation as an excellent employee.

Just now on the road, it saw Zhao Yi running wildly with a cart of rust grass, which really made it anxious!

Too much enthusiasm!

A human being is so enthusiastic, as a ghost, what reason does it have not to work hard?


A ghost who was responsible for weeding in the distance stared at it.

The ghost seemed to have seen something strange, patted the shoulder of the colleague next to him, pointed at Zhang Ming, and whispered.

Gradually, more and more ghosts looked at Zhang Ming.

Zhang Ming, who was the focus of attention, realized that something was wrong at this time. He looked up and looked at the ghosts pointing at him in the distance.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Why are you looking at me?"

Zhang Ming didn't understand.

But no one answered him.

The eyes of those ghosts looking at it were filled with deep fear.

Zhang Ming realized that something was wrong, looked down at his body, and his face changed drastically!

Its body... was actually melting!

Flesh, bones...

Melting like mud!

Panicked, Zhang Ming finally remembered to look for a shadow that the sun couldn't reach, and ran towards the other side of the wall in the distance!

However, he fell to the ground after running two steps!

His legs had already rotted into a pile of mud... What's more terrifying is that rust spots were growing on those wounds at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Zhang Ming was terrified and kept crawling, leaving a long bloodstain under the scorching sun.

Finally, he crawled to the shadow on the edge of the wall.

But the sun in the sky also gathered in the thick clouds at this moment.

The surroundings suddenly became cool.


Zhang Ming's eyeballs fell out of his rotten eye sockets.

He rolled on the ground for a few times, his pupils facing the sky.

The unwilling color inside slowly faded, turning into a deadly void.

It died.

The rust stains spread and soon multiplied wildly on its body.

During this process, Zhang Ming's body curled up, twisted, and folded into strange shapes.

Just like the thumbtacks Zhao Yi saw earlier.

It was like a corpse.

The huge lawn was terribly quiet.

All the ghosts stared at Zhang Ming's body, wondering what they were thinking.



"I killed your horse!"


In the steel melting room, there were sharp shouts and curses.

There were also ping-pong sounds from time to time.

Zhao Yi pushed the cart in.

The employee who was responsible for handling these rusty items before had a stronger aura of tyranny.

Its eyes were red, and it was hoarse. It threw the rusty items hard on the conveyor belt and cursed the person who had stuffed the thumbtacks into it before.

The thick gloves were bulging even more.

And the color of its clothes was getting lighter and lighter.

It felt like old clothes that had been washed for decades, faded badly, and the blue turned into light blue.

Zhao glanced at the wooden cabinet in the distance, and there were no thumbtacks on the table.

He silently poured the rust grass on the conveyor belt.

He looked at the employee's hand carefully again.

His hand trembled more violently, just like a Parkinson's patient.

Generally speaking, apart from illness, there are only two situations that will make the limbs shake so strongly.

1. Emotions cause hormone changes.

2. The weight of the hand is close to the limit of its control.

"Its hand is so heavy, is it rusty..."

"He cursed the employee who brought the thumbtacks before, and I think those thumbtacks pierced its hand, causing it to be infected. At this moment, its hand is probably stuck to the gloves and rust, so it is so bulging..."

"But even if it is rusty, it will definitely not be so heavy that a ghost cannot control it..."

The mind flashed.

Zhao Yi immediately remembered that Ying Xiong's feet had rusted not long ago, and he exclaimed that his feet had lost consciousness...

"That's right..."

"Rust will deprive living things of their consciousness during its growth process."

"And it will continue to spread."

"Instead of killing immediately..."

Zhao Yi raised his eyebrows.


If so, as long as he cuts it off quickly enough, does it mean that he can stop the spread?

But in this way, new wounds will still grow rust stains.

Unless... use medicine.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yi licked his lips.

He pushed his cart away from here and went back to the lawn to continue loading rust grass.

The scolding behind him became more and more intense, and the voice became fainter and fainter.


On the lawn.

Chen Fei brought Ying Xiong, whose leg was cut off, back here.

"I'm sorry to tell you... Once the wound rusts, it can't regenerate."

"In addition, I will go to Zhao Yi to ask about the cart problem later."

"There is a cart here now. Zhang Ming died because he didn't follow the rules. You can use his cart!"

Ying Xiong showed a flattering smile, nodded and bowed, and began to limp and pretend to be rusty.

Zhao Yi came from a distance pushing the cart. Chen Fei glanced at Zhao Yi and said to Zhao Yi:

"Zhao Yi, come with me!"

Almost all the other ghosts had a smile of taking advantage of the situation.

Especially Ying Xiong and Guhuogui.

This damn human also wants to compete with them for the position of excellent employees?

Is he worthy?

After Zhao Yi left, Guhuogui locked his eyes on the yellow-hatted ghost in the distance, with a cold look.

Actually speaking for a human... The next one to die is you!


PS: 6000 words start today.

Grocery shopping, cooking, writing.

I won’t poop today, I’ll hold it in.

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