After Chen Fei left, Zhao Yi remained in the steel melting room.

He came to the huge head and observed the bottomless hole below the neck.

There was no end in sight.

I don't know how deep it is.

If he jumped in directly, no matter if there was anything scary guarding below, this height would kill Zhao Yi.

He is not a ghost, but a human.

For general physical damage, ghosts are not as resistant as them!

If you can't jump down directly, there are only two ways.

The first is to use a rope.

The second is to slide down through the throat of the giant rotten head.

Both have certain risks.

Zhao Yi turned around and came to the wooden cabinet in the corner of the room.

He picked up a large piece of gravel on the ground and threw it towards the black hole under the head.

One second, two seconds...

Ten seconds passed.


A strange sound was heard, followed by the sound of countless gravels falling to the ground.

There was still a slight echo. Zhao Yi carefully distinguished the sound and confirmed that the gravel he had just thrown down was smashed by something before it landed.

"It seems that I can't go down from the side."

Zhao Yi touched his stubble, took some more stones and threw them into the mouth of the giant head.


The head bit the stone to pieces, and at the moment it raised its mouth, Zhao Yi directly took out the "Defeater" that Yang Linlin gave him and threw it into the throat of the giant head.

The two rotten eyeballs of the giant head suddenly glared, and then had to swallow the foreign object stuck in its throat.

These items are bound to Zhao Yi. As long as Zhao Yi does not give them to other players or NPCs and Zhao Yi is alive, Zhao Yi can put them into the inventory at any time.

Of course, the distance cannot be too far.

The defeater went down along the broad and soft throat of the giant head.

Because there was no sound, Zhao Yi did not know whether the gun had reached the bottom or whether there was any danger in the middle that would damage the shotgun.

So he could only try it little by little.

At first it was 10 seconds.

Then he took back the shotgun and threw stones into the mouth of the giant head again.


The head opened its mouth and Zhao Yi threw the gun.

The head was choked and stared.

Opened its mouth and threw the gun.


Mouth, gun.


Just like that, after repeating it for about dozens of times, Zhao Yi finally heard a slight sound coming from the bottom of the cave.

After a few seconds, Zhao Yi took back the gun.

The durability of the gun did not decrease at all.

This meant that the gun was not damaged in any way.

Zhao Yi's eyes lit up slightly.

As long as he could safely enter the throat of the giant head and go down along its neck, he should be able to reach the bottom.

However, it was still unknown whether there was any unknown horror below, so Zhao Yi did not rush in.

Suddenly, a faint murderous aura locked onto Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi frowned and glanced around.

Finally, he locked his eyes on the giant head in front of him.

It was staring at Zhao Yi with its lantern-like eyes!

There was murderous aura in its eyes!

It might not be a human.

But the man in front of it... was a real dog!

If it could speak, it really wanted to ask...

Are you okay?

Zhao Yi gave it a simple smile, turned around and pushed his cart out of the room.

Behind him, there was a terrifying sound of grinding teeth...

Back to the lawn, Zhao Yi continued to work.

After the death of the old ghost, the other ghosts were no longer as hostile to Zhao Yi as before.

They had gradually realized that this man was not as weak as he looked.

Especially after the rusty corpse chased Zhao Yi away, Zhao Yi still pushed the cart back to continue working as if nothing had happened, which made them feel that this human in front of them was unfathomable...

Damn, I was wrong!

He is a master!

The lame Ying Xiong did not dare to provoke Zhao Yi any more, and buried his head in his work.

The afternoon work was over, and in the evening, Chen Fei came to make a summary.

"Today... your performance was generally good."

"Although there were some accidents... two workers unfortunately left us forever."

"But I hope you remember that this factory is very dangerous, and you may lose your life if you are not careful!"

"Rules... try not to break them!"

"Especially the rules with exclamation marks!"

"In addition... since Zhao Yi was melting steel today,

The fourth rule was violated indoors, and he should have been expelled from the steel mill. However, because Zhao Yi had killed the gray-clothed 'rusty corpse' alone, the above considerations made it decided to reduce the punishment. "

"Tonight, employee Zhao Yi cannot eat, and he must keep watch."


The ghosts left slowly in groups of two or three.

When they left, many ghosts secretly glanced at Zhao Yi, with expressions of deep fear!

One person killed the gray-clothed rusty corpse.

This kind of combat power... is definitely not something they can challenge!

These ghosts finally understood that the rules did not protect Zhao Yi...

but them!

If it weren't for the rules, the old and confused ghost would have no chance to provoke Zhao Yi a second time!

After they all left, Chen Fei came to Zhao Yi and exhaled:

"Brother, you almost died today. ”

“Fortunately, the factory is short of manpower recently, and I have some connections in the factory…”

Zhao Yi patted Chen Fei on the shoulder and praised:

“Agent Chen Fei, you did a great job.”

“I will report this to the organization later.”

Chen Fei’s eyes lit up:


“Thank you, Brother Zhao!”

“We are both agents of Jiejiao, and we should help each other!”

Then, Chen Fei glanced around again, took Zhao Yi to a hidden jungle somewhere on the lawn, and whispered:

“Brother, you guessed right… There is indeed a problem with the Human Resources Department.”

Zhao Yi raised his eyebrows:

“What do you mean? "

Chen Fei:

"I know a recorder in the human resources department. I have helped him with some small things before. He brought me a list today..."

Chen Fei said, and took out a list from his arms and put it in front of Zhao Yi.

It records the personnel situation of the factory in the past few years.

Every month, 30-100 employees will become gray-clothed personnel and die.

They may be blue-clothed employees or red-clothed employees.

Zhao Yi quickly and carefully compared the list, and suddenly a light flashed in front of his eyes.

"Chen Fei, do you know the name of the rusty corpse I killed today?"

Chen Fei thought for a while.

"It seems to be... Shen Jin."

Zhao Yi quickly flipped through the list.

Soon, he found Shen Jin's name at this time last year.

"Sure enough..."

Zhao Yi muttered to himself.

Seeing his appearance, Chen Fei immediately asked:

"Brother, what's wrong? "

Zhao Yi handed the list to Chen Fei and said:

"The man in black clothes not only did not leave the factory... but also never stopped killing!"

"The employees on the list... seem to have turned into rusty corpses due to various accidents and were disposed of..."

"But in fact, if you are a little more careful, you will find something very scary..."

Chen Fei swallowed his saliva.

"What is it?"

Zhao Yi turned his head slowly, and the words in his mouth made Chen Fei cold all over.

"No employee on the list in recent years... has survived for more than a year!"

Zhao Yi's ears were filled with the words that the rusty corpse in the steel melting room had been muttering.

Someone put a sharp and non-rusty thumbtack in a sack and handed it to it...

"In this factory, there is no accidental death of any employee..."

"The death of all employees... is a carefully planned murder!"


PS: I will write the next chapter right away, and brothers who are sleepy can go to sleep first!

Thanks for reading!

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