The old tree was covered with crows.

The dead tree was still as strange as when it came, with its teeth and claws bared and its shape strange.

But there was no smell of rust in the air.

The thick fog also disappeared.

The car drove slowly on the road, neither fast nor slow.

The warehouse ghost controlled the steering wheel with one hand and handed Zhao Yi a tattered document with the other hand.

"It was found in a hidden darkroom somewhere under the steel plant."

Zhao Yi picked up the document and flipped through it. In addition to many symbols that he could not understand at all, he also found some thought-provoking personal notes recorded at the end of the document...

[Does the legendary Son of God really exist? ]

[Can it really bring hope to the world...]

[At this point in the experiment, everyone's enthusiasm has not diminished but increased, becoming more and more fanatical, more and more crazy...]

[A sober person like me seems to be an alien among them! ]

[And I don't know why, recently my colleagues seem to look at me in a strange way, it's creepy...]

[Hope... I'm just overthinking it! ]

[Seven years ago, the church gave us the design drawings and assigned us the last task. ]

[Since then, we have not received any information about the church, nor have we received any new instructions...]

[It seems... we have been abandoned. ]


"Son of God... Church..."

Zhao Yi's eyes were dim, and he pieced together the information he had found before in his mind.

"Is it the Skull Church?"

"Could it be that all their previous experiments were for this 'Son of God'?"

Zhao Yi didn't know what the Son of God was.

But it feels weird...

As we all know,

Satan can't show himself in a church, and God will never crawl out of a grave.

A thing summoned from such a cruel and crazy's impossible to be a warm man bathed in light.

What an interesting clue.

After closing the book, Zhao Yi threw it into his inventory.

The warehouse ghost turned off the RAP playing in the car, and looked at Zhao Yi in the rearview mirror with a little unnatural eyes.

"By the way...I heard you say last time that you were going to Zili Village?"

Zhao Yi raised his head slightly:

"Yeah, that's right."

"A friend's daughter is there, and it can't get away, so I have to help find her."

The warehouse ghost was silent for a while, rolled down the car window, and lit a cigarette.

"Can you do me a favor?"

Zhao Yi's heart moved.

The mission is here.

"You say."

The warehouse ghost took a deep breath and said slowly:

"There is a very important statue in my chest that was left in Zili Village. If you are going there, can you help me find it?"

The night wind blew in from the car window, and it was a bit cold.

Zhao Yi was quite curious:

"Have you been to Zili Village before?"

The spark held by the warehouse ghost's fingertips was shaky in the darkness.

It took a deep puff of cigarette, and in the smoke, it seemed to see some memories of the past.

There was a lingering fear.

"...At that time, I had not been unsealed yet, and my consciousness was rather vague. At that time, the station in Moye Village was still under construction. Some people transported me to Moye Village. Since there was no railway, they could only take a small path through the village..."

"When passing through Zili Village, something strange happened..."

"The group of people escorting me suffered heavy casualties and paid an extremely painful price to escape from Zili Village!"

"That village... is too weird."

"There was a special statue in the box on my chest before. When I escaped from the weirdness, I accidentally lost it in the village."

The warehouse ghost said, his eyes fell into a trance.

The smoke had burned to his fingers, but he didn't seem to notice it.

Zhao Yi heard it and asked:

"What does the statue look like?"

The warehouse ghost recalled carefully, and there was piety on his face.

"...Its body is extremely strong and muscular, with an indescribable sense of power. It is covered with beautiful tattoos like totems. Because no one has ever seen its face clearly, it has no facial features. The most iconic thing is..."

"It is the statue... It has eight magic arms!

Listening to the warehouse ghost's narration, Zhao Yi had a strange expression on his face.


This description always feels familiar!

After thinking for half a second, Zhao Yi suddenly realized.

Isn't this me?

The dark personality was reborn in the battle with Blitzcrank, breaking through the previous

shackles, and eight arms grew out!

Damn... Which bastard actually carved himself into a statue?

He carved it, but he didn't even give it a face!

Damn it, a handsome guy like me has no other advantages except being handsome, and this stupid sculptor actually missed his biggest advantage?

Zhao Yi, who was conceited, had already blocked this damn sculptor in his heart.

"I have to find a way to find this sculptor... hang him up and beat him up!"

Zhao Yi thought seriously in his heart.

However, he did not tell the warehouse ghost, but just agreed that he would try his best to help it find the statue.

And Zhao Yi knew in his heart that the statue might not be carved of him, after all, its darkest personality had just evolved eight arms.

This means that if the statue is not related to his lost memory, it means that there is another being with eight arms in this world!

The warehouse ghost was extremely grateful and took Zhao Yi back to Guxuan Town.

Zhao Yi did not go back to the guild's base to rest and sort out the spoils, but went to the airport first.

The workers were still drinking beer.

When they saw Zhao Yi, their faces became more serious.

"I have already dealt with the steel mill, and your apprentice is still alive."

Zhao Yi sat on a pile of bricks opposite the old foreman.

The latter put down the beer bottle, stood up and said to Zhao Yi:

"Thank you very much for your help."

"Although my apprentice is simple and foolish, he is kind and simple. I hope he can inherit my legacy in this life..."

"As for the airport, we can start work tomorrow. We will work day and night, and it shouldn't take long."

"It will take three to five days at the shortest, or a month at the longest."

[Because you rescued Xiao Ling, the apprentice of the old foreman Ma Luo, Ma Luo's favorability towards you has increased to 'like']

Zhao Yi was not surprised when the system's message came.

He asked Chen Fei to help watch Xiao Ling deliberately in order to get Ma Luo's favorability.

"Okay, work hard."

"Oh, by the way... I remember there should be a captain and a plane here, right?"

Zhao Yi asked casually. The world mission clearly stated that there was a plane here.

But he came twice and didn't see it.

Marlowe gulped down two sips of beer and burped:

"Captain Wang Xuezhong probably went to the 'Wild Bar' to drink again..."

"It's always like this."

"It used to come back for a week or two."

"But in the past two months, I don't think I've seen it... I don't know where this guy went to fool around..."

�� �/�

PS: Thank you for the two great gifts from Shumou.

Once again, don't spend money to send gifts, just send some free ones.

The author is usually very busy and basically doesn't look at the gift list, so I can't thank him in time!

Thank you to everyone who has always supported Ye Lai Feng, thank you for your company!

I will write 5000 words today, take a rest for a night, and fight again tomorrow. I will open the dungeon of Zili Village. I will get up tomorrow morning to write a detailed outline!

Good night!!!

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