The first time I saw a man was a big shot, but I didn't see him.

Bullet screen:

: Damn! My goddess almost died!

: Puff, Yang Linlin peed again. Last time, she seemed to be scared to peed by a ghost face that suddenly appeared in a death factory, right?

: As expected of the man who is the first on the list, Zhao Yi's reaction is really fast. Damn, if it were me, I would have run away without looking back, but he was still thinking about saving people!

: This flying knife is fierce enough! It's just that the aim is a little off. If it was a little off and hit Yang Linlin's forehead, Zhao Yi would probably be punished!

: Injuring teammates will also be punished, but Zhao Yi's saving this time should give him a lot of scoring references!

Just when everyone in the barrage was amazed at Zhao Yi's reaction, Zhao Yi made another decision that shocked everyone!

After helping Yang Linlin stop the bleeding, Zhao Yi decided to enter the teaching building again!

"Are you crazy?"

"Dare to go in?"

"What if it ambushes you, then you will be caught in a trap?"

Yang Linlin looked at Zhao Yi with a look of mental retardation, her tone anxious.

Zhao Yi glanced at the darkness in the teaching building and replied with interest:


"The ghosts in this school are not free to move. They are just like us, following certain rules."

"Just like the ghost chasing us is the invigilator, so I guess it won't follow us out of the teaching building, otherwise it will violate its own rules and will be punished horribly that we can't imagine!"

Yang Linlin lowered her head when she heard this, and only then did she feel a coolness in her crotch.

Damn, I peed again!

How embarrassing!

She blushed and gritted her teeth to change the subject.

"Is there any important information in that building?"

"It's worth your risk?"

Zhao Yi replied:

"I need a roster. The one in the invigilator's hand is too dangerous. Let's not consider it for now, but generally teachers will not keep only one roster, so there should be one or two spare rosters in her office."

After that, he stood up to go in, but Yang Linlin behind him said:

"Can you take me with you?"

Zhao Yi was surprised and looked back at her.

"Are you sure?"

Yang Linlin took a deep breath.


"I won't cause you any trouble. If you really encounter danger, just run away and don't worry about me."

"If you do nothing, even if you pass the level, your score and points will be very low."

"I'll follow you, just in case I can help you someday?"

Zhao Yi raised his eyebrows.


The two entered the teaching building again. This time, they had experience and avoided the corridor with the toilet and went directly to the teacher's office on the fourth floor from the other side of the stairs.

"By the way, Zhao Yi... why did you go to the third floor to see our class just now?"

"To verify a guess of mine."

"What guess?"

"The shadows in the classroom... are the students who died during the day."

Zhao Yi stood on the fourth floor and found their head teacher's office. The sticker on the door had simple information and portraits of internal teachers.

The old man with a kitchen knife on his head was obviously among them.

But the old man in the photo was very kind.

Push the door open carefully.

There was no shadow in the room, it was very safe.

The two tiptoed in and locked the door carefully.

Zhao Yi explained while looking through the roster.

"During the day, there were eight classes on the first floor, with a total of 472 seats and 121 students, distributed in completely messy seats. I wrote down their positions and general postures."

"And the positions where the black shadows sat in the classroom on the first floor just now happened to be the empty seats in the classroom during the day!"

"If one class is like this, it may be just an accident, but if eight classes in a row are like this... I think it is enough to become a rule."

"But I am still worried... I am always very cautious in doing things, so I went to the third floor again, where I saw the fat guy in the row in front of my seat - he was killed by the invigilator during the day, and the black shadow appeared in his position."

"So, now we can get a most basic conclusion - these black shadows are the students who were killed during the day."

Zhao Yi told his inference, and Yang Linlin was stunned!

"You just said... you wrote down the positions of all 472 seats and 121 students in the eight classrooms on the first floor?"


"But... but you just

Just a glance? ! "

Zhao Yi raised his head and asked in confusion:

"Not enough?"

Yang Linlin choked.

At this moment, she no longer doubted Zhao Yi's intelligence, but doubted her own intelligence...

We are all human beings, why is there such a big gap?

She began to doubt her life.

"But what's the use of knowing this?"

Zhao Yi continued to explain:

"Very useful."

"Based on such a rule, we can make a deduction about the rule - people in the daytime are in a 'live' state, and shadows at night are in a 'dead' state. Living people and dead people cannot sit in the same seat, otherwise it will be considered a 'violation of the rules' and will be executed."

Yang Linlin felt that her brain was not turning around.

"Didn't those shadows die once?"

"Can they die again? "

Zhao Yi found a roster and a letter from the cabinet.

He threw the letter aside and opened the roster. Not only were there the names of all the students in the class, but also the seats they should be in.

Zhao Yi recalled the calendar under the alarm clock during the day, and immediately flipped through the roster to match it one by one.

September 14.


Zhao Yi pointed his finger at the seat in front of his name.

There was no name there.

This meant that no one should sit in that seat.

But the little fat man sat in front of Zhao Yi. In fact... he also realized that he sat in the wrong seat, but he didn't know which seat was the right one!

So, he was afraid!

He knew that he would die if he sat in the wrong seat!

After learning that their life and death were related to the position of their seats, Yang Linlin suddenly became excited!

"Then let's take this roster away directly. Won't we know where we should sit in the next few days?"

"Passed the customs!"

Zhao Yi said calmly:

"No, it's not that easy. "

He flipped through the roster and turned six pages after the 14th.

They had to survive in school for a total of 7 days, so theoretically if the daytime was continuous, then when they left the dungeon, it should end on September 20th.

But the roster in Zhao Yi's hand only had seating arrangements up to the 19th.

The rest was blank.

"Huh - why is there no seating arrangement after the 19th?"

Yang Linlin tilted her head, her eyes full of confusion.

Zhao Yi's eyes were dim, and the words he said made Yang Linlin's hair stand on end!

"Because on the 20th, all of us...will die!"


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