After entering Zili Village, Zhao Yi did not receive any task prompts from the system. This means that Zili Village does not belong to the big world copy. If it does not belong to the copy, the players who enter will not be protected by the system rules. This is definitely not good news. "Strange... Why is there no one in the village?" Everyone carefully explored and walked along the wide cement road out of the village. Next to it was a ditch, which was full of dead bodies of rats, cats and dogs. The stench was overwhelming. They blocked the outlet of the ditch, causing the water flow in the ditch to slow down and almost stop. The dark green water, I don't know how many deadly germs are living in it. And some houses lined up on both sides were filled with dead silence and emptiness. "It seems that there is no one in the village..."

Ke Aiqing raised her eyebrows.

"It shouldn't be..."

"Not long ago, a big man passed by the village and saw many people gathering in Zili Village..."

Li Xiong's burly body looked a little silly, but his eyes were shining.

"...Maybe they left temporarily because of something. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us!"

"We must seize the opportunity and quickly complete the task and leave here."

Although he didn't know what the curse on them was, Li Xiong felt uneasy as soon as he approached this place.

He awakened the primary beast will and always had a keen sense of danger!

Leng Haojie had already left first. He didn't want to form a team, but because he didn't know the way to Zili Village, he needed someone to lead the way.

Everyone looked at each other with subtle eyes.

Zhou Junqiang looked at Zhao Yi's profile, hesitating for a long time, and finally left with Fang Xiaoyi.

After he left, Zhao Yi raised his head and looked at the two people's backs with a curious look.

Zhou Junqiang restrained his murderous aura very well.

But Zhao Yi still noticed it.

The two did not know each other at all.

So there was no grudge.

Therefore, Zhou Junqiang wanted to kill him, it must be related to interests.

Could it be Xiang Babang?

Zhao Yi did not forget this name.

This guy is still thief.

Well... I have to find a chance to kill him.

Only Zhao Yi and Fang Bai were left here, and the latter suddenly came close and said:

"Brother Zhao, be careful... I always feel that Zhou Junqiang's eyes are not right when he looks at you."

He is not as naive as he appears on the surface, and his ability to observe words and expressions is quite online.

Zhao Yi showed a meaningful smile without comment.

"Xiaobai... Be careful of the living people in the village."

After saying this, Zhao Yi left.

Fang Bai stood there alone, thinking seriously about the message Zhao Yi left for him.

Zhao Yi randomly found a relatively wealthy building and tried to push the door.

He couldn't push it.

It was locked.

But it wasn't a big problem.

Zhao Yi reached out his hand and put it into his pants to dig a little.

Ding ding ding!

He took out the K-49 that was already eager to try, and under the urging and expectation of the other party, he suddenly inserted it into the keyhole of the door!


As the K-49 went in and out seven times, the iron lock finally couldn't bear the humiliation and gave up struggling.

The door opened.

Zhao Yi swaggered into the room.

He glanced around.

There was no danger.

He searched briefly.

There were no useful items.

So he went up the cement ladder to the second floor.

Another locked door.

Zhao Yi took out the key that hadn't recovered yet and stabbed it in.

A burst of output like a storm.

The lock opened.

K-49 was shaking violently, and no longer asked Zhao Yi to use it to poke the keyhole.

Zhao Yi put away the key and went to the second floor.

The room was not big, but it was very strange.

There were no daily necessities in it, no bed, cabinets, desks, etc.

There was only a full set of hideous torture instruments.

Zhao Yi reached out and fiddled with the iron hook hanging from the ceiling.

Clang --

It shook and made a not very comfortable sound.

There were some blood stains and minced meat on the iron hook.

Zhao Yi took it down and smelled it.

Human flesh.

It has not rotted yet.

In addition to the smell of blood, there is also a faint smell of cosmetics.

Zhao Yi used to come into contact with human corpses because of some personal hobbies, so he could easily identify the smell of human flesh.

"There are so many torture instruments at home, and they have been used to torture people..."

"There are very few outsiders entering Zili Village,

The one being tortured by the instruments... could it be that he is one of this family's own? "

Zhao Yi was very curious.

What kind of perverts are these people?

They tortured their own family members?

Or do they have other intentions?

Leave the second floor and enter the third floor.

This is a very exquisitely built shrine.

There are a few incense sticks in the center of the main hall, and it is full of offerings.

Fruits, meats, cakes.

The aroma is fragrant.

It is obviously just the simplest food, but it can emit a fragrance that penetrates deep into the bone marrow, making people salivate!

And on the altar of the shrine, where the statue should have been placed, there are four strange pillars.

Two long and two short.

The long is thick and the short is thin.

The thick pillar is wrapped with some unknown mechanism, which also looks like a torture instrument.

All are made of copper.

And the two thin pillars, Zhao Yi always feels that he has seen them somewhere.

Think about it seriously.

The light bulb appears!

"Ahaha... Isn't this the pair of black arms that are cutting us? "

Zhao Yi quickly opened his evil pupils to verify his guess.

He looked at the ghost arm behind him that was cutting his body with sharp nails.

There was a metallic luster on the arm.

The carved patterns were exactly the same as the two thin pillars on the altar!

And after such a short while, the ghost arm changed from cutting his head to cutting his neck.

"It moved down..."

"Has the head been cut off?"

"Next is the neck, body, legs and feet..."

"When it is completely cut...what will happen to me?"

Zhao Yi suddenly got a little excited.

"If this is a curse, then at this stage, the curse should still be created and lurking!"

"When the ghost arm finishes cutting, it is likely that the curse will erupt!"

"By that time, if we are still in the village, perhaps the wounds left on us by the ghost arm before...will be directly materialized! ”

“Well, it’s cut so finely, all of us will probably turn into shredded meat directly…”


While Zhao Yi was thinking, a long bell sound suddenly came from the distant mountains.

As this magnificent bell sound passed through the village, Zhao Yi’s body suddenly shook, and his head felt a little swollen.

The scene in front of him also changed.

“Mental attack…”

Zhao Yi recovered quickly.

The telekinesis contained in this bell sound is very terrible. If an ordinary person hears this bell sound, he will collapse directly or even die…

Because Zhao Yi devoured Blitz’s spiritual power, his mental power has reached a new level. Even so, he felt uncomfortable and a little nauseous.

And his six players were not as lucky as him.

Fang Bai, who was about to go up the mountain, was bleeding from all seven orifices under the sound of the bell, fainted, and rolled to the side. In the thick bushes...

And the other players were seeing stars and bleeding from their ears and noses.

Weaker players like Fang Xiaoyi lay on the ground and vomited. The bloodshot in her eyes almost burst!

Zhou Junqiang looked ugly. They were in a family's yard at the moment. Fang Xiaoyi vomited directly in the yard. Even if a blind man came back now, he would know that there was a stranger in the house.

Earlier, he deliberately pretended to be obsessed with beauty and let Fang Xiaoyi hook him because he felt that Zili Village was too dangerous and he needed a scapegoat.

But now, Zhou Junqiang has begun to suspect that before he uses this stupid woman to shield himself, she might kill him first!

He clenched his fists tightly.

His eyes were already murderous.

"Brother Qiang!"

"Brother Qiang, where are you?"

"I... I can't see! "

Fang Xiaoyi screamed in fear, waving her claws and clawing everywhere.

Zhou Junqiang was silent for a moment, but still stepped forward to support her.

"Keep your voice down, I'm here."

Grabbing Zhou Junqiang's hand, Fang Xiaoyi seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, and kept moving towards Zhou Junqiang, who turned his face away with disgust.

There was a disgusting taste in her mouth.

"Okay, shut up, give me your mouth... Fuck!"

"Fuck you...!"

Zhou Junqiang stretched out his hand and was about to pinch Fang Xiaoyi's smelly mouth, but he didn't expect her to breathe out another flaming breath, spraying Zhou Junqiang all over...

"Brother Qiang... I'm sorry, I can't help it... Ugh! ”

“I was wrong… Yue…”

“Brother Qiang, I… Ugh…”

A fatal three-hit combo full of flavor!

If Zhou Junqiang still had a little patience with Fang Xiaoyi just now, then now, there is only one thing left in his mind——

Where is my knife?

In his hand,

A 40DM sawtooth machete appeared!

On his face, there was no more mercy!

He was full of ferocity and murderous intent!

You bitch, die for me!!!

Just when he was about to swing the butcher knife down, Zhou Junqiang suddenly stopped.

His eyes passed through Fang Xiaoyi's hair and looked at the entrance to the mountain in the distance.


Many black shadows appeared!

They were slowly walking towards the village!

PS: 2 chapters, 6,000 words.

Try to do 2 things well.

1. No water text, the plot progresses normally.

2. Update 6,000 before 10 o'clock every night.

Thank you for reading.

I will rush straight away!

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